Under a Kongo Moon
The 13 Ft tall glamorous and regal Erzulie Freda will be installed November 7, 2009 across Mangos Tropical Café Ocean Drive, Miami Beach , FL on the grass on a platform. A Rara Band (Rara Lakay) will animate the sculpture during most of the evening. The Goddess will dance. A perimeter will be created around the sculpture with garden torches… a must see!
Seven other deities will also be on view at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden:
Erzulie Dantor (At Mangos) Most important Deity of the VoodooPantheon Protector and Guardian of all concerning progeny.
Erzulie Freda , Dantor’s Nemesis is the seductive and frivolous one, simply the Love vixen.
Boyfriend and main man Ogou Feraille, Lord of war, inspiring courage and other noble stands
Aizan, Earth Goddess bringer of good fortune will be escorted by faithfull Loco, health giver.
This divine party is not to be missed!