Annual Sierra Club Picnic 5/2/10

Annual Sierra Club Picnic – May 2, 2010.
Spring is in the air and it’s time again for the Miami Group Sierra Club Picnic at A.D.Barnes Park (Bird Rd, 72nd Ave). We will have hot dogs, burgers, veggie burgers, and lots of home-made dishes to try. We’ll have the volley ball net up and we’ll organize a nature hike at their Nature Center. Come, rain or shine, for a great time and to celebrate Mother Earth.
What To Bring: Pot luck salad, veggy dish or dessert to share.
Utensils (cup, plate, knife, fork, spoon and napkin)
We will have extra plastic sets of dinnerware and napkins, but they will cost you an extra dollar.

Menu: BURGERS (regular, turkey, veggie) and hot dogs
Beer and Soft drinks included.

Tickets the day of: $10 Adults, $5 children

For more information.
The picnic is a fund raiser for the benefit of the Miami Group Outings program and is being organized and run by the Outings Committee.

The park is located on the northeast corner of Bird Road (SW 40 Street) and SW 72nd Avenue. The entrance is on SW 72 Avenue. After you enter the Park, take the first left.
We have reserved Shelter Number 3, the first picnic shelter on your right. Please note that this is NOT last year’s Shelter Number 2 which overlooks the lake. Park anywhere along the road.
