The Minority Chamber of Commerce Business to Business Expo and Conferences 9/28/10

Local event focuses on economy, contracts and jobs Latinos & African Americans business leaders bring change to community.
September 28, 2 pm until 7 pm.
This event is free and open to the public.
Double Tree Miami Mart in Miami, located at 711 NW 72 Avenue.

The Minority Chamber of Commerce is organize a Business to Business Expo and Conferences with African American Businesses and Latino entrepreneur’s community leaders to join forces to drive our economy through efforts to grow interest and create economy and jobs in this part of the country.

Doug Mayorga is the president of the Minority Chamber of Commerce, and he’s trying to generate interest in the first Latino-African Americans Expo set for September 28 at the Double Tree Miami Mart in Miami, located at 711 NW 72 Avenue.

“When you look at the neighborhoods you see very few of our businesses still standing; it’s simple helping small businesses, cutting taxes, making credit available now. This is as American as apple pie. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. They are central to our identity as a nation. They are going to lead this recovery, and we make an urgent call “, Mr. Mayorga, said.

Despite appearances, the president of the Minority chamber of commerce sees people rallying behind local businesses and support for minority businesses is part of his strategic plan. The half day conference helps minority-owned firms grow domestically and globally through a series of educational, training and business- to-business networking events.

The conference focuses on Strategies for Growth and Competitiveness in the local and global Economy; also will have the chance to participate in sessions on opportunities for minority-owned firms in federal contracting, employments and other opportunities for exporters and importers.

The Latino- African American Expo is set for September 28 will be runs from 2 pm until seven. This event is free and open to the public.

For more information on being an exhibitor call 786-260-1965

About the Minority Chamber of Commerce: is focused on helping minority-owned firms grow their businesses domestically and globally to foster job creation and economic growth, with a serious commitment in the value of sharing information and resources, helping one another prosper, the positive energy that comes from networking together and sustaining entrepreneurship to create a basis of wealth in our community. For more information about the conference, visit
