SeminArt Facebook Marketing Strategies for Artists 1/25/11

SeminArt: Facebook Marketing Strategies for Artists, 2.0
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 / 6:00 – 7:30pm
1035 N Miami Avenue
Suite 200, Second floor
Miami, FL 33136
Register for this SeminArt now, space is limited!
$10 Suggested Donation online or at the door

Jiae Hwang, LegalArt Artist in Residence, and Juan Ruiz, Network Specialist, are offering a special three-part SeminArt series for the LegalArt community focused on computer skills specific to the needs of professional artists. Together Jiae and Juan bring years of technology teaching experience. Artists will benefit from their patient and professional instruction. In the first SeminArt, intermediate Facebook users will learn how to make the most of the social networking site to grow your audience, promote your projects, gallery openings and more. Participants will leave with a new set of tools and creative ideas to optimize the time and marketing energy that you spend on Facebook. You will also receive a resource guide and tips sheet for further learning.

Artists may bring their own laptops to follow along with the presenters as they give step-by-step instruction (this is optional and not required for participation). Jiae and Juan will be available for specific questions after the workshop. Stick around to meet other artists and community members–LegalArt SeminArts are great networking opportunities!
Please note: this SeminArt is for intermediate Facebook users. A how-to sheet for setting up a Facebook profile will be provided, but basic instruction is not the focus of the presentation.

Parking: Our building is located on the corner of N Miami Ave and NE 11th Street. Parking is available in the lot located just south of our building on N Miami Ave, the entrance to the lot will be on your left. An attendant will give you a parking pass to display on your dashboard. Please be on time to ensure you get a parking pass. Metered parking is also available on N Miami Ave and on 11th and 10th Streets.

Register for this SeminArt now, space is limited!

$10 Suggested Donation online or at the door

For more information please email
