Miami Music Television show serves as a platform to feature musicians, bands and performers from the South Florida and international markets performing all genres and styles of music. The program will also include celebrity guest appearances and interviews from the music and entertainment industries. Miami Music Television targets the very desirable 18 to 39 year old demographic with strong numbers in older 65+ demographics as well.
ABC Television Saturday night on WPLG Channel 10 Miami Florida, Atlantic Broadband, Comcast Cable, Dish Network, Direct TV at 1am.
MCB Network Houston Texas Channel 55.4 Saturday night at 8 pm.
Hot TV Network, New York, Seattle, Dallas and Ft. Worth Saturday night.
Tele max 5 Haiti, Saturday night at 8pm on the #1 TV station in Haiti and .5 million online in Miami.
Any artists or musicians interested in appearing on the show go to and send your information.