Average Joe Sale and Yo Space Soft Opening 6/3/12

Average Joe Sale and Yo Space Soft Opening
June 3, 2012, 4pm-8pm
Yo Space
294 NE 62nd St
Miami, FL 33138

Let’s face it, most of us can’t hang with the De La Cruz’s and Rubells of the world. We’re resigned to putting up our kids’ work on the fridge or buying some not horrible mass produced Target art work to decorate our homes.


Come out to Yo Space and aside from having a good time hanging out, playing ping pong, smoking hookah, and/or hobnobbing, check out some great works by local artists.

We’ll have 10 artists in the house on top of our 2 current Resident Artists, selling everything from original works, to limited edition prints, and merchandise (Apparel, accessories, and more). The best part? We’re capping the selling price at $250 per item. You can walk away with an original piece of art to brighten up your place or to offer as an amazing unique gift for less than the price of an ipod.

So stop on by, get to know some talented people, and take a crack at becoming the King of Pong.

Artists on deck so far include:
2 current Yo Space resident artists:
-Kazilla (also a resident artist at the space)
-Lorie Setton

And “couch surfers” (get it? cuz they’re not residents):
-Jay “Remote” Billechi
-Trek 6
-Vince “Bad Panda” Herrera
-Gabriel “GG” Gimenez
-Eduardo Mendieta
-Juan “Fane” Carbonell
more artists tba

There’ll also be refreshments and music of course.
*Just added to the roster of amazingness, Coolhaus (The ice cream sandwich food truck) will be in the house at some point in the day.

Kazilla: https://www.facebook.com/KAZILLADOES
Lorie Setton: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lorie-Setton-Art/274943699183811
Jay “Remote” Billechi: http://fiftythree.biz/
Trek 6: http://treksix.com/home.html
Vince “Bad Panda” Herrera: https://www.facebook.com/OhSoulFreshGallery
GG: https://www.facebook.com/FreshPaint.gg
Eddie Mendieta: http://www.eduardomendieta.com/
Juan Fane Carbonell: https://www.facebook.com/faneinc
Kelo: https://www.facebook.com/pages/KELO/216013531784913

