Photographs of the Media and VIP Preview of ARTFUZE at LMNT Elementi on 8/23/12

Media and VIP Preview of ARTFUZE at LMNT Elementi on Thursday, August 23, 2012.  The proceeds from ARTFUZE will go towards will go to Art Studio Miami and Build A School In Africa as well as future ARTFUZE philanthropy campaigns.

“HYPE UNITED has partnered with LMNT and JLPR to “FUZE” a vision together to form ARTFUZE. The aim of ARTFUZE is to educate, advocate, and provide a platform for all mediums of art, creators, and enthusiasts to connect under a festive atmosphere under one roof on Friday, August 24, 2012 at LMNT while supporting two very worthy and “under the radar” organizations.”

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