Opening Reception Color, Form, Space Three Abstract Artists at ArtSpace Virginia Miller Galleries 10/5/12

Opening Reception Color, Form, Space Three Abstract Artists
CFS01Friday, October 5th from 6:00 to 10:00 pm
ArtSpace Virginia Miller Galleries
169 Madeira Avenue,
Coral Gables (Miami)

According to Bassmi, his paintings “are created to serve as windows to an inner passage where viewers can find their own undiscovered dimensions. When viewed in a meditative sense, they convey the poetry of creation; they help us experience the one-ness of life and a peaceful state of being.” For me, that statement could apply to all the works in this show.

I invite you to join us on Friday, October 5th for our opening reception for this exhibition or come by the gallery during the week and enjoy the beauty and serenity of these works.

Featured Artists
Michelle Concepción
Florian Depenthal

Image: Michelle Concepcion, Strings 5, 59 x 82 1/2 inches, Acrylic on Canvas, 2010, MCO160
