Irreversible Cover Featured Winners Release Party November 30TH 7PM
Wynwood Exhibition Center
297 Northwest 23rd Street
Miami, FL 33127
Foreword by Dr. Carol Damian
Director/ Chief Curator Frost Art Museum
A BIG and SPECIAL THANK YOU note goes to Rodolfo Vanmarke and Elaine Minionis founders of whom witohut their unconditional support this competition would not be possible.
The Lunch Box Gallery Is a small but vibrant and cutting edge gallery llocated in the Wynwood Art District, Miami. Our emphasis is on contemporary photography, where conceptual, fine art, documentary and mixed media photography are subjects of exploration.
Cover Featured Winner
Edwin Villasmil (venezuela)
1st Place Mixed Media
K. Kissik (usa)
Honorable Mention
Sculpture Lori Nozick (usa)
Honorable Mention
Painting Carlos Caballero (cub)
20 winners
20 unique works invitations
Marina Font (ARG); Aimee Hertog (USA); Alexios Avlamis (GR); Amber Quimby (USA); Astolfo Funes (VNZLA); Clara Varas (CUB); Aida Tejada (RD); Cynthia Patrick (USA); Ernesto Kunde (BR); Jean Paul Mallozzi (USA); Jon Mcintosh (USA); Katiuska Gonzalez (VNZLA); Marcelo Daldoce (BR); Mariusz Navratil (POLAND); Patricia Gutierrez (USA); PJ Mills (USA); Tania Marmolejo (RD); Todd Brittingham (USA); Chika Matsuda (JP); Kerri Corser (USA)
image credit: Illustration EDWIN VILLASMIL (Venezuela)