Feed a Fever- Starve a Tumor
Friday, November 16, 2012, 6:30 pm to 10pm The Mayfair Hotel and Spa
3000 Florida avenue
Coconut Grove, Florida
Valet parking is available at the Mayfair hotel $5.
The Lampidis Foundation will be hosting their first fundraiser," Feed a Fever- Starve a Tumor"
Signature cocktails, tapas, great raffle prizes, auction items and wonderful parting gifts for the ladies
This fund raising event not only will be raising money for research, it also raises awareness to ensure the continuity of Dr. Lampidis’ groundbreaking research effort for the good of mankind.
At this critical point, The Lampidis Foundation need to build a fund of $6 million that will support Dr. Lampidis research laboratory over the next ten years and to raise another $4 million to $6 million to bring these findings to clinical trial and eventually to production and direct delivery to patients.
Theodore Lampidis,Ph.D has devoted his scientific life to understanding the complexities of tumor cell biology and the mechanisms by which cancers become resistant to treatment in hope of finding a common trait among all tumors that will allow for universal targeted treatment. His years of scrupulous work have paid off; he has identified a metabolic process that is common to all tumors and he is working with his colleagues to develop treatment delivery methods.
The overall goal of Dr. Lampidis’ work is to provide the preclinical data required to expand the clinical application of 2-DG from solely using it to kill the cells found in the hypoxic regions of solid tumors to targeting the entire tumor regardless of its environmental conditions, i.e. oxygen levels. The broader significance of his ideas is to use 2-DG to directly take advantage of selective glucose uptake in tumor vs. normal tissues, which presents the long-sought-after possibility of attacking a fundamental target common to all tumors.
Dr. Lampidis illustrates the idea behind his work with the ease of a practiced teacher: "This works just like the Atkins diet. When you lower carbohydrates, you burn fats and proteins. When you remove oxygen, these hard-to treat tumor cells cannot burn fats or proteins; blocking sugar metabolism with 2-DG literally starves them to death."