AutoNation Academy of Art + Design’s Open House 1/5/13

AutoNation Academy of Art + Design’s Open House
Saturday, 01/05/2013, 10:00 am – 02:00 pm
Jan-open-house-imageAutoNation Academy of Art + Design
One East Las Olas Blvd,
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Webpage Link

Come and visit our renovated studios and receive hands-on introduction to the Autonation Academy of Art + Design and its exciting expanded disciplines!

A studio photography session will be set up with celebrity photographer Bette Marshall where you can participate in short demonstrations and receive instruction on lighting , set up and camera functions. You will also have the opportunity to rotate through the studios and disciplines , including Drawing and Painting, Ceramics, Computer / Graphic Arts, Printmaking and Textiles. You will also meet and speak with our Academy Director, Anthony Lauro and Faculty Members.

For more information and to RSVP contact
