Cyrano Mio – XXVIII International Hispanic Theater Festival of Miami
Friday, 07/12/2013, 08:30 pm –
Teatro Prometeo
300 NE 2 Avenue ,
Miami, Florida 33132
Webpage Link
Based on the play by Edmond Rostand, the play is directed by Prometeo’s director Joann Yarrow and renowned singer/actress Cristina Rebull.
Cyrano Mio begins one year after the death of Cyrano. Roxana, still in the convent where she waited for Cyrano every Saturday for 15 years, recounts their conversations and remembers the man she loved thru the face of Cristian. During this voyage thru memory lane, Roxana realizes that she is indebted with with Cyrano, Cristina and God. She realizes that she loved Cristian with a divided soul, look for comfort in God, but it was Cyrano who kept her alive and almost happy with his wit and protection. Every minute of her memories is filled with the guilt of never understanding how sublime his love really was.