International Mango Festival at Fairchild
By Andreina Troconis Photo credits: Daniella Veras and Andreina TroconisEvery July we eagerly anticipate the arrival of the International Mango Festival  at Fairchild Tropical Gardens.  Such a treat the King Mango is, that  despite the rain droves of  people showed up at this venue this past Sunday, July 14th, 2013 .  Mango Tree owners, mango connoisseurs and aficionados like my friend and I, were in for a very refreshing afternoon.

Mangoes from  several countries such as Thailand, Mexico,  India and Florida  to name a few  in representation, were available for tastings, cooking demonstrations,  and to take home and sinfully enjoy.  I had a lot of fun reading the many names of the Mangoes in display. Check out the attached pictures to see what I mean.  There were so many varieties, they need to give them people’s names.  Now you will understand when you hear someone saying , “Pass me a Tommy, will ya?†they’re actually referring to a mango.

I learned the Mango†is native to India, where apart from being a highly consumed  product, it represents a symbol of love and  given as a token of friendship. Another fun fact I found endearing is the legend that  Buddha sat under a mango tree  to  meditate, giving this fruit an air of enlightenment. For this same reason, it was an  inspiration in clothes and ornamentals. Did you know the famous paisley design was based on the mango? There is so much meaning behind this  deliciousness!
“The Mango Doctors “ were there in situ,  to offer helpful tips and knowledge to the lines of people that took their home-grown mangoes, leaves, and if not, a couple of questions in mind to better understand this fruit’s care and growing process.  In a nutshell, I felt very zen – mind, body and heart aligned to the rhythm of the “mango.â€
What better way to show love to your community than attending, enjoying , and learning in an environment  such as Fairchild Tropical Gardens?  They have an amazing roster of events going on, so there is a niche for every taste.  If you go to  any upcoming shenanigans in the near future, remember there are tons of different things to see, so plan accordingly That’s how I met the Rambutan in a Mango Festival……

Enjoy the rest of these awesome images from the International Mango Festival at Fairchild Botanical Gardens!
International Mango Festival Commercial Grower’s Summit
For more Information and to Register,
please visit the Grower’s Summit Page
14th Annual Mango Brunch
For more Information and Reservations,
please visit the Mango Brunch Page
Download the 21st Annual International Mango Festival program!