Go With A Smile Exhibition and Reception
Friday, September 20th, 2013 from 6pm-10pm
Lou La Vie
1444 Biscayne Blvd #113
Miami, FL
Rsvp: info@leonardohidalgo.com
In conjunction with DWNTWN Art Days, acclaimed artist Leonardo Hidalgo will be showcasing a new series of large format paintings of superheroes, gangsters and icons of the world.
The exhibition opening reception will be held at Lou La Vie, the super luxury car rental + gallery.
Be on the look out…. For a unique art car, created by Leonardo Hidalgo, Lou La Vie, and Warren Henry Auto Group, will be "popping up" around Downtown Miami during the 2nd annual arts and cultural weekend. If you see it around town, don’t forget to take a picture and post it in Instagram and #gowithasmile for a chance to win a limited edition Hidalgo print.
After this visual feast you will certainly leave with a smile…