Stand for Service 12/11/13

Stand for Service
Wednesday, 12/11/2013 – 06:30 pm – 08:30 pm
Stand-for-Service-logo-for-realCatalyst Miami
1900 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 200,
Miami, Florida 33132
Cost: Free

The Florida ServiceNation coalition, led by local national service programs including Catlyst Miami, AmeriCorps Alums Miami, and Daughters2Mothers invites you to Stand forService Miami. The goal of this event is to showcase the broad and diverse support national service enjoys in Florida and highlight the numerous ways AmeriCorps and Senior Corps produce enormous value to our state and the nation as a whole. It is also a chance forAmeriCorps and SeniorCorps supporters to come together and learn how they can get involved in the growing service coalition.

This free event is open to the public and will feature special guest speakers, Free food, give aways and more. (RSVP required)
