Are You Looking To Get The Most Out Of Your Business?
Friday, 08/01/2014 – 01:00 pm – 05:00 pm
The Offices at the Biltmore Hotel
1200 Anastasia Ave, Suite 100,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Webpage Link
Cost: $179.00
Does Your Business Model truly generate the most efficient and profitable enterprise that you can achieve?
Understanding How to Design and Test Business Models Is the Most Valuable Tool a CEO Can Have to Thrive in the New Economy. Would You Like The Local Experts From ActionCOACH to Help You with That?
In this value packed workshop you will discover …
– The secret benefit of defining your business model completely.
– The hidden gold in being able to describe your business model so that you and others can understand it.
-The treasure in designing and testing various business models to find the most effective one for you and your business now and for the future.
The experts agree. In a recent article by Geoff Colvin, senior editor at large for Fortune Magazine, entitled “Your Business Model is Obsolete,” he makes this assertion: Everything you think you know about staying competitive doesn’t work anymore. The most crucial competency for every business today is the innovation of their business model. The new fundamental question, the greater challenge, is in the question “How can we make money?” This question is proving even more significant than the product or service innovation conversation that has dominated the business arena for several years. Colvin warns that even if your business model is working right now it won’t be for long.
He states “several forces are combining to shred business models economy wide.” He cites information technology and its effect on every information based business, as a key factor. The scope and power of information technology allows most businesses to change and adapt easier and faster. It also multiplies the speed and power of other trends, such as the rise of emerging markets, the growing economic role of governments, and changing consumer tastes. Business Management Expert, Peter Drucker noted that “sloughing off yesterday” is almost impossibly difficult, yet every organization must get used to doing it regularly. The largest obstacles will be weak imaginations, threatened interests, and culture. Business-model innovation is the new essential competency. It will separate tomorrow’s winners from the losers.