Dear Forever 21 on Lincoln Road,
Thank you for saving us last week from an unexpected fashion emergency. “Fashiongate 2014” began was we were getting ready for the VIP preview of Telemundo’s much-anticipated Premios Tu Mundo at the America Airlines Arena. We channeled our Miami chic selves to put together an outfit perfect for an evening of pampering by TNT Agency, mingling with the award nominees, and warming up the blue carpet. We opted for bright colors, high heels, and lots of white. Unfortunately, as the universe would have it, our white items were marred by mysterious stains thirty minutes before our scheduled arrival.
That’s when you, our local purveyor of “fast fashion” rose to the occasion with a flurry of viable options to complete our blue carpet-ready attire, while keeping our husbands from having a spending-induced conniption. Even better, the resulting OOTD was a resounding success – it was the perfect compliment to the fabulous hair and make-up look the girls from TNT Agency gave us and to the eye-catching Charlie Lapson Collection jewels we tried on that night. You may not be Miami-bred, but you sure have Miami’s back. And for that, we thank you.
Love you, mean it.
The #ThankYouMiami team.
Querida tienda de Forever 21 en Lincoln Road,
Gracias por salvarnos de una emergencia de moda inesperada. “Fashiongate 2014” empezó cuando nos estábamos alistando para la prevista VIP de los anticipados Premios Tu Mundo de Telemundo. Escogimos un atuendo Miami chic perfecto para una tarde de ser consentidos con TNT Agency, interactuar con los nominados a los Premios, y calentar la alfombra azúl. Eligimos colores brillantes, tacones altos, y muchas piezas blancas. Desafortunadamente, el universo tenÃa otros planes y nuestra ropa blanca fué arruinada por manchas misteriosas solo treinta minutos antes del evento.
Entonces fué cuando tú, nuestro proveedor local de “fast fashion” te luciste al ofrecernos una gran cantidad de opciones para completar nuestro look para la noche sin impactar a nuestras carteras, o a nuestros esposos. Aún más, el resultado fué extremadamente exitoso – fué el complemento perfecto para el peinado y maquillaje que nos dieron las chicas de TNT Agency y para las joyas maravillosas de la colección de Charie Lapson que nos probamos durante el evento. Sabemos que no eres originaria de Miami, pero definitivamente nos cuidaste como uno de los tuyos. Por eso, te damos las gracias.
Con amor,
El equipo de #ThankYouMiami