Photographs of SMCSF – 2nd Bi-Annual Speed Marketing Roundtables at R House on 11/19/14

SMCSF – 2nd Bi-Annual Speed Marketing Roundtables at R House on Thursday, November 19, 2014.

This  event combines the executive roundtable with speed networking for a dynamic and fast-paced conversation. Each roundtable discussion was lead by the following:

Visual Communication: David Verjano
Social Media Content: Christine de la Huerta
LinkedIn: Andrea Catsicas
Data-Driven Social Media Strategies: Nate C. Mendenhall
Advocacy & Social Media: Gabriela Guzman
Kick Start Your Freelancing: James Echols and Karl Nybergh
Boost Your Events: Aubrey Swanson
Social Media Crisis Management: Jonathan Brownfield
Hispanic Marketing: Adriana Serna
Mission-Based / Cause Marketing: Alexandra Figueredo

Each roundtable rotated every 20 minutes, giving you the opportunity to participate in 4 topics of your choice throughout the meetup.

{Please feel free to download and share.}

