Last Thursday, we kicked off our Mother’s Day celebrations early by treating our mom (“mamá”) to a day at The Falls Miami and having her join us in co-hosting a special fashion presentation for moms. Mamá lives in Boca and, thanks to Town Center Mall, is super familiar with the Simon Mall routine: lunch, shopping, primping, coffee, more shopping. Despite having a tight schedule, we got everything done with time to spare and created a few special memories along the way. These were our three favorite moments:
1. Seeing our similarities in an unexpected surprise. When we got to Macy’s to pick our looks for the evening, mamá went one way and we went another, only meeting up occasionally to reflect on our selections. We styled ourselves solo, so you can imagine our surprise when we realized that our final outfits were not only from the same exact designer but also featured similar prints. As we said to the audience at the event, “the apple clearly doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
2. Letting loose together. Because we borrowed our outfits, we logged our final selection with the Macy’s security staff so we could take them out the front door and not get arrested. Well, the clothes still had their tags on and only we knew about our special arrangement, so it totally looked like we were stealing them! It was absolutely hilarious to watch my mom “sneak out” of Macy’s while clutching all of our clothes and it was a bonding experience to feel like we were being mischievous together. Lucky for you, we caught it on video:
3. Hearing mamá boast about us to an audience. Mamá is super modest, hates the spotlight, and speaks English as a second language so she was terrified about co-hosting the event. The whole concept of speaking in front of an audience about herself is her idea of torture. We convinced her to participate by assuring her that we would talk on her behalf, which turned out to be impossible when, on stage, she was asked what she likes most about having us as her daughter. Well, she rose fabulously to the occasion by gushing in perfect English about how we make her proud. She even elicited a few tears from the audience. Well done, mamá – we are so proud of you!
If you missed us hosting the INDULGE: Fashion + Fun for Mom’s event, worry not – we posted some more photos below and will keep you posted as we take on additional hosting duties! In the interim, check out The Falls’ News and Events page for upcoming events, including a Fashion 101 Workshop with Kathy Buccio of the Freshly Squeezed Fashionista blog.