Downtown Saturday Vibez by Carivibez 8/20/16

Downtown Saturday Vibez by Carivibez
Saturday, 08/20/2016 – 07:00 pm –
Downtown-Saturday-Wynwood-YardThe Wynwood Yard
56 NW 29th Street,
Miami, Florida 33127
No Link
Cost: Free

Carivibez guides this musical journey through chill island black, gold and green jams courtesy of Mark Swaby and Carivibez DJs. Old-schooler and tropical island tune guru Keith Lyn will permeate the summer night breeze with a live performance of irresistibly sweet Caribbean tunes. Come enjoy craft beers, farm-to-bar fresh cocktails or sip on wine from Mortar & Pistil and sway the sunset away with us! More info on website listed.
