Consequences of a SideChick a stage play 12/17/16

Consequences of a SideChick a stage play
Saturday, 12/17/2016 – 06:00 pm – 09:00 pm
IMG_20161122_213629Mind Warehouse
111 n.e 1ave,
miami, Florida 33132

Consequences of a SideChick is a stage play that is filled with comedy, drama, and a lesson at the end. We have actor Woody Deant who plays Vee, Ephi Deceus who plays Francis, Ginette Jean who plays Trish, Alain Marand who plays two characters Fandy and dread, and funny Lekandra Brown who plays Francis sister. These actors are going to have you laughing off your seats. Music by Lotto the Beast and That Summer. Speacial guest Quick the poet.
