Spirit of Goodwill Band Concert 12/2/23

Spirit of Goodwill Band Concert
Saturday, 12/02/2023-, 03:00 pm-06:30 pm
New World Center
500 17th St.,
Miami Beach, Florida, 33139
Cost: $50 USD

Join us for The Spirit of Goodwill Band Concert, where the transformative power of music transcends boundaries and inspires the soul. Comprising of talented vocalists and musicians with various disabilities, this extraordinary band was established in 1987 by Goodwill Industries of South Florida as part of a music program for people with disabilities. Their performances not only showcase musical talent but also convey a powerful message of triumph over challenges, breaking down barriers and celebrating the abilities of those with mental and physical challenges. Joined by the graceful movements of the Karen Peterson Dancers, a dance troupe dedicated to physically integrated dance and featuring artists with diverse abilities, the concert promises a visually stunning and emotionally resonant experience. With a repertoire spanning oldies, goldies, and tunes to usher in the holiday spirit, this event is a celebration of resilience, triumph, and the joy of making music, inviting everyone to join in the uplifting harmony of the evening.
