Escribe Aquí Cafecito with Caridad & Kai 8/3/24

Escribe Aquí Cafecito with Caridad & Kai
Saturday, 08/03/2024-, 11:00 am-12:30 pm
The Betsy Hotel
1440 Ocean Drive,
Miami Beach, Florida, 33139
Cost: Free

Join us for the opening event of Escribe Aquí / Write Here 2024 Festival at The Betsy Hotel. This will be a live conversation hosted by Caridad Moro Gronlier, Poet Laureate for Miami-Dade County, featuring Poet Laureate of Hot Springs, Arkansas, 2024 Betsy Escribe Aquí Fellow Kai Coggin.

The Betsy’s Escribe Aquí/Write Here honors artists who ‘do their creative work’ at the intersection of arts, culture and identity and gives a special nod to those working in Miami, where over 70% of residents live in multi-lingual, culturally diverse, homes.
