Free Health Fair in Miami
Saturday, 03/15/2025-, 08:00 am-02:00 pm
Village of Allapattah YMCA Family Center
2370 NW 17th Ave,
Miami, Florida, 33142
The YMCA of South Florida, in partnership with the University of Miami Department of Community Service (DOCS), will host a FREE Health Fair at the Village of Allapattah YMCA Family Center,
2370 NW 17th Ave, in Miami. The fair will take place from 8 am through 2 pm and is open to everyone, regardless of legal and insurance status. All services provided are confidential.
Services include audiology; blood pressure measurement; screenings for cholesterol, diabetes, child health, mental health and memory, bone density, HIV/Hepatitis C, dental, and different types of cancer (skin, prostate, testicular, colorectal); fall risk assessment; emergency preparedness; eye and breast exams; pap smears; community health resources; and food distribution.
To pre-register online, visit For special assistance, please call 305-635-9622 or email prior to the fair.