Funkshion Swim Week 7/16/15, 7/17/15, 7/18/15, 7/19/15,

Funkshion Swim Week
Thursday, 07/16/2015 – 07/19/2015 12:00 am –
FUNKSHIONFWSWIMCollins Ave between 21st and 22nd Streets
Collins Ave between 21st and 22nd Streets,
Miami, Florida 33139
None Link

Funkshion Swim Week presents four days filled with swim fashion. Shows by designers such as Mara Hoffman, Liliana Montoya, Luli Fama, and more will be taking place between July 16 and July 19 at various locations such as The Setia Hotel and SLS South Beach in addition to the Funkshion tent on Collins Avenue between 21st and 22nd Streets.

South Miami Winn-Dixie Store Invites Customers To Grand Reveal Celebration 7/9/15

South Miami Winn-Dixie Store Invites Customers To Grand Reveal Celebration
Thursday, 07/09/2015 – 05:30 pm – 07:00 pm
WD-South-Miami-StoreWinn-Dixie Store #285
5850 SW 73rd St.,
South Miami, Florida 33143
None Link
Cost: Free

Winn-Dixie is celebrating the completion of it’s newly remodeled South Miami store and is inviting customers to join them during a Grand Reveal Party. The festivities will kick-off with a ribbon cutting ceremony in partnership with City of South Miami Mayor Philip Stoddard and Chamber South, followed by Winn-Dixie representatives presenting donations to Branches, South Miami Alliance for Youth and ArtSouth. As part of the celebration, customers will enjoy delicious product tastings that highlight the store’s new offerings, a meet and greet with store managers, live jazz entertainment, giveaways and more.

Bonnin and Bubbles: The Regency Era 7/18/15

Bonnin and Bubbles: The Regency Era
Saturday, 07/18/2015 – 07/18/2015 02:00 pm – 06:00 pm
10869705_844182925651855_7946651588714896905_oBonnin Ashley Antiques
4707 SW 72nd Ave,
Miami, Florida 33155
Eventbrite Link
Cost: FREE

Whether you are a seasoned collector, aspiring historian, Jane Austen enthusiast, or newcomer to the world of antiquing, Bonnin Ashley Antiques invites you to join them Saturday, July 18th for their latest series of events, “Bonnin and Bubbles – The Regency Era.” Celebrate the life and work of Jane Austen through an interactive tour of furniture dating back to the 1800s and learn what it was like to live during the time of Jane Austin and some of her most famous characters. Led by store owner Sorne Flick, guests will enjoy complimentary champagne and treats from the Regency Era as they explore the history of European and American furniture from the 1800s.

Tours will be held 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm and 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm.

J. Wakefield Brewery Takeover at Mellow Mushroom South Miami 7/9/15

J. Wakefield Brewery Takeover at Mellow Mushroom South Miami
Thursday, 07/09/2015 – 07/10/2015 11:00 am – 02:00 am
Miami-Tap-Takeover-InstagramMellow Mushroom South Miami
5701 Sunset Drive,
Miami, Florida 33143
Cost: Free

Join us at Mellow Mushroom South Miami for Wynwood based and local favorite J.Wakefield Brewery’s tap takeover! The takeover will feature 8 beers on tap including favorites and unreleased flavors:

El Jefe- $5 per pint
Hop For Teacher- $6 per pint
24th Street Brown Ale- $6 per pint
Detention Douple IPA- $8 per 10 OZ. Goblet
Have You Seen My Stapler- $8 per 10 OZ. Goblet
Weird Science- $9 per 8 OZ. Goblet
Not Even French Saison- $7 per pint
Peach Fuzz Blonde Ale- $7 per pint
Baltic Porter- $8 per 10 OZ. Goblet
Pineapple Berliner Weiss- $7 per 10 OZ. Goblet

First Lady’s 2nd Annual Tea 5/23/15

First Lady’s 2nd Annual Tea
Saturday, 05/23/2015 – 03:00 pm – 05:00 pm
Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church
6316 SW 59th Place,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: 10.00

You are invited to MOMBC’s 2nd Annual First Lady’s Tea. You are sure to enjoy a wonderful program with lots of door prizes, and tea treats afterwards.

Miami Watercolor Society Spring Exhibition 2015 4/10/15

Miami Watercolor Society Spring Exhibition 2015
Friday, 04/10/2015 – 04/30/2015 06:00 pm – 09:00 pm
spring2015The Wirtz Gallery South Miami
5750 Sunset Drive,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Facebook Link
Cost: Free

MWS – Miami Watercolor Society
the First National Bank of South Miami
present the 42nd Annual Spring Exhibition at
The Wirtz Gallery.
5750 Sunset Drive, South Miami, Fla.
Join us for the exhibition opening and light refreshments.
Exhibition runs
Wednesday, April 2 through
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Opening Reception:
Friday, April 10, 2015
Bank hours: Monday – Thursday 9-4 pm
Friday 9-6 pm

Please invite your Facebook friends and family!

Funkshion: Fashion Week Miami Beach 3/22/15 – 3/26/15

Funkshion: Fashion Week Miami Beach
Sunday, 03/22/2015 – 03/26/2015 05:00 pm – 11:00 pm
FunkshionInviteV2Funkshion Style Village
Ocean Drive Between 11th and 12th Street,
Miami, Florida 33139
Webpage Link

In celebration of the city of Miami Beach’s Centennial on March 26th, FUNKSHION: Fashion Week Miami Beach will be hosting a week of fashion, music and art – full of live performances and interactive installations.

The five-day event will take place outside of the Centennial Celebration Arena on Ocean Drive and 11th Street from March 22nd – 26th, 2015. For the 100-year celebration, FUNKSHION will be creating a one-of-a-kind, state of the art structure to house each of the fashion shows and live performances, appropriately named Style Village.

Funkshion: Fashion Week Miami Beach
Since March 2015 is the big Miami Beach Centennial celebration, we decided to showcase Miami Beach’s best designers, brand’s and artists.
This is celebration Miami Beach all the way

Funkshion Style Village
Between 11th and 12th Street
Ocean Dr, Miami Beach

Sunday, March 22
Funkshion Style Village
6pm – 8pm – Press And Vip Registration And Cocktail Reception
Meet And Greet Designer Liliana Montoya
Peroni Music Lounge
Onloop Lounge
Menin Hospitality Lounge, Menin Hospitality Pays Homage to the Classic Years
Cenntenial Venue @ 8th St
8pm Door Opens
9pm Liliana Montoya Fashion Show To Kick Off 100 Hour Mb Centennial Celebration, featuring Sevenfriday Watches
9:30PM Original Penguin Fashion Show
9:45PM Cubavera Show
Sounds By Dj Orazio Rispo
100 Hours countdown continues, for full schedule please go to

Monday, March 23
Funkshion Style Village, 7pm – 11pm
Fashion Tent, 8pm-9pm Art Institute Annual Fashion Show
Peroni Music Lounge
7pm Peronixnovecento
8pm Nite Sessions, Dj Bryan Peroni
Onloop Lounge
Menin Hospitality Lounge
Menin Hospitality Presents Radio Bar Game Night & Cocktails

Tuesday, March 24
Funkshion Style Village, 7pm – 11pm
7pm Revealing Of Art Conductor : Reset Presented By Sevenfriday
Fashion Tent
8pm Phoenix House And Celebrity Stylist Calyann Barnett Present First Ever All Photo Booth Pop Up Party and Fashion Show
Peroni Music Lounge
7pm Peronixmade In Italy
8pm Nite Sessions Dj Joe T Vannelli
Onloop Lounge
Menin Hospitality Lounge
Menin Hospitality Presents World Renowned Chef Herb Wilson & Red Ginger

Wednesday, March 25
Funkshion Style Village, 7pm – 11pm
Fashion Tent
8PM Special Screening of fashion documentary “Dior And I” presented by Miami Beach Cinemateque, hosted by Fashion Group International and supported by Dior Fragrance
Art Conductor : Reset Presented By Sevenfriday
Peroni Music Lounge
7pm Peronixbodega
8pm Nite Sessions Dj Spiff
Onloop Lounge
Menin Hospitality Lounge, Menin Hospitality Presents Pizza Bar X Peroni

Thursday, March 26
Funkshion Style Village
7pm – 11pm
Fashion Tent
9pm Style Mafia Fashion Show/ Music By Dj Uchi
Featuring Jovana Djuric Jewelry Jovanadjuric.Com
Art Conductor : Reset Presented By Sevenfriday
Peroni Music Lounge
7pm Peroni
8pm Nite Sessions Dj Ysl
Onloop Lounge
Menin Hospitality Lounge, Menin Hospitality Presents the Week in Review
Special Art Instalation By Grphographics & Aileen

Cracking the Codes of the System of Racial Inequality Movie and Community Discussion by Shakti Butler 3/15/15

Cracking the Codes of the System of Racial Inequality Movie and Community Discussion by Shakti Butler
Sunday, 03/15/2015 – 07:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami
7701 SW 76th Avenue,
Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: free

UU of Miami is presenting the movie and a community discussion: “Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity” from documentary film maker, Shakti Butler. This new film asks America to talk about the causes and consequences of systemic inequity, and features moving stories from racial justice leaders. Come and join us for popcorn, brownies, soda and wine to watch this on our BIG screen in the church sanctuary.

Astor’s InTown Open House 2/11/15

Astor’s InTown Open House
Wednesday, 02/11/2015 – 12:30 pm – 05:00 pm
InTown-Groundbreaking-aLLDay-Open-House-Feb-121InTown Sales Office
1940 SW 8th St,
Miami, Florida 33135
Webpage Link
Cost: FREE

Meet InTown’s talented brokers and enjoy a selection of hors d’oeuvres. Become an InTown resident today! Model of building will be present at site.

InTown is designed for young professionals, families, and anyone who wishes to live in a modern and artful residential tower that is walking distance from restaurants, retail stores and nightlife.

InTown will have two towers with 14 floors of one, two and three bedroom residences, as well as two story townhomes, just minutes away from Brickell Avenue and Miami International Airport. The InTown condominiums range in size from 660 to 1,176 square feet, and the town homes are 1,464 square feet. They will have such modern features as stainless-steel appliances, high-end fixtures and quartz countertops, in all kitchens and bathrooms. Each unit also will have full washer and dryer.

Edward Beiner & FACEAFACE Trunk Show 1/31/15

Edward Beiner & FACEAFACE Trunk Show
Saturday, 01/31/2015 – 11:00 am – 04:00 pm
EB_BocaJan3Edward Beiner Purveyor of Fine Eyewear
5817 Sunset Drive,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

Come join Edward Beiner Purveyor of Fine Eyewear with FACEAFACE Paris at his South Miami location for a trunk show. This event will take place on January 31, 2015 at 11:00 am till 4:00 p.m. with wine and Hors d’oeures. Please RVSP at (305)661-1205.
Edward Beiner Purveyor of Fine Eyewear
5817 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143
For more information contact Daniela at

Bizarre Botany: Tropical Botanic Artists 1/9/15

Bizarre Botany: Tropical Botanic Artists
Friday, 01/09/2015 – 01/30/2015 06:00 pm – 09:00 pm
bbb-coconut-Julio-FiguroaIsabel Fine Home Furnishings
7334 Red Road,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

Bizarre Botany is an exhibition of black and white drawings by Miami-based Tropical Botanic Artists group. The original illustrations are drawn from 140 created for THE BIG, BAD BOOK OF BOTANY: The World’s Most Fascinating Flora by Michael Largo (William Morrow). The artists will be present for the January 9, 2015, kickoff event of South Miami’s monthly GalleryWalk.

Largo’s research for the highly personal collection of anecdotes about the effects of common and uncommon plants on humans led him to Tropical Botanic Artists who drew or painted plants to illustrate his words. Book combines latest biological data with bizarre facts about some of the plant kingdom’s most intriguing species.

Artists whose works are on view are Margie Bauer, Kristi Bettendorf, Beverly Borland, Silvia Bota, Marge Brown, Marie Chaney, Susan Cumins, Jeanie Duck, Julio Figueroa, Bobbi Garber, Pauline Goldsmith, Leo Hernandez, Carol Ann Lane, Elsa Nadal, Carol Onstad, and Donna Torres. Visit for details about the group. # # #

Celebrate the Holidays Trunk Show featuring Gold & Wood Paris 12/13/14

Celebrate the Holidays Trunk Show featuring Gold & Wood Paris
Saturday, 12/13/2014 – 11:00 am – 04:00 pm
Beiner_Trunk-PhotoEdward Beiner – Purveyor of Fine Eyewear
5817 Sunset Drive,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

Celebrate the Holidays Trunk Show featuring Gold & Wood Paris

Come join Edward Beiner – Purveyor of Fine Eyewear for his holiday truck show. It is a celebration for the holidays featuring Gold & Wood Paris, Wine and Hors d’oeuvres. The event will take place on Saturday, December 13, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m… Looking forward to seeing you there.

Place: Edward Beiner – Purveyor of Fine Eyewear
5817 Sunset Drive, South Miami

Terrazza at Shore Club NYE 2015 Dinner 12/31/14

Terrazza at Shore Club NYE 2015 Dinner
Wednesday, 12/31/2014 – 07:30 pm – 12:00 am
shore-clubShore Club
1901 Collins Ave,
South Beach, Florida 33139
Buy Tickets Link
Cost: 285

Antipasto for Sharing
Imported Cheese, Charcuterie, Olives, Mango Mostarda, Cranberry Preservatives, Nuts, Croustinies

Salad Course
Shoreclub Salad
Chopped romaine hearts, radicchio, Kalamata olives, sundried tomato, red onion, hearts of palm, bay shrimp, chorizo, creamy lemon dressing, Garlic-Croutons
Truffle Burrata, Heirloom Grape Tomato Salad
Black truffle Burrata-Baby Arugula, Heirloom grape tomatoes, fresh cracked black pepper, olive oil

16oz Center Cut Bone In Prime Filet, ½ Butter Poached Lobster, with Lobster mash potato,
Cabernet Demi Glace or Béarnaise (Available upon request)
Jumbo Sea Scallops, topped Shaved Black Truffle, Purple Cauliflower Puree, with pomegranate reduction Glaze
½ Organic Chicken, Black Garlic Cream Sauce, Sautéed Matsutake Mushroom, Lemon Juice, Thyme
Duck Confit-Foie Gras Ravioli, White Wine Sauce, topped with crispy prosciutto, Chives

Chef’s Choice

Naked Knitting and the Art of the Provocative 12/4/14-12/7/14

Naked Knitting and the Art of the Provocative
Thursday, 12/04/2014 – 12/07/2014 07:00 pm – 11:00 pm
gaythering-logoHotel Gaythering
1909 Lincoln Road,
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Webpage Link
Cost: free

Hôtel Gaythering to Host “Queer Biennial I” – an Unabashed Exhibition of Queerness – During Art Basel Weekend

Miami Beach – November 18, 2014 – Definitely not your Grandma’s knit-one-purl-two, performance artist Ben Cuevas will knit himself a jock strap while nude as part of “Queer Biennial I,” an LGBT-focused art exhibition to be held during Art Basel Weekend at the Hôtel Gaythering. In addition to Cuevas knitting in the raw, “Queer Biennial I” will spotlight 35 artists and more than 100 pieces of art throughout the hotel property in what curator Rubén Esparza calls, “a national survey of the current moment in queer/LGBT culture from artists who do not shy away from sexuality, identity, the body or all around queerness.” “Queer Biennial I” is open to the public Thursday, December 4, to Sunday, December 7, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Hôtel Gaythering is located at 1409 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach.

Cuevas’ point to naked knitting? To comment on the absurdity of gendered notions of work. ( Other artists exhibiting during “Queer Biennial I” include Gio Black Peter, a visual and performance artist whose works examine text and subject, truth and fakery, rebellion and authority. Black Peter’s art relies heavily on interaction with the viewer and his or her willingness to suspend rational thoughts and play into the believability of lies and falsehoods. (

Inspired equally by his landscape painting father and his singer/songwriter mother, Scooter LaForge ( honed his painting voice in the San Francisco and New York art scenes. Difficult to categorize or label, LaForge’s paintings are at once pop art with undertones of debauchery, and are definitely NSFW. Rick Castro’s films and photographs explore the world of fetish and the fringes of sexual culture. He describes his nudes as an antidote to his career in fashion as a wardrobe stylist and his films as an exploration of what may considered bizarre now, but will become the standard of the future. (

Neon sculpture artist Lili Lakich ( views her artwork as drawings … lines that glow. Her illuminating works range from playful to sobering and run the gamut from female nudes to monumental sculptures. The shimmering, pulsing, luminous vibrancy of neon gives her sculptures a 21st century edge, despite the medium’s primal appeal. Multimedia artist, filmmaker and writer Slava Mogutin was exiled from his native Russia for his outspoken writings and LGBT activism. Fleeing to the U.S. in 1995, he became the first Russian to be granted political asylum in the U.S. on the grounds of homophobic persecution. Today, his visual art is inspired by that dissident background and encompasses themes of displacement and identity; transgression and disfiguration of masculinity and gender crossover; urban youth subcultures and adolescent sexuality; the clash of social norms and individual desires; and the tension between attachment and disaffection, hate and love.

Curator Esparza, who will be exhibiting some of his ad-themed visual pun artwork, came up with the idea of “Queer Biennial I” as a way to showcase emerging, mid-career and established Out / Queer / LGBT artists from the visual, performance and video art disciplines. In addition to being out and proud, these artists all have one thing in common: they are not afraid to venture into the realms of body, identity and eroticism.

“Every one of these artists is brave,” Esparza said. “They are uncompromising in their willingness to step outside the boundaries of polite society to create art that they are passionate about.”

“As Miami Beach’s only gay hotel, we wanted to bring an exhibition to the property during Art Basel that holds a mirror up to the LGBT community,” said Alex Guerra, co-owner and creative director for the Hôtel Gaythering, who will also be exhibiting during Queer Biennial. “After the exhibition’s debut showing in L.A. this summer, we knew ‘Queer Biennial I’ was a perfect fit and something we wanted the local and visiting LGBT community to experience.”

While queer-themed art is not for everyone, the prices of the art for sale to aficionados will be, Guerra says, as the artwork tops out at $2,000.

Other artists participating in “Queer Biennial I” include: Boston, Connie Fleming, JON VAZ GAR, Angela Gleason, Glen Hanson, Chasen Igleheart, Josef Jasso, Brian Kenny, Bruce LaBruce, Alex La Cruz, Jeremy Lucido, Ian MacKinnon, Dave Naz, Mel Odom, Miguel Angel Reyes, Robert W. Richards, Stuart Sandford, Tawnie Silva, Jacques Smith, AB Soto, SUPERM, Alonso Tapia, Joey Terrill, Maurice Vellekoop, Amy Von Harrington, Daniella Woolf, Rich Yap and Austin Young.

In addition to its run in conjunction with Art Basel, “Queer Biennial I” will be open at Hôtel Gaythering through January 14, 2015. For information, visit and click on the “events calendar” tab.

# # #

About Hotel Gaythering

HÔTEL GAYTHERING is Miami Beach’s only hotel specifically targeted to the LBGT community and its allies. Dubbed “South Beach’s Gay Hotel,’’ it’s situated on the west end of the renowned Lincoln Road Mall just a few steps away from South Beach’s cafés, shops, nightlife and breathtaking beautiful white sandy beach.

Mouse King Returns for a Three-Day Run at Mandelstam Theater in South Miami 12/12/14

Mouse King Returns for a Three-Day Run at Mandelstam Theater in South Miami
Friday, 12/12/2014 – 12/14/2014 07:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Mouse-King-poster-2014Mandelstam Theater
8530 SW 57th Ave,
South Miami, Florida 33134
Buy Tickets Link
Cost: $20

The 2013 smash debut of Mouse King featured two sold-out shows. Lovers of what is sure to become a new holiday classic, conceived by Sesame Street veteran Noel MacNeal and featuring music by South Florida composer Jim Camacho, will now have three chances to take it in. Premiere night at Mandelstam Theater (8530 SW 57th Ave, South Miami, FL 33143) is Friday, December 12, at 7 p.m., followed by a 2 p.m. matinee on Saturday, December 13 and Sunday, December 14. Tickets for Mouse King cost $20 and can be purchased online at or by phone by calling 800.838.3006.

Mouse King, a delightfully entertaining family-friendly production, revisits the story of the seasonal favorite The Nutcracker from the mice point of view. The tale chronicles the story of prince Mouserick, the future ruler of the Kingdom of Sweets, and his struggles with Krakatuck, the human who wants to get rid of all vermin and become the king himself. The court magician Astrolog guides the young mouse king along the way and through some highly entertaining encounters and musical adventures.

“We’re excited about bringing Mouse King back this year,” offers MacNeal. “The reaction from the crowd during the performances last year plus the feedback we received after indicated to us that we have something truly special.” Says Camacho: “I’m honored to once again be working with Noel in bringing a new holiday tradition back to life. We’re looking forward to this year’s run.”

The cast also includes Jim Henson Company alum James Wojtal, Jr., puppeteer and stage veteran Arlee Chadwick, along with child actors, professional actors and puppets. The 2013 original cast recording featuring 13 original songs by Camacho is available online at For more information, visit

Magical SnowFall @ Dolphin Mall 11/26/14-1/4/15

Magical SnowFall @ Dolphin Mall
Wednesday, 11/26/2014 – 01/04/2015 07:00 pm –
Snow-Fall-07-2Dolphin Mall
11401 NW 12th St.,
Sweetwater, Florida 33172
Webpage Link
Cost: FREE

Experience the holiday season with our winter wonderland experience complete with a magical snowfall! Visitors will get to enjoy a bevy of snow flurries on the Ramblas Plaza every night at 7 p.m., with an additional snowfall at 9 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

To create a more memorable snowfall, Dolphin Mall will give away magical wands to children under the ages of 12 years old. Once the clock strikes 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., young magicians can wave their wondrous wands to unleash the snowstorm and create a glistening winter wonderland. Children can retrieve the enchanted wands 30 minutes prior to the snowfal

Miami International Children’s Film Festival 10/17/14, 10/18/14, 10/19/14

Miami International Children’s Film Festival
Friday, 10/17/2014 – 10/19/2014 04:00 pm –
MICFF_logo_finalsCoral Gables Art Cinema
260 Aragon Ave.,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Webpage Link
Cost: Opening Night $15 (Fri), $11.50 Sat & Sun, children up to 12yrs old $7

The biggest film event of the year for South Florida’s children and families is back. The second annual Miami International Children’s Film Festival, presented by the Coral Gables Art Cinema in partnership with the New York International Children’s Film Festival.

The Miami International Children’s Film Festival aims to provide its audiences with global, multicultural and outstanding films – all of them area premieres.

Miami International Children’s Film Festival Schedule

Friday, October 17, 2014

• 4 p.m. – Kids Mix [just “Kids Mix”](Ages 3+)
Florida Premiere

A specially curated program for kids as young as 3 years old and up features 12 short and wonderful animations from around the world, including:

o “Snowflake” (Russia), in which a boy receives a paper snowflake in the mail and sticks it under his pillow, only to find his world has been transformed.

o “Hello World” (France), set in a collage forest crafted out of newspaper, plants, and paper maché, in which a newborn owl wakes up and explores the complicated world around him.

o “The Lovely Letter L” (U.S.), an infectious musical short about lemons, light bulbs, laundry and lots more.

o “The New Species” (Czech Republic), in which three friends discover a mysterious bone and set out to discover the creature it belonged to.
o “Big Block Sing-Song: Hair” (Canada), an electronic pop tune about the stuff that grows out of your head.
o “Monstersymfonie” (Germany), featuring a band of four monsters, one girl, and some very silly instruments who are definitely playing past their bedtime.

• 6:30 p.m. – Opening Night Reception and Film Screening

o 6:30 p.m. – Reception with food from Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza, Whole Food Market, and special drinks for kids and adults

o 7:30 p.m. – Film Screening: “Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants” (France, Ages 5+) with special presentation before the film from University of Miami Research Assistant Professor and “Bug Expert” Floria Mora-Kepfer Uy, whose area of expertise is the behavior of social insects.
Florida Premiere
o Humorously bug-eyed animated insects battle it out against lush live action backgrounds in this enormously inventive comic adventure from award-winning French animators. The unique combination of real life landscapes – a micro-world shot in extreme and stunning close-up – and wonderfully animated creepy-crawlies engaging in playful antics, will leave the viewer both dazzled and amused.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

• 10 a.m. – Film Screening: “Boy and the World” (Brazil, Ages 5+)
Florida Premiere

o Brazilian artist Alê Abreu brings to screen a strikingly unique visual style that shows the world through the eyes of Cuca, a young boy who lives a life of quiet wonder, exploring all that the countryside has to offer. His cozy world is shattered when his father leaves for the city, prompting him to embark on a quest to reunite his family.

• 11 a.m. – 3p.m. – Workshop I: Stop Motion Animation for Kids at Coral Gables Museum

o For ages 6 to 12, students will learn basic principles of stop-motion animation by looking at various examples of films made with the techniques and then create their own short films. The final product will be delivered in an electronic file to every student for them to keep and shared on the Gables Cinema website and social media platforms.

o $20 material and equipment fee

• 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Festival Fair in Cinema’s Perrin Plaza
o Featuring face painting, The Miami Balloon Guy, temporary tattoos, live music from Latin Grammy Nominee Rita Rosa Ruesga and more!
o Free

• 12:30 p.m. – Film Screening: “Party Mix” (Multiple countries, Ages 9+)
Florida Premiere
In this wonderful compilation of eight short films specially curated for Miami audiences, viewers will enjoy films from around the world including:
o “Rabbit and Deer” (Hungary), in which best friends Rabbit and Deer share everything, including a love of hot chocolate with marshmallows, but their friendship is challenged by the discovery of a third dimension.

o “Carpark” (U.K.) where a simple shopping trip goes horribly wrong.

o “The Big Beast” (France), in which a legend says that a huge beast will come to eat you when you least expect it.

o “The Princess, the Prince and the Green-Eyed Dragon” (Germany) featuring a selfish Prince and Princess and a helpful dragon, and in the end, they each get what they deserve.

o “Portlandia: Rat’s” (U.S.) the story of a trio of hipster rodents who are tired of the way rats are always getting slandered by humans.

• 2:15 p.m. – “Minuscule: valley of the Lost Ants” (France, Ages 5+), encore screening
o See Opening Night for full description.

• 4:30 p.m. – Film Screening: “Selkirk, the Real Robinson Crusoe” (Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Ages 9+)
U.S. Premiere

o Selkirk, an unruly, selfish privateer, is the sailing master of the Esperanza, an English galley sailing the South Seas in search of treasures. In the absence of enemy boats, the privateers pass the time gambling and loafing off. Before long, Selkirk has squandered his current and future savings and alienated the entire crew, especially Captain Bullock, who decides to maroon him on an uninhabited island. The beautifully hand-crafted stop motion animation has a distinct feel that gives the film character. In an attempt to tell kids the “true story” of the famous castaway Robinson Crusoe, the film is a perfect blend of whimsy and action.
o Q&A with director Walter Tournier immediately following the premiere.

• 7 p.m. – Film Screening: “Starry Starry Night” (Taiwan, Ages 9+)
Florida Premiere

o Starry Starry Night is the imaginative, whimsical and emotionally resonant coming-of-age story of Mei, a day-dreamy seventh-grader whose life seems to be falling apart around her and Jay who avoids contact with his new schoolmates and becomes an instant target for their derision and taunting. Based on the graphic novel by Taiwanese writer Jimmy Liao, Starry Starry Night is a charming and honest portrayal of all the wonderful, life-changing, sometimes-painful events that can happen when you’re 13 and finding your place in the world.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

• 10 a.m. – Kids Mix: Shorts for Tots (Ages 3+), Encore screening

o See Friday for full description.

• 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. – Workshop II: Stop Motion Animation for teens at Coral Gables Museum

o For ages 13 to 18, students will learn basic principles of stop-motion animation with a focus on printed materials, watch short films with a variety of stop-motion techniques and then create their own content for short films. The final product will be delivered in an electronic file to every student for them to keep and shared on the Gables Cinema website and social media platforms.
o $20 material and equipment fee

• 11:30 a.m. – Film Screening: “Aunt Hilda!” (France, Ages 9+)
Florida Premiere

o Jacques-Remy Girerd, creator of “A Cat in Paris” and “Mia and the Migoo” returns to the Gables Cinema with his latest hand-drawn gem. Hilda lives high above the city, happily at home with tens of thousands of rare and luscious plants in her palace of a greenhouse. But down below, a new, genetically modified super-grain threatens to disrupt the delicate natural harmony. The film’s not-so-subtle eco-message builds to a suitably cataclysmic, technology-gone-haywire finale, as the destructive power of the Frankenplant is unleashed and Hilda must help the Earth save itself from a very colorful biological mayhem.

• 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Festival Fair in Cinema’s Perrin Plaza
o Featuring face painting, The Miami Balloon Guy, temporary tattoos, live music from Latin Grammy Nominee Rita Rosa Ruesga and treats
o Free

• 2 p.m. – Film Screening: “Nocturna” (France, Ages 5+)
Florida Premiere

o Visually stunning and wildly inventive, “Nocturna” explores the mystery of the night in a sweeping adventure full of Alice in Wonderland-like characters and moody, dream-inspired landscapes. After an unusual discovery on the rooftop of his orphanage, a young boy named Tim plunges into the secret world of Nocturna, a city inhabited by curious creatures who control the night. There are hairdressers who specialize in bed-heads, dream writers, and a vast herd of guardian cats led by the gigantic Cat Shepherd. Yet Nocturna is in danger: the stars in the sky are disappearing, kids are becoming restless at night, and a mysterious shadow creature is haunting the empty streets, extinguishing anything that gives off light. If Tim and the Cat Shepherd can’t set things right, nighttime will never be the same. In the end, Tim and the audience ultimately learn that the night doesn’t have to be so scary after all!
o Q&A with director Victor Maldonado immediately following the premiere.

• 4:30 p.m. – Film Screening: “Animation Celebration: John Hubley” (U.S., Ages 8+)
South Florida Premiere

o This program features films from legendary animators John and Faith Hubley who were ousted from the famed Disney animation team during a writer’s strike after working on films such as “Bambi,” “Dumbo” and “Pinocchio.” These new restorations on 35mm prints are a celebration of John Hubley’s 100th birthday and the inventive work the pair did after leaving Hollywood. The visually striking, playful and innovative short films address a wide range of topics – from the plight of the modern day farmer to two boys’ search for a pet bird – and feature the voices of jazz legend Dizzy Gillespie, English actor Dudley Moore, and the Hubley’s children.

• 6:15 p.m. – Film Screening: “Mother, I Love You” (Latvia, Ages 9+)
Florida Premiere

o Winner of top prizes at the Berlin and Los Angeles Film Festivals, Janis Nords’ instantly engaging second feature combines coming-of-age drama with slow-burn thriller to tell the story of a boy who is unable to extricate himself from a growing web of lies. The film’s portrait of preteen rebelliousness has been compared to Truffaut’s iconic “The 400 Blows” and the Dardennes’ “The Kid with a Bike.” But no degree in cinema studies is required to enjoy this captivating and emotionally profound film. Film contains some mature subject matter.

Miami International Children's Film Festival 10/17/14, 10/18/14, 10/19/14

Miami International Children’s Film Festival
Friday, 10/17/2014 – 10/19/2014 04:00 pm –
MICFF_logo_finalsCoral Gables Art Cinema
260 Aragon Ave.,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Webpage Link
Cost: Opening Night $15 (Fri), $11.50 Sat & Sun, children up to 12yrs old $7

The biggest film event of the year for South Florida’s children and families is back. The second annual Miami International Children’s Film Festival, presented by the Coral Gables Art Cinema in partnership with the New York International Children’s Film Festival.

The Miami International Children’s Film Festival aims to provide its audiences with global, multicultural and outstanding films – all of them area premieres.

Miami International Children’s Film Festival Schedule

Friday, October 17, 2014

• 4 p.m. – Kids Mix [just “Kids Mix”](Ages 3+)
Florida Premiere

A specially curated program for kids as young as 3 years old and up features 12 short and wonderful animations from around the world, including:

o “Snowflake” (Russia), in which a boy receives a paper snowflake in the mail and sticks it under his pillow, only to find his world has been transformed.

o “Hello World” (France), set in a collage forest crafted out of newspaper, plants, and paper maché, in which a newborn owl wakes up and explores the complicated world around him.

o “The Lovely Letter L” (U.S.), an infectious musical short about lemons, light bulbs, laundry and lots more.

o “The New Species” (Czech Republic), in which three friends discover a mysterious bone and set out to discover the creature it belonged to.
o “Big Block Sing-Song: Hair” (Canada), an electronic pop tune about the stuff that grows out of your head.
o “Monstersymfonie” (Germany), featuring a band of four monsters, one girl, and some very silly instruments who are definitely playing past their bedtime.

• 6:30 p.m. – Opening Night Reception and Film Screening

o 6:30 p.m. – Reception with food from Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza, Whole Food Market, and special drinks for kids and adults

o 7:30 p.m. – Film Screening: “Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants” (France, Ages 5+) with special presentation before the film from University of Miami Research Assistant Professor and “Bug Expert” Floria Mora-Kepfer Uy, whose area of expertise is the behavior of social insects.
Florida Premiere
o Humorously bug-eyed animated insects battle it out against lush live action backgrounds in this enormously inventive comic adventure from award-winning French animators. The unique combination of real life landscapes – a micro-world shot in extreme and stunning close-up – and wonderfully animated creepy-crawlies engaging in playful antics, will leave the viewer both dazzled and amused.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

• 10 a.m. – Film Screening: “Boy and the World” (Brazil, Ages 5+)
Florida Premiere

o Brazilian artist Alê Abreu brings to screen a strikingly unique visual style that shows the world through the eyes of Cuca, a young boy who lives a life of quiet wonder, exploring all that the countryside has to offer. His cozy world is shattered when his father leaves for the city, prompting him to embark on a quest to reunite his family.

• 11 a.m. – 3p.m. – Workshop I: Stop Motion Animation for Kids at Coral Gables Museum

o For ages 6 to 12, students will learn basic principles of stop-motion animation by looking at various examples of films made with the techniques and then create their own short films. The final product will be delivered in an electronic file to every student for them to keep and shared on the Gables Cinema website and social media platforms.

o $20 material and equipment fee

• 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Festival Fair in Cinema’s Perrin Plaza
o Featuring face painting, The Miami Balloon Guy, temporary tattoos, live music from Latin Grammy Nominee Rita Rosa Ruesga and more!
o Free

• 12:30 p.m. – Film Screening: “Party Mix” (Multiple countries, Ages 9+)
Florida Premiere
In this wonderful compilation of eight short films specially curated for Miami audiences, viewers will enjoy films from around the world including:
o “Rabbit and Deer” (Hungary), in which best friends Rabbit and Deer share everything, including a love of hot chocolate with marshmallows, but their friendship is challenged by the discovery of a third dimension.

o “Carpark” (U.K.) where a simple shopping trip goes horribly wrong.

o “The Big Beast” (France), in which a legend says that a huge beast will come to eat you when you least expect it.

o “The Princess, the Prince and the Green-Eyed Dragon” (Germany) featuring a selfish Prince and Princess and a helpful dragon, and in the end, they each get what they deserve.

o “Portlandia: Rat’s” (U.S.) the story of a trio of hipster rodents who are tired of the way rats are always getting slandered by humans.

• 2:15 p.m. – “Minuscule: valley of the Lost Ants” (France, Ages 5+), encore screening
o See Opening Night for full description.

• 4:30 p.m. – Film Screening: “Selkirk, the Real Robinson Crusoe” (Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Ages 9+)
U.S. Premiere

o Selkirk, an unruly, selfish privateer, is the sailing master of the Esperanza, an English galley sailing the South Seas in search of treasures. In the absence of enemy boats, the privateers pass the time gambling and loafing off. Before long, Selkirk has squandered his current and future savings and alienated the entire crew, especially Captain Bullock, who decides to maroon him on an uninhabited island. The beautifully hand-crafted stop motion animation has a distinct feel that gives the film character. In an attempt to tell kids the “true story” of the famous castaway Robinson Crusoe, the film is a perfect blend of whimsy and action.
o Q&A with director Walter Tournier immediately following the premiere.

• 7 p.m. – Film Screening: “Starry Starry Night” (Taiwan, Ages 9+)
Florida Premiere

o Starry Starry Night is the imaginative, whimsical and emotionally resonant coming-of-age story of Mei, a day-dreamy seventh-grader whose life seems to be falling apart around her and Jay who avoids contact with his new schoolmates and becomes an instant target for their derision and taunting. Based on the graphic novel by Taiwanese writer Jimmy Liao, Starry Starry Night is a charming and honest portrayal of all the wonderful, life-changing, sometimes-painful events that can happen when you’re 13 and finding your place in the world.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

• 10 a.m. – Kids Mix: Shorts for Tots (Ages 3+), Encore screening

o See Friday for full description.

• 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. – Workshop II: Stop Motion Animation for teens at Coral Gables Museum

o For ages 13 to 18, students will learn basic principles of stop-motion animation with a focus on printed materials, watch short films with a variety of stop-motion techniques and then create their own content for short films. The final product will be delivered in an electronic file to every student for them to keep and shared on the Gables Cinema website and social media platforms.
o $20 material and equipment fee

• 11:30 a.m. – Film Screening: “Aunt Hilda!” (France, Ages 9+)
Florida Premiere

o Jacques-Remy Girerd, creator of “A Cat in Paris” and “Mia and the Migoo” returns to the Gables Cinema with his latest hand-drawn gem. Hilda lives high above the city, happily at home with tens of thousands of rare and luscious plants in her palace of a greenhouse. But down below, a new, genetically modified super-grain threatens to disrupt the delicate natural harmony. The film’s not-so-subtle eco-message builds to a suitably cataclysmic, technology-gone-haywire finale, as the destructive power of the Frankenplant is unleashed and Hilda must help the Earth save itself from a very colorful biological mayhem.

• 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Festival Fair in Cinema’s Perrin Plaza
o Featuring face painting, The Miami Balloon Guy, temporary tattoos, live music from Latin Grammy Nominee Rita Rosa Ruesga and treats
o Free

• 2 p.m. – Film Screening: “Nocturna” (France, Ages 5+)
Florida Premiere

o Visually stunning and wildly inventive, “Nocturna” explores the mystery of the night in a sweeping adventure full of Alice in Wonderland-like characters and moody, dream-inspired landscapes. After an unusual discovery on the rooftop of his orphanage, a young boy named Tim plunges into the secret world of Nocturna, a city inhabited by curious creatures who control the night. There are hairdressers who specialize in bed-heads, dream writers, and a vast herd of guardian cats led by the gigantic Cat Shepherd. Yet Nocturna is in danger: the stars in the sky are disappearing, kids are becoming restless at night, and a mysterious shadow creature is haunting the empty streets, extinguishing anything that gives off light. If Tim and the Cat Shepherd can’t set things right, nighttime will never be the same. In the end, Tim and the audience ultimately learn that the night doesn’t have to be so scary after all!
o Q&A with director Victor Maldonado immediately following the premiere.

• 4:30 p.m. – Film Screening: “Animation Celebration: John Hubley” (U.S., Ages 8+)
South Florida Premiere

o This program features films from legendary animators John and Faith Hubley who were ousted from the famed Disney animation team during a writer’s strike after working on films such as “Bambi,” “Dumbo” and “Pinocchio.” These new restorations on 35mm prints are a celebration of John Hubley’s 100th birthday and the inventive work the pair did after leaving Hollywood. The visually striking, playful and innovative short films address a wide range of topics – from the plight of the modern day farmer to two boys’ search for a pet bird – and feature the voices of jazz legend Dizzy Gillespie, English actor Dudley Moore, and the Hubley’s children.

• 6:15 p.m. – Film Screening: “Mother, I Love You” (Latvia, Ages 9+)
Florida Premiere

o Winner of top prizes at the Berlin and Los Angeles Film Festivals, Janis Nords’ instantly engaging second feature combines coming-of-age drama with slow-burn thriller to tell the story of a boy who is unable to extricate himself from a growing web of lies. The film’s portrait of preteen rebelliousness has been compared to Truffaut’s iconic “The 400 Blows” and the Dardennes’ “The Kid with a Bike.” But no degree in cinema studies is required to enjoy this captivating and emotionally profound film. Film contains some mature subject matter.

Conrad Miami Celebrates 10th Anniversary 10/10/14

Conrad Miami Celebrates 10th Anniversary
Friday, 10/10/2014 – 05:30 pm – 08:30 pm
Conrad Miami Hotel
1395 Brickell Ave, Miami, FL 33131,
Miami, Florida 33131
Cost: FREE

Join us in celebrating The Conrad Miami’s 10th Anniversary with a night filed with Veuve Clicquot, music, lite bites, and our Clicquot Mail Truck Team!

Enjoy complimentary passed hors d’oevres and Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label at $70 per bottleor $18 by the glass and Rosé NV at $85 per bottle or $21 by the glass.

Plese RSVP:

Read Conmigo Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month 10/11/14 – 10/12/14

Read Conmigo Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
Saturday, 10/11/2014 – 10/12/2014 02:00 pm – 06:30 pm
Miami Seaquarium
4400 Rickenbacker Causeway,
Key Biscayne, Florida 33149
Webpage Link
Cost: Free for teachers

To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month during Totally Teachers Weekend, Miami-Dade, Broward & Palm Beach County teachers & school employees will receive free admission to MSQ on both days.

Saturday, local news personality’s will read aloud from Read Conmigo’s bilingual children’s books. These books will also be distributed on site for FREE.

PLUS a discount for up to 4 guests at 50% off regular admission if you visit

Greyhound’s Centennial Mobile Museum Tour 7/26/14

Greyhound’s Centennial Mobile Museum Tour
Saturday, 07/26/2014 – 09:30 am – 05:30 pm
Greyhound-Mobile-Museum-busZoo Miami
12400 SW 152 Street,
Miami, Florida 33177
More Info Link
Cost: Free

To commemorate its 100th anniversary, Greyhound is embarking on a seven-month Centennial Tour to showcase the company’s growth and transformation, allowing guests of all ages to get a glimpse of Greyhound’s extraordinary history. On Saturday, July 26, the tour is coming to Miami, and will be at Zoo Miami at 1 Zoo Blvd, 12400 SW 152 Street.

The tour is comprised of two mobile museum tours simultaneously traveling across the United States, visiting nearly 40 cities. The tours are traveling from east to west, with the final stop in Los Angeles on Dec. 20 – 21.

The south tour, arriving in Miami, Fla., July 26, includes a bus converted into a mobile museum, featuring displays of memorabilia such as signage, vintage driver uniforms and an entire wall of history where guests can see Greyhound’s transformation over the years. Guests can also view videos via interactive touchscreen displays. This tour also features restored classic coaches, including the 1914 Hupmobile, 1931 Mack, 1947 Silversides and 1954 Scenicruiser. And to showcase the company’s recent improvements, one of Greyhound’s new, modern coaches featuring amenities such as free Wi-Fi, leather seats, power outlets and extra legroom, rounds out the tour.

Guests can also play games, listen to music, and participate in a raffle drawing. Merchandise is also for sale in the retail section where they can take a part of Greyhound history home with them, including commemorative ball caps, t-shirts, posters, bus banks and plushy greyhound dogs.

thefood-e Happy Hour at Buns and Buns 7/18/14

thefood-e Happy Hour at Buns and Buns
Friday, 07/18/2014 – 07:00 pm – 09:00 pm
bunsbunshhrev2Buns and Buns
5748 Sunset Drive,
Miami, Florida 33143
Facebook Link
Cost: Free

It brings us great pleasure to announce that we’ll be hosting the next happy hour with!

Join us in South Miami on Friday, July 18th from 7-9 PM for bites and beverages including:

$3 Draft and select bottles of beer (because Jack Nicholson was right when he said, “Beer, it’s the best damn drink in the world”).

$6 Cocktails
– Sangria
– O’Pama
– Bunosa Mimosa
– Blueberry Cobbler

$4 Bites
– Mini Burger
fontina cheese / bacon / wilted watercress / special sauce
– Spinach Poofs
tahini / manchego cheese
– Truffled Cheese Fries
– Corn Fritter
beer batter / sumac / lime / garlic aioli
– Mini BBQ Pulled Pork Buns
cabbage slaw / pickled onions / aioli
– Hot Nutella Buns
chocolate / vanilla / raspberry-pomegranate sauce

Follow us on Twitter & Instagram: @BunsAndBuns #BiteMyBuns

Follow thefood-e:
Twitter @thefoode
Instagram @thefood_e

Summer Fun @ Dolphin Mall 6/19/14

Summer Fun @ Dolphin Mall
Thursday, 06/19/2014 – 08/07/2014 10:00 am – 09:30 pm
Dolphin Mall
11401 N.W. 12th Street,
Miami, Florida 33172
Webpage Link
Cost: FREE

Dolphin Mall is bringing back its annual array of exciting summer activities for families. From free movie screenings for kids to arts and crafts workshops, children are guaranteed to have fun at Dolphin Mall all summer long. The following activities will be available throughout the summer:
• Cobb Dolphin 19 Cinemas
Free summer kids movies every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10 a.m.

o June 17, 18, 19
 Turbo (PG)
 Walking with Dinosaurs (PG)

o June 24, 25, 26
 Epic (PG)
 Free Birds (PG)

o July 1, 2, 3
 The Croods (PG)
 Shark Tale (PG)

o July 8, 9, 10
 The Smurfs 2 (PG)
 The Spongebob Squarepants Movie (PG)

o July 15, 16, 17
 The Lego Movie (PG)
 The Nut Job (PG)

o July 22, 23, 24
 Despicable Me 2 (PG)
 Babe (PG)

o July 29, 30, 31
 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (PG)
 Escape from Planet Earth (PG)

o August 5, 6, 7
 Rio 2 (G)
 Mr. Peabody and Sherman (PG)

*Discount popcorn and soda combo are available for groups of 25 or more.

• Family Summer Series at CineBistro
CineBistro invites the whole family this year to see Maleficent, now playing, and other great family friendly films. Children are welcome to these shows 6 p.m. or earlier and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. *Special children’s menu available for kids 12 and under. 3D movies are $4 more.
• Cool de Sac “Cool Summer Deals Book”
Get $300 worth of Cool Summer Deals for only $99 with Cool de Sac’s “Cool Summer Deals Book.” Buy the deal and share it with friends and get an additional incentive! (Get an additional FREE admission). The Cool Deals Book contains FREE admissions, food and drinks, and extra discounts and BOGO offers. See location for details.
• Bass Pro Shops – Family Summer Camp 2014
• Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday now through July 13: Free family summer camp workshops from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
• Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday now through July 13: Free crafts with a different craft every week from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
• Every Saturday through July 14: Free homemade ice cream from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
• Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday now through July 14: Fun activities such as Daisy BB shooting range, shooting arcade and archery range from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
• Dave & Buster’s Summer Blowout
Dave & Buster’s Summer special: Eat & Play Win combo for only $16.99, individuals can pick from a choice of select entrees and receive a $10 game card. Half Price Games every Wednesday from open to close. Power Hour
Monday through Friday 4:30 to 7 p.m. with 60 minutes of video game play for only $10.
• Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar
Kids Eat Free Wednesdays from 5 p.m. – close during dinner only. The special offer is a limit of two children, ages 12 years or younger per adult. The offer is valid only with adult entree purchase and free child meal from the Buffalo Wild Child Menu.
• Summer’s in Swing at STRIKE Miami!
Stay cool at Strike Miami’s 34 air conditioned lanes while enjoy a refreshing cocktail at their sports bar, or some delicious bites from their restaurant. Strike has several specials in store for the summer including exclusive rates for youth and camp groups. The Monday Mayhem promotion offers $4 games and $2 shoes every Monday from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. Also, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday families can go bowling for $16.19 per person, including shoe rental from 8 pm to 12 am. See store for details.

The World Cup @ JohnMartin’s 6/12/14

The World Cup @ JohnMartin’s
Thursday, 06/12/2014 – 06/26/2014 12:00 pm –
FIFA-2014JohnMartin’s Irish Pub & Restaurant
253 Miracle Mile,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Webpage Link
Cost: FREE

JohnMartin’s welcomes all soccer fans to watch the 2014 World Cup. The Coral Gables local pub and restaurant will have drink specials all day and night long. The first match will have Brazil going up against Croatia. With a TV in every room, you can’t miss a move.
The drink specials are:
• 5 for $15 Domestic buckets
• 5 for $20 Imported buckets
• 5 for $20 Mix and match buckets,
• $5 Drafts

Father’s Day @ Mayfair 6/15/14

Father’s Day @ Mayfair
Sunday, 06/15/2014 – 11:30 am – 02:30 pm
Mayfair-Fathers-Day-Flyer-2014The Mayfair Hotel & Spa
3000 Florida Ave,
Miami, Florida 33131
Webpage Link
Cost: $28.95

Treat your father to a brunch from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m at Spartico, located in the Mayfair Hotel and Spa, this Father’s Day. Included in the buffet are three stations: a cold, a hot and an omelette. The cold station includes domestic and imported cold cuts, cheese and a parfait station with tropical fruits and berries. The hot station includes buttermilk pancakes, Italian sausage, Apple Wood Smoked Bacon, croissants, muffins, danishes, steak and eggs and garlic and herb potatoes. The omelettes are specially cooked to your preferences.

ROK BRGR Miami:Official World Cup Headquarters 6/12/14

ROK BRGR Miami:Official World Cup Headquarters
Thursday, 06/12/2014 – 07/13/2014 03:00 pm – 02:00 am
5800 SW 73rd,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: n/a

The Official 2014 World Cup Headquarters of Miami is your very own ROK:BRGR Miami. For all of the die-hard fans out there, you can experience the energy of being at the game through an HD Projection Screen, while listening to live commentary throughout the World Cup.

Miller, Peroni and Coors will be the official sponsors of ROK:BRGR Miami during the 2014 World Cup. With some of the featured specials including $1.00 off of Miller and Peroni drafts, $1.00 off of Coors bottles, and weekly food specials ranging from appetizers to main dishes.

Viewing of the World Cup at ROK:BRGR Miami will start on Thursday, June 12 and run through Sunday, July 13. All matches will be turned on 30 minutes before kickoff, and will have live commentary.

MWS – Signature Members Exhibition 2014 6/13/14

MWS – Signature Members Exhibition 2014
Friday, 06/13/2014 – 06/30/2014 06:00 pm – 09:00 pm
SignarureMemberShow2014The Wirtz Gallery – first National bank of South Miami
5750 Sunset Drive.,
Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

MWS and First National Bank of South Miami present a Signature Members Exhibition.
Location: The Wirtz Gallery.
Address: 5750 Sunset Drive.
South Miami, Florida.

Join us for the exhibition opening and light refreshment!
Exhibition runs Monday, June 2, – Monday, June 30, 2014
Opening Reception: Friday, June 13, 2014 6-9 pm
Gallery Hours: Monday – Thursday 9-4 pm, Friday 9-6 pm.

Space Between Words and The Crazy Carls Live! at Bougies 6/7/14

Space Between Words and The Crazy Carls Live! at Bougies
Saturday, 06/07/2014 – 11:00 pm – 01:00 am
sbw-56Bougainvillea’s Old Florida Tavern
7221 SW 58th Ave,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Facebook Link
Cost: FREE

Join Space Between Words and the Crazy Carls at Bougainvilleas Old Florida Tavern on June 7th @ 11pm.

Come experience brand new songs from Space Between Words yet to be released EP and before they set off on a tour of the Southeast. New Songs to shake you bum to, new songs to melt your face off!

The Crazy Carls have roots in many music genres from reggae to funk. The band’s latest CD, “Owl Tattoo” features pop songs with a dynamic range from intense guitar solos, falsetto vocals and soul searching lyrics.

Be Your Own Eyewear Designer 5/31/14

Be Your Own Eyewear Designer
Saturday, 05/31/2014 – 05/31/2014 11:00 am – 04:00 pm
Beiner_Trunk_OSM_S_Miami_May_2014_V2-1_Page_2-540x800Edward Beiner Purveyor of Fine Eyewear
5817 Sunset Drive, Miami, Florida 33143,
Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

Inspired by the craftsmanship of true artisans, OTTICA SU MISURA by Edward Beiner combines our current standards and ideology with the spirit of “old world craftsmanship”. We invite you to embark on this incredible experience where you will be able to design your own eyewear by selecting shape, size, color and finishing it with personalized monogram like details to make it a one of a kind frame.

Bottle and Bottega Launches Art Hunt Miami 5/12/14

Bottle & Bottega Launches Art Hunt Miami
Monday, 05/12/2014 – 05/16/2014 12:00 am – 11:59 pm
Greater Miami,
1555 Crabtree Lane, Florida 
Facebook Link
Cost: Free

Bottle & Bottega Launches Art Hunt Miami Sends Miami Art Lovers on an Adventure in Search of Coveted Collection of Paintings

WHAT: Beginning next week on Monday, May 12th, and running through Friday, May 16th, Bottle & Bottega is sending local Miami residents scavenging for artistic treasures. Hidden throughout many of Greater Miami’s chic dining venues, this community event features four local artists’ paintings. The Art Hunt is open to the public. Starting Monday, clues about where each of the four pieces of art is hidden will be posted to Bottle & Bottega Miami’s Facebook page: Winners simply take a photo of their art discovery and post it to the Bottle & Bottega Miami Facebook page. The first to find a painting also wins two free tickets to an upcoming Bottle & Bottega public party. The art pieces will be in plain sight within each venue, and the posted clues will be fairly simple.

WHY: This is an opportunity for local art enthusiasts to experience an adventure in art unlike any before. Miami is sharing in a love of art that can now be seen all over the city – not confined to a studio or single section of the city.

WHO: Miami’s Art Hunt is open to everyone. Bottle & Bottega Miami invites all who seek to add a bit of adventure into their search for attractive art to join the fun and uncover the paintings in unexpected venues.  Interviews will also be available with Maris Bish, owner of Bottle & Bottega – Miami.

WHERE: Find out where to search at

DATE: Monday, May 12th through Friday, May 16th

COST: Free

A stroke of artistic genius paints a totally new picture of what is possible when friends, couples or colleagues get together for a Bottle & Bottega art party — an experience unlike any other. One part artistic adventure and one part cocktail party, Bottle & Bottega inspires the inner artist in everyone regardless of skill or practice, through a blend of hands-on art sessions, on-site professional instruction and, of course, a glass of your favorite wine. Bottle & Bottega paint and wine parties are perfect for individuals, couples and groups of all sizes for a variety of personal and professional occasions.

For more information about Bottle & Bottega – Miami and to book your next event, call (786) 505-9344, e-mail, or visit

MEDIA CONTACT: Jamie Izaks, (847) 897-7480 (office); (847) 975-2336 (mobile);

Brother Jimmy’s Mother’s Day Brunch 5/11/14

Brother Jimmy’s Mother’s Day Brunch
Sunday, 05/11/2014 – 11:00 am – 04:00 pm
Bjs-Brunch-Shrimp-Gritz_edited-1Brother Jimmy’s BBQ
5701 Sunset Drive,
Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: 0.00

Treat Mom this Mother’s day to some Brother Jimmy’s Southern Comfort. Made-for-Mom deals include Jimmy’s Famous Monkey Bread, Berk’s Blues Pancakes, Skillet Brisket and eggs, Banana Jameson- infused French Toast, Shrimp N’ Gritz, and a Southern classic- Fried Chicken N’ Waffles. If that’s not enough, start your day off right with free Mother’s day Mimosas.

Unlimited mimosas/Miller Lite + 1 entree : $29.95

Now Serving in Two Locations:
Brother Jimmy’s BBQ: 900 S Miami Ave, Miami; 786-360-3650 | Brother Jimmy’s BBQ: 5701 Sunset Drive, Miami;

Photographs of Association of Fundraising Professionals Member Mixer at Earl’s Kitchen + Bar on 4/24/14

Association of Fundraising Professionals Member Mixer at Earl’s Kitchen + Bar on Thursday, April 24, 2014.

Association of Fundraising Professionals Mission: “The Association of Fundraising Professionals represents more than 30,000 members in 200 chapters throughout the world, working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education and certification programs. The association fosters development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession.”

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Grand Opening Of Brother Jimmy’s Bbq Restaurant In South Miami At Sunset Place 4/25/14-4/26/15

Grand Opening Of Brother Jimmy’s Bbq Restaurant In South Miami At Sunset Place This Weekend
Friday, 04/25/2014 – 04/26/2014 05:00 pm – 10:00 pm
BrotherJimmysBBQBrother Jimmy’s BBQ
5701 Sunset Drive,
Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: 0.00

Serving authentic North Carolina slow smoked barbeque, the restaurant that made a name for itself in Mary Brickell Village, and has been delighting New Yorkers for over two decades, is now bringing its acclaimed BBQ cuisine to South Miami at Sunset Place.

Grand Opening festivities for the public begin on Friday night with fashion shows, a mechanical riding bull, line dancing performers and kid’s line dancing lessons.

Just as it did in the Northeast and in Miami’s Mary Brickell Village, the casual, energetic restaurant with acclaimed BBQ cuisine, Brother Jimmy’s BBQ is now serving up their serious barbeque Southern style fare in South Miami with the opening of its newest location at Sunset Place.

5pm – 7pm Happy Hour Kick Off
6:30pm Line Dance Show
7:30pm Line Dance Show
9pm Fashion Show
5pm – 10pm Mechanical Riding Bull

1pm – 6pm Family Fun
1pm Bull Riding Lessons for Kids & Adults
1pm – 4pm Face Painting
2pm Line Dance Show
2:30pm Line Dancing Lessons for Kids
4pm Line Dance Show
5pm Line Dance Show
10pm “The Rejects” perform
1pm – 6pm Mechanical Riding Bull

About Brother Jimmy’s BBQ Miami Restaurants:
The local trio behind the Brother Jimmy’s Miami locations are University of Miami Hurricanes alumni and former teammates turned NFL superstars. Jon Vilma, Jon Beason & D.J. Williams launched the first location in Mary Brickell Village 2 years ago. In this short time, they not only established proven success, but they have also expanded the business with a full catering menu, a new back-door takeout window and “Sweet Sui,” a food truck that can be seen at weekly events across South Florida and competing at BBQ cook-offs throughout the region.

Brother Jimmy’s has celebrated over 20 years of legendary North Carolina, slow-smokin’ barbeque. Their mission was, and still is, to bring to quality “down-home” cooking, hospitality and authentic cuisine to Miami. Brother Jimmy’s energetic environment stays true to the original New York locations providing the perfect atmosphere for serious dining, food & drinks after-work, lunch, brunch or dinner with friends and family.

JohnMartin’s Easter Brunch 4/20/14

JohnMartin’s Easter Brunch
Sunday, 04/20/2014 – 11:30 am – 02:00 pm
JohnMartin’s Irish Pub & Restaurant
253 Miracle Mile,
Coconut Gables, Florida 33134
Webpage Link
Cost: Children $13.50, Adults $29.95

One of Miami’s oldest and highly cherished Irish gem’s, JohnMartin’s is inviting friends and family to join them for a delightful Easter Brunch. For a great value, guests can enjoy a generous variety of holiday classics including some Irish inspired dishes.
Guests can begin their brunch with an array of freshly baked goods, exotic fruit, domestic and imported cheeses, smoked salmon and seasonal salads. For something more savory, a breakfast station will be available for attendees to customize an omelet. Entrees will range from traditional roasted Leg of Lamb to JohnMartin’s novelty, Shepherd’s Pie. To end the meal with decadence, dessert selections include an Irish Sherry Trifle, Tiramisu, Key Lime Pie, Chocolate Mousse, fresh berries and more homemade treats. Those interested in attending Sunday’s buffet should make reservations by calling (305) 445-3777.

Escape for Easter Brunch 4/20/14

Escape for Easter Brunch
Sunday, 04/20/2014 – 07:30 am – 02:00 pm
3000 Florida Ave,
Coconut Grove, Florida 33133
Webpage Link
Cost: $20.95 – $25.95

Visit The Mayfair Hotel & Spa to enjoy one of two prix-fixe menus for an early gourmet breakfast buffet or an artisanal breakfast and pizza buffet.

The Art Of Nursing Photo Exhibition – Public Reception 4/11/14

The Art Of Nursing Photo Exhibition – Public Reception
Friday, 04/11/2014 – 06:00 pm – 09:00 pm
WKBH_nurse_patient_4170_lowWirtz Gallery, First National Bank of South Miami
5750 Sunset Drive,
Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

Baptist Health South Florida shines a spotlight on our hometown nurses in “The Art of Nursing,” a compelling exhibition of black-and-white photography by Fareed Al-Mashat coming to the Wirtz Gallery at the First National Bank of South Miami. A public reception will be held on Friday, April 11. The photo exhibition will be on display April 2-29. The gallery’s regular hours of operation are Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

For more information contact Kathy Barbour at or 786-596-6534. Free parking is available behind the bank.

Ushuaïa at SLS Hotel South Beach Presents Miami Music Week 2014 Lineup 3/26/14

Ushuaïa at SLS Hotel South Beach Presents Miami Music Week 2014 Lineup
Wednesday, 03/26/2014 – 03/30/2014 11:00 am –
MUSIC-WEEK-2SLS Hotel South Beach
1701 Collins Ave,
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Buy Tickets Link

Ushuaia at SLS Hotel South Beach Presents Miami Music Week 2014 Lineup:
Wednesday, March 26:
Ushuaïa at SLS Hotel South Beach Presents LUCIANO & Friends

Thursday, March 27:
Ushuaia at SLS Hotel South Beach Presents AVICII & Friends
Sounds by Avicii, Arty, Cazzette, Rebecca & Fiona, Spencer Brown & Syn Cole

Friday, March 28:
Ushuaia at SLS Hotel South Beach Presents ANTS Featuring Joris Voorn & Nic Faniculli

Saturday, March 29:
Ushuaia at SLS Hotel South Beach Presents NERVO & Gareth Emery

Sunday, March 30:
Ushuaia at SLS Hotel South Beach Presents DIMITRI VEGAS & LIKE MIKE with Special Guest Chuckie

Read Conmigo Supports Community Bike Day’s 2014 With Dr. Feldman 3/15/14

Read Conmigo Supports Community Bike Day’s 2014 With Dr. Feldman
Saturday, 03/15/2014 – 03/15/2014 09:00 am – 12:00 am
DSCN2582Pinecrest Community center
5855 Killian Drive,
Pinecrest, Florida 33156
Webpage Link
Cost: free

Read Conmigo will support the 5th Annual Community Bike Day with Dr. Feldman, the vice chair of the school board. The event will begin with a safety fair that will have helmet give-aways, a zumba class and a bike rodeo. Anyone of any age can participate in the community bike ride. Bike strollers and tandem bikes are definitely welcomed, the more the merrier. There will be give-aways that include bikes, gym memberships and major league sport tickets, at the end of the event.

Photography Exhibit benefitting Casa Valentina 3/14/14

Photography Exhibit benefitting Casa Valentina
269Friday, March 14, 2014, 6:00 – 9:00 PM
The Wirtz Gallery
First National Bank of South Miami
5750 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL

Casa Valentina Invites You to The Artists’ Reception at the Janet Kelfer & Jerry Kelfer Photography Exhibit
Net Exhibit Proceeds benefit Casa Valentina, University of Miami Frost School of Music

The Photography Exhibit is Open March 4-31, 2014

Restaurant Michael Schwartz Live Concert Series to Feature Night Breeze Jazz 2/13/14

Restaurant Michael Schwartz Live Concert Series to Feature Night Breeze Jazz
Thursday, 02/13/2014 – 07:00 pm –
Restaurant Michael Schwartz at The Raleigh Hotel
1775 Collins Ave,
Miami beach, Florida 33139
Webpage Link

Restaurant Michael Schwartz Live Concert Series will feature jazz sensation Night Breeze Jazz. Night Breeze Jazz consists of three performers: Mike Curtis, Earle Eidenire and Ezo Hernandez. They regularly perform as a duo or trio and often feature guest artists. Their experience has led them to become celebrated musicians and music professors in South Florida. Guests who RSVP in advance to will have access to an intimate meet-and-greet with the performers in The Martini Bar.

During intermission, a representative from Steinway & Sons will present the Steinway Cultural Achievement Award to Sarah Harrelson in recognition of her important contributions to local arts and culture.

Restaurant Michael Schwartz Live Concert Series is a partnership with Steinway & Sons and a weekly live music program featuring performances by Grammy Award-winning musicians and some of the most in-de demand artists in jazz. For more information, please visit

Restaurant Michael Schwartz Live Concert Series to Feature Brasoul 2/6/14

Restaurant Michael Schwartz Live Concert Series to Feature Brasoul
Thursday, 02/06/2014 – 07:00 pm – 09:00 pm
BrasoulRestaurant Michael Schwartz at The Raleigh Hotel
1775 Collins Ave,
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

Restaurant Michael Schwartz Live Concert Series will feature a performance by Brazilian Jazz artist Brasoul. Brasoul is collaboration between two musicians, Indio Jackson and Paloma Duenas, who combine his talents with percussion, capoeira and Brazilian dance and her soulful voice to bring their own unique spin on popular songs. Guests who RSVP in advance to will have access to an intimate meet-and-greet with Brasoul in The Martini Bar.

During intermission, a representative from Steinway & Sons will present fashion designer Mayda Cisneros with the Steinway Cultural Achievement Award, in recognition of her important contributions to local arts and culture.

Restaurant Michael Schwartz Live Concert Series is a partnership with Steinway & Sons and a weekly live music program featuring performances by Grammy Award-winning musicians and some of the most in-demand artists in jazz. For more information, please visit

Miami Habitat Blitz Build 2/7/14-2/23/14

Miami Habitat Blitz Build
February 7 – February 23, 2013 (See daily build schedule attached)
Habitat Landings Logo 2014Habitat Landings
20400 SW 119th Avenue
South Miami Heights, FL 33177

The launch of the Blitz Build Campaign, a yearly accelerated construction event where ten new homes will be built in two weeks.

Friday, February 7, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami launches its yearly accelerated construction project Blitz Build 2014 presented by Baptist Health South Florida. Between February 7th and the 22nd, more than 1500 volunteers will work alongside Habitat partner families and sponsors in completing ten new Habitat homes.

The ten new homes are the second phase of Habitat’s newest South Miami-Dade community, Habitat Landings, a 45 home community slated to be completed by the end of 2015.

“Blitz brings sponsors, volunteers and our partner families in a wonderful way,” states Mario Artecona, CEO of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami. “To see so many people from so many walks of life working in tandem to help a family is very inspiring. It is our favorite project of the year. The energy is palpable. ”

Blitz Build is made possible through the generous support of corporate and institutional donors who sponsor individual homes. This year’s sponsors include: Anthony R. Abraham Foundation, Assurant, Baptist Hospital South Florida, EverBank, Faith House, The Ortega Foundation, Publix Supermarket Charities and WSVN Channel 7 as well as Co-Sponsors Bank of America, G4S Secure Solutions (USA), Perry Ellis and Presbyterian Churches of America.

Blitz Build 2013 will conclude on February 22nd with a dedication ceremony celebrating the partner families who will be purchasing and residing in the recently completed homes.

Volunteer opportunities are always available with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami. No construction experience needed, just a willingness to help families in need of a decent, affordable place to live. Volunteers will be served breakfast and lunch and will be given t-shirts and mementoes of their participation.

Knight Arts Challenge Community Q&A Sessions 2/3/14-2/11/14

Knight Arts Challenge Community Q&A Sessions
Knight Arts Challenge Q&As-M,D,BMonday, Feb. 3, 7 p.m.
YoungArts, Jewel Box
2100 Biscayne Blvd.
free parking under the YoungArts building

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 7 p.m.
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center, Black Box Theater
10950 SW 211th St., Miami

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 7 p.m.
African Heritage Cultural Arts Center
6161 NW 22nd Ave., Miami

Thursday, Feb. 6, 7 p.m.
Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Nova Southeastern University
One East Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale

Monday, Feb. 10, 1 p.m.
Marathon Government Center
2798 Overseas Hwy. (Mile Marker 48), Marathon

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 7 p.m.
Frost Art Museum at Florida International University
10975 SW 17th St., Miami
(free parking in the Blue Garage)

As a way to recruit ideas from South Florida’s many neighborhoods, Knight Foundation will host a series of Community Q&A sessions from Marathon to Fort Lauderdale. The events, taking place Feb. 3-11, will offer tips on preparing applications, information on the challenge timelines, and a chance to talk to past winners on what gave their submissions an edge. The schedule is below.
“In recent years, we’ve seen a growing number of great ideas from our many neighborhoods—ideas that are bringing the arts into people’s everyday lives,” said Dennis Scholl, Knight Foundation’s vice president for arts. “We want to help ensure that there is art wherever you go in South Florida.”

The Community Q&As will be cohosted by: Bas Fisher Invitational, Cannonball, Miami Light Project, Sweat Records, WPBT2, Miami-Dade Department of Cultural Affairs, ArtSouth, M Ensemble, Black Archives History and Research Foundation, Opa-locka Community Development Corp., Little Haiti Cultural Center, Miramar Cultural Trust, Broward Cultural Council, Art & Culture Center of Hollywood, Florida Keys Council of the Arts, and Florida International University’s music, art, art history and creative writing departments.

The Sunset Tavern Take Over ft. Jim Camacho, The Beethose & The Super Fuzz 1/25/14

The Sunset Tavern Take Over ft. Jim Camacho, The Beethose & The Super Fuzz
Saturday, 01/25/2014 – 01/26/2014 10:00 pm – 02:00 am
Beethose-Rubber-Soul-photoSunset Tavern
7230 SW 59th Ave,
South Miami, Florida 33134
More Info Link
Cost: $0

Jim Camacho will be performing a set of original music backed by locals The Super Fuzz (who will also be performing a set of originals) and be part of a Beatles tribute band – all in one night come Saturday, January 25, 2014 at the Sunset Tavern. The Beethose will perform the entirety of Rubber Soul plus do their Beatles jukebox thing.

The Sunset Tavern is located at 7230 SW 59th Ave., South Miami, FL 33143. For more information, visit or call 305.665.0606.

Typhoon Haiyan Relief Day at Sushi Maki 11/24/13

Typhoon Haiyan Relief Day at Sushi Maki
Sunday, 11/24/2013 – 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm
typhoonRelief_SocialMedia_FORPOSTING-12Sushi Maki
5812 Sunset Drive,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Facebook Link
Cost: Free

Sushi Maki is teaming up with Samaritan’s Purse in the relief efforts for those affected by the typhoon. This Sunday, November 24th, 10% of ALL sales at ALL Sushi Maki locations will be donated to the families affected by the typhoon.

South Florida to be Treated to World Premiere of Mouse King 12/13/13

South Florida to be Treated to World Premiere of Mouse King
Friday, 12/13/2013 – 12/14/2013 07:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Mouse-King-posterMandelstam Theater
8530 SW 57th Ave,
South Miami, Florida 33134
Buy Tickets Link
Cost: $20

Arriving just in time for the holidays, Mouse King – a delightfully entertaining family friendly musical – will make its World Premiere with two special performances at Miami’s Mandelstam Theater (8530 SW 57th Ave, South Miami, FL 33143) on Friday, December 13 at 7 p.m. and on Saturday, December 14 at 3 p.m.

Conceived and created by renowned puppeteer Noel MacNeal – a leading light behind television’s Sesame Street and Disney’s Bear in the Big Blue House – and featuring original music written by South Florida’s highly acclaimed musician and composer Jim Camacho, Mouse King revisits the story of the seasonal favorite The Nutcracker, while adding an entirely different twist.

This original stage spectacular tells the story of The Nutcracker from an as-yet unseen perspective – the point of view of the mice characters – and, in the process, gives that perennial classic an imaginative new emphasis through the lens of modern musical theater. A cast of professional performers and puppeteers and supported by a group of local child actors has been specially selected to bring this family-friendly holiday production to life.

Tickets for Mouse King cost $20 and can be obtained via Brown Paper Tickets: or 800.838.3006.


Noel MacNeal launched his career performing on PBS’s award-winning Sesame Street, where he honed his craft with puppetry legends Jim Henson and Frank Oz. He’s been a performer on Sesame Street for almost thirty years and trains puppeteers in Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Jordan, Palestine, and India and, most recently, Pakistan, for the Sesame Workshop international co-productions of Sesame Street. Noel has also performed with the classic Muppets of The Muppet Show.

For the past decade, Noel has been the spirit and voice of Bear, the gentle and lovable star of the Emmy Award-winning series Disney’s Bear in the Big Blue House and the Disney Channel morning series, Breakfast with Bear. In 2003, Noel received a Daytime Emmy Nomination as Outstanding Performer in a Children’s Series.

His repertoire of characters also includes Kako on the Nick Jr. series Oobi and Blue on Nick Jr.’s Blue’s Room. Other roles include Magellan on the award-winning series Eureeka’s Castle on Nick Jr., Madame Chairbird in the film Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird, Rabbit for Disney Channel’s Emmy Award-winning series The Book of Pooh, Leon on PBS’ The Puzzle Place, and Knock-Knock on The Great Space Coaster. In addition, he’s performed with and/or for: Woody Allen, Bill Cosby, Whoopie Goldberg, Jerry Lewis, Mickey Rooney, Emma Thompson, Wayne Brady, Dave Chappelle, Donny and Marie Osmond, Gilbert Godfrey, Tom Bergeron, Regis and Kelly, and Matt Lauer and Katie Couric. (But not all at once.)

In addition to performing, Noel is a television writer whose scripts have been featured on PBS Kids Sprout’s The Goodnight Show, Disney Channel’s Bear in the Big Blue House, PBS’ The Puzzle Place, The Magic School Bus and Cyberchase, and Nickelodeon’s Eureeka’s Castle and Gullah Gullah Island. He is also a script adviser and consultant for the international versions of Sesame Street, as well as a television director, having directed episodes of Bear in the Big Blue House and PBS Kids Sprout’s The Good Night Show. More recently, he’s added the role of author to his resume with his new, puppet-making book “Ten Minute Puppets with Noel MacNeal,” from Workman Publishing.

Jim Camacho is one of South Florida’s most renowned singers, songwriters and multi-talented musicians. The recent release of a new five-song EP entitled Everywhere (Forward Motion/Broken Records) marked his first collection of new songs since his critically acclaimed album Beachfront Defeat in 2009. It provides yet another example of Camacho’s extraordinary talents, skills he’s demonstrated in his recordings and concerts, as well as his active involvement in theater, film, television, and radio. The recipient of numerous awards – including New Times kudos for “Best Songwriter” and “Best Acoustic Performer,” as well as the publication’s recognition for “Best Album” of 2009 – Camacho has not only been an integral part of the South Florida music scene since the late ‘80s, but also an emerging talent on the national stage.

Camacho marked his entry into theatrical realms, and specifically the musical stage, with his well-received original musical, Fools’ Paradise. The production was previewed in Miami and New York, and a full scale workshop — directed and choreographed by the celebrated artistic wunderkind Jonathan Cerullo — received a full staging. That was followed by Camacho’s second original musical, Guru, which had its preview in Miami. More recently, he created, composed and premiered the critically acclaimed children’s musical The Cavie Islanders & The Troll and later created a children’s adaptation of his original musical Guru entitled The Guru of Gir. The original scores of both of these are to be released on Y&T Records.

Not content to stop there, Camacho worked with Emmy Award-nominated producer and puppeteer Noel MacNeal (Sesame Street, The Muppets) when the two men collaborated on the musical “Tales of Amazing Tricksters” which was performed at New York’s Bronx Zoo in 2012 and their new musical “The Beasts of The Magical World” is currently running there and receiving rave reviews from children and adults alike.

Camacho first made his mark with The Goods, a band that was widely-acknowledged as one of the most impressive outfits to emerge from Florida’s southernmost realms. Protégés of the late, legendary producer Tom Dowd, the band released five albums throughout the ‘90s, including the iconic rock opera 5 Steps to Getting Signed, which won the prestigious “Album of the Year” honors at the Florida Jammy Awards. The single “I’m Not Average” from their critically acclaimed album Mint, reached number one on the Radio & Record charts in Florida, and eventually led to a major label signing with a division of Polygram Records and an extraordinary biographical documentary which aired on VH1.

Continuing to expound upon the engagingly melodic stance he procured with The Goods, Camacho went on to release three highly anticipated solo albums in the new millennium, garnering the Gold Remi award in the Music Video category at the 40th Annual WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival for his song titled “Houdini.” Camacho also contributed to several film and television soundtracks, including the Grammy-nominated, “Tom Dowd & the Language of Music,” Paris Hilton’s “Pledge This,” and “Fatboy,” nominated for “Best Use of Music in a Documentary” accolades at the Sundance Film Festival. What’s more, his song “I Don’t Need You Anymore” (from the album Beachfront Defeat) was featured prominently in the soundtrack for the hit ABC family show “Pretty Little Liars.”

Experience the Vapor Trend at Vapor Zone’s South Miami/Pincrest Grand Opening Party 11/13/13

Experience the Vapor Trend on Wednesday, November 13 at Vapor Zone’s South Miami/Pincrest Grand Opening Party
Wednesday, 11/13/2013 – 11/13/2013 05:30 pm – 07:30 pm
Vapor-Zone-Opening-Invite-draft-7.01Vapor Zone
9473 South Dixie Hwy ,
Miami, Florida 33156
Webpage Link
Cost: 0.00

On November 13, Vapor Zone will be taking the “vaping” trend to South Miami/Pincrest! Come out and enjoy complimentary cocktails and Hor D’Oeurves while experiencing our Vapor Zone flavor bar. This unique flavor bar features 50 different choices that will allow you to mix, match, and create your own personal e-cigarette blend. So join us from 5:30- 7:30 pm to create fun concoctions anywhere from juicy peach and whipped cream, to marshmallow crackers combined with chocolate smores, plus many more!

WHAT: Vapor Zone’s Grand Opening Party

WHEN: November 13, 2013 – 5:30 -7:30pm

WHERE : VaporZone | 9473 South Dixie Hwy | Pincrest/South Miami


Vapor Zones Grand Opening Party 11/13/13

Vapor Zones Grand Opening Party
Wednesday, 11/13/2013 – 05:30 pm – 07:30 pm
Vapor-Zone-Opening-Invite-draft-7.0Vapor Zone
9473 South Dixie Highway,
Miami , Florida 33156
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

MIAMI’S FIRST E-SMOKE FLAVOR BAR OPENS IN MIAMI ON Wednesday, November 13 — Vapor Zone’s to feature over 50 flavors of which guests can mix their own personal blend.

On November 13, Vapor Zone will be introducing the “vaping” trend to South Miami!

This unique flavor bar features 50 different choices that will allow guests to mix, match, and create your own personal e-cigarette blend.

GRAND OPENING EVENT – 5:30- 7:30 pm with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and open flavor bar to to create concoctions ranging from from juicy peach and whipped cream, to marshmallow crackers combined with chocolate smores, plus many more!

For those trying to kick the habit, guests are encouraged to ‘Smash the Pack’ and trade in their cigerettes for a complimentary Vapor Zone Vaporizer — quanitites limited.


Monc + Fashion = Love Fundraiser and Fashion Show for Becca’s Closet 11/21/13

Monc + Fashion = Love Fundraiser and Fashion Show for Becca’s Closet
Thursday, 11/21/2013 – 11/21/2013 06:00 pm – 09:00 pm
MoncFashion_updatedMonc Boutique
7222 Red Road,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

SOUTH MIAMI – Monc Boutique, a trendy women’s clothing store, will host a fashion show and fundraiser at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21 to benefit Becca’s Closet, a nonprofit that provides formal dresses for young women in need.

The owners of Monc Boutique, which opened earlier this year in South Miami’s “boutique district”, hopes to raise money and awareness for Becca’s Closet and encourage young women of all backgrounds to aim high and dream big. The women’s clothing store is also collecting donations of women’s formal dresses for Becca’s Closet through the event on Nov. 21.

CBS4 anchor Summer Knowles will host the fashion fundraiser that will feature successful young businesswomen modeling Monc Boutique fashions. Annie Vazquez, of The Fashion Poet, a well-known fashion blogger, will moderate the fashion show.

Event Details
Who: Monc Boutique with CBS4 morning anchor Summer Knowles and Anne Vazquez of the Fashion Poet
What: Monc + Fashion = Love Fundraiser and Fashion Show for Becca’s Closet
Where: Monc Boutique, 7222 Red Road, South Miami
When: 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21
Cost: No cost.
Event Highlights:
Ongoing Dress Donation through Thursday, Nov. 21
Fashion Show featuring fashion bloggers moderated by Annie Vazquez, The Fashion Poet
Complimentary hair styling by SoBlo Blowdry Bar
Music by DJ Nelson Cabrera
Nibbles by Carmen & Lola and 2 Girls and a Cupcake
Raffle featuring LVS Salon, Shula’s 247, Monc Boutique, and Tada Kidz Boutique

About Monc Boutique
Monc Boutique started in 2013 with three young women who traveled the world and experienced firsthand the changes in fashion trends. After moving to Miami and looking for a unique fashion store, they realized that when something isn’t available it must be created. This is when Monc Boutique was born. Visit
Social Media

South Miami Art Festival 11/2/13-11/3/13

The 42nd Annual South Miami Art Festival
ArtFestLogoNovember 2-3, 2013.
72nd Avenue (Sunset Drive)
downtown South Miami, Florida
Cost: Free

This is by far the biggest Chamber South event! We have over 50,000 visitors who come through the Art Festival over the course of the two days. Celebrating our 42nd year on the quaint streets of downtown South Miami, this juried fine art show featured nationally recognized artists and is a favorite annual event for residents and visitors alike.

Winn-Dixie Family Fun Day Featuring Miami Heat Forward James Jones and Burnie The Mascot 10/26/13

Winn-Dixie Family Fun Day Featuring Miami Heat Forward James Jones and Burnie The Mascot
Saturday, 10/26/2013 – 01:00 pm – 03:00 pm
WD-Family-Fun-Day1Winn-Dixie Store #387
18801 S.W. 117th Avenue,
Miami, Florida 33177
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

Two Winn-Dixie stores in Miami will welcome Miami Heat Forward James Jones as part of Family Fun Day celebrations at both stores. Neighbors are invited to join the stores in welcoming Jones for an afternoon featuring a meet and greet with the Heat favorite, a visit from Burnie, the Heat mascot, delicious food tastings including grilled sampling provided by Bubba Burger, a live radio remote from MIX 98.3 FM, Pepsi sampling and giveaways, face painting and more!

Join us for the Grand Opening Celebration of Miro’s Boutique in South Miami 10/11/13

Join us for the Grand Opening Celebration of Miro’s Boutique in South Miami
Friday, 10/11/2013 – 06:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Miro’s Boutique
7216 Red Road,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link
Cost: Free

WHO: Miro’s Boutique, South Miami’s new women’s multi-brand boutique, is celebrating its grand opening this Friday, October 11th at 6 PM.

WHAT: Catering to the chic, contemporary shopper with an international flair, Miro’s brings a unique collection of carefully curated designers originating from all over the world with influences from Singapore, Russia, London, Italy and France. This Friday, from 6 PM – 9 PM, enjoy cocktails, light bites, and receive 10% off all purchases when shopping the latest fall trends from David Peck, Catherine Deane, Harlyn, DL1961 Denim, Renzo + Kai, L.A.M.B., Emerson Thorpe, WREN, SW3 Bespoke, Maliparmi, Tolani, ONE by La Maison, Marna Ro, Madison Marcus, Aijek, and more.

A variety of both one-of-a-kind and on-trend jewelry designers and accessories are showcased including Gypsy Jewelry, House of Harlow, Yosi Samra, and Roni Blanshay, along with Miro’s Private Label of exquisite handbags and accessories. The main focus at Miro’s is to offer an unparalleled shopping experience with distinctive style, personalized service and uncompromised satisfaction. On display for the evening will be five Microcars produced in the factory of German aircraft manufacturer Messerschmitt.

WHEN: Friday, October 11th from 6 PM – 9 PM

WHERE: Miro’s Boutique

7216 Red Road South Miami, FL 33143

ASPCA Mega Match-A-Thon 10/19/13

ASPCA Mega Match-A-Thon
Saturday, 10/19/2013 – 10/19/2013 09:00 am – 09:00 pm
3x3-Match-a-Thon-2013-2Tropical Park
7900 Bird Road,
Miami, Florida 33155
Webpage Link
Cost: 0.00

The Nationwide ASPCA’s Mega Match-a-thon comes to Miami! On Saturday, October 19, from 09:00am till 09:00pm, the Humane Society of Greater Miami, Miami-Dade Animal Services, and Cat Network, together with rescue groups from all over South Florida will hold a 12 hour adoption marathon where 500 deserving animals will be available for adoption. Sponsored by the ASPCA, the event will take place at Tropical Park, 7900 Bird Road in Miami. Who will you take home? There will be a Kid’s Arena, entertainment and refreshments for everyone. Admission is free and complimentary parking is available in the park.

The Chapman Leadership Honors 10/3/13

The Chapman Leadership Honors
Sunday, 10/03/2013 – 06:30 pm –
FIU Graham Center Ballrooms
11200 SW 8th St. ,
Miami, Florida 33199
Webpage Link
Cost: Free, registration is available online

Alberto Ibargüen will receive this year’s Transcendent Leader Award presented by the Center for Leadership at Florida International University. He will be recognized at The Chapman Leadership Honors, an annual event named for Alvah H. Chapman, Jr., a businessman who championed arts, education and social causes that continue to benefit society.

Ibargüen is president and CEO of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, which supports transformational ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media innovation, engage communities and foster the arts. The Chapman Leadership Honors offers the opportunity to learn from Ibargüen firsthand as each year’s honoree is asked to give the keynote address at the event which begins at 6:30 p.m. on October 3, 2013 at FIU’s Graham Center Ballrooms, 11200 SW 8th Street, Miami, Fla. The event is free and open to the public, but seating will be limited. Registration is available online.

Rok:Brgr Celebrates 1 Year of Rok in Miami 9/27/13

Rok:Brgr Celebrates 1 Year of Rok in Miami
Friday, 09/27/2013 – 07:00 pm – 09:00 pm
5800 SW 73rd Street,,
Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link

Rok:Brgr Miami invites you to a party celebrating 1 year of Rok in Miami. Join us Friday, September 27th from 7pm to 9pm for an exclusive happy hour anniversary party.

Guests will enjoy free drinks, live music by DJ Hans, and all the tasty selections on the Rok:Brgr menu. The event will take place at Rok:Brgr’s Miami location at 5800 SW 73rd ST, Miami, FL 33143, and is open to the public.

Ra Sushi South Miami Official Back To School Party 8/29/13

Ra Sushi South Miami Official Back To School Party
Thursday, August 29 from 7 p.m. to close
schoolRA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL 33143.

Food Specials:
$4 – Pineapple Wontons
$6 – Sunset Roll – spicy tuna & cucumber rolled & topped with crunchy tempura bits
$6 – Seaside Roll – spicy shrimp & cucumber rolled & topped with shrimp
$7 – Crispy Asian Tacos (choice of)
– Fish
– Chicken
$7 – “RA”ckin’ Shrimp

Drink Specials:
$1 – Hot Sake
$4 – Sapporo/Sapporo Light (12oz)
$5 – Endless Summer Nights Sangria (Red/White)
$5 – Frozen Cocktails
$5 – Dragon Bite
$6 – Kirin/Kirin Light (22oz)

Before life becomes consumed with late night cramming sessions or running the kids around to after school activities, get a gold star for attendance at RA Sushi in South Miami’s “Back to School Party” on Thursday, August 29 beginning at 7 p.m. Whether you need one last hurrah before hitting the books or you’re celebrating because the kids are finally out of the house, then it’s time to ring in the school year RA Sushi style! Located at 5829 SW 73rd St., RA Sushi in South Miami will host a Back to School Party featuring themed food and drink specials, a guest DJ and a chance to win a gift card to help with all of your “back-to-school” shopping!

Back-to-school season definitely has its benefits and RA Sushi’s Back to School Party is one of them! Fill up on some serious brain food with a wide variety of food specials. Try Professor Pineapple’s Wontons ($4), School House Shrimp ($7) or Teacher’s Chicken or Fish Tacos ($6). RA Sushi even has a roll with your name on it! Try the Dean’s Roll ($6) with spicy tuna and cucumber rolled and topped with crunchy tempura bits or the Honor Roll ($6) featuring spicy shrimp and cucumber rolled and topped with shrimp. RA Sushi’s “chemists” will be mixing up some potent $5 concoctions, including All-Nighter Sangria, Brain Freeze Cocktails and the Bookworm Bite, or order a School Girl Hot Sake ($1), Sapporo/Sapporo Light ($4) or Kirin/Kirin Light ($6).

A guest DJ will spin mind-numbing beats all night long. Plus, enter RA Sushi’s free drawing for a chance to win one of five $50 gift cards.

Panda Express Fundraiser for CSN 8/13/13

Panda Express Fundraiser for CSN
Tuesday, 08/13/2013 – 12:00 pm – 10:00 am
PandaFlyerPanda Express
10821 SW 72nd St. ,
Miami, Florida 33173
Cost: 0

Come out to Panda Express anytime between 12 noon & 10pm on Tuesday August 13, 2012. 20% of your meal purchase will help support the goals of Children Survival Network.

*You MUST PRESENT THE FLYER to the cashier in order for Children’s Survival Network to receive credit for your purchase* (PRINT the flyer of the facebook event photo)

Thank you! We appreciate your support!

MantraFest 2013 with Deva Premal and Miten 9/28/13-9/29/13

MantraFest 2013 – Deva Premal & Miten
mantrafestSaturday, September 28, 2013 at 7 pm
Sunday, September 29, 2013 at 2pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Miami, Florida 33189

Tickets $30 and up
Click Here to purchase tickets for Saturday
Click Here to purchase tickets for Sunday
To get the 10% discount, enter BRIGHTSTAR913 in the "Coupon Code" box and hit "add code".

Get ready to experience the beauty and bliss of the world’s most sacred mantras. MantraFest 2013 promises to be a truly historic event, bringing together for the first time two visionary musical ensembles, led by three chief architects of the sacred chant phenomenon that has energized the yoga and meditation alternative movement in recent years—Deva Premal, Miten and GuruGanesha. Purchase your tickets early for the best sacred chant concert in South Florida of the year!

You can get a 10% discount on the best seats in the house starting today and ending on July 7th! Don’t wait.

Opening Reception: Heart 4 Heart at Isabel’s 6/28/13

Opening Reception: Heart 4 Heart at Isabel’s
KatieFriday, June 28th, 6:00-8:00 PM
Isabel, Fine Home Accessories
7334 Red Road
South Miami, FL
RSVP on Facebook

Please join us at the opening reception of Katie Mas’ oil paintings, “SHADOWS”

Katie will donate profits from the sale of her paintings to the Heart 4 Heart Foundation.

We look forward to seeing you!

Orchids in the Park 5/25/13

Orchids in the Park
Saturday, 05/25/2013, 10:00 am – 05:00 pm
Orchids-in-the-Park-2013-sale-announcement-card-1Dante Fascell Park
8600 SW 57th Ave (Red Road) ,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link

Our 15th Annual Orchids in the Park fundraiser to benefit Project Cradle, a program at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Infectious Disease and Immunology, that provides assistance to children and young adults living with HIV/AIDS. You’ll find great plants, great prices and help a great cause. The sale features numerous types of plants and orchids for sale, including rare and exotic species. Visa/Mastercard, cash and checks (w/proper identification) will be accepted. If you don’t have a green thumb, or growing orchids is not easy for you, stop by and say hello anyway, the world famous Orchid Doctor will be available for free consultations, as well as potting and mounting demonstrations.

You can even make a tax deductible donation during your visit and enjoy all the beautiful plants, while helping a worthy cause.

Annual Holistic Health Fund Walk & Expo 5/19/13

Annual Holistic Health Fund Walk & Expo
Sunday, 05/19/2013, 07:30 am – 06:00 pm
2013HHWLOGOTropical Park
7900 SW Bird Road,
Miami, Florida Miami
Webpage Link

Join the fun for the whole family:
2nd Annual Holistic Health Walk and Expo MAY 19, 2013 at Tropical Park
Registration for 5k walk begins at 7:30 . Bala Vinyasa Yoga will be facilitating Rise and Shine Yoga at 8 am!

Walk for a Healthier Mind…
Walk for a Healthier Body…
Walk for a Healthier Spirit…
Walk for a Healthier Earth…
100% of Proceeds to Benefit the Holistic Health Fund, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization Raising Awareness, Access and Affordability for Holistic Health.

$10 Ticket Includes Raffle Ticket, Walk, Free Treatments and Expo!

Meet Mind, Body, Spirit and Earth Exhibitors and attend workshops given in both English and Spanish.
There will be holistic workshops for the kids & Kidz Zone for fun, come meet “Holly the Holistic Super Hero”
Additionally, South Miami Physical Therapy & Pilates will be hosting a Free Mat Pilates Clinic at the Expo.
Stay refreshed with 7 Burpee Hydration Stations! Sponsored by Seitlin.
all this and so much more!

To learn more about the Event Schedule, please visit:

Raffle Giveaways Announced HOURLY between 11 am – 5 pm!
40” HD TV, Dinners, 2 (2 day)Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure Tickets, Holistic Treatments, Gym Memberships, Workshops, Products & More Added Weekly on Our Site!

To Volunteer, Sponsor or Start Your Own Team, Please Visit:

Help us help you…make holistic health affordable for all. “Because When there’s Health, there’s No Need for a Cure.”

Culture Shock Miami Presents Street Beat 7/13/13

Culture Shock Miami Presents Street Beat
Street_BeatSaturday, July 13, 8pm (Mainstage)
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Cutler Bay, FL 33189

$5 for ages 13-22 available through
$15-$10 tickets for the general public available at

For the first time, Culture Shock Miami presents its own show: Street Beat!
It is a kinetic, maximum energy explosion of urban rhythm and dance, using everything from broomsticks to trash can covers for a unique evening of percussion and movement.

Street Beat is as intimate as a heartbeat and as boisterously crowd-pleasing as the best party you’ve ever been to!

Students 13-22, when you purchase a $5 ticket for yourself, you can purchase another $5 ticket for a companion of any age to join you.

Underground Music 5/1/13

Underground Music
Wednesday, 05/01/2013, 12:00 am – 05:00 am
419261_10151584669837259_1122191593_nWALL H24 FACT
W South Beach
2201 collins ave
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Facebook Link

First Time ever The Wall in South Beach is opening on a Wednesday for the Underground House Music.

Why is this? Because the Wall has always been ahead of every club in Miami and there are true believers of the underground music movement and they have a chance to share their love and appreciation to the community of Miami by doing this.

RA Sushi in South Miami’s “Tax Day Monday” Happy Hour 4/15/13

RA Sushi in South Miami’s “Tax Day Monday” Happy Hour
Sunday, 04/15/2013, 03:00 pm –
RA_Taxday-promo_2RA Sushi South Miami
5829 SW 73rd Street,
Miami, Florida 33134
Webpage Link

With tax season coming to an end, RA Sushi in South Miami has the perfect way for you to celebrate and eliminate that built-up stress. On the tax return deadline of Monday, April 15, RA Sushi is offering a “Tax Day Monday” special. From 3 p.m. to close, “Tax Day Monday” guests can choose from more than 35 sushi, appetizer and tapas selections, ranging from $2.25 to $7.25, plus a wide variety of beer, wine, sake and signature cocktails ranging from $3 to $7. The Tax Day Monday special is available for dine in orders only at RA Sushi in South Miami (5829 Southwest 73 St.).
Popular Happy Hour items include dishes such as the Tootsy Maki, the Viva Las Vegas Roll, Sweet Onion Salmon Tapas and Kaisen Ceviche. RA’s creative cocktail menu features many favorites, including the Blushing Geisha, Shiso Naughty and Dragon Bite.

Miami Watercolor Society The 40th Annual Spring Exhibition 4/12/13

Miami Watercolor Society The 40th Annual Spring Exhibition 
spring2013aOpening Reception: Friday, April 12, 2013, 6-9 pm
The Wirtz Gallery
First Bank of South Miami
5750 Sunset Drive, South Miami, FL
Facebook Invite 
Web Page

Join us for the opening reception and light refreshments!
Exhibition runs through April 26, 2013
Bank hours: Monday – Thursday 9-4 pm, Friday 9-6 pm

Mega- Pet-Adoption Event 4/6/13

Mega- Pet-Adoption Event
Saturday, 04/06/2013, 09:00 am – 09:00 am
Mega-Match-A-Thon-4x6-Postcard-13-1Tropical Park
7900 SW 40th Street,
Miami, Florida 33155
Webpage Link

Every animal lover’s fantasy is coming true! Following the amazing success of 726 furr-ever, loving and happy homes found at the two Mega Adoption Events hosted last year, Miami’s Mega Pet Adoption Event is back again at Tropical park!

Sponsored by ASPCA, the event will be held on Saturday, April 06, 2013 from 09:00am till 09:00pm – without stopping – and will have more than 500 homeless animals of all breeds, sizes, colors and personalities, and all eager to find a forever home. The marathon adoption of puppies and kittens will kick-off the festivities at 09:00am (Who will you take home?)

The ASPCA, the Humane Society of Greater Miami, Miami-Dade Animal Services, and The Cat Network, together with rescue groups from all over South Florida, will host the event in Tropical Park, 7900 Bird Road in Miami. This is a family affair with a Kid’s Arena, presented by Pet Supermarket, complete with fun games for children of all ages.

17th Annual Strike Against Chld Abuse Bowling Tournament 6/15/13

17th Annual Strike Against Chld Abuse Bowling Tournament
Saturday, 06/15/2013, 12:30 pm – 03:30 pm
StrikeAgainstChildAbuse_CharityBowlingFlyerJPGBird Bowl
9275 SW 40th Street,
Miami, Florida 33165
Webpage Link

Now in its 17th year, this awesome bowling event brings together friends, family and colleagues for a little friendly competition on the lanes. All ages and skill levels welcome. Each lane is $350 and includes three games of bowling, shoe rental and lunch for four people. Proceeds benefit Family Resource Center of South Florida, a charity that cares for local kids who have suffered child abuse and neglect. Top three highest scoring bowling teams go home with trophies, but everyone is sure to have a great time. Plus over 100 chances to win at the silent auction and raffle!

RA Sushi in South Miami’s Mardi RA 2/12/13

RA Sushi in South Miami’s Mardi RA
Tuesday, 02/12/2013, 07:00 pm – 11:00 pm
RA_MM_MARDI_122112.inddRA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Facebook Link

ead over to RA Sushi in South Miami on Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013, from 7 p.m. to close to celebrate RA’s version of Fat Tuesday with “Mardi RA.” During the event, enjoy New Orleans-themed food and drink specials, festive décor and entertainment.

Get in the spirit by dressing in Mardi Gras attire and throwing on some colorful beads. A special guest DJ will keep the crowd going all night long.

Take a bite out of “The Big Easy” with a variety of one-night-only spicy food specials. “Mardi RA” dishes include the Spicy Chicken and Shishito Green Necklace, a noodle dish tossed with chicken, green and red bell peppers, onion, garlic, chili sesame sauce, and shishito peppers, garnished with Sriracha and black sesame seeds ($7). The Chili Shrimp Roll is an amped up Viva Las Vegas Roll topped with spicy crab mix, crispy spicy shrimp, cilantro, jalapeno, and Sriracha ($8). Enjoy the Beef Kushiyaki, three beef skewers with green and red bell peppers and onion, tossed in teriyaki sauce ($9).

Tame the heat from these spicy dishes with two special cocktails that give a nod to New Orleans: The Southern Julep, made with Southern Comfort, Makers Mark, simple syrup and mint ($8); and the HurRAcane, featuring Southern Comfort, fresh fruit juices, lemon lime soda, simple syrup and grenadine ($8).

RA Sushi in South Miami’s first-ever Foodies Show Heart charity cooking competition 2/13/13

RA Sushi in South Miami’s first-ever Foodies Show Heart charity cooking competition
Wednesday, 02/13/2013, 07:00 pm – 09:00 pm
MM_FSH_EMAIL_FINALRA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Facebook Link

SIX Savvy Foodies
ONE Secret Ingredient

RA Sushi in South Miami present its 1st ever “FOODIES SHOW HEART” charity cooking competition.

WHO: Six prominent, local culinary writers, food bloggers and media personalities.

THE RULES: Contestants must team up with a RA Sushi chef to create and name their “ultimate” signature sushi roll.

THE CATCH: Each roll must incorporate a secret, seasonal ingredient.

THE JUDGES: You! Attendees at the celebration will serve as the judging panel. Each guest will receive ONE token to vote on the best tasting, cutest looking, most creative sushi roll.

THE CAUSE: Each contestant is competing on behalf of a separate philanthropic organization. The champion’s dish will be added to RA Sushi in South Miami’s menu for 30 days, during which a portion of proceeds from the sale of that item will benefit the creator’s charity of choice.

THE FUN: Aside from noshing on sushi made by an expert panel of your favorite foodies, the celebration will feature music by a special guest DJ and extended Happy Hour pricing until close.


– Laine Doss, lead Food & Spirits Reporter at Miami New Times and Broward/Palm Beach New Times, as well as contributor to Food Network and Cooking Channel – competing on behalf of Tri County Humane Society, a 100 percent no-kill organization saving lives of animals in Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Martin counties.

– Linda Gassenheimer, TV and radio personality at WLRN 91.3 and “Dinner In Minutes” columnist at The Miami Herald, is an award-winning author of 16 cookbooks, including The Flavors of the Florida Keys and Fast and Flavorful: Great Diabetes Meals from Market to Table – competing on behalf of Camillus House, a full-service center that has provided humanitarian services to the indigent and homeless populations of Miami-Dade County for more than 50 years.

– Jen Karetnick, Dining Critic at MIAMI Magazine and Miami’s longest-running food critic, she has written about food and travel national publications and websites including Food Network’s City Eats,, and Southern Living ¬– competing on behalf of Doctors Without Borders, an international medical humanitarian organization that provides independent, impartial assistance in more than 60 countries.

– Lydia Martin, “Lunch with Lydia” columnist for The Miami Herald, has lunched with celebs such as Jennifer Lopez, Lil’ Kim, Penelope Cruz, Will Smith, Sting and Celia Cruz, along with a who’s who of food world personalities, from Ferran Adria and Alain Ducasse to Anthony Bourdain – competing on behalf of Pridelines Youth Services, an organization dedicated to supporting, educating and empowering South Florida’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth in a safe and diverse environment.

– Jacquelynn Powers, Editorial Director of and a longtime food writer for Ocean Drive Magazine, The Daily Beast, AOL and Urban Daddy, her interview subjects include Emeril Lagasse, Padma Lakshmi and Wolfgang Puck – competing on behalf of Mourning Family Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Alonzo and Tracy Mourning to better serve South Florida communities and its children.

– Johnny Todd, Miami Community Director at Yelp and urban explorer seeking the best that local businesses have to offer, Todd has also bested Chicago foodies in two “Iron Cook” competitions (Citrus and Autumn) – competing on behalf of Year Up, a an organization that seeks to close the Opportunity Divide by providing urban young adults with the skills, experience, and support that will empower them to reach their true potential.

The event is free with RSVP to

Space is limited!

Foodies Show Heart Charity Cooking Competition at RA Sushi In South Miami 2/13/13

Foodies Show Heart Charity Cooking Competition
foodiesWednesday, Feb. 13, 2013, from 7 to 9 p.m.
RA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL 33143

For more information, please call 305.341.0092 or visit The event is free with RSVP to and space is limited.

RA Sushi in South Miami is proud to announce that it will host its first-ever “Foodies Show Heart” charity cooking competition one day prior to Valentine’s Day. The tasting event will pit six prominent, local culinary writers and bloggers against each other in a battle for a noble cause. Using one secret seasonal ingredient, the contestants will be paired with a RA Sushi chef to create and name their signature roll. The public will serve as the judging panel during the celebration, with each attendee receiving one token to vote on the best sushi roll. The champion’s dish will be added to RA Sushi in South Miami’s menu for 30 days, and a portion of proceeds from the sale of that item will benefit the creator’s charity of choice.
The panel of contestants for the first-ever “Foodies Show Heart” includes:
·         Laine Doss, lead Food & Spirits Reporter at Miami New Times and Broward/Palm Beach New Times, as well as contributor to Food Network and Cooking Channel – competing on behalf of Tri County Humane Society, a 100 percent no-kill organization saving lives of animals in Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Martin counties.
·         Linda Gassenheimer, TV and radio personality at WLRN 91.3 and “Dinner In Minutes” columnist at The Miami Herald, is an award-winning author of 16 cookbooks, including The Flavors of the Florida Keys and Fast and Flavorful: Great Diabetes Meals from Market to Table – competing on behalf of Camillus House, a full-service center that has provided humanitarian services to the indigent and homeless populations of Miami-Dade County for more than 50 years.
·         Jen Karetnick, Dining Critic at MIAMI Magazine and Miami’s longest-running food critic, she has written about food and travel national publications and websites including Food Network’s City Eats,, and Southern Living – competing on behalf of Doctors Without Borders, an international medical humanitarian organization that provides independent, impartial assistance in more than 60 countries.
·         Lydia Martin, “Lunch with Lydia” columnist for The Miami Herald, has lunched with celebs such as Jennifer Lopez, Lil’ Kim, Penelope Cruz, Will Smith, Sting and Celia Cruz, along with a who’s who of food world personalities, from Ferran Adria and Alain Ducasse to Anthony Bourdain – competing on behalf of Pridelines Youth Services, an organization dedicated to supporting, educating and empowering South Florida’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth in a safe and diverse environment.
·         Jacquelynn Powers, Editorial Director of and a longtime food writer for Ocean Drive Magazine, The Daily Beast, AOL and Urban Daddy, her interview subjects include Emeril Lagasse, Padma Lakshmi and Wolfgang Puck – competing on behalf of Mourning Family Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Alonzo and Tracy Mourning to better serve South Florida communities and its children.
·         Johnny Todd, Miami Community Director at Yelp and urban explorer seeking the best that local businesses have to offer, Todd has also bested Chicago foodies in two "Iron Cook" competitions (Citrus and Autumn) – competing on behalf of Year Up, a an organization that seeks to close the Opportunity Divide by providing urban young adults with the skills, experience, and support that will empower them to reach their true potential.
The celebration continues at RA Sushi in South Miami with extended Happy Hour pricing from 7 p.m. to close, as well as beats by a local DJ.

Shireen Sandoval and Trina Robinson host VIP Reception benefiting Dressed for Success 1/26/13

Shireen Sandoval and Trina Robinson to host VIP Reception
147Saturday, January 26th
6:00 p.m. VIP Reception  
8:00 p.m. Sweet Honey in the Rock Performance
The South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 Southwest 211th Street
Cutler Bay, FL 33189.

VIP tickets are $65, which includes a ticket to the show and a percentage of these ticket sales will benefit DFS Miami.  Tickets may also be purchased by visiting or at the box office at (786) 573-5300.

The South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center is proud to partner with Dress for Success Miami (DFS Miami) for a special pre-show reception that will officially give way to a spectacular performance by the internationally-renowned, Grammy Award-winning, a cappella singing group SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK®. The evening will commence with red carpet arrivals at 6pm followed by a champagne and wine reception provided by Diageo, sumptuous passed hors d’oeuvres by An Affair to Remember, beverage service provided by The Catering Shop, Inc., music by Luis Fundora of Level 5 Entertainment and the presentation of special awards to the members of the PWG (Professionals Women’s Group). Dress for Success is excited to welcome television personalities, Shireen Sandoval and Trina Robinson as the official hosts for the reception. VIP tickets are $65, which includes a ticket to the show and a percentage of these ticket sales will benefit DFS Miami.

RA Sushi in South Miami’s Skinny Pairing 1/1/13-2/28/13

RA Sushi in South Miami’s Skinny Pairing
Tuesday, 01/01/2013 – Thursday, 02/28/2013
RA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link

With an abundance of temptations, it’s nearly impossible to count calories during the holiday season! Happy hours, office goodies and family feasts can wreak havoc on anyone’s waistline. For those with a New Year’s resolution to regain their willpower, RA Sushi in South Miami is tempting guests with a Skinny Pairing, featuring a Hitokuchi Sashimi and Shrimp Plate and a choice of one of three new low-calorie cocktails – Colada-teenie, Skinny Cucumberita or Blueberry Fizz.

Translating to “one-bite,” the Hitokuchi Sashimi and Shrimp Plate fill guests without the worry of gaining any extra pounds. At less than 200 calories, fourteen bite-size pieces of fresh tuna, yellowtail and salmon sashimi, plus shrimp, are garnished with micro greens. Wash the dish down with one of RA’s guilt-free libations. Slenderized to feature less than 160 calories each, the Colada-teenie, Blueberry Fizz and Skinny Cucumberita are so full of flavor, the extra calories won’t be missed. A guilt-free tropical experience, the Colada-teenie is a mix of SKYY Coconut and Pineapple, all-natural agave nectar, and fruit juices. A refreshing pick-me-up, the Blueberry Fizz features Pama and Stoli Blueberi, mixed with freshly muddled blueberries, raspberries and tart citrus. A low-calorie twist on RA’s popular margarita, the Skinny Cucumberita is crafted with Patron Silver, Citronage and agave nectar, muddled together with fresh cucumber slices and lime.

Priced at $18 each for the Hitokuchi Sashimi and Shrimp Plate and a choice of one skinny cocktail, the Skinny Pairing will be available from Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, 2013 at the RA Sushi in South Miami location at 5829 SW 73rd St., Miami, FL 33143. For more information, please call 305.341.0092 or visit

VIP Musical Event Benefiting Dress For Success Hosted by Shirleen Sandoval with Sweet Honey in the Rock 1/26/13

VIP Musical Event Benefiting Dress For Success Hosted by Shirleen Sandoval with Sweet Honey in the Rock
sweethoneyJanuary 26th
6pm – VIP Reception
8pm – Sweet Honey In the Rock performance
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 Southwest 211th Street
Miami, FL 33189

VIP Tickets are $65.00. Purchase Online.

Inviting you to join us in support of Dress for Success Miami with a pre-show reception with Sweet Honey and hosted by Shireen Sandoval from WSVN’s popular entertainment show Deco Drive on January 26th at 6pm.

VIP Tickets are $65.00 and the pre-show reception will begin at 6pm prior to the 8pm show. (proceeds will benefit the DFS Miami Professional Women’s Group (PWG), an international networking association for Dress for Success clients who have recently entered the workforce, some for the first time).

The Sweet Honey in the Rock capella group has been performing together for 40 years, their musical history is rooted in a deeply held commitment to create music out of the rich textures of African American legacy and traditions. Capturing the sounds of Blues, spirituals, traditional gospel hymns, rap, reggae, African chants, Hip Hop, ancient lullabies, and jazz.

SMDCC state-of-the-art facilities are a world-class, multi-disciplinary cultural venue and community gathering place in Homestead.

The PWG was created to promote employment retention and career advancement by providing valuable skill-building information while creating a safe environment in which members can network with other professionals.  It is the first and only employment retention model that moves low-income women towards self-sufficiency by addressing their social and economic needs in relation to work, home and community.

RA-ckin’ New Year’s Eve at RA Sushi in South Miami 12/31/12

rackin“RA”ckin’ New Year’s Eve @ RA Sushi in South Miami
Monday, Dec. 31, 2012, from 7 p.m. to close
RA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL 33143
Facebook Link.

RA Sushi Bar Restaurant invites New Year’s Eve revelers to “RA”ck the night away at its South Miami location. Enjoy a DJ spinning the latest hits and delicious New Year’s Eve-themed food and drink specials.

Start your night off with RA food specials, including Firework Shrimp ($8), the “RA”solution Roll ($6), Stroke of Midnight Maki ($5), and Edamame Eve Dip ($4). Enjoy a variety of drink specials, such as the Midnight Kiss ($7), dragonberry rum muddled with fresh berries, raspberry liqueur and fresh juices, or $6 Ball Droppin’ Bombers (Kirin/Kirin Light and Sake), with the option to add apple, mango, melon or raspberry flavor for $1.

Other festive libations include the Frozen Yuzu (Sauza Tequila blended with premium citrus sour mix and Japanese Yuzu, available in blue yuzu, mango and strawberry) and Miyagi Midnight Margarita (Sauza Gold Tequila shaken with house-made yuzu, premium citrus sour mix, fresh lime juice and triple sec, offered in traditional (yuzu), mango, strawberry and cucumber flavors) ($5).

Bachaco Acoustic Sessions @ Bougainvillea’s 12/9/12

Bachaco Acoustic Sessions @ Bougainvillea’s
Sunday, 12/09/2012, 10:00 pm – 03:00 am
7221 SW 58 AVE, South Miami, Florida 33143,
South Miami, Florida 33143
Webpage Link

BACHACO brings the fun back to Sundays this upcoming December 9th when the band will be performing a rare acoustic set in South Miami’s favorite spot for Live Music: Bougainvillea’s

Come out to relax an enjoy this exclusive acoustic session as the band goes over the very best of their repertoire you will be able to sing along to! For more info visit:

A Taste of Dance – Karen Peterson and Dancers 12/1/12

A Taste of Dance – Karen Peterson and Dancers
Saturday, 12/01/2012, 07:00 pm – 10:00 pm
KPD-DancersExcello Dance Space
8700 SW 129 Terrace,
Miami, Florida 33176
Webpage Link

Karen Peterson and Dancers (Florida’s mixed-abilities dance company) welcome you to a performance event and fundraiser for a new educational program for students with special needs. This event marks the first-time ever that the company’s senior dance members perform alongside the new season’s younger interns, aged 15-25.

Ticket sales will support the new “Talent Showcase,” a fifteen-week dance program for 225 middle and high school teens with special needs in the Miami-Dade Public Schools. The residency program provides movement classes taught by professional dance artists, culminating in a community performance. Tickets are $35 in advance, available via PayPal at (http://www.karenpeterson…) and $40 at the door.

The Miami Symphony Orchestra Concert of Divertimento 11/10/12-11/11/12

The Miami Symphony Orchestra Concert of Divertimento
Divertimento_MISO 11novNovember 10, 8:00pm
Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Performing Arts Center
10910 SW 17th Street
Miami, Florida 33199
November 11, 4:00pm
South Miami-Dade 
Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211th Street
Miami, FL 33189

The Miami Symphony Orchestra continues offering South Florida a magnificent season with another amazing concert: Divertimento! on November 10th and November 11th, 2012.

Divertimento will be conducted by Joshua Dos Santos, the conductor of the National System of Youth Orchestras of Venezuela (the brilliant orchestra of two highly anticipated performances of Haydn’s First Cello Concerto), along with the gifted young cellist Patrice Jackson.
The anticipated performances will take place at the Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Performing Arts Center and South Miami Dade Cultural Arts center.
Don’t miss it!

The Nightmare Before Christmas Paint Party 12/14/12

The Nightmare Before Christmas Paint Party
Friday, 12/14/2012, 09:00 pm – 01:00 am
Nightmare-Before-ChristmasAve 74
4432 SW 74th Avenue,
Miami, Florida 33155
Webpage Link

Come celebrate an unorthodox Christmas with Miami’s most progressive art gallery- AVE 74!

FREE DRINKS WITH COVER CHARGE. 18+ TO PARTY, 21+ TO DRINK. $10 if you join this event on FB, OR $12 at the door.

Enjoy live DJs, live entertainment, street performers, contests, food trucks and yes, lots and lots of PAINT.

We wouldn’t be an art gallery without the element of art of course, so paints will be provided for those who are willing to get messy and have a little fun.

DRESS APPROPRIATELY. This is a themed event so get creative with your Tim Burton-esque outfits all the while taking into consideration that this can and will get very messy! This will be an indoor and outdoor event- so the paint party aspect of the event will be optional for those willing to have a little more fun.

Arte Venezolano en Miami 2nd anniversary of the Bird Road Art Walk Celebration and Opening Reception 10/20/12

Arte Venezolano en Miami 2nd anniversary of the Bird Road Art Walk Celebration and Opening Reception 10/20/12
Saturday, October 20th from 7:00pm to 11:00pm
image001Arte Venezolano en Miami
7432 SW 42 Street
Miami, 33155

Arte Venezolano en Miami, invites you to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Bird Road Art Walk with them in conjunction with the opening of a new solo exhibition featuring Venezulean master, Armando Cuaulma. Opening Reception

Miami Most Liked Artist Contestant 10/20/12

Miami Most Liked Artist Contestant
Saturday, 10/20/2012, 07:00 pm – 10:00 pm
373072_321327657965929_835918354_nAve74 – A Miami Art Gallery
4432 SW 74th Ave ,
south miami, Florida 33155
Webpage Link

Come join us at Ave 74 during October’s Bird Road Art Walk for an exhibition that will showcase the phenomenal work of the artists in our contest!

Enjoy free parking, free drinks, free admission, food trucks, and over 40 other art galleries in the Bird Road Art District.

Gluten Allergy Lecture and Cooking Demo to benefit Slow Food Miami 10/14/12

Gluten Allergy Lecture and Cooking Demo to benefit Slow Food Miami
Sunday, 10/14/2012, 02:00 pm – 04:30 pm
Oct14-Gluten-Allergy-Lecture-and-Cooking-Demo-to-Benefit-Slow-Food-MiamiPinecrest Gardens – Hibiscus Room
11000 SW 57th Avenue,
Pinecrest, Florida 33156
Buy Tickets Link

Harvard-trained specialist Dr. Debora Duro (who is opening a practice in Miami) will lead an informative discussion about the different implications of gluten allergies vs intolerances. Local Chef Amber of the Naked Bite will then take us through a cooking demo with delicious gluten-free bites!
$20 includes both plus access to Gardens. RSVP at link for tickets.
Please plant to visit the Pinecrest Gardens Farmers Market before the lecture begins (Market open 9am – 3pm)

The Masquerade at Ave 74 10/27/12

The Masquerade at Ave 74
ave74October 27, 2012, 9:00pm
Ave 74 – A Miami Art Gallery
4432 sw 74th avenue
Miami, Fl 33155
Facebook Evite

Come celebrate Halloweekend with Miami’s most progressive art gallery- AVE 74!
Free Drinks With Cover Charge. 18+ To Party, 21+ To Drink. $10 if you join this event on FB, OR $12 at the door.
Enjoy live DJs, live entertainment, street performers, contests, food trucks and yes, lots and lots of Paint. 
We wouldn’t be an art gallery without the element of art of course, so paints will be provided for those who are willing to get messy and have a little fun.
Dress Appropriately. No Mask, No Entry. Take into consideration that this event will be both indoor and outdoor so put thought into your attire for this evening!  
Masks will be sold at the door for those who do not have their own. 
Have a blast the Saturday before halloween. See You All There!

RA Sushi Celebrates International Sake Day with Hot Sake Deal 10/1/12

RA Sushi Celebrates International Sake Day with Hot Sake Deal
October 1, 2012 from 11 a.m. to close
RA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL 33143

RA Sushi in South Miami is recognizing “Nihonshu no Hi” or International “Sake Day”, an informal holiday created to celebrate the popular Japanese spirit. Nothing pairs better with sushi than sake, and in honor of this special day   RA Sushi in South Miami is encouraging guests to explore this lesser known spirit, by enjoying hot sake for only $1 all day.
International Sake Day’s origins are centered around ancient symbols and sake’s brewing season. October is represented in the ancient Chinese zodiac system, also embraced in Japan, by the old character for sake. Conveniently, the same month also represents a beginning in the sake world: the start of a new brewing season, making October 1 the perfect time to celebrate all things sake!

Visit RA Sushi in South Miami on International Sake Day and enjoy $1 hot sake, a savings of $3 from the normal price. Raise a glass and Kampai! to International Sake Day!
The offer is valid on October 1 only.

Rodan + Fields Dermatologists and Aurum Collections Party and Fundraiser 9/30/12

Rodan + Fields Dermatologists and Aurum Collections Party and Fundraiser
September 30, 2-4pm
Aurum Collections
5760 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143

Come Celebrate Beauty!
Join Rodan + Fields Dermatologists & Aurum Collections, for a skincare party, jewelry showcase and charity event benefiting Gene Spotlight

Complimentary cocktails, World-class skincare products, International fashion jewelry

Come see the product magazines worldwide are raving about and what The Today Show and Allure Magazine call the anti-aging “must have”!

15% of proceeds from this event will support Gene Spotlight, a foundation committed to furthering research on genetic disorders.

Rok:Brgr Grand Opening Celebration of the South Miami Location 10/4/12

ROKBRGR InviteRok:Brgr Grand Opening Celebration of the South Miami Location
Thursday October 4, 2012, 7 – 12 p.m.
Rok:Brgr Miami
5800 South West 73rd st
Miami Fl 33143


Rok:Brgr is celebrating the Grand Opening of its South Miami location guest can  experience its’ Chicago-style brick walls, dark wood, and huge outdoor patio complete with built in bars and leather banquets, to settle into and enjoy a cocktail and a delicious burger. Rok:Brgr has been able to distinguish themselves among popular eateries, their Burgers go beyond Certified Angus Beef ranging from organic turkey and chicken to ahi tuna and veggie. 
Rok:Brgr guests will enjoy open bar from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, complimentary burger and gastro pub bites, and live music provided by DJ Hans.

MD Ageless Solutions Post-Summer Mix and Mingle and Free Raffle 9/25/12

MD Ageless Solutions Post-Summer "Mix & Mingle" and FREE Raffle
MDASflyer3copy09/25/12, 6-9pm
MD Ageless Solutions
6136 S. Dixie Hwy.
South Miami
More Info
RSVP on Eventbrite
MD Ageless Solutions team and friends cordially invite you to an evening of libations, desserts, live music, FAB raffle prizes, and networking. Find out more about their Post-Summer Specials up to 50% off regular prices and available that night only. MD Ageless Solutions provides unique customized care, using advanced state-of-the-art products for skin care and treatments. They achieve the best possible results by using the latest advances in anti-aging medicine, through the use of optimal hormone replacement and nutritional supplements. During Mix & Mingle enjoy complimentarycocktails by Little Black Dress, alertnes beverages by Nawgan, cupcakes by Sweet & Tipsy, sounds by DJ 1-Mike, and enter for your chance to win FREE raffles:
Bleaching Peel ($95 value)
Botox (1 area) ($200 value)
Plasma ($550 value)
Vein Injections 2 sessions ($250 value)
Mineral Sunscreen & Body Sun Protection ($65 value)
Jan Marini Skin System ($225 value)
$50 gift certificate towards permanent makeup

India Jazz Suites 4/20/13

India Jazz Suites
April 20, 2013, 8:00pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Cutler Bay, Fl 33189
Saturday, April 20, 8pm (Mainstage)
$15-$10 ($5 tickets ages 13-22 at
India Jazz Suites (also called Fastest Feet in Rhythm), featuring Pandit Chitresh Das and Jason Samuels Smith, is an explosive collaboration between one of India’s foremost Kathak masters and one of the world’s fastest, Emmy-award winning tap dancers. The result is high entertainment which crosses all boundaries of age, race and culture — a blast of incredible speed and power, grace and beauty, epic storytelling and the pure joy of dance.
After premiering in San Francisco in 2005, India Jazz Suites has received extensive critical acclaim and has toured around the U.S. and India. It was chosen as the #1 Dance Performance of 2005 by the San Francisco Chronicle and won the prestigious Isadora Duncan Dance Award (Izzie) for Best Ensemble Performance of the year.
"Alone, they’re captivating. Together, they’re magic." -Voice of Dance

Alison Chase Performance 4/13/13

Alison Chase Performance
April 13, 2013, 8:00pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Cutler Bay, Fl 33189
Alison Chase, another founding member of Pilobolus, is known for her breathtaking, kinetic, moving aerial dance choreography. Her family-friendly pieces make new worlds in captivating and unexpected ways. Alison founded Alison Chase Performance to enable her to pursue her passion for multidimensional storytelling, fusions of film and dance; site-specific works; and museum installations. This program features a contemporary adaptation of famed author Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World, blending the supernatural and ordinary reality and drawing the audience into an unexpected landscape.
This performance is funded, in part, by a grant from SouthArts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.

Step Afrika 4/6/13

Step Afrika!
April 6, 2013, 8:00pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Miami, Fl 33189
Saturday, April 6, 8pm (Mainstage)
$15-$10 ($5 tickets ages 13-22 at
Discover the world of stepping with Step Afrika! Like a tap dance without shoes, or a band without instruments, stepping is percussive dance that uses kicks, stomps, claps and chants – all linked to African and modern dance traditions.  As the first professional company devoted to stepping, DC’s world –renowned Step Afrika! brings’ high-energy performance to the stage:  a feast for both the eyes and ears.
Always visually and musically exciting – The Washington Post

Botanica by MOMIX 1/19/13

Botanica by MOMIX
01/19/2013, 8:00pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Miami, Fl 33189
MOMIX, the acclaimed troupe of contemporary dancer-illusionists under the direction of Moses Pendleton (founding member of Pilobolus) present the riveting beauty of nature on stage with Botanica. The multimedia show is a visual delight for the entire family featuring an eclectic score that ranges from birdsong to Vivaldi and serves as a backdrop for this magical exploration of the rhythms of the seasons.
MOMIX soars and enchants – The Philadelphia Inquirer

Haiti’s Compagnie de Danse, Jean Rene Delsoin 10/20/12

Haiti’s Compagnie de Danse, Jean Rene Delsoin
October 20, 2012, 8:00pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Miami, Fl 33189
Compagnie de Danse, Haiti’s acclaimed dance company under the direction of Jean René Delsoin, performs choreography that captures Haiti now—raw and refined, spiritual and powerful. Bold swaths of color alternate with somber, focused intensity. The earthy, expressive voices of traditional drums interweave with the precise grace of classical ballet. Modern dance aesthetics and a deep love of popular moves meet beats that migrated from West Africa to Haiti.
This performance is funded, in part, by a grant from SouthArts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.

MANO Fine Art presents Made in the U.S.A. 9/15/12

MANO Fine Art presents Made in the U.S.A.
Saturday, September 15, 2012, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
September-15-Made-in-the-USAMANO Fine Art Project Space
4225 SW 75 Ave (2nd Flr)
in the Bird Road Art District
Miami, FL   33155

MANO Fine Art presents the 2012 edition of Made in the U.S.A, a group show featuring artwork by: Juan Carlos Arana, Blanca Caraballo, Dennis Escobar, Juan Erman Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Nuurs Ortiz,  Ernesto Kunde, Sandra Garcia, MANO, Jorge Mejias, Hanz Ramirez, Manuel Revuelta,  Miguel Rodez, Patricia Figueroa Sowers and Derek Wilson.
The exhibition examines shifting boundaries between the origins of creativity and American ingenuity. Fifteen artists with ties to South Florida; collectively create an interpretive, visual perspective for viewers to reflect on what it means to be “made” in the U.S.A., a question that resonates even more poignantly in today’s environment.
The artist’s interpretations are as diverse as the artists touching on themes of immigration, innovation, technology, consumerism, pop culture, social issues, even fast food. The work ranges from figurative abstraction to sculptural hybrids of repurposed objects and two-dimensional work to video installations. 
MANO Fine Art Project Space is the working studio of Miami-based artist MANO and an exhibition and project space for art related events. MANO Fine Art participates in the Bird Road Art Walk, held on the third Saturday of each month.

Stay connected with MANO Fine Art
facebook: Mano Fine Art
twitter: MANOFineArts
phone: 305.467.6819/ 305.467.0066

Bird Road Art Walk 9/15/12

Bird Road Art Walk
Saturday, September 15 (& every 3rd Saturday of each month), 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Low-res-imageBird Road Art District
Bird Road Art District is convieniently located just east of the Palmetto Expressway & south of Bird Road (SW 40 Street). Most of the studios are located off of SW 74 Ave & SW 75 Ave.
Join the most curious of collectors and art aficionados in Miami for the Bird Road Art Walk, Saturday, September 15, (& every third Saturday of each month).
Enjoy an evening of visual and performing arts and engaging live demonstrations. Explore the creative process in the many artists’ studios and galleries, fall in love with an original work of art, meet the artists and collect their work. Named "Miami’s Best Art Walk 2011" by Miami New Times, the Bird Road Art Walk is the place to experience Miami’s growing art scene.
This event is open and free to the public. Enjoy ample free parking and our complimentary shuttle bus that loops continuously throughout the district stopping at each participating artists’ studio and gallery.
Start your Art Walk at any of the participating studios. Click here for listing:

The Bird Road Art Walk is organized by an alliance of artists founded in 2010. The member-powered organization promotes and funds experiences that bring artists, art enthusiasts and collectors together. Events include the monthly Bird Road Art Walk, which features open studios, alternative spaces and creative businesses.
Since the 1980s, the Bird Road Art Districts’ slanted warehouses, antique stores and overall industrial vibe have provided a haven for artists. Today visitors will find a thriving community of more than 40 artists and an up and coming art scene, featuring a broad range of contemporary, emerging and established artists working in a variety of mediums.
The Bird Road Art District is conveniently located just off of the Palmetto Expressway (SR 826) and Bird Road (SW 40th Street), . The majority of the studios are located off of SW 75 Ave & SW 74 Ave, Please check our website website for map and a complete listig of particpating artists/galleries.

Stay Connected with the Bird Road Art District:
Call: 305.467.6819
Facebook:Bird Road Art District

Drawn from Within Opening Reception 9/15/12

Drawn from Within – Opening Reception
Saturday, September 15, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
IMG_89731Miguel Rodez
4229 SW 75 Avenue, Second Floor
in the Bird Road Art District
Miami, FL   33155

Former Chair of Miami Dade’s Art in Public Places Trust Miguel Rodez opens new contemporary art gallery at the Bird Road Art District.  Rodez, who for years presided over the selection of artists for major public art projects in Miami Dade County, including the Arsht Center, Miami’s International Airport and various Metro Rail projects will now be selecting artists to exhibit at his own gallery.

The initial exhibit "Drawn from Within" will feature the artwork of ten outstanding artists who have reached within themselves to churn out some thought-provoking material in divergent styles.  This show explores the versatility of the drawing medium and includes feature works in graphite, ink and charcoal.
Featured artists include: Bartus Bartolomes, Tony Coro, Antonio Guerrero, Frank Izquierdo, Guillermo Portieles, Miguel Rodez Abel Rodriguez, Leon Rosenblatt, Jorge Santos,and Ana Maria Sarlat.

The gallery will open at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 15, 2012, to coincide with the Bird Road Art Walk.
The show is open to the public.

RA Sushi 4th Anniversary Luau Benefiting Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation 9/13/12

RA Sushi to host 4th Anniversary Luau Benefiting Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation
Dragon Bite V2Thursday, September 13 from 7 p.m. to close
RA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL 33143.
For reservations, please call 305.341.0092. For more information, visit .

Guests will celebrate with great drink and food specials, a limbo contest ($100 gift card for winner), and raffle. Proceeds benefit the Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation.

In celebration of RA Sushi in South Miami’s four-year anniversary, and as a reward to Miamians for surviving the past few sweltering summer months, the South Miami location will say “Aloha, Summer” with the 4th Anniversary Luau on Thursday, Sept. 13, from 7 p.m. to close. Proceeds from the evening will be donated to the Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation, the vision of which is to ensure the health and happiness of children everywhere.

With scorching hot food and drink specials served all night long, and a special guest D.J. mixing cool beats, bid farewell to summer and say hello to four years in South Miami in true RA Sushi style.  Guests are encouraged to get in the luau spirit by throwing on their best Hawaiian styles and partaking in RA’s signature limbo contest (winner receives $100 gift card). 

Chill out at RA Sushi with So Long Summer drink specials, available for $5, include: Long Island Iced Tea; Frozen Fuzzy Momo Bellini; Red/White Summer Sake Sangria; the Dragon Bite, featuring Bacardi Dragon Berry, strawberry purée, fresh lemon juice, yuzu and a splash of soda; and the Endless Summer Night with Sauza Tequila, Citronage, pineapple, orange and lime juice, and a splash of grenadine. Beer drinkers have the choice of $3 Bud Light and Miller Light or $5 Kirin/Kirin Light and sake.

A variety of summer-themed food specials will be offered for the evening, including signature rolls such as the Seaside Roll ($7) with rice and seaweed wrapped around cucumber and shrimp, then topped with spicy shrimp; or the Sunset Roll ($6), rice and seaweed rolled with cucumber and spicy tuna and then topped with red tempura bits. Creations made for sharing include Grilled Beef Skewers ($8), Summer School Chicken Nuggets ($6), and Kaisen Ceviche ($7.25). Heat up the party with the Bonfire Shrimp ($9): crispy, spicy shrimp and shishito peppers tossed with ramen noodles and black sesame seeds in a chili sauce.

New Theatre 2012-2013 BOOMFROG! Series Opens with Keeping A-Breast Project 9/1-16/12

New Theatre 2012-2013 BOOMFROG! Series Opens with Keeping A-Breast Project
September 1 – 16, 2012
(Press Opening Saturday, September 1, 2012)
Thursday – Saturday at 8 pm
Sunday at 1 pm and Sunday at 5:30 pm performances on September 9 & 16.
New Theatre at Roxy Performing Arts Center
1645 SW 107th Avenue
Miami, FL 33165

Ticket information:
Thursdays & Sunday evenings: $35
All other performances $ 40.
Student Rush (under 25 with ID) Ticket: $15 at the door based on availability
For tickets, call (305) 443-5909 Or visit

New Theatre (THE NEW) is excited to announce the inaugural event in our newly created BOOMFROG! Series, a series of events geared to original theatrical collectives and current topical entertainment which will run in conjunction with our regular 2012-2013 season. BOOMFROG! begins with a BUST! — our first event is a collective project entitled Keeping A-Breast.

Keeping A-Breast is an evening about — well — breasts! Voluptuous or petite, healthy or reconstructed, New Theatre presents an evening of tribute to the wonder, the beauty and the importance of the breast. Featuring writers both familiar and new to our community — including Catherine Bush (Just a Kiss, 2007 Steinberg Award finalist), David Caudle (The Sunken Living Room, winner Southern New Plays Festival), Vanessa Garcia (one of the Miami Herald’s ’20 under 40′ in the arts in 2010), nationally recognized poet Peggy C. Hall, playwrights Elly Rakowitz and Ruth Pleva, James Carrey, R. Kent Wilson and our Artistic Director Ricky J. Martinez, and co-directed by Martinez and New Theatre Literary Manager Steven A. Chambers.

Keeping A-Breast will kick off our 2012-13 season on September 1 and run through September 16, 2012; a portion of the proceeds from the performances will go to support breast cancer awareness programming in Miami-Dade County.

In addition to Keeping A-Breast, the 2012-13 season will include Willy Russell’s Educating Rita, the world premiere of Robert Caisley’s Happy — part of a National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere, John Pielmeier’s Agnes of God and a second as yet to be determined BOOMFROG! event. Rounding out the season will be the world premiere of Artistic Director Ricky J. Martinez’s Road Through Heaven, a play from his trilogy In God’s Land. (See full schedule at a glance at the end of the press release.)

Eleazar Delgado at the August Bird Road Art Walk 8/18/12

Eleazar Delgado at the August Bird Road Art Walk
August 18, 7pm – 10pm
Valmar Art and Framing Showroom
4150 SW 74th Courth
Miami FL 33155
Facebook Evite

Join us for an evening in the thriving Bird Road Art District for a special exhibit of Eleazar Delgado’s Behind the Lights Collection and a preview of his latest Everglades Collection.

Follow on Twitter @EleazarDelgado #MiamiArt

For more information and to view Eleazar Delgado’s art please visit:

Born in Oklahoma, raised in Caracas, Venezuela, Eleazar Delgado studied Architecture and Interior design. It was in Miami where he began his Architecture explorations. Graduating at the peak of the Deconstruction Movement in 1987 from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, his thesis on the Penal Courthouse for Metropolitan Caracas received Honorable Mention. During the 1980’s Eleazar fell in love with Miami’s vivid colors and its native surroundings. The radiant sunshine and gleaming colors of the night influenced the choice to paint the story of Miami.

After a successful venture in Architecture and Interior Design, he grew tired of the rigidity of those forms of expression. Architecture is about space. The process is always restrained. Interior design is about other people’s psychology. Painting is the creators’ own vision. Having always struggled against the methods he was taught, it was time to seek release of restrictions.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream-Part 1-The first of two group exhibitions by GUILD 8/18/12

A Midsummer Night’s Dream-Part 1-The first of two group exhibitions by GUILD
August 18th 2012, 7 pm – 10 pm
Warehouse Alternative Space
4396 SW 74th Ave
Miami, FL 33155

A Midsummer Night’s Dream-Part 1 is a GUILD group art show that will take place this Saturday August 18th as part of the Bird Road Art District walk. Artists exhibiting will include Abdiel Acosta, Lu Gold, and Yamel Molerio. The show was curated by Yamel Molerio-GUILD founder and president. Opening night will also include musical performances by Pocket of Lollipops, Live Free, and DJs Lady T, Renegade, and Sum 1.

Warehouse Alternative Space is part art gallery and part creative rendezvous. It is an exhibition space for artists and a gathering place for art lovers. Located in Miami’s Bird Road Art District, Warehouse has been, and continues to be, a strong promoter of local contemporary artists. Since its opening in 1998, Warehouse has fostered some of Miami’s best talent, in addition to nationally and internationally renowned artists. Curator and manager Andres Bilbao tirelessly seeks the best upcoming artists and creative minds to help make Warehouse an unforgettable experience.

Contact us for an appointment, come to an upcoming Warehouse event, or stop by during the Bird Road Art Walk held every 3rd Saturday of the month.
(786) 487 0869

Bird Road Art Walk 8/18/12

Bird Road Art Walk
Saturday, August 18, 2012, 7:00pm-10:00pm
Bird Road Art District
The Bird Road Art District is conviniently locate off of the Palmetto Expressway & Bird Road (SW 40th Street). Most of the studios are located off of SW 74 & SW 75 Ave.

Join the most curious of collectors and art aficionados in Miami for the Bird Road Art Walk, Saturday, August 18, (& every third Saturday of each month).

Enjoy an evening of visual and performing arts, engaging live demonstrations and spoken word. Explore the creative process in more than 30+ artists’ studios and galleries and discover hundreds of original works of art. Named “Miami’s Best Art Walk 2011” by Miami New Times, the Bird Road Art Walk is the place to experience Miami’s growing art scene.

This event is open and free to the public. Enjoy ample free parking and our complimentary shuttle bus that loops continuously throughout the district stopping at each participating artists’ studio and gallery.

Start your Art Walk at any of the participating studios. Click here for listing:

About the Bird Road Art Walk:
The Bird Road Art Walk is organized by an alliance of artists founded in 2010. The member-powered organization promotes and funds experiences that bring artists, art enthusiasts and collectors together. Events include the monthly Bird Road Art Walk, which features open studios, alternative spaces and creative businesses.

Since the 1980s, the Bird Road Art Districts’ slanted warehouses, antique stores and overall industrial vibe have provided a haven for artists. Today visitors will find a thriving community of more than 40 artists and an up and coming art scene, featuring a broad range of contemporary, emerging and established artists working in a variety of mediums.

Please check our website website for map and a complete listig of particpating artists/galleries.

Stay Connected with the Bird Road Art District:
Call: 305.467.6819
Facebook:Bird Road Art District

MANO Fine Art presents Made in the USA-2012 edition 8/18/12

MANO Fine Art presents Made in the USA-2012 edition
Saturday, August 18, 2012, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
MANO Fine Art Project Space
4225 SW 75 Avenue (2nd Fl)
Miami, FL 33155

Featuring: Juan Carlos Arana, Blanca Caraballo, Dennis Escobar, Juan Erman Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Nuurs Ortiz, Ernesto Kunde, Sandra Garcia, MANO, Jorge Mejias, Hanz Ramirez, Manuel Revuelta, Miguel Rodez, Patricia Figueroa Sowers and Derek Wilson.

The exhibition examines shifting boundaries between the origins of creativity and American ingenuity. Fifteen artists with ties to South Florida; collectively create an interpretive, visual perspective for viewers to reflect on what it means to be “made” in the U.S.A., a question that resonates even more poignantly in today’s environment. The work ranges from figurative abstraction to sculptural hybrids of repurposed objects and two-dimensional work to video installations.

The exhibition will open to the public on Saturday, August 18th in conjunction with the Bird Road Art Walk. Artist’s talks will also be scheduled in conjunction with the exhibit.

Special thanks to: Rex-Goliath Wines & Mike’s Hard Lemonade for their support of the Openig Reception.

South Miami Grey Ghosts Soccer Club: Registration and Back-to-School Drive 8/11/12

South Miami Grey Ghosts Soccer Club: Registration & Back-to-School Drive
Saturday, August 11, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm
South Miami Park
4300 SW 58th Avenue
Miami, FL

The South Miami Grey Ghosts Soccer Club, which recently won the bid to run the city of South Miami’s soccer program at South Miami Park for the next three years, is providing a community event this Saturday, August 11, that will include: onsite registration for the upcoming fall recreational and travel soccer season, a drive for back-to-school supplies and backpacks to support the city of South Miami’s “Back to School Bash and Backpack Giveaway” and prize give-aways and soccer tips for players. “We are very proud to have won the RFP and commend the City Commission for acting quickly to ensure the success of the popular soccer program at South Miami Park,” said Javier Rodriguez, president of the South Miami Grey Ghosts Soccer Club. “We look forward to welcoming all players at the park and encourage everyone to come out on Saturday and join in our community wide celebration.” The event is FREE and open to the public. For more information, the public may send an email to Javier Rodriguez at or call him at (305) 442-4322. Members of the news media who wish to schedule interviews may contact Kris Conesa at or (305) 403-2080, Ext. 115.

Pirates of Penzance Performed By Tandem Theatre Camp 8/9/12

Pirates of Penzance Performed By Tandem Theatre Camp
Thursday, August 9 at 7pm (Mainstage)
10950 SW 211 Street
Cutler Bay, FL 33189
Buy Online

Tandem Theatre Project Presents The Pirates of Penzance Jr

The Pirates of Penzance, Jr spins a hilarious farce of sentimental pirates, bumbling policemen, dim-witted young lovers, dewy-eyed daughters and an eccentric Major-General, all morally bound to the often-ridiculous dictates of honor and duty. Don’t miss this family friendly summer production. For more information on the Tandem Theatre Project go to

Kids Week at Southland Mall 7/23/12

Kids Week at Southland Mall
July 23 – July 28th, Various
Southland Mall
20505 South Dixie Highway
Miami, FL 33189

Kids Week Returns To Southland Mall

Southland Mall presents its third annual mini kids’ convention, or ‘Kids Week,’ from July 23rd through July 28th. The festivities kick off on Center Court Monday, July 23rd with Miami Children’s Museum’s interactive program based on their newest traveling exhibit “Summer Games”, from 12-4pm. Also on Monday, Southland Mall welcomes “Burnie”, the Miami HEAT fun-loving mascot from 2-3pm. Other highlights include a wing eating contest on Thursday, July 26th from 5-7pm, courtesy of Buffalo Wild Wings, a children’s magic show on Friday, July 27th at 3pm, capped with a three-hour grand finale on Saturday, July 28th from 12-3pm, sponsored by Sprinkles Magazine, ZOO Miami, and ESPN Deportes.

“Southland is excited to present its third annual ‘Kids Week’ event,” said Maggie Anzardo, marketing director at Southland Mall. “This mini kids’ convention has become one of two signature events at the center and will be held every summer at Southland.” Southland Mall is also giving away a $500 mall gift card! Simply visit and click on the gift card widget on the upper-left hand corner of the home page to register your entry via Facebook or Twitter. The winner will be announced during the Kids Week grand finale on Saturday, July 28th.

Back to School Fest at Sunset Place 7/28-29/12

Back to School Fest at Sunset Place
July 28 to 29 2012, Sat 12:00 to 6:00 pm – Sun 12:00 to 5:00 pm
Sunset Place
5701 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143
Facebook Evite

Back to School Fest @ Sunset Place
We invite you to come out and enjoy Back to School Fest, taking place on Sunset Place at July 28 to 29. Come find all that you need to get ready for back to school: clothing, accessories, supplies, information on career programs, etc. Parents, get your kids ready with free health screenings, fingerprinting services. Also, face painting, live entertainment, and much more! Best of all, this will is an event full of fun for the whole family!

There’s no better way to celebrate the end of summer and get ready for back to school! Parking and admission are completely Free!


Bird Road Art Walk 3rd Saturday 7/21/12

Bird Road Art Walk-Saturday, July 21 (& every 3rd Saturday of each month)
July 21, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Bird Road Art District
Conveniently located just off of the Palmetto Expressway (SR 826)& Bird Road (SW 40th Street. The majority of the studios are located off of SW 75 Ave & SW 74 Ave.

Join Miami’s art enthusiast and collectors for the Bird Road Art Walk on the third Saturday of every month and experience Miami’s growing Art Scene at the walk that does away with formal galleries and takes you behind-the-scenes into the working studios of 30+ Miami-based independent artists.

Each venue offers their own exhibitions refreshments and artistic vibes.

Enjoy plenty of free parking and a complimentary shuttle bus that stops at each of the particpating studios located primarily along SW 74 Ave and SW 75 Ave.

Click here for Highlights & Map:

MANO Fine Art- Opening Reception Fragments of Thought 7/21/12

MANO Fine Art- Opening Reception “Fragments of Thought”
Saturday, July 21 , 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
MANO Fine Art Project Space
in the Bird Road Art District
4225 SW 75 Ave
Miami, FL 33155

Combining abstract shapes and colorful marginalia, awakening curiosities of the sub-conscious until fragments of thought combine in amazing new ways.

Join MANO Fine Art Project Space for the Opening of “Fragments” an extraordinary group exhibition showcasing abstract works by Silvio Gayton, Vicente Dopico Lerner, MANO, and Emilio Hector Rodriguez.

The Opening Reception is held in conjunction with the Bird Road Art Walk and is sponsored in part by Rex-Goliath Wines.

Art Exhibit Jorge Fernandez 7/13/12

Art Exhibit Jorge Fernandez
Friday July 13th from 6 to 9 pm
Wirtz Gallery
First National Bank
5750 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143

The Opening Night for Jorge Fernandez art exhibition will be this Friday July 13th from 6 to 9 pm. Please feel free to bring as many guests as you wish and also please forward this invitation to all your friends and e-mail contacts.

The exhibition will be up until July 31 in the Wirtz Gallery located in the lobby of the First National Bank of South Miami right across The Shops at Sunset Place.

Last day to see Chris Riggs A Journey Through Shapes and Colors 7/28/12

Last day to see Chris Riggs: A Journey Through Shapes and Colors
July 28, 2012, 12:00 – 5:00 pm
Ave 74 – A Miami Art Gallery
4432 sw 74 ave
Miami, Fl 33155
Facebook Page

Chris Riggs latest show is called “A Journey Through Shapes and Colors.” This show will be part of the Bird Road Art Walk, which takes place every third Saturday of the Month. The area was originally an industrial area of warehouses which over the last few years is being occupied by many artist studios. It has been officially declared an art district by Miami Dade County since the year 2000. This month’s art walk will have over over 30 art galleries featuring some of Miami’s most talked about resident artist. Guest can view the behind the scenes areas into many of the working art studios.

Complimentary food and drinks

3rd viewing at an earlier date for those that couldn’t make it on the previous nights. LAST day to see this show.

All events are free and have free parking

Bird Road Art Walk

Chris Riggs A Journey Through Shapes and Colors 2nd viewing 7/27/12

Chris Riggs: A Journey Through Shapes and Colors 2nd viewing
July 27, 2012, 6:00 – 10:00 pm
Ave 74 – A Miami Art Gallery
4432 SW 74 Ave
Miami, Fl 33155

Chris Riggs latest show is called “A Journey Through Shapes and Colors.” This show will be part of the Bird Road Art Walk, which takes place every third Saturday of the Month. The area was originally an industrial area of warehouses which over the last few years is being occupied by many artist studios. It has been officially declared an art district by Miami Dade County since the year 2000. This month’s art walk will have over over 30 art galleries featuring some of Miami’s most talked about resident artist. Guest can view the behind the scenes areas into many of the working art studios.

Complimentary food and drinks

Second viewing of the main exhibition

Chris Riggs: A Journey Through Shapes and Colors 7/21/12

Chris Riggs: A Journey Through Shapes and Colors
July 21, 2012, 6:00 – 10:00 pm
Ave 74 – A Miami Art Gallery
4432 SW 74 Ave
Miami, Fl 33155
Facebook Page

Chris Riggs latest show is called “A Journey Through Shapes and Colors.” This show will be part of the Bird Road Art Walk, which takes place every third Saturday of the Month. The area was originally an industrial area of warehouses which over the last few years is being occupied by many artist studios. It has been officially declared an art district by Miami Dade County since the year 2000. This month’s art walk will have over over 30 art galleries featuring some of Miami’s most talked about resident artist. Guest can view the behind the scenes areas into many of the working art studios.

Wake up Miami! It’s not just about Wynwood Art Walk anymore, it’s about the Bird Road Art District, igniting over 30 art galleries and growing every month…

Seriously! It’s not about the who’s who, but about the “who”. Let us meet Chris Riggs. He’s an artist who paints with geometric shapes and vivid colors, acrylic and spray paint on canvas, and has a mindset for making a wall come alive.

“My latest show has been in the works for a year. I’m introducing to the art world some of the most unique pieces I have ever painted,” Riggs says.

Chris Riggs latest show is called “A Journey Through Shapes and Colors.” This show will be part of the Bird Road Art Walk, which takes place every third Saturday of the Month. The area was originally an industrial area of warehouses which over the last few years is being occupied by many artist studios. It has been officially declared an art district by Miami Dade County since the year 2000. This month’s art walk will have over over 30 art galleries featuring some of Miami’s most talked about resident artist. Guest can view the behind the scenes areas into many of the working art studios.

Ave 74 – A Miami Art Gallery, will be hosting the Chris Riggs solo show. “We are the latest gallery to move into the Bird Road Art District.” Says 14 year frame shop owner, Adam Brand of Frames USA & Art Gallery. In a short amount of time, this new addition to the art district has attracted hundreds of new art lovers to the area with it’s May and June exhibits.

“After seeing so many art galleries doing the same thing over and over again, I wanted to introduce an art gallery that will always have the hands-on touch with the artist present. For this month’s expo, walking into my gallery will give people a sense of taking a blank canvas and turning it into a message that will make our visitors say, ‘I need this in my life’.” Brand says. “We will also donate part of the sales from the July 21st event to Camillus House.”

Chris Riggs public debut is on Saturday, July 21st from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, a second viewing will be held on Friday July 27th from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm and on Saturday, July 28th, from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

The gallery will be open on these dates and times only during July, 2012
*Monday, July 16, 2012- Private invitation only 5:00pm – 09:00pm
*Tuesday, July 17, 2012- Media and Press only 5:00pm – 09:00pm
*Saturday, July 21, 2012- Public debut (Open to public) 6:00pm – 10:00pm
*Friday, July 27, 2012- Open to public 6:00pm – 10:00pm
*Saturday, July 28, 2012- Open to public 12:00pm-5:00pm

*Free Admission and Free Parking for all Events

Greater Miami Youth Symphony Presents GMYS Advanced Camp Finale Concert 6/29/12

Greater Miami Youth Symphony Presents GMYS Advanced Camp Finale Concert
Friday, June 29, 2012, 1pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Cutler Bay, Florida 33189

$10 (adults)
$5 (youth and seniors)
Main Stage

Greater Miami Youth Symphony presents the GMYS Advanced Camp Finale Concert
featuring classical, jazz, and patriotic selections!

Come spend the afternoon with South Florida’s finest young musicians. A variety of ensembles will be highlighted including full orchestra, string orchestra, concert band, and jazz band. Large groups and summer camps welcome! Chaperones with youth groups attend for free!

The JQ Studio Presents First Man/First Woman 6/30/12 – 7/1/12

The JQ Studio Presents First Man/First Woman
Saturday, June 30, 8pm and Sunday, July 1, 6pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
Black Box Theater
10950 SW 211 Street
Cutler Bay, FL 33189

$15, $10 (Students)
Buy tickets Online

The story of the oldest struggle in human history, the war between love and hate.

Written by Matthew P. Garcia
Directed by Francesca Toledo
With Randy Garcia and Michelle Antelo

“What can man say about woman, his own opposite? Woman always stands just where the man’s shadow falls, so that he is only too liable to confuse the two,” Carl Jung.

The JQ Studio Presents the world premiere of First Man/First Woman by Matthew Garcia. A tale using a dreamlike approach to the complexities of love using the Eden story. In her debut as a performing arts theater director, Francesca Toledo describes the show as a story of the oldest struggle in human history: the war between love and hate.

RA Sushi Celebrates International Sushi Day with Complimentary Tootsy Maki 6/18/12

RA Sushi Celebrates International Sushi Day with Complimentary Tootsy Maki
June 18, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
RA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL 33143

On June 18, 2012, RA Sushi Bar Restaurant is celebrating International Sushi Day, an informal holiday created to encourage sushi lovers around the world to eat more sushi. In honor of this special day, anyone who “likes” RA Sushi in South Miami on Facebook can print a special offer good for one complimentary Tootsy Maki.

To make the holiday official, in 2010, RA Sushi declared June 18 as International Sushi Day in the Chase’s Calendar of Events. The date continues to be included in this most comprehensive and authoritative reference book available on special events, worldwide holidays, civic observations, and more.

The complimentary Tootsy Maki certificate must be printed from RA Sushi in South Miami’s Facebook page on June 18, International Sushi Day, and it can be redeemed between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. on the same day.

American Society of Media Photographers opens The Light of Florida Exhibit at Ave 74- A Miami Art Gallery 6/16/12

American Society of Media Photographers opens The Light of Florida Exhibit at Ave 74- A Miami Art Gallery
June 16, 2012, 6:00pm-10:00pm
Ave 74 – A Miami Art Gallery
4432 SW 74 Avenue
Miami,FL 33155

65 of the world’s top professional photographers showcase their work featuring unique Florida lighting and outdoor locations. This highly acclaimed exhibit which was four years in production makes it’s Miami debut at the area’s newest art gallery: “Ave 74 – A Miami Art Gallery”. Ave 74 is area’s newest art gallery located in Miami’s Bird Road Art District at: 4432 SW 74 Avenue, Miami, FL 33155

The American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) is the most prestigious organization of photographers worldwide who produce images for publication. This exhibit comes off a highly acclaimed showing at The Studio at Key West this past February, and opens in conjunction with the Bird Road Art walk 7:00-10:00 PM on Saturday June 16. For more information contact the gallery at: (305) 666-3355 or Matthew Pace (ASMP Fine Arts Committee) at:

Light of Florida is a collaborative project created by the South Florida Chapter of American Society of Media Photographers with the support from the Central Chapter to produce a premium coffee table book, Internet portfolio and a traveling exhibit. The images feature people and places captured in the unique and varied natural light that makes Florida a great place to photograph and produce imagery of all kinds. All submissions were made by members of ASMP in Florida and judged by an impartial panel of media professionals.

Bird Road Art Walk Contact is Miami-Based advertising photographer Sandy Levy, member of the Bird Road Art Walk Steering Committee and Membership Chairman of ASMP South Florida, and member of the Board of Directors ASMP South Florida Chapter.
Contact Sandy Levy at 305-262-9229 or at

Made In The USA at Sunset Place 7/7-8/12

Made In USA at Sunset Place
July 7 to 8 2012, 10 AM TO 8:00 PM
Sunset Place
5701 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143
Facebook Evite

We invite you to come out and celebrate the Independence Month at our “Made in the USA” Event. This great event will feature a wide array of vendors and exhibitors selling and promoting the best of their products and services, all made in the USA!. We will have fun activities for kids, face painting, photos with characters, and more! There will also be great music, live entertainment, and fun for the whole family.

Sauma the Artist Invites You to Gallery Nights 6/16/12

Sauma the Artist Invites You to Gallery Nights
Saturday, June 16th, 2012, from 6:00pm to 10:00pm
Sauma the Artist Gallery
4680 SW, 72 Ave.
Bird Road Art District
Miami, Miami Florida 33155
Video Invitation

Sauma The Artist, Invites You to Gallery Night at the Bird Road Art District at the Shops Lakeshore Park Plaza

Special Guest Artist: fine Colombian Artist Oscar Reyes

The TRIAD Exhibitions June Opening Bird Road Art Walk 6/16/12

The TRIAD Exhibitions June Opening Bird Road Art Walk.
Saturday, June 16th, 7 to 10 pm
Valmar Art
4150 SW 74th Court
Bird Road Art District
Miami, FL 33155.

The TRIAD exhibitions (May, June and July 2012) present the work of 3 women artists from the Miami area.
“HOT TROPICS”, Mythology, and Nature’s Energy art open the 2nd month of the TRIAD Exhibition at VALMAR ART

TRIAD’s June exhibit features “Hot Tropics” paintings by artist, Karen Deilke.

The very breath of the tropics is sensuous: hot, deep, slow, filled with fragrance, bursting with color; filled with thorns which wound but are followed by healing, by Light, by sanctuary. Driven by the pulse of drums beating a throbbing rhythm that stirs the soul and fires the senses. It is the June of the Venus Transit, when the Rose Moon dances with the earth, inviting us to drink of her medicine and become powerful and vulnerable at the same time. As the poet Rumi said, ‘Run from what is comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live…unfold your own myth.’ Fall into the depth and color of this work and be drawn into the fantasy and delight that is the gift of the tropics.”

The paintings in Hot Tropics are executed in brilliant color using acrylic on canvas. Karen lives and paints in Coconut Grove and draws from the beauty of her surroundings for her inspiration. She also runs the Coconut Grove Drum Circle, which will perform at the Hot Tropics opening at Valmar.

Pamela Palma
Fiber is the ultimate shape shifter. We wear it, sleep in it, eat it, spend it, decorate with it. Master weaver Pamela Palma manipulates it as impulsed by her muses into compelling works of art. Her current series is inspired by the recent Venus Transit.

Palma’s four large tapestries deliver the realms of mythology and mysticism into the sacred year 2012. Composed of her signature hand dyed yarns, she has created four extraordinary works of woven art in which traditional pattern weaving is elevated into thought provoking, esoteric masterpieces.

“Sharing the Magic of Nature” paintings and mixed media by Debra Cortese
Debra’s work is “…intended to share joyful, magical moments in nature and to gently expand the awareness of our incredibly awesome and nurturing planet… our Mother Earth”.

She creates her art using photography, traditional and digital painting, individually, and in combinations. Cortese enhances and subdues the balance of light, contrast and colors on her subjects until she feels that the art is authentically conveying the joyful vibrations that sang to her during each encounter in nature.

and The Coconut Grove Drum Circle
For more information, contact VALMAR ART by phone: 305-467-6819 or email:

The Light of Florida Exhibit 6/16/12

The Light of Florida Exhibit
June 16, 2012, 7:00-10:00 PM
Ave 74 Art Gallery
4432 SW 74 Avenue
Miami, FL 33155
Facebook Page

Exhibit: Light of Florida is a collaborative project created by the South Florida Chapter of American Society of Media Photographers with the support from the Central Chapter to produce a premium coffee table book, Internet portfolio and a traveling exhibit. The images feature people and places captured in the unique and varied natural light that makes Florida a great place to photograph and produce imagery of all kinds. All submissions were made by members of ASMP in Florida and judged by an impartial panel of media professionals. Will be held in conjunction with the Bird Road Art District art walk.

Bird Road Art Walk Contact is Miami-Based advertising photographer Sandy Levy, member of the Bird Road Art Walk Steering Committee and Membership Chairman of ASMP South Florida, and member of the Board of Directors ASMP South Florida Chapter.
Contact Sandy Levy at 305-262-9229 or at

RA Sushi to host 8th Annual Nicky’s Week fundraiser 5/27/12 – 6/2/12

RA Sushi to host 8th Annual Nicky’s Week fundraiser
May 27-June 2
RA Sushi South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL 33143.

Proceeds from select menu items benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®
RA Sushi will host its eighth annual “Nicky’s Week” fundraiser Sunday, May 27, through Saturday, June 2, to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, one of the world’s premier centers for research and treatment of pediatric cancer and other deadly diseases since it opened 50 years ago.

The Scottsdale-based restaurant and bar will donate 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of a variety of menu items and beverages to St. Jude to help support the hospital’s lifesaving mission. Since its inception, Nicky’s Week has raised more than $943,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and RA Sushi hopes to surpass the $1 million mark this year.

The special Nicky’s Week menu, available at RA Sushi in South Miami (5829 SW 73rd St.) includes: Edamame, Tootsy Maki, Shrimp Nigiri, Pork Gyoza, Chicken Yakitori, Garlic Citrus Yellowtail Tapas, plus a variety of select beverages.

All 25 RA Sushi locations in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Nevada and Texas will participate in the fundraiser.

Nicky’s Week was developed in memory of St. Jude patient Nicholas “Nicky” Mailliard, of Scottsdale, Ariz., who lost a long battle with brain cancer in February 2005 at the young age of 13. A nephew of one of RA Sushi’s founders, Nicky held a special place in the hearts of RA Sushi associates throughout the organization. RA Sushi initiated the fundraiser to honor the memory of Nicky and to raise awareness and funds for St. Jude, where no child is ever turned away because of a family’s inability to pay for medical treatments.

“RA Sushi is honored to continue to support St. Jude and help them with their life-changing mission, said Scott Kilpatrick, co-founder and vice president of RA Sushi. “We want to help ensure their services remain available to children and families battling serious illness.”

All donations from the weeklong effort will help support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, which has treated children from all 50 states and around the world. Known primarily as a cancer research center, St. Jude doctors and researchers also treat children with sickle cell disease and pediatric HIV.

A “RA”ckin’ vibe, popular music, and distinctive Japanese fusion cuisine sets RA Sushi Bar Restaurant apart from a typical sushi joint. RA opened its first location in Scottsdale, Ariz. in 1997 and has since expanded to include 25 locations throughout the United States. Consistently awarded for its fresh sushi, creative cocktails, killer happy hour, and musically inspired nightlife, at RA good food and good times go hand-in-hand.

Lunch is served from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Dinner is served until 11 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, and until midnight Thursday through Sunday. The bar is open until 1 a.m. or later. Happy Hour food and beverage specials are offered Monday through Saturday, 3 to 7 p.m. RA Sushi’s Flying Fish Lounge is the perfect place to catch some fresh fish and drink specials. On Sunday nights from 8 p.m. to midnight, RA-goers visiting the Flying Fish Lounge will find specials on sushi and drinks.

Volumes And Shapes 5/19/12

Volumes And Shapes
Saturday May 19, 2012, 7:00 Pm To 10:00 Pm
Accent alternative art space
4841 SW 75th Ave.
Miami, FL, 33155, (305) 968-3776

This exhibit invites us to admire the works of two Cuban artists residing in Miami-Dade County. Pedro Hernández and Emilio Héctor Rodríguez utilize sculpture and painting, respectively, as their medium to express their creative wills. In both cases the results are works of art visually attractive, that are interesting because of the care they place in the artistic forms, and because of their finishing touches to each unique piece. Even though these two artists have explored different paths where it comes to the language they employ and the themes they tackle, this opportunity unites them in the same space where they can be viewed and compared based on their personal poetics.
Anelys Alvarez Muñoz,
Master of Arts in Art History,

RA Sushi in South Miami celebrates Mom with or without her 5/13/12

RA Sushi in South Miami celebrates Mom with or without her
May 13, 11am-close
RA Sushi South Miami

RA Sushi has extended its wildly popular Sunday happy hour specials so that they’re available all day long (11 a.m. until close).

The happy hour menu includes more than 35 sushi, appetizer, and tapas selections, ranging from $2 to $7, plus a wide variety of beer, wine and signature cocktails ranging from $3 to $7. Popular happy hour dishes include the Viva Las Vegas Roll, Tootsy Maki, Crunchy Calamari Roll, Sweet Onion Salmon Tapas, and Pineapple Cheese Wontons. RA’s creative cocktail menu features such favorites as the Sake Sangria, Blushing Geisha, or Sea Monkey.

MANO Fine Art presents All Dressed Up 5/19/12

MANO Fine Art presents: “All Dressed Up”
Saturday, May 19, 2012 , 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
MANO Fine Art Project Space
4225 SW 75 Ave (2nd Floor)
Miami, FL 33155
in the Bird Road Art District

The interpretation of the world’s masterpieces is hardly a new phenomenon. Artists often look to the past to learn from the old masters. In “All Dressed Up: Meninas”, contemporary artist: Daniel Garcia, Osvaldo Franco and MANO take on Diego Velazquez, reinterpreting his famed 1665 painting, “Las Meninas”, which is considered one of the greatest masterpieces ever painted.

The exhibit is not only a matter of looking back at the past but also exploring the popularity of the motif, Las Meninas (Spanish translation Ladies in Waiting). It seems that every generation has made Velazquez’s “meninas” a reflection of their own, hundreds of artists from Pablo Picasso to Vik Muniz have been inspired by the works’ enigmatic qualities.

In response to this common inspiration, Daniel Garcia, Osvaldo Franco and MANO allowed their own creativity to flow and their original inspirations evolved into multiple individual interpretations. The exhibit includes linoleum prints, works on paper, mixed media, oil and acrylic inspirations in a myriad of sizes. Velazquez would be pleased.

MANO Fine Art is located in the Bird Road Art District at 4225 SW 75 Avenue (2nd Floor). For more information please contact 305.467.6819.

Bird Road Art Walk 5/19/12

Bird Road Art Walk
May 19, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Bird Road Art District
The Bird Road Art District is conveniently located just off of the Palmetto Expressway (SR 826) and Bird Road (SW 40th Street), extending south to SW 48 St. The majority of the studios are located off of SW 75 Ave & SW 74 Ave. Please check our website for map and a complete listing of particpating studios/galleries.

Join the most curious of collectors and art aficionados in Miami for the Bird Road Art Walk, Saturday, May 19 (& every 3rd Saturday of each month).

Enjoy an evening of visual and performing arts, engaging live demonstrations and spoken word. Explore the creative process in more than 30+ artists’ studios meet the artists and discover hundreds of original works of art. Recently named “Miami’s Best Art Walk 2011” by Miami New Times, the Bird Road Art Walk is the place to experience Miami’s growing art scene.

This event is free and open to the public. Start your Art Walk at any of the featured studios or galleries. Enjoy ample free parking and our complimentary shuttle bus that loops continuously throughout the evening stopping at each participating venue.

Featuring: 3rd Door Art Project, Abel Triana Art, Abuela Art Gallery, Accent Alternative Art Space, Akuara Teatro Workshop, Aperture Studios, Art Cafe, Bohemio Art, Inc., Julio Cesar Art, Chavarriaga Fine Art Studio, Elcira Chomat Art, Esteban Blanco Art Studio, H. Benitez Fine Art Gallery II, Ismael Gomez Peralta Art Studio, Juan M Benitez Art, La Silla Gallery, Liliana Leiro, Madero Art, MANO Fine Art Project Space, Maruchi Carmona Art, Matthew Miller/Nickel Glass Studio, Miami Art Club, Miami’s Brick & Mortar Gallery @Palmetto Carpet, Nedine del Valle, Nestor Arenas Art Studio, Perez Art Gallery, Rafael Consuegra/ Cuadart Studio, Ray Azcuy Art Studio, Romero-Hidalgo Artists’ Studios/MyArt Ventures, LLC, Roy Rodriguez Art Studio, Stained Glass of Miami, SpeakFridays! (Miami’s Most Diverse Open Mic), t.a. project, Valmar Design Gallery, Sandy Levy/Visual Impact Photography, Yacqueline Ruiz Art and the Warehouse Alternative Space.

The Bird Road Art Walk is organized by an alliance of artists founded in 2010. The member-powered organization promotes and funds experiences that bring artists, art enthusiasts and collectors together. Events include the monthly Bird Road Art Walk, which features open studios, alternative spaces and creative businesses.

Since the 1980s, the Bird Road Art Districts’ slanted warehouses, antique stores and overall industrial vibe have provided a haven for artists. Today visitors will find a thriving community of more than 40 artists and an up and coming art scene, featuring a broad range of contemporary, emerging and established artists working in a variety of mediums.

Stay Connected with the Bird Road Art District:
Call: 305.467.6819
Facebook:Bird Road Art District

Miami New Times Best of Miami

Don’t be strangers come on by.

Orchids in the Park 5/26/12

Orchids in the Park
5/26/2012 & 5/27/2012, 10 AM to 5 PM (both days)
Dante Fascell Park
8600 SW 57th Ave (Red Road)
South Miami, FL

OrchidMania South Florida will hosts its 14th annual Orchids in the Park, an orchid sale benefiting Project Cradle, an affiliate volunteer program at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine that provides assistance to children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS in Miami-Dade County.

The sale features numerous types of orchids for sale, including rare and exotic species. In addition, the world famous Orchid Doctor will be available for consultations, as well as potting and mounting demonstrations.

Admission: Free!

Audio Description and Touch Tour Available for Hamlet Prince of Cuba 5/12/12

Audio Description and Touch Tour Available for Hamlet Prince of Cuba
Saturday, May 12, 3pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Cutler Bay

3pm: with Audio Description and Pre-show Touch Tour
8pm: with Audio Description

Asolo Repertory Theatre’s Hamlet Prince of Cuba By William Shakespeare Adapted by Michael Donald Edwards

South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center Presents an Open Access Theater Series Production of Hamlet Prince of Cuba with Audio Description and Pre-show Touch Tour

Hamlet’s intense struggle to understand the meaning in human life has captivated playgoers for more than 400 years. Now, Miami audiences will be among the first to see a distinctively Cuban Hamlet, which reveals new perspectives on the classic work, while staying true to the essence of Shakespeare’s original story. This new adaptation is a fresh and stunning portrayal of a son’s struggle to pursue justice for his father, and the consequences that threaten to destroy the lives of those he loves.

Contains moderate violence.

3pm and 8pm performances presented with Audio Description

Patrons who are blind or have low vision can listen to trained audio describers give live, verbal descriptions of actions, costumes, scenery, and other visual elements of this performance. Patrons who wish to listen to the description must pick up a headset. Headsets are distributed free-of-charge on a first-come, first-served basis from the house manager prior to the performance. Guests should arrive and be seated 20 minutes prior to show time in order to hear the audio introduction, describing the play, setting, characters, costumes and scenery.

2:15 pm Pre-show Touch Tour provided for the 3pm show
Patrons can attend a pre-show touch tour of the theater, stage, show set and costumes prior to the 3pm performance. Patrons who wish to participate in the pre-show touch tour must arrive at 2:15pm. For information on the touch tour contact: Dana Sorensen 786-573-5300,

The production of Hamlet, Prince of Cuba is part of the Open Access Theater Series

For More Information: visit or call 786.573.5300

MD Ageless Solutions Mix and Mingle 5/2/12

MD Ageless Solutions Mix & Mingle
Wednesday, May 2, 2012, 7-9pm
MD Ageless Solutions
6136 S. Dixie Hwy.
South Miami
RSVP Online

MD Ageless Solutions team and friends cordially invite you to Mix & Mingle. Find out more about their Mother’s Day specials available that night only. Enter for your chance to win FREE Botox raffle, enjoy refreshments and sounds by DJ 1-Mike.

MD Ageless Solutions provides unique customized care using advanced state-of-the-art MD Ageless Solutions skin care, treatments and products to achieve the best possible results and the latest advances in anti-aging medicine through the use of optimal hormone replacement and nutritional supplements.

Free Art Event For Kids 5/12/12

Free Art Event For Kids
May 12,2012, 11:00am – 4:00pm
Frames USA & Art Gallery
6822 SW 40th St (Bird Rd)
Miami, FL 33155

Frames USA & Art Gallery located at 6822 SW 40th St (Bird Rd) invites you to bring your kids to a free art event for Mother’s Day on Saturday May 12, 2012 from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Your kids will create a Mother’s Day painting for free which we will provide the art supplies. Free food and lots of give aways. No RSVP needed just show up!! Have any questions please contact us at 305-666-3355, email us at, or check on our Facebook page

Food Blogger Bake Sale!

Here I am wearing my food blogger hat!

On Saturday I, along with some of Miami’s best food bloggers, will be participating in the Food Blogger Bake Sale to benefit Share Our Strength, an organization that works to help end childhood hunger.

If you are in the Miami area, I would like to personally invite you to come get some goodies at the South Miami Farmer’s Market.

If you would like, you can also make a donation here.

We are counting on your support so please help :)

[Originally posted in Annush on the Causeway]

South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center Presents Asolo Repertory Theatre’s Production Of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet Prince of Cuba 5/11-13/12

South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center Presents Asolo Repertory Theatre’s Production Of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Prince of Cuba
Friday, May 11, 8pm (Spanish)
Saturday, May 12, 3pm/8pm (English)*
Sunday, May 13, 3pm (Spanish)
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 St
Cutler Bay
For information call 786.573.5300

$5 tickets at for ages 13-22.
$5 off orchestra level seats for seniors, students and active military members.

Adapted and Directed by Michael Donald Edwards
Spanish Translation by Nilo Cruz

Hamlet’s intense struggle to understand the meaning in human life has captivated playgoers for more than 400 years. Now, Miami audiences will be among the first to see a distinctively Cuban Hamlet, which reveals new perspectives on the classic work, while staying true to the essence of Shakespeare’s original story. With performances in both Spanish and English, this new adaptation is a fresh and stunning portrayal of a son’s struggle to pursue justice for his father, and the consequences that threaten to destroy the lives of those he loves.

Featuring an acclaimed bilingual cast and Spanish translation by Miami native and Pulitzer Prize-winner Nilo Cruz!

Presentations in Spanish feature English Supertitles.

Contains moderate violence.

*Saturday, May 12, 3pm with AudioDescription/
Pre-show Touch Tour

*Saturday, May 12, 8pm
with Audio Description

6th Annual All Kids Included Family Arts Festival 5/5/12

Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs & South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center with support from The Children’s Trust Present 6th Annual All Kids Included Family Arts Festival
Saturday, May 5, 10am–5pm
South Miami−Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 ST
Cutler Bay 33189

Celebrating You!

Inspired by Robert Kroupa’s book “Just Like You”
Special guest appearance by the author and book signings.
Interactive arts experiences for children of all abilities

Featuring a Lightwire Theatre production of The Ugly Duckling and The Tortoise And The Hare and puppet show by Masked Marvel Michael Cooper.

Live Entertainment!
Featuring the “Amazing Mr. A” magic show; Carrie Sue Ayvar, storytelling; JohnPaul Jebian, American Sign Language Storyteller; Fantasy Theatre Factory; Karen Peterson and Dancers; Greater Miami Youth Symphony; and more!

Interactive Arts Experiences!
Interactive Arts Experiences with Arts for Learning; “Arts for All” adaptive painting and print making with Miami-Dade Parks; inclusive music and movement playshops.

Festival Fun!
Free give-aways, rides and a rock wall climbing, Radio Disney, strolling magic, VIP children’s characters, juggling, balloon artists and face painting.

Celebrating You!
Art exhibit and awards; community resources for families offering helpful information, in-person assistance, support and literature.

Fun Food Too!

Gallery Night at Sauma Gallery 4/21/12

Gallery Night at Sauma Gallery
Saturday, April 21, 2012 from 6pm-10pm
4680 SW, 72nd Ave.
Miami, Fl 33155

At the Shops of Lakeshore Park, located in the Bird Road Art District
Jon us every 3rd Saturday of the Month for our Gallery Nights.
Special Guest Artist, Juan Antonio Rodríguez Olivares (Tony Rodriguez)

by Carmen Carle-. 04.18.2012
Sauma The Artist
Sauma Gallery
Carmen Carle

Kids Day Celebration Día del Niño en Cool-De-Sac 4/29/12

Kids Day Celebration – Día del Niño en Cool-De-Sac
4/29/12, 1:00 P.M.
Cool-De-Sac Sunset Place
5701 Sunset Drive #355
Miami, FL 33143

RSVP to get your BRACELET for discounts and specials:

Come and celebrate the KIDS DAY. In Latin America we celebrate the kids with their own holiday and we want to share this celebration with you. It’s a party for the kids, piñatas, goodie-bags, face painting and more activities at Cool-De-Sac.

Join us.
Kids pay $13.50 which includes entry to Cool-De-Sac, Slice of Pizza and a box of Juice.
No entry fee for Adults.

Ven a celebrar el Día del Niño en Cool-De-Sac. Trae a tus pequeños para que se diviertan mientras tu convives con mas Mexicanos en Miami.

Costo de entrada por niño $13.50+impuesto e incluye una rebanada de pizza y jugo.

No hay costo de entrada para los adultos.
Especiales en el menu para adultos.

Para dicho descuento menciona el código de promoción: MEXICANOS EN MIAMI

Mas informacion:

Te esperamos para convivir con mas Familias Mexicanas!

Bird Road Art Walk 4/21/12

Bird Road Art Walk
April 21, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Bird Road Art District
The Bird Road Art District is conveniently located just off of the Palmetto Expressway (SR 826) and Bird Road (SW 40th Street), extending south to SW 48 St. The majority of the studios are located off of SW 75 Ave & SW 74 Ave, between 41 St & SW 48 St. Please check our website website for map and a complete listig of particpating venues.
Every 3rd Saturday of each month

Join the most curious of collectors and art aficionados in Miami for the Bird Road Art Walk, Saturday, April 21, (& every third Saturday of each month).

Enjoy an evening of amazing visual and performing arts, engaging live demonstrations and spoken word. Explore the creative process in more than 30+ artists’ studios and galleries and discover hundreds of original works of art. Recently named “Miami’s Best Art Walk 2011” by Miami New Times, the Bird Road Art Walk is the place to experience Miami’s growing art scene.

This event is open and free to the public. Enjoy ample free parking and our complimentary shuttle bus that loops continuously throughout the district stopping at each participating artists’ studio and gallery.

Featuring: 3rd Door Art Project, Abel Triana Art, Abuela Art Gallery, Accent Alternative Art Space, Akuara Teatro Workshop, Aperture Studios, Art Cafe, Bohemio Art, Inc., Julio Cesar Art, Chavarriaga Fine Art Studio, Elcira Chomat Art, Esteban Blanco Art Studio, Gina Guzman Stained Glass Studios, H. Benitez Fine Art Gallery II, Ismael Gomez Peralta Art Studio, Juan M Benitez Art, La Silla Gallery, Liliana Leiro, Luisa Mesa Artspace, Madero Art, MANO Fine Art Project Space, Maruchi Carmona Art, Matthew Miller/Nickel Glass Studio, Miami Art Club, Miami’s Brick & Mortar Gallery @Palmetto Carpet, Nedine del Valle, Nestor Arenas Art Studio, Perez Art Gallery, Rafael Consuegra/ Cuadart Studio, Ray Azcuy Art Studio, Romero-Hidalgo Artists’ Studios/MyArt Ventures, LLC, Roy Rodriguez Art Studio, SpeakFridays! (Miami’s Most Diverse Open Mic), T.A. Project, The Young Artists Academy, Valmar Design Gallery, Sandy Levy/Visual Impact Photography, Yacqueline Ruiz Art and the Warehouse Al
ternative Space.

Start your Art Walk at any of the featured venues.

The Bird Road Art Walk is organized by an alliance of artists founded in 2010. The member-powered organization promotes and funds experiences that bring artists, art enthusiasts and collectors together. Events include the monthly Bird Road Art Walk, which features open studios, alternative spaces and creative businesses.

Since the 1980s, the Bird Road Art Districts’ slanted warehouses, antique stores and overall industrial vibe have provided a haven for artists. Today visitors will find a thriving community of more than 40 artists and an up and coming art scene, featuring a broad range of contemporary, emerging and established artists working in a variety of mediums.

Stay connected:
facebook: Bird Road Art Walk
twitter: @BirdRoadArts

MANO Fine Art presents All Dressed Up Meninas 4/21/12

MANO Fine Art presents “All Dressed Up: Meninas”
Saturday, April 21, 2012, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
MANO Fine Art Project Space
4225 SW 75 Ave
Miami, FL 33155
(in the Bird Road Art District)

Join us for the Opening Reception of “All Dressed Up: Meninas”, featuring work by Daniel Garcia, Oswaldo Franco and MANO, 7:00 pm –10:00 pm on Saturday, April 21 in conjunction with the Bird Road Art Walk.

The interpretation of the world’s masterpieces is hardly a new phenomenon. Artists often look to the past to learn from the old masters. In “All Dressed Up: Meninas”, contemporary artist: Daniel Garcia, Oswaldo Franco and MANO take on Diego Velazquez, reinterpreting his famed 1665 painting, “Las Meninas”, which is considered one of the greatest masterpieces ever painted.

The exhibit is not only a matter of looking back at the past but also exploring the popularity of the motif, Las Meninas (Spanish translation Ladies in Waiting). It seems that every generation has made Velazquez’s “meninas” a reflection of their own, hundreds of artists from Pablo Picasso to Vik Muniz have been inspired by the works’ enigmatic qualities.

In response to this common inspiration, Daniel Garcia, Oswaldo Franco and MANO allowed their own creativity to flow and their original inspirations evolved into multiple individual interpretations. The works include monoprints, mixed media, oil and acrylic inspirations in a myriad of sizes. Velazquez would be pleased.

MANO Fine Art is located in the Bird Road Art District at 4225 SW 75 Avenue (2nd Floor). For more information please contact 305.467.6819.

The South Miami Dade Cultural Arts Center presents Asolo Repertory Theatre’s Hamlet, Prince of Cuba 5/11-13/12

The South Miami Dade Cultural Arts Center presents Asolo Repertory Theatre’s Hamlet, Prince of Cuba
Friday, May 11th at 8:00 p.m. (Spanish with English supertitles)
Saturday, May 12th at 3:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. (English)
Sunday, May 13th at 3:00 p.m. (Spanish with English supertitles)
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 Southwest 211th Street
Cutler Bay FL 33189

Ticket prices:
$30, $20, $10 ($5 tickets
$5 off orchestra level seats for students seniors and active military service members
Ticket/Event Information: (786) 573-5300,,

Adapted and directed by Asolo Rep Producing Artistic Director Michael Donald Edwards, the performance features a Spanish translation by Pulitzer Prize-winner Nilo Cruz. This new Cuban adaptation is a fresh and stunning portrayal of a son’s struggle to pursue justice for his father, and the consequences that threaten to destroy the lives of those he loves. The select performances of Shakespeare’s best-known work will be featured in both English and Spanish with English supertitles.

Performance: Hamlet, Prince of Cuba

Food Bloggers Bake Sale 4/28/12

Food Bloggers Bake Sale!
Saturday, April 28, 2012, 10:00am until 2:00pm
South Miami Farmer’s Market
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143
Facebook Evite

On April 28 I am participating in the Food Blogger Bake Sale to benefit Share Our Strength, an organization that works to help end childhood hunger. The bake sale will take place at the South Miami Farmer’s Market and I was hoping I could count on your support.

You can either join our team, go get some goodies on the day of, or make a donation here.

I look forward to seeing you then :)

Thanks in advance!!

RA Sushi in South Miami Offers Tax Day Tuesday Special 4/17/12

RA Sushi in South Miami Offers “Tax Day Tuesday” Special
Happy Hour Pricing Extended from 3 p.m. to Close on April 17
RA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL 33143.

The dreaded tax day is almost here! This year, the tax return deadline has been extended to Tuesday, April 17, and RA Sushi in South Miami is offering a reward for those who got their taxes done early or a little relief for those who procrastinated. RA Sushi has created a “Tax Day Tuesday” special, extending its Happy Hour from 3 p.m. to close.

Keeping a little money in their pockets, on Tax Day Tuesday guests can choose from more than 35 sushi, appetizer, and tapas selections ranging from $3 to $7, plus more than 30 beer, wine, sake, and signature cocktails ranging from $2 to $7. RA Sushi’s Happy Hour typically runs from 3 to 7 p.m., but on this specific day Happy Hour specials will be offered from 3 p.m. until close.

Popular happy hour items include such dishes as the Tootsy Maki, the Viva Las Vegas Roll, Sweet Onion Salmon Tapas, and Kaisen Ceviche. RA’s creative cocktail menu features many favorites, including the Blushing Geisha, Samurai Cowboy, and Sea Monkey.
The Tax Day Tuesday special is available for dine in orders only, and it is offered at RA Sushi in South Miami at 5829 SW 73rd St. in Miami, FL 33143. For more information about Tax Day Tuesday, visit

All Kids Included Family Festival 5/5/12

All Kids Included Family Festival
Saturday, May 5, 10am–5pm
South Miami−Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 ST
Cutler Bay 33189

For more information 786 573 5316


Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs & South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center with support from The Children’s Trust Present 6th Annual All Kids Included Family Arts Festival Celebrating You!

Inspired by Robert Kroupa’s book “Just Like You”
Special guest appearance by the author and book signings.

Interactive arts experiences for children of all abilities

Featuring a Lightwire Theatre production of The Ugly Duckling and The Tortoise And The Hare and puppet show by Masked Marvel Michael Cooper.

Live Entertainment!
Featuring the “Amazing Mr. A” magic show; Carrie Sue Ayvar, storytelling; JohnPaul Jebian, American Sign Language Storyteller; Fantasy Theatre Factory; Karen Peterson and Dancers; Greater Miami Youth Symphony; and more!

Interactive Arts Experiences!
Interactive Arts Experiences with Arts for Learning; “Arts for All” adaptive painting and print making with Miami-Dade Parks; inclusive music and movement playshops.

Festival Fun!
Free give-aways, rides and a rock wall climbing, Radio Disney, strolling magic, VIP children’s characters, juggling, balloon artists and face painting.

Celebrating You!
Art exhibit and awards; community resources for families offering helpful information, in-person assistance, support and literature.

Fun Food Too!

MANO Fine Art presents People You May Know an exhibit inspired by social media 3/17/12

MANO Fine Art presents “People You May Know” an exhibit inspired by social media
March 17, 2012, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
MANO Fine Art Project Space
4225 SW 75 Ave (2nd Floor)
in the Bird Road Art District
Miami, FL 33155

“People You May Know” is a showing of new works by Miami-based artist, MANO, inspired by his experience with social media. The exhibition features a series of portraits and sculptural installations; “Friend Me” and “Data Spills” that explore the algorithmic reality of making “friends” online and “posts” the question “Are you my friend?”

In his exhibit, it is not the electronics of social media that interest MANO but rather the way that social media has changed the way we communicate and connect. Our profiles are the stories that we create about ourselves illustrated with the photos that we select and post.

In the sculptural installation, “Friend Me” MANO incorporates almost two hundred “profile pages” from his facebook friends. “When I started the piece in 2010, I actually posted a message on facebook asking friends if they wanted to be part of the project. I was amazed, within a matter of days literally hundreds responded YES” said MANO.

Please join us in the studio for MANO’s newest exhibit. Join us also on facebook: MANO Fine Art and twitter:@MANOFineArt.

Opening will be in conjuntion with the Bird Road Art Walk.

Bird Road Art Walk 3/17/12

Bird Road Art Walk
03/17/2012, 7:00 – 10:00 pm
Bird Road Art District
Bird Road (40 Street) off of the Palmetto Expressway
Between 41 St. & 48 St. SW
on/between 72nd Ave & 75th Ave

The Bird Road Art District holds their monthly Art Walk this and every third saturday of each month. 7-10 pm
Experience Miami’s Art Scene !!!
Where you’ll Discover more than 30 artists studios.
FREE food, music and drinks at each of our venues.
You’ll get to enjoy hundreds of different art pieces, by various different artists.

FREE parking at each of our venues.
want to leave your car and enjoy the night without having to drive? No problem, we have a courtesy shuttle bus that’ll take you to each venue and bring you back to your car when your night is done. No need to drive around looking for parking

And its all happening here at the Bird Road Art District!

Art Exhibition All About Pablo at Aperture Studios 3/17/12

Art Exhibition ‘All About Pablo’ at Aperture Studios
03/17/2012, 7:00-10:00 pm
Aperture Studios in conjunction with the Bird Road Art Walk
7360 SW 41 SREET
Miami, Fl. 33155
in the Bird Road Art District

Experience Modern, Fresh, and Vibrant art, as artist Pablo Hernandez unveils his new art form “dropillism” using 3D paint and acrylic on canvas.

Come and join the Bird Road Art Walk , enjoy your night while you
explore the creative process and discover hundreds of works of art in over 30 artists’ studios and galleries

Carlos Bowers CD Release Party 3/14/12

Carlos Bowers CD Release Party
3/14/2012, 7:00 P.M.
1250 South Miami Avenue
Miami FL
Facebook Page
RSVP Online

We cordially invite you to Carlos Bowers CD Release Party A Red Carpet Event

Must RSVP by Friday March 16
You can RSVP by Email:
Text: BOWERS to 786-271-4189
Include full name of you and guests in your party.

Event Produced by: Mexicanos en Miami & Kukaramakara
Partners: ZAR Productions, High Hill Entertainment
Sponsors: RockStar Energy Drink

Carlos Bowers
CD/Digital Release available March 10, 2012
Download on iTunes
Listen on Spotify
Connect with Carlos Bowers
Twitter: @CarlosBowers
Facebook Page:

Listen to Carlos Bowers 2011 single ‘Se Fue Volando’ on Spotify.

Carlos Bowers nace un 20 de mayo en la Ciudad de México. Desde muy temprana edad se inclina hacia el mundo de la música y la actuación. A los 17 años, gana el Concurso Regional de Canto Juvenil representando a Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco; poco después participa en el XII Festival de la Canción en Toluca, Méx., como cantautor del tema “Insignificante”, obteniendo el primer lugar como mejor intérprete y tercer lugar como compositor. En ese mismo año estelariza “Spamalot”; una obra musical en el Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Toluca.

Un año después (2007) se muda a Miami y resulta ganador de la audición del Sur de la Florida del canal norteamericano FOX, obteniendo así un pase frente a los productores generales de American Idol. Estando en Estados Unidos, representa a México en el Festival Internacional de la canción de Miami 2010, logrando un segundo lugar como compositor del tema “Sueña Ya”. En el mismo año, ingresa a la academia de Univisión donde fue sometido a un curso intensivo de Canto, Baile y Actuación con los mejores maestros del país, dicha beca la ganó gracias a su interpretación en el 2009 del tema “Mentira” en Sábado Gigante, ahí mismo se hizo acreedor de un automóvil y 7,500 dólares.

El 29 de julio del 2011, Carlos debutó en Teatro de Broadway protagonizando la puesta en escena: “José el Soñador”. A finales de enero del presente, fue invitado a cantar su exitoso tema “Sueña Ya” en la quinta edición de los Miami Life Awards. En días pasados es elegido orgullosamente como uno de los mexicanos que vibran en Miami.

El próximo 17 de marzo, después de un año de arduo trabajo, se llevará a cabo el lanzamiento oficial de su primer disco homónimo integrado por 5 canciones y producido por el venezolano Alain Maiki, con temas propios y uno del reconocido músico cubano Osvaldo Rodríguez, en un club nocturno de la ciudad de Miami, Florida.

Bird Road Art Walk 3/17/12

Bird Road Art Walk
Saturday, March 17, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Bird Road Art District
The Bird Road Art District (BRAD) is conveniently located just off of the Palmetto Expressway (SR 826) and Bird Road (SW 40 St), extending south to SW 48 St. The majority of the studios are located off of SW 75 Ave & SW 74 Ave, between 41 St & SW 48 St. Please check our website for complete listing of participating venues and map.

Inviting the most curious of collectors and art aficionados to experience Miami’s Art Scene at the Bird Road Art Walk!

Enjoy an evening of visual and performing arts, engaging live demonstrations and spoken word. Explore the creative process in more than 30+ artists’ studios/ galleries and discover hundreds of works of art. Recently named “Miami’s Best Art Walk 2011” by Miami New Times, the Bird Road Art Walk is a must for all art enthusiasts.

This event is free and open to the public, enjoy ample free parking and a complimentary shuttle bus that loops continuously throughout the district stopping at each participating venue.

Featuring: 3rd Door Art Project, Abel Triana Art, Abuela Art Gallery, Accent Alternative Art Space, Akuara Teatro Workshop, Aperture Studios, Art Cafe, Bohemio Art, Inc., Julio Cesar Art, Chavarriaga Fine Art Studio, Elcira Chomat Art, Esteban Blanco Art Studio, Gina Guzman Stained Glass Studios, H. Benitez Fine Art Gallery II, Ismael Gomez Peralta Art Studio, Juan M Benitez Art, La Silla Gallery, Liliana Oleiro, Luisa Mesa Artspace, Madero Art, MANO Fine Art Project Space, Maruchi Carmona Art, Matthew Miller/Nickel Glass Studio, Miami Art Club, Miami’s Brick & Mortar Gallery @Palmetto Carpet, Nedine del Valle, Nestor Arenas Art Studio, Perez Art Gallery, Rafael Consuegra/ Cuadart Studio, Ray Azcuy Art Studio, Romero-Hidalgo Artists’ Studios/MyArt Ventures, LLC, Roy Rodriguez Art Studio, SpeakFridays! (Miami’s Most Diverse Open Mic), T.A. Project, The Young Artists Academy, Valmar Design Gallery, Sandy Levy/Visual Impact Photography, Jacqueline Ruiz Art and the Warehouse
Alternative Space.
Start your ART Walk at any of the featured studios or galleries.

About the Bird Road Art Walk:
The Bird Road Art Walk is organized by an alliance of artists founded in 2010. The member-powered organization promotes and funds experiences that bring artists, art enthusiasts and collectors together. Events include the monthly Bird Road Art Walk, which features open studios, alternative spaces and creative businesses.

Since the 1980s, the Bird Road Art Districts’ slanted warehouses, antique stores and overall industrial vibe have provided a haven for artists. Today visitors will find a thriving community of more than 40 artists and an up and coming art scene, featuring a broad range of contemporary, emerging and established artists working in a variety of mediums.

Contact us: 305.467.6819
fb: Bird Road Art District
twitter: @BirdRoadArts

The Villagers 2012 Garden Tour 3/3/12

The Villagers 2012 Garden Tour
Saturday, March 3, 2012 from 10 am to 3 pm

This year the Gateway To Garden Wonders will feature several outstanding gardens in the Pinecrest and South Miami area.

Price per ticket is $25 for advance sales, and $30 at the door the day of the tour.

Light refreshments will be served.

Please let Monica Fidel know if you would like an advance ticket, and remember that your $25 tax deductible donation supports The Villagers historic preservation projects and scholarships.

Call today to purchase your ticket: Monica Fidel 305-569-0293

Bird Road Art Walk 2/18/12

Bird Road Art Walk
Saturday, February 18, 2012
7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
(& the third Saturday of every month)

Located just off the Palmetto Expressway between Bird Road (SW 40 Street) and SW 48 Street, you will find a thriving community of more than thirty artists’ studios, art galleries, art schools, a live theater group called Akuara Teatro and Speak!, a stage for spoken word.

Warehouse presents Victor Alarcon Surreal Studies 2/18/12

Warehouse presents Victor Alarcon: Surreal Studies
February 18, 7-11pm
4396 SW 74 Ave 33155
Bird Road Art District

Warehouse and The Bird Road Art District is proud to showcase a retrospective show on works produced by emerging photographer, Victor Alarcon. Victor’s exhibition expresses repetitive accumulations of a single subjects from a surrealistic point of view.

The work focuses on his perspective of the reocurring use of the same object throughout each photograph. Bringing these objects into an abstract representation on a 2 dimensional surface expresses Victor’s gift, behind the lens of a camera.

One year ago, Victor Alarcon emerged into the art scene with his colorful, intriguing, succesful photography exhibition: Simply Live. Images of people, places and things from his travels around the world. Victor runs a succesful production company: Victor E. Productions. Shooting commercials, music videos and documentarys for the public eye. In the last year he has been commissioned for work with such organizations as the Miami Parking Authority, Formula 1 Cars and O.Y.E.

The exhibition begins this Saturday night, Feb 18 at 7pm. Everyone is welcome. Food and drinks will be served. Live music and art will also be featured at this event. Thanks for your support.

Warehouse Alternative Space
Victor E Alarcon – ‘Simply Live’

The Shops At Sunset Place Living Fit Health And Beauty Expo 2/25/12

Living Fit Health And Beauty Expo
Saturday, February 25 from noon to 5 p.m.
The Shops At Sunset Place
5701 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143
Facebook Page

The Shops at Sunset Place will present its “Living Fit! Health and Beauty Expo” featuring fitness expert and lifestyle coach Angelique Millis. Many experts, services and organizations whose mission it is to educate families about the importance of healthy and balanced living will also be joining the effort.

Event attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy cutting-edge fitness demonstrations, healthy bites, top beauty trends, style makeovers, giveaways and much more. LA Fitness will be on hand offering free body fat percentage testing and registration for trial gym passes, Make Up Store will provide mini makeovers, Karma Couture will showcase jewelry styling tips and South Miami Dade Dermatology will provide skincare information. Plus, four local clinical centers will give information about recent research studies and offer enrollment for seasonal flu trials.

“We are excited to present this opportunity to raise awareness for healthy living,” said Tatiana Vidales, assistant director of marketing and business development at The Shops at Sunset Place. “The Shops at Sunset Place is a great place to shop and dine, as well as a community resource hosting events that help better our community.”

Angelique Millis is a Certified Fitness Expert, journalist and lifestyle coach living in Miami. As a weight loss success story, she transformed her physique by losing nearly 40 pounds and 5 dress sizes! She has transcended her passion for health and fitness into motivating and educating others on reaching their fitness potential. Angelique is a contributing writer to a variety of health and fitness magazines and websites including Kettlebell Magazine, Physique Magazine, Sports Nutrition Insider and Additional projects on the horizon in 2012 include a motivational health and fitness web channel, the “Fit in 30 Minutes” DVD Series and sharing her firsthand experience, tools and strategies for developing and retaining a strong and focused “life/work/fitness balance” through her current project entitled “How to Be in 2 Places at Once.”

RA Sushi in South Miami celebrates Fat Tuesday with Mardi RA 2/21/12

RA Sushi in South Miami celebrates Fat Tuesday with “Mardi RA”
Tuesday, February 21 from 7 p.m.
RA Sushi
5829 SW 73rd St.
South Miami, FL 33143

Celebrate Fat Tuesday at RA Sushi with “Mardi RA”
RA Sushi Bringing Taste of the Big Easy to SoMi

Don’t travel all the way to New Orleans to enjoy Mardi Gras! Instead, head over to RA Sushi in South Miami to close to celebrate its version of Fat Tuesday with “Mardi RA.” During the event, enjoy food and drink specials, festive décor and entertainment.

Get in the spirit by dressing in Mardi Gras attire and throwing on some colorful beads. A special guest D.J. will keep the crowd going all night long.

Take a bite out of the Big Easy with a variety of spicy food specials made just for the occasion. Mardi RA dishes include the Spicy Chicken and Shishito Green Necklace, a noodle dish tossed with chicken, green and red bell peppers, onion, garlic, chili sesame sauce, and shishito peppers, garnished with Sriracha and black sesame seeds ($7). The Chili Shrimp Roll is an amped up Viva Las Vegas Roll topped with spicy crab mix, crispy spicy shrimp, cilantro, jalapeno, and Sriracha ($8). Enjoy the Spicy Kalbi Beef, grilled beef short ribs marinated in a spicy black pepper soy sauce, served over grilled red and green bell peppers and onions ($9).

Tame the heat from these spicy dishes with two special cocktails that give a nod to New Orleans. Sip on a Southern Julep, made with Southern Comfort, Makers Mark, simple syrup and mint ($8), or cool down with a HurRAcane, featuring Southern Comfort, fresh fruit juices, lemon lime soda, simple syrup and grenadine ($8).

Stop in to RA Sushi in South Miami and enjoy one of these Southern spirits with a special twist, or mix one up at home for your own celebration.
Southern Julep:
.75 ounces Southern Comfort
.75 ounces Makers Mark
.05 ounce simple syrup
6 mint leaves
Muddle mint and simple syrup in a tin. Add liquor and a half a scoop of ice and shake vigorously. Pour drink into tall glass. Top with ice and splash of soda. Garnish with sprig of mint.

1.5 ounces Southern Comfort
1 ounce pineapple juice
1 ounce orange juice
1 ounce lemon lime soda
.05 ounce simple syrup
.25 ounces grenadine
Orange slice and cherry for garnish
Combine all ingredients in a tall glass with ice. Garnish with an orange and cherry flag.

RA Sushi Bar Restaurant, an upbeat, unconventional sushi bar, opened its first location in Scottsdale, Ariz. in October 1997. RA is best known for successfully combining distinctive sushi with a trendy, hip atmosphere. Fresh sushi is served to order along with outstanding Japanese fusion cuisine in a fun, lively environment. The result is a place that is both unpretentious and fashionable.

The Falls Valentine’s Day Super Sale Weekend 2/11-13/12

The Falls Valentine’s Day Super Sale Weekend 2/11-13/12
Sat, Feb. 11 through Mon, Feb.13 during regular mall hours
8888 SW 136 Street
Miami, FL 33176
Cost: Free

The Falls, one of the largest open-air shopping, dining and entertainment complexes in the United States, is helping the love-struck prepare for Valentine’s Day with spectacular savings on distinctive gifts and tokens of love. The Falls’ Super Sale will offer everyone a chance to save for the romantic holiday ahead. Shoppers are encouraged to take advantage of exclusive promotions offered by mall retailers during the Super Sale Weekend, beginning Sat., February 11 through Mon., February 13.

Participating retailers include Yankee Candle, Bag ‘N Baggage, Fast Fix, Rockport, Nine West, Talbots, Origins, Papyrus, T-Mobile and many more.

For more information about the Super Sale Weekend, please contact The Falls at (305) 255-4571 or visit

Living Fit Health and Beauty Expo at The Shops At Sunset Place 2/25/12

Living Fit Health and Beauty Expo at The Shops At Sunset Place
Saturday, February 25, 2012, Noon to 5 p.m.
The Shops at Sunset Place (1st level of the mall by Z Gallerie)
5701 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143

Miami’s Top Wellness Experts Gather At The Shops At Sunset Place
Free family event to feature top fitness experts, beauty samplings, health screenings and giveaways

The Shops at Sunset Place will present its “Living Fit! Health and Beauty Expo” featuring fitness expert and lifestyle coach Angelique Millis, as well as other experts, services and organizations whose mission it is to educate families about the importance of healthy and balanced living. Event attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy cutting- edge fitness demonstrations, healthy bites, top beauty trends, style makeovers, giveaways and much more

For more information, call (305) 663-0482, visit or become a fan on Facebook by visiting

Young Talent Big Dreams Auditions at South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center 1/28/12

Young Talent Big Dreams Auditions at South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
Saturday, January 28, 2012, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Cutler Bay, FL.

Actors’ Playhouse Continues Second Annual Young Talent Big Dreams Countywide Talent Search, Presented by The Children’s Trust, with Preliminary Auditions on January 28 at South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center. Competition Includes Music, Dance, Voice & Spoken Word

Now in its second year, Young Talent Big Dreams, the most widespread local youth talent contest ever in Miami-Dade, will hold preliminary auditions for kids between the ages of 8 -17. Participants will compete for prizes ranging from performing arts scholarships and cash awards to tickets to local attractions and theatres. The competition will feature a total of eight categories including; individual song, dance, original spoken word and musical instrument, and group categories of 6 or less members include; show choir, dance, vocal/instrumental and instrumental. Participation is free of charge and limited to residents of Miami-Dade County. Auditions began in October and conclude with the semifinals and finals in April 2012.

Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre and presenting sponsor, The Children’s Trust.

Judges will vary at each audition. The semifinals and finals with will be held in April 2012 at the Miracle Theatre, with the finals being performed in front of a live audience during the Actors’ Playhouse Kids Fest Family Weekend. Participants may compete in one individual and one group category only, and those who pre-register will be given priority audition times.

Young Talent Big Dreams will hold seven preliminary auditions in diverse locations throughout Miami-Dade County. Participation in Young Talent Big Dreams requires parental consent and is limited to residents of Miami-Dade County. Performers may pre-register online and will be seen before non-registered performers. Detailed information including the audition schedule, competition rules, and registration forms, please visit or call 211. To learn more about The Children’s Trust, please visit

Actors’ Playhouse is the nonprofit resident theatre company and managing agent of the historic Miracle Theatre on Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. Actors’ Playhouse, which has brought home 70 regional Carbonell Awards for artistic excellence, is a Florida Presenting Cultural Organization and one of 22 major cultural institutions in Miami-Dade County. In addition to its Mainstage season, Actors’ Playhouse offers a year-round season of Musical Theatre for Young Audiences, a National Children’s Theatre Festival, a Theatre Conservatory and Summer Camp Program, as well as educational arts outreach programs for underserved youth, and has initiated a Young Talent Big Dreams contest for children in partnership with The Children’s Trust.

The Children’s Trust is a dedicated source of revenue established by voter referendum to improve the lives of children and families in Miami-Dade County.

South Miami FIAT Grand Opening 1/26/12

South Miami FIAT Grand Opening
Thursday, Jan. 26. from 6 to 10 p.m.
South Miami FIAT
17220 South Dixie Highway
Miami, Fla. 33157
More Info

South Miami FIAT will celebrate its grand opening with “A Taste of Italy”

This VIP Grand Opening will be held at the new FIAT studio. The evening will feature live music, food from Miami’s finest Italian restaurants, prizes, cappuccino, and, of course, the 2012 Fiat 500 hatchback and Fiat 500 Cabrio.

While several hundred VIPs are expected to attend, the studio is open to the public as well.

South Miami FIAT joins 138 open FIAT studios across the United States, 14 in the state of Florida. A three-month renovation project transformed this former used-car dealership into a striking new FIAT studio.

“Miami is a key market for us in our continuing expansion of the FIAT brand in Florida and across the United States,” said Tim Kuniskis, Head of FIAT Brand for North America. “We are thrilled to add South Miami FIAT to our fast-growing network of FIAT studios.”

The dealer, Jay Rivchin, has opened South Miami FIAT less than a mile from his existing Dadeland Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, and Ram Truck dealership.

“Our customers are buying the Fiat 500 first and foremost because it’s Italian,” said Greg Van Natter, Managing Director of South Miami FIAT. “People like to be seen, like to be noticed in their Fiat 500.”

Robert Elias and The Revenge LIVE at Bougainvilleas 3/3/12

Robert Elias & The Revenge LIVE @ Bougainvilleas
March 3rd, 2012, 10pm
Bougainvilleas Old Florida Tavern
7221 SW 58th Avenue
Miami, FL 33143
Facebook Page

HomeGrown Saturdays Presents:

Robert Elias & The Revenge continue on their quest to take over the South Florida music scene!

Come to Bougainvilleas March 3rd to watch them perform songs from the upcoming album ‘Magic City’ and see what all the buzz is about!

Show starts @ 10pm! Revenge is sweet, come get what you deserve!

For more info:

Photosoup Opening Reception 2/3/12

Photosoup Opening Reception
February 3rd, 2012 6pm-9pm
First National Bank of South Miami Dadeland
7887 North Kendall Drive

First National Bank Of South Miami Features Award Winning Miami Artist Jonathan Brooks’ Photosoup Solo Exhibit In The Heart Of Dadeland

South Florida-based Visual Artist Jonathan Brooks unveils Photosoup solo exhibit at First National Bank of South Miami’s Dadeland Location. February & March 2012.

Award winning Miami Visual Artist/Photographer/Writer Jonathan Brooks shares images that will be on display February through March at the First National Bank of South Miami, Kendall Branch.

“It’s a hodgepodge of shots from some of the different series or projects I’ve worked on recently,” says Brooks. “There’s a little bit of something for everyone.”
The exhibit includes all types of photography, including portraits, abstracts, landscapes, and more. Color, Black & White, and Sepia techniques are all also represented. The First National Bank of South Miami has a history of showcasing local, national, and international upcoming and established artists in South Florida.

One minute you are looking at a Dalmatian or Peacock, then a Cuban coffee or cigar. And all the images carry a hint of a South Florida/Miami vibe. You can also get a glimpse at a few of his works from his 2005 South Miami 32 Bites exhibit that took place during Hurricane Katrina.

“I’m used to his amazing portraits and beauty shots, but I think this collection really shows his diversity as a photographer,” says Coral Gables Make-up Artist Elena Zelicscovics.

Brooks’ work has recently been shown locally at the Miami Beach Community Health Center’s Through the Eyes of Love Aids Exhibition, Miami Magazine and Beck’s Beer’s Beck’s Emerging Artist Exhibition, and Paws 4 U’s Art Zoo Charity Exhibition- all during Miami’s International Art Basel Week.

His art and writing can also be found at in his Jonathan Brooks Visual Arts shop at Through his own JDB ebooks he has PDF file ebooks and calendars available.

Brooks’ Photosoup exhibition starts the first of February and runs through the end of March. It is a free event open to the public. The bank’s Gallery is a public art space that is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays the gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 1p.m.

Jonathan Brooks is an award winning photographer, whose work has been exhibited in Art Basel Miami, New York City, and the United Kingdom. His studies in graphic design and architecture, and extensive backgrounds in the fashion industry and music industry have helped to influence his work.

Brooks graduated magna cum laude with a BS degree from the University of Miami with a Communications Double Major (Advertising and Fine Arts: Photography) and a minor in Marketing.

The story and images detailing the renovation of his condo appeared nationally in Venus magazine. He has numerous photography exhibitions to his credit and is currently working on his next.

Jonathan worked for Eastman Kodak for some time during the transition from film to digital, as well as some other major companies. Highly proficient in computers, he has been using them since before AOL even existed.

He is a rare Miami native and is bilingual. He currently writes and photographs reviews for and is the shop owner of Jonathan Brooks Visual Arts on

Bird Road Art Walk 1/21/12

Bird Road Art Walk
Saturday, January 21, 2012, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Bird Road Art District
Bird Road Art District (BRAD) is conveniently located just off of the Palmetto Expressway (SR 826) and Bird Road (SW 40th Street), BRAD extends south to SW 48th Street. The majority of the studios are located between SW 75 Ave & SW 74 Ave, between 41 St & SW 48th St. Please check website for map and complete listing of artists.

Experience Miami’s growing art scene on Saturday, January 21, 2012 from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm at the Bird Road Art Walk. On the third Saturday of each month, art enthusiasts are invited to enjoy an evening of amazing visual and performing arts. Recently voted “Miami’s Best Art Walk 2011” by Miami New Times, the monthly art walk showcases the work of 40+ local contemporary artists, rotating exhibitions, engaging live demonstrations, spoken word and an opportunity to go behind-the-scenes into the artists’ studio to experience their world of creativity.

Enjoy ample free parking, wine and lite bites and a complimentary shuttle bus that will take you to each participating venue. Start your art walk at any of the participating venues, click here for listing.

The Bird Road Art Walk is organized by an alliance of artists founded in 2010. The member-powered organization promotes and funds experiences that bring artists, art enthusiasts and collectors together. Events include the monthly Bird Road Art Walk, which features open studios, alternative spaces and creative businesses.

Since the 1980s, the Bird Road Art Districts’ slanted warehouses, antique stores and overall industrial vibe have provided a haven for artists. Today visitors will find a thriving community of more than 40 artists and an up and coming art scene, featuring a broad range of contemporary, emerging and established artists working in a variety of mediums.

For more information please contact us at 305.467.6819, visit, become a friend on Facebook:Bird Road Art District and follow us on Twitter: @BirdRoadArts

Miami’s First e-cycling campaign Recycle-IT 1/11/12

Miami’s FIRST e-cycling campaign Recycle-IT
Wednesday, January 11, from 6 – 9 p.m.
Town Kitchen and Bar
7301 SW 57th Court
South Miami, FL 33143

Recycle-IT is a great initiative to support! We’re asking members in the community and business owners to donate their old, unwanted electronics. These electronics will be recycled for cash, which will benefit Miami-Dade County Public Schools. For every $1 raised, the federal government will donate $10 to our local schools. Come out to our launch event on Wednesday, January 11, from 6 – 9 p.m. and bring your unwanted electronics! If you can’t make it, schedule a pick up through Facebook for free. Recycle-IT is running through February 29.

2012 New Year New You With Ra Sushi’s Low-Calorie Skinny Cocktails

New Year, New You With Ra Sushi’s Low-Calorie Skinny Cocktails
RA Sushi South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL 33143

Refreshing Libations Slenderized for a Guilt Free Indulgence

Overindulgence is the name of the game during the holiday season! Happy hours, office goodies, and family feasts can wreak havoc on anyone’s waistline. For those with a New Year’s resolution to regain their willpower, RA Sushi has created three new low-calorie skinny cocktails for a guilt free treat.
Slenderized to feature less than 200 calories each, the Lychee-teenie, Skinny Ninja and Thin Ginger are so full of flavor, the extra calories won’t even be missed. A light, fruity martini alternative, the Lychee-teenie is subtly sweet with the flavor of Asian lychee fruit, mixed with Voli Vodka and Monin Agave Nectar. A refreshing twist on a RA favorite, the Skinny Ninja includes Voli Lyte Vodka, the flavors of yuzu and pink grapefruit, plus Monin Agave Nectar and shiso, a basil-minty Japanese herb. The Thin Ginger features strawberry and ginger muddled with Voli Lemon Vodka, fresh citrus, and Monin Agave Nectar for a “berry” tasty resolution-minded libation.

Priced at $8 each, the skinny cocktails will be available from Jan. 1, 2012 to Feb. 29, 2012 at RA Sushi in South Miami (5829 SW 73rd St. in Miami, FL 33143). Visit any RA location to try a Lychee-teenie, Skinny Ninja, or Thin Ginger, or mix one up at home. For more information, visit
1.5 oz. Voli Lemon Vodka
1 oz. lychee juice
.5 oz. Monin Agave Nectar
.25 oz. lemon juice
1 lychee for garnish
In a shaker, combine first four ingredients with ice. Shake and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lychee.
Skinny Ninja
1.5 oz. Voli Lyte Vodka
1 oz. pink grapefruit juice
.5 oz. Monin Agave Nectar
.25 oz. yuzu puree
.25 oz. lemon juice
Splash of soda
Shiso leaf and lemon slice for garnish
In a mixing glass, muddle half of the shiso leaf with agave. Add all ingredients except soda and shake with ice. Strain into ice filled glass, top with soda, and garnish with remaining shiso leaf and lemon.
Thin Ginger
1.5 oz. Voli Lemon Vodka
.5 oz. Monin Agave Nectar
.25 oz. yuzu puree
.25 oz. lemon juice
Splash of soda
Fresh ginger root, peeled
Lemon twist for garnish
In a mixing glass, muddle strawberry and ginger with agave. Add all ingredients except soda and shake with ice. Strain into an ice filled glass, and garnish with a strawberry and lemon twist.

RA Sushi Bar Restaurant, an upbeat, unconventional sushi bar, opened its first location in Scottsdale, Ariz. in October 1997. RA is best known for successfully combining distinctive sushi with a trendy, hip atmosphere. Fresh sushi is served to order along with outstanding Japanese fusion cuisine in a fun, lively environment. The result is a place that is both unpretentious and fashionable.

Lunch is served from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Dinner is served until 11 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, and until midnight Thursday through Sunday. The bar is open until 1 a.m. or later. Happy Hour food and beverage specials are offered Monday through Saturday, 3 to 7 p.m. RA Sushi’s Flying Fish Lounge is the perfect place to catch some fresh fish and drink specials. On Sunday nights from 8 p.m. to midnight, RA-goers visiting the Flying Fish Lounge will find specials on sushi and drinks.

Art and All That Jazz 1/14/12

Art and All That Jazz
Saturday, January 14th, 6 to 10 pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 ST, Cutler Bay
For information call 786.573.5300

For Tickets and Information, please contact the SMDCAC Box Office: 786-573-5300.
Ticket prices: Orchestra: $45 / Mezzanine: $25 / Balcony: $15 / High School/College Students: $5 Balcony

It is with a great sense of pride that the Cultural Council is bringing the joy of art and music to be held in the South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center (a/k/a smdcac). Visit the Center’s website to view this magnificent facility:

The Cultural Council, Inc. brings a delightful evening to the South Miami-Dade residents and visitors to our community with the unique combination of a fine art exhibition and an exciting jazz concert.

Following its tradition of more than 20 years with In The Park With Art and Jazz Under The Stars, both award-winning events, the enjoyment of this evening cannot be missed.

The Cultural Council, Inc., a non-profit volunteer organization, has realized its mission of presenting an event in the auditorium that was the inspiration of the late County Commissioner, Clara Oesterle, during the County’s Decade of Progress in 1972.

With Mrs. Oesterle’s support, this organization was formed by numerous residents who wanted to bring the love of art and music to the South Dade community. Many of the original members of the Cultural Council are still in the organization.

The art exhibit will feature fine works in the art mediums from the watercolors of David Maddern to the photography of John Andersen to the oils of Margarita Vidal and of more selected artists.

The renown Miami Wind Symphony ventures into a new direction with their new Jazz Ensemble under the direction of conductor Rodester Brandon.

The Cultural Council gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship of long standing from Baptist Health South Florida, Esserman Automotive Group, Community Bank of Florida, Williamson Cadillac, 1st National Bank of South Florida, Publix Super Market Charities; Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the County Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners, First National Bank of South Miami, The Miami Herald, Christina’s Party Rentals, Signs by Design and above all, WOW FACTOR Advertising Agency, Leone Creative, and FOXYADS.COM for their invaluable support.

Come and enjoy the evening with complimentary refreshments through the participation of area caterers and restaurants.

Proceeds from this event will benefit the Cultural Council’s Scholarship Fund

Photographs of Miami Crawls presents SoMi Holiday Crawl Cheers and Beers on 12/10/11

Miami Crawlspresents SoMi Holiday Crawl Cheers and Beers on Saturday, December 10, 2011.  This awesome bar crawl benefited Radio Lollipop & South Miami Alliance for Youth. Here are the great stops during the crawl, Sports Grill (South Miami Location), Town Kitchen & Bar, Cervezas, Sunset Tavern, Irish Times and Bougie’s Bar.  We had such an awesome time and to think you get to eat and drink for a great cause, Love it!!!!!

{Please feel free to download and share.}

RA Sushi In South Miami Hosts NYE Remix 1/1/12

Sunday, Jan. 1, 2012, 8:00 p.m. – close
RA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL 33143
Phone: (305) 341-0092

For those who didn’t give 2012 a proper welcome, RA Sushi in South Miami will wind back the clock with a New Year’s Eve Remix. On Sunday, January 1, 2012 from 8 p.m. to close, guests can indulge in Sunday Night’s Flying Fish Lounge specials with select sushi, appetizers and tapas ranging from $2-$7 and drink specials starting at just $3. Additional New Year’s Eve Remix specials include Tootsy Maki, Crunchy Calamari and Shishito Peppers for $5 each and Crispy Spicy Shrimp at $8. For those who aren’t fans of bubbly, we’ll be offering signature sips including Midnight Kiss, Dragonberry Rum muddled with fresh berries, raspberry liqueur and fresh juices ($8); “RA”solution Cocktail, Skyy Vodka mixed with Nigori Sake, strawberry purée, fresh citrus and a splash of cranberry ($8), as well as Sapporo, Sapporo Light and Sake for $6. Add a flavor (apple, mango, melon, raspberry) to your traditional sake for just $1 more.

Come ring in 2012 right and see why New Year’s Eve Remix is more fun in the RA…no resolutions required! For additional information or to RSVP, please visit

Bird Road Art Walk 12/17/11

Bird Road Art Walk
Saturday, December 17, 2011, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
(& every 3rd Saturday of the month)
Bird Road Art District
The Bird Road Art District is located just east of SW 75th Avenue, which runs alongside the Palmetto Expressway and between Bird Road (SW 40th St) and SW 48th St. The majority of the artist’s studios are located off of SW 75th Ave.

Experience Miami’s growing local art scene at the Bird Road Walk from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm on Saturday, December 17 (& every 3rd Saturday of the month).

Enjoy an evening of visual and performing arts, engaging live demonstrations, open studios, exhibitions, alternative spaces, spoken word and more. Recently voted “Miami’s Best Art Walk 2011” by Miami New Times, the Bird Road Art Walk is fast becoming a fixture for art enthusiasts.

The Bird Road Art Walk is organized by an alliance of artists founded in 2010. The member-powered organization promotes and funds experiences that bring artists, art enthusiasts and collectors together. Events include the monthly Bird Road Art Walk, which features open studios, alternative spaces and creative businesses.

Since the 1980s, the Bird Road Art Districts’ slanted warehouses, antique stores and overall industrial vibe have provided a haven for artists. Today visitors will find a thriving community of more than 40 artists studios and an up and coming art scene, featuring a broad range of contemporary, emerging and established artists working in a variety of mediums.

Check our website for map, driving directions and a listing of artists studios.
Stay Connected:
Call: 305.467.6819
Facebook:Bird Road Art District

MANO Fine Art-Champagne Reception and Holiday Trunk Show with Isa Jimenez-Bonoli Designs 12/17/11

MANO Fine Art-Champagne Reception & Holiday Trunk Show with Isa Jimenez-Bonoli Designs
Saturday, December 17, 2011, 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
MANO Fine Art Project Space
in the Bird Road Art District
4225 SW 75 Ave
Miami, FL 33155

Celebrate all that is unique, beautiful & inspiring. Enjoy an evening of fine art and design featuring Miami-based artist, MANO’s newest collection of large format works, “JUTE” and designer, Isa Jimenez’s fine handmade embellished handbags, unique jeweled accessories & art you can wear.

MANO’s new collection is centered on the strength and beauty of character. Drawing and using collage techniques MANO abstracts his forms and minimizes details, incorporating raw materials and roughly applied paints as both medium and metaphor he presents the familiar in a new context.

Isa Jimenez is inspired by art. Her new collection channels classic design with a twist. Like MANO Isa often uses unlikely materials in her designs and draws on her architectural background to create beautiful unique hand-made pieces.

Meet both artists, MANO & Isa Jimenez on Saturday, December 17 from 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm at MANO Fine Art Project Space
located at 4225 SW 75 Avenue in Miami’s Bird Road Art District, in conjunction with the Bird Road Art Walk.

For more information about Isa Jimenez -Bonoli Designs visit:,
facebook: or via email:

MANO Fine Art Project Space located in Miami’s Bird Road Art District is the working studio of mulit-disciplinary artist, MANO who is best known for his richly textured canvases and narrative collages.

MANO Fine Art participates in the monthly Bird Road Art Walk presenting both MANO’s work and invited artists, additionally MANO Fine Art, hosts group exhibitions, events & workshops.

For more info contact: 305.467.6819 or visit, facebook: MANO Fine Art Twitter: MANOfineART

SoMi Holiday Crawl Cheers and Beers 12/10/11

Saturday, December 10, 4:00pm until 10:00pm
South Miami Bars
Register Here

Funds raised will benefit Radio Lollipop & South Miami Alliance for Youth
Join us for Holiday Cheers & Beers as we crawl through South Miami!

$20 Pre-Registration/$25 Day of Event includes a wristband for the following specials!

4-6pm, Sports Grill (South Miami Location): First Beer Free! 2-4-1 Cocktails, $2.50 Domestic Beer, $3.50 Import Beer
5:30-7pm, Town Kitchen & BAR: Free Shot! Half Off All Alcohol
6:30-8pm, Cervezas: First Beer Free! 3 Naranganset Lagers
7:30-9pm, Sunset Tavern: Free Shot! $2 Lemon Drops, 50% Off Well Drinks, House Wine & Domestic Drafts
8:30-10pm, Irish Times: Live Appearance by the Jameson Girls, giving away the nectar of Ireland. 50% off well drinks, all drafts and our award winning homemade appetizers.
9:30-11pm, Bougie’s Bar: Free Shot! 50% Premium Well Drinks $2 Bud Light, $2.50 Yeungling

Miami Crawls selects Radio Lollipop & South Miami Alliance for Youth as the charity beneficiaries of the “South Miami Holiday Crawl” taking place on December 10th.

Socialize and crawl along South Miami’s favorite hot spots for young professionals and help raise money and awareness for two worthy causes.

Your donation will contribute to the Radio Lollipop program at Miami Children’s Hospital and the cultural arts and youth sports programs organized by the South Miami Alliance for Youth.

How Sweet It Is A Taste of The Holidays 12/8/11

How Sweet It Is…A Taste of The Holidays
December 8, 2011, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
The Shops at Sunset Place
5701 Sunset Drive
South Miami

Join us at the Shops at Sunset Place for an amazing evening of delicious dessert tastings, Miami’s Top Cupcake Challenge, entertainment, a kid zone with family-friendly activities and many more surprises…all to benefit families in need.

Tickets are $20 per person (Children 7 and under are free)
Family Package for 4 is $60
To purchase advanced tickets, please go to Tickets will also be sold at the event.

For more information, please call (305) 663 – 0482
Come out to this great family holiday event!

Jolt Radio and South Florida Music Obsessed present Local Shindig 12/27/11

Jolt Radio & South Florida Music Obsessed present Local Shindig
December 27, 2011, 1030pm
Fox’s Lounge
6030 S Dixie Hwy
South Miami, FL 33143

The event will feature local bands, and 2 for 1 drinks from 11pm to close. NO COVER. 18+

Bands featured this month:
*AbdeCaf* Facebook
*The Cost*
*Haochi Waves*
*Palette Town*
*Jolt Radio* Facebook

*South Florida Music Obsessed* Facebook

Beverlee Kagan Antique and Vintage Jewelry Holiday Showcase 12/15/11

Beverlee Kagan Antique and Vintage Jewelry Holiday Showcase
Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011, 6 – 8 p.m.
Beverlee Kagan Antique and Vintage Jewelry
5831 Sunset Dr.

Beverlee Kagan Antique and Vintage Jewelry, one of South Miami’s oldest stores, will showcase its affordable holiday collection, donating a percentage of the proceeds to the South Miami Drug Free Coalition.
The store has a new collection of original designs, and antique and vintage jewelry starting at $25. Complimentary wine, cheese and gift wrapping.

RA Sushi in South Miami Retail Therapy 11/25/11

November 25, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m
RA Sushi in South Miami
5829 SW 73rd St.
Miami, FL

On the busiest shopping day of the year, RA Sushi in South Miami is giving weary deal hunters a reason to take a break and relax. Escape the hustle and bustle of the crowds for some “RA Retail Therapy,” and enjoy all day happy hour at RA on November 25.

Celebrate Black Friday in the Red at RA by ordering from more than 35 sushi, appetizer, and tapas selections, plus a wide variety of beer, wine and signature cocktails ranging from $2 to $7. Popular happy hour dishes include Tootsy Maki, Viva Las Vegas Roll, “RA”ckin’ Shrimp, Spicy Sesame Chicken Wings and creative cocktails such as the Saketini, Dragon Bite, or Shiso Naughty.

RA Sushi’s happy hour is typically available from 3 to 7 p.m., but on November 25, happy hour specials will be extended from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Stop in to RA Sushi for some Retail Therapy at RA Sushi in South Miami (5829 SW 73rd St., Miami, FL). For more information, call 305. 341.0092 or visit

JUTE Allegories in Brawn and Beauty 11/19/11

JUTE: Allegories in Brawn & Beauty
Saturday, November 19, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
MANO Fine Art Project Space
MANO Fine Art Project Space
in the Bird Road Art District
4225 SW 75 Ave
Miami,FL 33155

Join us for the Opening Reception of “JUTE: Allegories of Brawn & Beauty”, featuring MANO’s newest large format work using burlap and other unlikely materials. MANO exaggerates forms and minimizes details centered on depicting the abstract values and social implications of the strength and beauty of moral character.

The Opening Reception for JUTE will be held in conjunction with the Bird Road Art Walk, which features 40+ contemporary artists, open studios and exhibits.

About MANO Fine Art Project Space:
MANO Fine Art Project Space located in Miami’s Bird Road Art District is the working studio of mulitmedia artist, MANO. MANO Fine Art Project Space participates in the monthly Bird Road Art Walk presenting both MANO’s work and invited artists, additionally MANO Fine Art, hosts group exhibitions, events & workshops. For more info contact us at 305.467.6819 or visit facebook: MANO Nogueira Twitter: MANOfineART

Receptions in conjuction with JUTE
are also scheduled for:
Dec 17, 2011 & Jan 21, 2012

Bird Road Art Walk 11/19/11

Bird Road Art Walk
Saturday, November 19 (& every 3rd Saturday of the month), 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
The Bird Road Art District

Experience Miami’s Art Scene at the Bird Road Art Walk.

Nestled between Bird Road (S.W. 40th Street) and SW 48th Street, primarily along S.W. 75 Avenue, you’ll find a unique thriving community of more than 40 artists and an evolving art scene. The area features a broad range of contemporary, emerging and established artists working in a variety of disciplines. This month more than twenty studios and alternative spaces open their doors to feature hand-blown glass, mosaics, photography, painting in all genres and mediums, sculpture, installations, conceptual art, digital art, stained glass, ceramics, Spoken Word and live theater.

In less than a year the Bird Road Art Walk has doubled in size and continues to grow. Recently named “Miami’s Best Art Walk 2011”, by New Times Best of Miami, the monthly Art Walk is quickly becoming a favorite with art enthusiasts.

Please check our website for a complete listing of artists and venues.

Maps are available at art venues and on the shuttle bus, or if using a smart phone, maps can be accessed by scanning the Art Walks new QR code displayed throughout the event.

For more information about the Bird Road Art Walk contact us at 305.467.6819.

facebook: Bird Road Art District
twitter: @BirdRoadArts

Luisa Mesa Artspace Group Show 11/19/11

Luisa Mesa Artspace – Group Show
Saturday, November 19, 2011, 7:00-10:00 PM
Luisa Mesa Artspace
4432 SW 74 Avenue
Miami, Fl 33155
More Info

Luisa Mesa
Quenia Nuñez
Tere Pastoriza
Barbara Rivera
Diego J. Texera

Painting, Photography, Mixed-Media, Drawing

Come check out the thought-provoking works of these five Miami-Based Artists!

Third Annual Black Friday Balloon Drop At Southland Mall 11/25/11

Third Annual Black Friday Balloon Drop
Friday, November 25, 2011 at 8am
Southland Mall
U.S. 1 and SW 205th Street off the Florida Turnpike or call (305) 235-8880.

Southland Mall presents its third annual “Black Friday Balloon Drop” on Friday, November 25, 2011 at 8am. The day after the Thanksgiving holiday, is traditionally known as ‘Black Friday’. On that day, hundreds of balloons filled with store coupon offers, movie passes and mall gift cards will descend from the rafters in three separate locations inside the mall: the Sears Wing, Center Court, and Macy’s Wing. This year, the event will be sponsored by new radio partner ESPN Deportes; they will be broadcasting their morning shows live from the mall from 6am-12pm! Come meet radio personalities Joe Pujala, Ernesto Amador, Jorge Ebro, Veronica Paysse, and Jose del Valle! Enjoy interactive games for the kids, prize giveaways and more!

“Southland is excited to present its third annual Black Friday Balloon Drop,” said Maggie Anzardo, marketing director at Southland Mall. “The Balloon Drop has become a tradition at the center and is held yearly on Black Friday, as a way of rewarding our shoppers during the holidays.” And don’t forget to visit Santa! Families are invited to bring their children to take photos with Santa from November 18th through December 24th in the Sears Wing at Southland Mall.

Brazz Dance Theater Performs at South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center 11/11-30/11

Join Us As We Kick Off Our Inaugural Season! South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center Presents Brazz Dance Theater
November 11/12/18/19 8:30pm
November 13/20, 3pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 ST, Cutler Bay

For information call 786.573.5300
For ticket information visit or call 786.573.5300.

New Perspectives Unfolding.
Brazz Dance Theater is an Afro-Brazilian contemporary dance company under the direction of acclaimed choreographer Augusto Soledade. The company presents an exciting new work Cordel performed in the intimate setting of the SMDCAC Lab Theater.

RA Sushi South Miami’s Boo Bash 2011 10/31/11

Dress to impress at RA Sushi South Miami’s Boo Bash 2011
Monday, October 31, From 8:00 p.m. to close
RA Sushi South Miami
5829 SW 73rd Street
Miami, FL.

On Monday, October 31, RA Sushi in South Miami will celebrate Halloween with a ghoulin’ good time at Boo Bash 2011. From 8 p.m. to close, guests will enjoy a variety of “Boo Bites” including sushi and appetizer specials such as Voodoo Crispy Chicken, crispy chicken, sautéed with onion, green pepper and Japanese pumpkin; tossed in a sesame chili sauce ($6); Vampire Shrimp, lightly battered spicy shrimp and shishito peppers tossed with ramen noodles and chili sauce; served in a crispy lettuce cup ($8); and Spider Roll, tempura battered Japanese pumpkin, crispy soft shell crab, kaiware sprouts, kani kama crab mix rolled in rice and soy paper; topped with shredded daikon; served with spicy mayo and eel sauce ($10); as well as “Potent Potions” such as Grape Ghoulade, Three Olives Grape Vodka, lychee juice, blue curacao, cranberry and fresh lemon; Manic Mango, Absolut Mango Vodka mixed with Bols Pumpkin Spice Schnapps, mango liqueur, orange juice and a splash of soda; and Sinners Sangria, red wine, mixed with fruit flavor, and a large dose of Satan’s elixir…sake, for $8 each.

Boys and ghouls are encouraged to dress up and enter the Boo Bash Costume Contest. Those dressed to impress will have the opportunity to swipe serious treats, including a $100 RA gift certificate for the first place winner and a $25 RA gift certificate for second place. DJ Frankie P will also be onsite spinning a haunting mix of beats.

Grab a broomstick and fly into RA Sushi to celebrate Boo Bash 2011! For more details and to RSVP on Facebook, visit

Nestor Torres in a Concert For A New Renaissance 11/11/11

Nestor Torres in a Concert For A New Renaissance
Friday, November 11 at 8:00 p.m.
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Cutler Bay
Tickets are $100 (VIP), $55, $45, $35, ($5, for ages 13-22), ($5 off any ticket level for students and seniors). For ticket information the public should call 786-573-5300 or visit

Nestor Torres In A Concert For A New Renaissance: Symphonic Dances, Prayers And Meditations For Peace
With Performances By The Greater Miami Youth Symphony, The Thomas Armour Dance Conservatory, The Miami Children’s Choir, New World School Of The Arts And Brazilian Voices, Directed By Daniel Lewis

Ten years after the tragedy of 9/11, Nestor Torres creates a concert event of a lifetime in a symphonic version of songs from his CD “Dances, Prayers and Meditations for Peace. The concert will take place on Friday, November 11 at 8p.m. at South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center (10950 SW 211 Street, Cutler Bay)
The concert will include a music and dance performance directed by Daniel Lewis (department Dean Laureate the New World School Of The Arts) and choreographed by Lara Murphy (Adjunct Professor of Dance at New World School of the Arts). The event will feature the Greater Miami Youth Symphony, the Miami Children’s Chorus, New World School Of The Arts and the Thomas Armour Dance Conservatory. There will also be a special appearance by the musical group Brazilian Voices. A total of 200 young people from ages 8-22 will be participating, sharing the stage with Torres and a select group of master musicians, singers and dancers.
There are two pillars that make up the thematic framework of the concert. Torres was inspired by 9/11 and also equally inspired by a presentation he was asked to give in the presence of the Dalai Lama.

September 11, 2001 was supposed to be an exciting day for Torres. The Latin Grammy Awards were scheduled to be presented in Los Angeles with Torres as a nominee. The event was cancelled, but Torres ended up winning a Grammy. Against the backdrop of such tragedy came inspiration.

“Three people I knew had died in the attack. I felt the urge to go to New York City and play in different houses of worship. It was my intention to be a conduit for whatever energy was prevalent in the City at the time, and channel it as music that could transform grief to acceptance, anger to courage, and despair to hope. From those improvisations emerged seven of the songs to be performed at the Concert on November 11, said Torres”

Free Gospel Performance at South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center 10/29/11

FREE Gospel Performance at South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
October 29 8pm
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 ST, Cutler Bay
For ticket information visit or call 786.573.5300.

Join Us As We Kick Off Our Inaugural Season!
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center Presents
Christina Robinson

South Florida Gospel Award Winner
Co-Presented With Cr Music Productions

Join us for an empowering evening of song and worship with South Florida Gospel Music Award Winner Christina Robinson and her Live Recording Worship Experience with Christina Robinson, “In Your Presence.”
New Perspectives Unfolding.

MD Ageless Solutions Anti-Aging and Wellness Extravaganza Look Good Feel Better 10/12/11

MD Ageless Solutions Anti-Aging & Wellness Extravaganza
“Look Good…Feel Better”
Wednesday October 12th, 7-9PM
6136 S. Dixie Hwy.
South Miami, FL 33143

RSVP Online

Join MD Ageless Solutions and sponsors for a great night of networking and a chance to learn more about their after summer promotions & specials and chance to win one of the fabulous prizes. Also make sure to “LIKE” MD Ageless Solutions Facebok page in order to win Microdermabrasion giveaway, the winner will be announced during the event.

Raffle prize sponsors:
Daniel Santoyo, DDS-cosmetic dentist: Teeth Bleaching Product 35% peroxide
Jason I. Altman, MD-plastic surgeon
Christopher Craft, MD-plastic surgeon: Latisse (4)
Erica Escorcia-board certified pain management & holistic medicine: Acupuncture Evaluation
Gina Murray-personal trainer & pilates instructor: 3 Classes Monkey Mingle Package (Yoga or Pilates)
Annia Murray-massage therapist: 30 minute massage (2) also FREE 10 minute chair massages during the event (tips appreciated)
Martha Montes de Oca – Sous Chef 2 Go: Organic Food Samples
MD Ageless Solutions raffle prizes:
$100 Gift Certificate towards Botox
$100 Gift Certificate towards Dermal Filler
Plasma Injection Treatment – 1 session
Cavitation Fat Reduction Treatments – 2 sessions
Radio Frequency for Skin Tightening – 2 sessions
Laser Hair Removal (Deep Bikini or Underarms) – 3 sessions
Skinceutical Peel – 2 sessions
Vein Injections – 2 sessions

Cocktails provided by Brugal
Light bites provide by Thierry’s Catering
Deserts and dessert table provided by Lisa’s Dessert Tables
Bar service provided by BarArt
Sounds orchestrated by DJ 1-Mike
Media partner

Wirtz Gallery Kicks-off the Season with New Works by MANO 10/14/11

Wirtz Gallery Kicks-off the Season with New Works by MANO
Friday, October 14, 2011, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
The Wirtz Gallery
First National Bank of South Miami
5750 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL

South Miami’s Wirtz Gallery kicks off the season with New Works by popular Miami-based artist MANO.

The exhibition, an enticingly vibrant showing of the artists’ newest work possesses immediate universal appeal, even for the casual observer and will also serve as the kick-off for the 2012 South Miami Hospital Mercury Ball, presented by First National Bank of South Miami.

The Opening Reception will benefit the Kidz Medical 2012 South Miami Hospital Mercury Ball presented by First National Bank of Miami.

Space is limited. Kindly RSVP by October 12 to 786.467.5405 or

The event is sponsored by: Kidz Medical Services, The Wirtz Gallery, First National Bank of South Miami, South Miami Hospital Foundation, Print Farm, Catering the Event by Susan Bleemer and Premier Parking, Inc.

MANO’s exhibition runs through October 30, 2011.
For more information about MANO please call 305.467.6819 or visit

Mona…Mona…Mona…An Ode to Mona Lisa 10/15/11

Mona…Mona…Mona…An Ode to Mona Lisa
Saturday, October 15, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
MANO Fine Art Project Space
4225 SW 75 Avenue
in the Bird Road Art District
Miami, FL 33155

Celebrating the Bird Road Art Walk’s First Anniversary!

Join us on Saturday, October 15, for
Mona…Mona…Mona an Ode to Mona Lisa.

The Mona Lisa continues to inspire reproduction, parody and more. Andy Warhol, Marcel Duchamp, Salvador Dali and Vik Muniz are among the many famous artists who have paid homage to La Giaconda and now a distinguished group of contemporary artists inspired by da Vinci’s iconic painting will pay tribute to what many believe to be the most famous painting in the world.

The exhibition showcases a wide range of interpretations of the Mona Lisa by featured artists: Nestor Arenas, Jorge Ballara, Toa Castellanos, Vincente Dopico, Patrica Franco, Daniel Garcia, Chenco Gomez, Marcy Grosso, Mila Hajjar, Monique Lassooij, MANO, Tony Mendoza, Antonio Nunez, Valentina Ramos, George Rodez, Sandra Suarez, Fer Sucre and Derek Wilson.

These modern day masterpieces will all be available for purchase.

MANO Fine Art participates in the Bird Road Art Walk, on the third Saturday of each month.

For more information contact 305.467.6819 or visit or follow us on Twitter: @MANOFineArt

MANO Fine Art Project Space particpates in the monthly Bird Road Art Walk, held from 7:00-10:00pm the third Saturday of every month. The Bird Road Art Walk was recently voted Miami’s Best Art Walk 2011 by Miami New Times.

For more information about the Bird Road Art Walk visit:

Facebook: Bird Road Art District
Twitter: @BirdRoadArts

Bird Road Art Walk-First Year Anniversary to Benefit Susan G. Komen 10/15/11

Bird Road Art Walk-First Year Anniversary to Benefit Susan G. Komen
Saturday, October 15, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Bird Road Art District
The Bird Road Art District is conveniently located just off of the Palmetto Expressway (SR 826) and Bird Road (SW 40th Street), BRAD extends south to SW 48th Street and between SW 75 Ave to SW 72 Ave.

Join us for our Frist Anniversary Celebration to Benefit the Susan G. Komen Race For the Cure

In October, the monthly Bird Road Art Walk will mark its first anniversary. To celebrate the occasion artists have teamed up with to create a memorable and dare we say delicious event to benefit the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.

Miami’s premier cake designers, confectionaries and patisseries have been paired with top artists to create a very artsy Cake Walk within the ever popular Art Walk. These delicious creations will be sliced and served up for patrons to sample and enjoy for a modest contribution of $2.00 per slice Yummmmmmmmmmm. All proceeds from this artsy “Cake Walk” will benefit the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.

The Bird Road Art Walk was started by a small group of artists and art enthusiast and officially debuted in October 2010. The Art Walk has doubled in size in less than one year and continues to grow. Recently voted Miami’s Best Art Walk 2011, by New Times Best of Miami, the monthly Art Walk takes place from 7:00 – 10:00 pm on the third Saturday of each month. The October 15 event will feature more than twenty-five art studios, galleries and art venues featuring new exhibits and shows, many of the artists will be donating a percentage of sales proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.

A free shuttle bus is provided for patrons of the Bird Road Art Walk courtesy of Norle Properties & Green Zone Body Shop, Inc. The shuttle bus loops throughout the Bird Road Art District stopping at all the art venues several times throughout the evening.

A map of the Bird Road Art Walk will be distributed by participating art venues as well as on the shuttle bus, or if using a smart phone, maps can be accessed by scanning the Art Walks new QR code displayed throughout the event.

For more information info:
facebook: Bird Road Art District
twitter: @BirdRoadArts

Check our website for map & listing of highlights for October 15 Art Walk
The Bird Road Art Walk is a rain or shine event.

Image:”Help Yourself” by Roberto Dominguez, oil on canvas 48″ x 36″

Luisa Mesa Artspace First Opening Celebration 10/15/11

Luisa Mesa Artspace – First Opening Celebration
Saturday, October 15, 2011, 7:00-10:00 PM
Luisa Mesa Artspace
4432 SW 74 Ave
in the Bird Road Art District
Miami, FL 33155

Preview Luisa Mesa’s thought-provoking new installation from her “Meditations Series.” The installation features individual works that consist of repetitive drawing and layering on wood panels that Mesa is known for.

The individual free-form organic shapes have a vibrant palette ranging from shades in turquoise and magenta, to chartreuse, with dimensions from 36 to 3 inches in diameter.

An earlier version of Mesa’s “Meditations Installation” is in the permanent collection of RCL’s “Oasis of the Seas.”

For more information contact: 305.773.8907 or visit

About Luisa Mesa:
Luisa Mesa was born in Havana, Cuba, and earned her BFA at FIU, in Miami, where she lives and works. Mesa is an alumna of Art Center South Florida, and currently has a studio in the Bird Road Art District.
Mesa has exhibited her work in numerous venues and is included in several important collections, and institutions throughout the United States.

About the Bird Road Art Walk:
Luisa Mesa Artspace opens this exhibit in conjunction with the Bird Road Art Walk. Named Miami’s “Best Art Walk” 2011 by Miami New Times, experience the Bird Road Art District every 3rd Sat. when artists open their doors to host the monthly Bird Road Art Walk, 7-10 pm. For more info contact 305.467.6819/ or visit

RA Sushi in South Miami raises funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation in October

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, RA Sushi in South Miami will be offering a wine and sushi special to benefit the National Breast Cancer Foundation® (NBCF). From Saturday, Oct. 1 to Monday, Oct. 31, RA Sushi will donate 100 percent of the profits from the sale of the ONEHOPE Wine and Pink Roll combination to the Foundation.

The combo includes a glass of ONEHOPE California Chardonnay and the Pink Roll, which features shrimp, kani kama crab mix and sriracha combined with lettuce, avocado and cucumber wrapped in pink soy paper and served with a pink ribbon of strawberry sauce.
The ONEHOPE Wine and Pink Roll special will be offered for $15 at RA Sushi at 5829 SW 73rd St. in South Miami as well as the other 24 RA Sushi locations nationwide.
The NBCF’s mission is to save lives through early cancer detection and to provide mammograms to those in need. ONEHOPE is a California wine company that donates half of its profits to a variety of causes, including the fight against breast cancer. ONEHOPE Wine’s award-winning portfolio is produced and bottled by Rob Mondavi Jr. in Napa, Calif.

“We are honored to partner with the National Breast Cancer Foundation® so they can achieve their mission of providing early detection programs for those in need,” said Scott Kilpatrick, co-founder and vice president of RA Sushi.

About RA Sushi
RA Sushi Bar Restaurant, an upbeat, unconventional sushi bar, opened its first location in Scottsdale, Ariz. in October 1997. RA is best known for successfully combining distinctive sushi with a trendy, hip atmosphere. Fresh sushi is served to order along with outstanding Japanese fusion cuisine in a fun, lively environment. The result is a place that is both unpretentious and fashionable.

RA Sushi in South Miami is located at 5829 SW 73rd St. in Miami, FL 33143. Lunch is served from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Dinner is served until 11 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, and until midnight Thursday through Sunday. The bar is open until 1 a.m. or later. Happy Hour food and beverage specials are offered Monday through Saturday, 3 to 7 p.m. RA Sushi’s Flying Fish Lounge is the perfect place to catch some fresh fish and drink specials. On Sunday nights from 8 p.m. to midnight, RA-goers visiting the Flying Fish Lounge will find specials on sushi and drinks.

RA has 25 locations across the country. Enjoy RA Sushi in Arizona (Ahwatukee, Mesa, North Scottsdale, South Scottsdale, Tempe and Tucson); California (Chino Hills, Corona, Huntington Beach, San Diego, Torrance and Tustin); Florida (Palm Beach Gardens, Pembroke Pines and South Miami); Georgia (Atlanta); Illinois (Chicago, Glenview and Lombard); Kansas (Leawood); Maryland (Baltimore); Nevada (Las Vegas); and Texas (two Houston locations and Plano). Look for RA on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, and check-in at RA Sushi on Foursquare. For more information visit RA online at

About the National Breast Cancer Foundation®
Recognized as one of the leading breast cancer organizations in the world, NBCF’s mission is to save lives through early detection and to provide mammograms for those in need. NBCF provides Help for Today…Hope For Tomorrow® through its National Mammography Program, Early Detection Plan®, MyNBCF online social community, and breast cancer research programs. For more information, visit

ONEHOPE Wine is a California wine company that donates 50 percent of its profits to the ONEHOPE Foundation. The ONEHOPE Foundation supports many causes and charities including: breast cancer awareness (National Breast Cancer Foundation), AIDS research and services (AIDS/LifeCycle), Autism research and services (ACT Today!), preservation and protection of US forests (American Forest Foundation), support for the families of fallen US soldiers (Snowball Express), and children’s hospitals (Children’s Miracle Network).

The Um-Hmm Chronicles Red Carpet Event 10/8/11

“The Um-Hmm Chronicles” Red Carpet Event
10/08/11, 6 PM
South Miami Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 Street
Miami, Fl 33190
More Info

The RED CARPET Premier Of “The Um-Hmm Chronicles” Presented By Thr3e Sista’s Enterprises Inc. at South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
Cost: Payment required – $35, $25; 10% off for groups of 10 or more; $15 for children 12 and under in the Mezzanine and Balcony only.

Join Us As We Roll Out The RED CARPET as The Um-Hmm Chronicles explodes onto the stage exploring every human emotion possible! This show is filled with dancing and singing, but it is also full of terrible secrets, deceptions and lies, good friends and fake ones….but, Aunt Jo comes to the rescue along with her faithful prayer partners to set things straight. Hold on to your seats because you’re in for the ride of your life. The Um-Hmm Chronicles are here!! There’s more to this wonderful night of runway attire, glam and glitter- an AFTER PARTY! So get ready to come out in your formal best to network and two-step with the cast and their sponsors.

How Sweet It Is A Taste Of The Holidays Annual Dessert Benefit 12/8/11

Thursday, December 8, 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The Shops at Sunset Place
5701 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143

The Shops at Sunset Place welcomes the area’s finest chefs and caterers during its 2nd Annual “How Sweet It is…A Taste of The Holidays,” a decadent tasting celebration to benefit Neighbors 4 Neighbors (Adopt A Family For The Holidays.) South Florida’s leading restaurants, sweetest bakeries and premier caterers will transform The Shops into a paradise of lavish dessert and culinary creations. Attendees will enjoy an indulgent display of gourmet bites and all-you-can-eat desserts. The evening will also include a kid zone with family-friendly activities such as cookie decorating, face painting and more.

COST: Ticket price is $20, free for children under the age of 7.

The Shops at Sunset Place at (305) 663-0482 or visit
Follow The Shops on Facebook at