1st Annual Wine Tasting Pairing Party With Miami Dolphin Great Mark Clayton 6/23/11

Thursday, June 23 · 7:00pm – 11:00pm
Cafe Martorano’s (Located Outside The Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino)
5751 Seminole Way
Hollywood, FL

1st Annual Red Carpet Wine Tasting Pairing Party With Miami Dolphin Great Mark Clayton Benefitting The Mark Clayton Endzone Foundation & Parkland Rangers Organization For Pop Warner Football Kids. $75 a ticket or 2 tickets for $100 includes appetizers, wine tasting, beer & entertainment. This event is being held at The World Famous Cafe Martorano’s at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida.

The 4th Annual Sunny Isles Beach Offshore Powerboat Challenge After Party 6/18/11

Saturday, June 18 · 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Taverna Opa
410 North Ocean Drive
Hollywood, Florida

Please Join Haute In The City & Diamond David Lee as we Host The 4th Annual Sunny Isles Beach Offshore Power Boat Challenge After Party at Taverna Opa. Plenty of Dock Space if you wanna come by Boat! Also Power Boat Racer Ryan Beckley will be in attendence. Located right on the Intercoastal waterway with an upscale ambiance as well as an upscale crowd. Please print flyer and get a complimentary drink on us. Special Surprise Sports Celebrities will be in attendence! Also in attendence will be the Ritchie Swimwear Models.

Offshore Powerboat Racing Party 6/19/11

Sunday, June 19 · 12:00pm – 6:00pm
Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort
16701 Collins Avenue
Sunny isles Beach, Florida

Come watch the Offshore Powerboat Races this Sunday the 19th of June in the heart of the race at the Famous Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort. There will be live music, drink specials all day and lots of adrenaline pumping live Powerboat Racing! This event is sponsored by “SIK SPEED” & “PURE & PRISTINE”. Lots of surprise Sports Celebrities will be in attendance.

Wall Miami DJ Lineup 6/16-18/2011

Tuesday, June 14 – Saturday, June 18, 2011
11:00 p.m. – 4:30 a.m.
WALL Miami
2201 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139

WALL Miami co-owners Karim Masri, Nicola Siervo, Navin Chatani and Jarred Grant present a DJ lineup full of sexy sounds for the week of June 13, 2011. The 4,000-square-foot VIP hotspot and celeb favorite welcomes an array of local, national and international mix masters.

Tuesday, June 14
Favela Beach party series with Miami’s mixmaster DJ Irie and sounds by DJ Ross One & DJ Ruen

Thursday, June 16
DJ Sub Zero brings a blend of Hip Hip/Rock turntablism

Friday, June 17
Nationally acclaimed DJ and music producer DJ Reach spins an open format

Saturday, June 18
WALL in association with GianFranco Dossena present the Miami Debut of Denmark’s number one DJ Morten Breum’s house set

To reserve a table email rsvp@wallmiami.com.

Saun Lightbourne’s Annual Birthday/Charity Extravaganza 6/23/11

Saun Lightbourne’s Annual Birthday/Charity Extravaganza
“Denim & Diamonds”
SET Nightclub
320 Lincoln Road Miami Beach
June 23rd, 2011
· 7:00PM to 8:00PM VIP Champagne Reception
· 8:00PM to 11:00PM Open Vodka Bar, Live Performances and Entertainment

Buy your tickets here: http://ayuda.eventbrite.com

Saun Lightbourne to Donate proceeds from birthday event to AYUDA Inc. a local Nonprofit Organization in Miami Beach

Miami Beach based organization, Ayuda Inc. will receive 100 % of the proceeds from Saun Lightbourne’s Annual Celebrity Birthday Charity Event. Saun has partnered with Saks Fifth Avenue~ Bal Harbor, Ocean Drive Magazine, Impact Computers, Moet & Chandon along with many other generous local and national sponsors in celebrating his birthday in support of AYUDA. This years’ theme is Denim and Diamonds. There will be great exposure too many of South Florida’s elite and most affluent along with appearances from local and national celebrities.

Honorary Hostesses:
Johnana Abraham, Michelle Addison, Giuliana Ardito, Evelyn Castro, Lee Damus, Heather Davis, Alexia Echevarria, Nicole Boswell-Horstmeyer, Jillian Jacobson, DR Karr, Catherine Anne Markert, Malinka Max, Marysol Patton, Lisa Pliner, Mary Ann Portell, Jennifer Postrel, Terah Rahming, Sam Robin, Sandee Saunders, Stacey Bernstein-Shon,
Deborah Slack, Claudine Smurfit, Dr. Andrea Trowers

For over 30 years now, Ayuda has provided programs to children and families to HELP prevent abuse and neglect. They empower and inspire their clients to believe that they do make a difference in the world. Programs include enrichment as well as prevention for the very young to the elderly. Early educational scholarships, parenting skills as well as family empowerment programs are in place for the entire family unit. To find our more about Ayuda please visit: www.ayudamiami.org/events/ . Event donations can be made directly on the Ayuda website in lieu of gifts Saun asks for a donation to be made in order to attend the event.

About Saun Lightbourne
Saun is the Director of Sales and Marketing of the Shelborne South Beach on Miami Beach. He is committed to being a generous philanthropist in the communities where he does business and believes in supporting programs with long-term sustainable results. Because of his passionate love toward children’s causes, he has been successful in raising over 100,000 over the past 10 years for his charity of choice. This year AYUDA is the charity he has chosen; 100% of the proceeds from this event go directly to this magnificent organization that he is very proud to be a part of. Currently he sits on the Board of Directors for Ayuda. This year the goal is to raise $50,000 for this worthy cause with the help from corporate sponsors, supporters and friends. The event usually has between 300 – 500 attendees. Highlights of past year’s events. http://www.ialivenetwork.com/video/493/saun-lightbourne-annual-birthday-extravaganza.

Coral Gables Celebrates Cinco Happy Hour 6/17/11

Coral Gables Celebrates Cinco | Friday’s Newest Happy Hour | RSVP for Complimentary Margaritas
FRIDAY JUNE 17th 2011
Cinco Miami
4251 Salzedo St.

Vitamin C Cordially Invites You to Coral Gables’ Newest Happy Hour
Join us for the Official Launch of Friday’s at Cinco Tequila & Cantina Bar in Merrick Park

Enjoy Complimentary Maragritas
from 5 to 6pm & $5 specials until 8pm!

Music by Laz Quintero

RSVP is REQUIRED | RSVP@yourvitaminc.com

Fire on the Fourth July 4th 2011 7/4/11

Fire on the Fourth
July 4th 2011, 12:00 pm-9:pm
8th and Ocean Drive
Miami Beach FL 33139

The City of Miami Beach and Classical South Florida bring you the 2nd annual, Fire on the Fourth event! Beginning at noon with DJ Maximus spinning live on stage till 4PM. Then, Classical South Florida brings you a free concert at 6:30 PM & 7:45 PM that will be simulcast on the radio. Come out and enjoy this lovely FREE event on 8th and Ocean Drive in Miami Beach! Please contact Mariu Emmons for more information 305-216-9462

Declaration Celebration with Robbie Rivera 7/3/11

Declaration Celebration with Robbie Rivera! At Nikki Beach Miami
July 3, 7 pm to 5 am
Nikki Beach Miami
One Ocean Drive
Miani Beach Florida 33139
305 538 1111

Declaration Celebration at Nikki Beach Miami with Robbie Rivera!

18 hours of Life, Liberty and Libations!

Join us on July 3rd to wish America a very Happy Birthday. Robbie will be doing a special daytime set AND night time set for this event!

Robbie will be playing along side Miami favorites:
Willie Morales
Armand Pena
Felipe Kaval
Bruno Robles

Tickets are $20 and will grant you access to the inside party from 7PM until 5AM! (There will be no charge for daytime entrance before 7PM)

Get your tickets now at wantickets.com/nikkibeach or

VIP Tables also available now: Call 305-538-1111 or email viptables.miami@nikkibeach.com

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One Ocean Sundays At Nikki Beach Miami 6/19/11

One Ocean Sundays At Nikki Beach Miami
June 19 11 pm to 5 am
Club o1< Second Floor At Nikki Beach Miami >
One OCean Drive
Miami Beach Florida 33139
305 538 1111

Every Sunday night starting at 11PM One Ocean Sundays will provide you with amazing entertainment and sounds. This week feature Dj Kid Nemesis bringing you only the best in Open Format.

*Dress Code Enforced for Club O1*

For VIP Table reservations please call 305-538-1111 or email reservations@clubo1.com

Nikki at Night with Guest DJ Alex Paxada 6/19/11

Nikki at Night with Guest DJ Alex Paxada
June 19, 7 pm to 5 am
Nikki Beach Miami
One Ocean Drive
Miami Beach Florida 33139
305 538 1111

Every Sunday Night From 7pm to 5am, Nikki Music is our weekly party providing you with the freshest tracks and entertainment.

Join us this week for a special set by Guest DJ Alex Poxada . This week’s line up also features Nikki Beach Miami Residents Bruno Robles, Armand Pena and a special extended set by Felipe Kaval.

For VIP Table Reservations please call 305-538-1111 or email viptables.miami@nikkibeach.com

Grand Opening of Il Corso Trattoria in Coral Gables 6/16/11

Geovanna Acceta & Yamil Yordi along with Chef LeRoy Bautista invite you to the Grand Opening of Il Corso Trattoria!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Il Corso Trattoria
166 Giralda Avenue
Coral Gables, FL

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with Mayor of Coral Gables, Jim Cason at 6pm followed by Grand Opening Party until 10pm

Enjoy live music along with complimentary wine, domestic draft beer, Wodka Vodka cocktails and passed antipasti.

RSVP is required. Please RSVP to ilcorso@cm-publicrelations.com.

Avant Gallery and Ligne Roset present Arno Elias New Works 6/16/11

Avant Gallery and Ligne Roset cordially invite you to celebrate new works by French-born painter, Arno Elias.
160 NE 40th Street
Miami, FL 33137

*Arno is also currently showing at the Scope Fair at Art Basel, and will make a special appearance here for the Miami opening.

Cocktail Reception: June 16th 6-9PM

RSVP to info@lignerosetmiami.com

On exhibit June 16 – July 11

OBBA 6/17/11

June 17, 8:30 Pm
11;00 Pm
4599 Sw 75 Ave
Miami 33155

Akuara Teatro present Artefactus Teatro On OBBA

La agrupación Artefactus Teatro emprende su temporada teatral con el estreno absoluto de Obba, narración poética de la escritora Excilia Saldaña (La Habana, 1946-1999), basada en la leyenda yoruba. El patakin viajó desde la Costa de los Esclavos a la isla de Cuba, salvaguardado en la memoria de aquellos ancianos, hombres, mujeres y niños, brutalmente separados de sus pueblos en África. La historia corrió de boca en boca. De la literatura oral pasó a los registros personales, íntimos, velados. Pero en 1987, Excilia Saldaña publica su Kele Kele (que traducido al castellano equivale a “suavemente” o “suavecito”), donde incluye esta fábula, entre otras de origen lucumí, tratadas en romance y con delicado espíritu lorquiano.

La obra de la poeta y ensayista Excilia Saldaña ocupa un lugar privilegiado en las letras cubanas, y muy especialmente en la literatura para niños y jóvenes, en la que logró notoriedad con sus libros: Cantos para un mayito y una paloma, La noche, Soñando y viajando, Flor para amar y otros.

La autora recrea el relato de Obba a modo de poema narrativo o prosa poética, donde la deidad yoruba transita desde la infancia hasta la adultez, momento en que despierta su belleza y el interés del padre por celebrar su casamiento. Entre tantos pretendientes será Shangó, rey de Oyó, el elegido por esposo. Juntos descubrirán la ternura en el susurro, el temblor en la caricia y la magia de compartir el amanecer. Luego vendrán los días de trajinar, los días de convivir, los días de Obba dedicada a los quehaceres del castillo y las escaramuzas de Shangó en la guerra. Y llegará el día en que no habrá qué poner a la mesa. Obba hará lo mejor que pueda. Ella, la diosa de ébano, la fiel y feliz esposa, la amante apasionada, la que estuvo antes de que estuvieran todas las cosas, la que germina, la que es arte, teatro, poesía y sombra, la que desconoce la fragilidad del tiempo y la flaqueza del amado.

Así ha sido concebido este espectáculo, con retazos de danza, de gestos, palabras, símbolos y metáforas. El texto poético de Saldaña encuentra su voz y movimiento en la actriz Oneysis Valido. La puesta, pletórica de luz, música e imágenes, es labor de Eddy Díaz Souza. El equipo artístico y técnico está compuesto de talentosos creadores: Adela Prado en el maquillaje, Joms Higuerey en el diseño y realización de títeres, Manolo en la elaboración de trajes y escenografía, Nelson Jiménez en la musicalización y Elena Montes de Oca en la iluminación. En la producción ejecutiva: Oneysis Valido, Carlos Arteaga y Díaz Souza.
Obba se estará presentado del 17 de junio al 3 de julio en la sala Avellaneda, sede de la agrupación Akuara Teatro, ubicada en el Bird Road Art District. 4599 SW. 75 Ave. Miami Fl. 33155.

Funciones viernes y sábados, 8:30 p.m. Domingos, 4:00 p.m. Boletos para estudiantes y adultos mayores: $10.00. Tickets / Entrada general: $15.00.
Info: 786. 853 1283 y 786. 704 5715.
Emails: akuarateatro1@gmail.com / artefactusteatro@gmail.com

KCC Productions and the Van Dyke Cafe present Hot Havana Nights with Deskarga Jam Band 6/18/11

KCC Productions and the Van Dyke Cafe present Hot Havana Nights with Deskarga Jam Band
Saturday June 18, at 9 PM
The Van Dyke
846 Lincoln Road
South Beach

For more information, call 305-534-3600 or visit thevandykecafe.com.

Deskarga Jam Band….Timba meets Latin Jazz. Composed of Cuban-American musicians with a unique free style of playing, the musicians individually have performed with Julio Iglesias, Jon Secada, Los Sobrinos, Tipica Tropical, among others. Deskarga’s repertoire covers everything from Benny Moré, Los Van Van, Buena Vista, and NG La Banda to Celia Cruz. The band has played to the greater Miami dance audience in venues such as Alcazabas, Macabi Cigar Bar, Mojitos & Calle Ocho Festival among others, as well as numerous private and corporate events.

Deskarga have earned a reputation for exceptional musicianship and their exciting energetic live performances. They can captivate audiences’ hearts with their soulful montunos, explosive percussion riffs, and melodic vocal improvisations.

Indie movie Premiere To help Animals 6/22/11

Indie movie Premiere- To help Animals
June 22, 6:00 PM red Carpet
Cocowalk movie theaters
Paragon Grove 13
3015 Grand Avenue, Cocowalk
Coconut Grove, Miami, FL 33133.

Independent Filmmaker Focuses On Actors And Their Creativity!
Premiere of “Equal Strength” The Movie!

Hammond Films created this project believing in the actors’ capacity for creation. The director, Ika Santamaria, put together a group of eleven local actors to implement a process in which they would build the characters, develop their traits and background information, and even name their own characters. Based on those characters, the group improvised short stories, created basic sketches and formed groups to keep improvising. Through this they developed a plot, which became the main tool to write the final screenplay of “Equal Strength.”

The Miami Premiere with talent and crew in attendance will be held at the Paragon Grove 13, Cocowalk, Coconut Grove, FL on Wednesday, June 22, 2011. The red carpet and reception will start at 6:00 PM and the screening will be at 7:30 PM.

It’s really amazing that we were able to have so much support in order to make this film happen. Even without a budget we got incredible locations and important elements needed to make our film. We obtained the full use of a large marina where the owner allowed us to use his private yacht. We also acquired access to automobiles, an animal hospital, a ranch, animal shelters, houses, a hospital, offices in downtown and lots of dogs and horses!
The story is about Taylor Westrom who will quickly learn that to accomplish his noble mission of saving millions of animals, he must confront his own boss. The same boss who is linked to illegal operations with a group of veterinarians, to the point of risking his life. In trying to resolve this ordeal, Miami-Dade Police Captain Jodi Tucker will also have to keep an eye on Detective Sanchez because of his unconventional style of applying the law. They will both try to resolve the crisis involving human beings and animals, resulting in a life and death struggle.

This is the beginning of our filmmaking career, and we are very proud of the final result. From the first meeting with the actors until our final draft in the editing room, the entire process took 12 months. Wonderful! We have other upcoming projects that will be done in a more conventional way. However, this one will always be special because if there is one word that describes this experience it is: “empowering”!

Produced by Joseph Anthony Hammond
Written, Directed, and Edited by Ika Santamaria
Staring Ryan Teasauro, Noa Lindberg, Miguel Sahid, Kira Stockwell, Elioret Silva, Robyn Jessica Cohen, Nelida Palmer, Brent Battles, Marc Daniel Katz, Jair Bula and Katia Pineda.,
Cinematography Joseph Anthony Hammond
Music by Danny Garcia, Nina Llopis and Andrew Gross

Open House Sundays A Journey Into Sound 6/19/11

Open House Sundays (A Journey Into Sound)
06/19/2011, 5:00pm-5:00am
C-Level Rooftop Terrace at the Clevelander Hotel
1020 Ocean Drive
6th Floor
Miami Beach, Fl 33139

Leon Morley & Sandra Garcia present
“Open House Sundays” Where the Ocean Meets the Sky
Bringing the Best in Local & International DJs Weekly Sundays

“Open House” is proud to present our Sunday Residents:
Kristian Caro / Stefano Ravasini / Ivano Bellini
Giiving You A Fusion Of Deep/Soulful & Classic House Music, The Only Weekly Dedicated To The Deep House Lovers!
Along with Leon Morley on Sax
Hosted By Rod Pratt & Friends

Bottle Specials
Small Grey Goose + 4 Red Bulls = $65 (BEST DEAL)
2 for $450 (includes Johnnie Walker Black & Grey Goose)

Quality Control Presents Carnival 6/18/11

1020 Ocean Drive
Miami Beach, Fl 33139

Catering only to the sexiest people of South Florida, Saturday nights are all about Quality Control. End the weekend on a high note with DJ Menny and a guest DJ, giving you the best music Miami has to offer. This week we are bringing Carnival to Miami Beach! Enjoy $5 Brazilian Wax Shots all night!

Zoo Miami’s Grand Opening of Wacky Barn in the Children’s Zoo 7/2-4/11

Zoo Miami Celebrates The Grand Opening Of The Wacky Barn In The Children’s Zoo With A Community Hoe Down Independence Day Weekend
July 2 – 4
Zoo Miami
12400 SW 152 Street
Miami, FL 33177

General zoo admission is: $15.95 per adult and $11.95 per child (3 -12), plus tax. Hours are 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.; ticket booths close at 4 p.m. For more information, please visit www.zoomiami.org or call (305) 251-0400.

Wacky Barn Hoe Down takes place July 2 – 4 with child admission for all*, new barn animals, live country music, giveaways and many more surprises!

Zoo Miami’s new Wacky Barn will provide visitors with a petting zoo experience in a colorful, non-traditional barn featuring a new collection of animals including miniature and Shetland horses, goats, alpaca, sheep, and other animals. To celebrate this zany addition, Zoo Miami’s guests will be treated to not only meeting these special animals, but also to special admission prices, country music, giveaways, and more!

*All guests who would like to attend the hoe down from July 2 – 4 or visit the zoo anytime in July are invited to relive their wacky youth by obtaining a coupon at www.facebook.com/zoomiami and www.zoomiami.org. This coupon will enable them to only pay the child’s admission price of $11.95 plus tax, good for up six people in their party.

Aside from the special admission price, the first 1,000 guests from July 2 – 4 will be treated to great giveaways. Each day during Independence Day weekend, collectable, custom, limited edition Wacky Barn lapel pins, souvenir cups and bandanas will be given away. On July 2, Blue Bell will be on hand distributing ice cream snacks from noon to 2 p.m., to help raise funds for the Scoops for Conservation Fund, a partnership between the Zoological Society of Florida and Blue Bell Ice Cream that encourages donations for wildlife conservation.

Singer/songwriter Buddy Brown will be performing original and popular country music July 2 – 4 from noon to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 4 p.m. His songs have been picked up by radio stations in Florida, Ohio, Tennessee, and New Mexico and he has opened for country music artists Colt Ford and John Anderson. For more details on Buddy Brown visit, www.BuddyBrownCountry.com. Between Buddy Brown’s performances, disc jockeys will be playing music and line dancers will be performing. On July 2, Kiss Country FM’s Darlene Evans will be here live from 1 to 3 p.m.

Also during the three-day weekend, the first 1,000 people who make a purchase in the Island Trader Gift Shop will receive a complimentary eight-pack of Sierra Mist Natural soda, courtesy of Pepsi. Other great offers that will be taking place inside the park include $1.00 hot dogs and drinks, and carousel rides. In addition, monorail rides will be free for the entire weekend.

GREENworking at Club 50 6/23/11

Join us at the Miami Dade & The Keys Branch’s GREENWORKING event
June 23rd, 7pm
Club 50 (Viceroy at Icon) in the heart of Brickell
485 Brickell Ave
Miami, FL 33131

RSVP Here.

Come unwind with the Miami Dade & The Keys Branch and enjoy an an evening of GREENworking at Club 50 in the heart of Brickell. Expand your network while you mingle and meet with other branch and chapter members in a casual, fun atmosphere.

Our networking events are always highly attended so be sure to rsvp!

Complimentary well-drinks from 7-8PM

Suggested $10 donation (tax-deductible)

Business Casual Attire

Special Thanks to our Sponsors & Affiliates:
– Miami Downtown Development Authority
– City of Miami Office of Sustainable Initiatives
– Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
– Miami New Times
– Megacity Events
– Cervera Real Estate
– D & B Tile Distributors
– Tsao Design Group
– Environmental News & View
– Alterna
– Project Import Export
– Bamboo Barry
– Rescue Earth
– Biscayne Bay Water Keeper

This is going to be one of our best events yet. We partnered with leading organizations, media and businesses all working together towards a sustainable future. I wanted to personally invite you to our GREENworking event on the 23rd of June at Club 50 (Viceroy/Icon) in Brickell. This event is open to everyone, not just greenies! Enjoy this beautiful weather with complimentary drinks from 7-8PM. The information is below and I hope to see you there.

Miami Lighthouse Legislative Luncheon 6/27/11

Young Professionals of the Lighthouse Invites you to attend “The Miami Lighthouse Legislative Luncheon”
Monday, June 27, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Miami Lighthouse
601 Southwest 8th Avenue
Miami, Florida 33130

Complimentary Luncheon, Networking and Facility Tour courtesy of Flagler Development Company

Please RSVP by Thursday, June 23 to Cameron Sisser at csisser@miamilighthouse.org

To help raise awareness about the amazing services and programs the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired provides, the Young Professionals group is hosting “The Miami Lighthouse Legislative Lunch” on Monday, June 27th from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm at Miami Lighthouse (601 SW 8th Ave.). State Legislators from the Miami-Dade and Broward Delegations have been invited to join a lunch and tour which will include viewing of the summer camp for children, visiting one of the three mobile Heiken Program eye care units and you will be able to witness firsthand how technology levels the playing field for the blind and visually impaired.

The Miami Lighthouse Heiken Children’s Vision Program recently was awarded a contract by the Florida Department of Health to provide low-income schoolchildren throughout the State, who failed their state-mandated vision screening, receive an eye examination and prescription glasses at no cost. The Young Professionals group is hosting the lunch to not only raise awareness about Miami Lighthouse but also spark interest in young professionals to get involved in State government by meeting their elected officials. Please RSVP to Cameron Sisser via email at csisser@miamilighthouse.org.

The Rhythm Foundation Season Launch Party 9/30/11

The Rhythm Foundation Season Launch Party
Friday September 30th, 7PM
Little Haiti Cultural Center
212 NE 59 Terrace
Miami, FL 33137

Exclusive concert by Ballake Sissoko and Vincent Segal: Chamber Music

Tickets include admission to the concert, cocktails, food, and a Rhythm Foundation annual membership. They can be purchased online, or call (305) 672-5202.

7PM: Cocktails
8PM: Concert
9PM: Party

One of world music’s most entrancing projects this year is “Chamber Music” — a collaboration between Malian kora player Ballake Sissoko, and French trip-hop cellist Vincent Segal. The harp-like kora of West Africa meets the classic depth of the cello in a match that mirrors the friendship between the musicians. The music is elegant, beautiful and truly cross-cultural.

Following the concert, the party features Champion Sound DJs, drinks, snacks, a silent auction, and a chance to help us launch the 2011-12 Rhythm Foundation season. Your admission includes Rhythm Foundation membership, which offers you an entire year of benefits.

Visit the Rhythm Foundation to know more about this and our other upcoming events!

HERLIFE Magazine Launch Party 6/16/11

Thursday, June 16, 7 – 9 p.m.
HERLIFE Magazine Launch Party
Il Bacio Restaurant & Lounge
29 SE 2nd Avenue, Just off of Atlantic Avenue
Delray Beach, FL

Join The Gab Group this Thursday as we celebrate the official launch of  HERLIFE Magazine, the inspirational new glossy publication created by and for the South Florida woman.

Advance RSVP Required. Call The Gab Group at 561-750-3500 or email events@thegabgroup.com to confirm your attendance.

Herald a new era of communication with complimentary champagne, passed hors d’oeuvres and the company of the most influential ladies South Florida has to offer.

Exclusive gift bags for all attendees with swag from the luxurious Boca Raton Life Time Athletic, LifeSpa, Daniel Man, M.D., Cenegenics Medical Institute of Boca Raton, Butlers in the Buff, Salon 300, Cupcake Cottage, Il Bacio, PRIME, and others.

In honor of the arrival of the area’s hottest new magazine by women, for women and about women, we’ve pulled photos of some of our favorite inspirational local ladies. Take a look and see if you recognize someone you know – or yourself!

Brought to you by South Florida publisher Karen Alleyne-Means, HERLIFE Magazine is dedicated to offering a fresh new communication outlet for smart, sophisticated and savvy women who share a passion for living well, eating healthy, looking fabulous, and appreciating what South Florida has to offer.

Latinbiz Networking Event 6/30/11

Latinbiz Networking Event
Thursday, June 30, 6:00 PM-8:00PM
297 NW 23rd St
Miami, Florida 33127 (Art District)

Complimentary Drink
Prize Raffles
Cash Raffle

Click here for more info about exhibitor table

Parking suggestions: Free parking on lot across the street or $3 valet parking.

In 2010, we gave away over $20,000 in cash and prizes at our networking events!

Click here to view photos from past events.

We welcome our strategic partners and members of Greater Doral & Airport West Chamber of Commerce and Caribbean Trade Center

We are excited to announce that Latin Business Club of America and Latin Events Network, dedicated to bringing Latin professionals together in a friendly relaxed business setting, are coming together to provide you with an even greater networking experience.

Come experience for yourself the combination of the power of our professional networking club and the attention to detail expertise of event planning professionals.

Nikki Beach Presents What Women Want Jeans and Jewelry on the Beach 6/18/11

Saturday, June 18 from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Nikki Beach
1 Ocean Drive
Miami Beach, FL 33139 USA

Summer has arrived and it’s time to jazz up your wardrobe! Luxury lifestyle group Nikki Beach is pleased to present its signature fashion series, What Women Want: An Afternoon of Jeans and Jewelry on Saturday, June 18 from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM. This month’s event will focus on creating casual looks with every girl’s favorite – a sexy pair of jeans paired with a basic white tee and some fabulous jewelry! New Lincoln Road hotspot Met in Jeans will showcase its denim line and celebrity favorite Stella & Dot will present beautiful, modern yet affordable jewelry. Fashionistas looking for a relaxing afternoon centered on fashion, shopping and indulgence will not want to miss this fabulous affair.

Our fashion-forward crowd will enjoy a wide variety of exciting and complimentary goodies at this month’s event. Veuve Moisans will provide crisp champagne for ladies to sip on while they nibble on cupcakes and enjoy a breathtaking cake display by Enchanting Creations. Midori will host a tasting of Stand Out Midori-Kim Kardashian’s cocktail along with a presentation of Shoe Dazzle, a new fashion website. Splurge Studios will be offering makeup applications, glitter airbrush tattoos and mini glamour photo shoots. Sweet treats from Candy Girl are sure to satisfy every sweet tooth in the crowd. Representatives from American Laser will be on site performing skincare consultations and laser sessions. Roy Teeluck Salon will provide hair and makeup styling for the models walking in the fashion show.

Guests can also expect classic Nikki Beach – style live entertainment, with DJ Felipe Kaval spinning pulse-pounding rhythms all afternoon. A full lunch menu is available for those seeking a complete afternoon of enjoyment; reservations can be made at reservations.miami@nikkibeach.com. For more information or to RSVP, please visit www.nikkibeachmiami.com/whatwomenwant.

Miss Earth Florida finals in Miami 6/26/11

Environmental beauty competition promotes leadership
State finals to be held in Miami
June 26 at 8 p.m.
Miami Convention Center’s Ashe Auditorium

Miss Earth Florida 2011, a one of a kind annual event in Florida that combines beauty, leadership and the environment is scheduled for June 24 through 26 in Miami. Ladies between 14 and 26 from across the state will spend the weekend overcoming challenges that include two rounds of interviews, environment awareness competition, a swimsuit show and a gown parade in order to conquer the title that will take one of them to represent Florida at the national finals of Miss Earth.

The event is an official preliminary to the only pageant in the world dedicated 100 percent to environmental and humanitarian efforts. Miss Earth has over 80 countries participating in the world finals each year, including the United States.

A typical year in the reign of a Miss Earth Florida includes an average of 50 official appearances that include visits to schools, tree planting ceremonies, coastal and park clean ups, environmental conferences, waste collection, recycling education, speeches at fairs and festivals, fundraisers, visits to hospitals and educational workshops for children.

In fact, it is requirement of the program that each participant creates and develops a project in her community that will contribute to bring change and awareness towards an environmental and / or humanitarian cause. These participants represent their local communities at the state finals where one teen and one miss will be chosen as the state ambassadors. They then have the chance to develop their local projects into state wide initiatives.

The weekend of the 2011 state finals will include an educational session and tree planting ceremony at Biscayne Nature Center, a tribute to 2010 winners Kelly Saks and Brittney Ronda, environmental workshops, rehearsals, vendor lounge for green businesses, a VIP green carpet and the glamorous crowning ceremony.

The pageant is produced by Integral Beauty Productions and is sponsored by ecofriendly businesses including Eyes Wide Open, Organic Splendor Vegan Make Up, The Give Bag, ConColor Imports, Mar Boutique, Dear Earth apparel, Eco Chic Fashion by Meadow, SoBe Dentist, Shannon Saint Clair Jewelry, La Casa Hermosa, WowBrows Studio and Jubilee Jewels.

For more information visit www.MissEarthFlorida.com or contact Sandra Silva at info@earthfloridapageants.com. Tickets on sale now.

SUAGM Celebrates National Library Week 2011 6/14/11

SUAGM Celebrates National Library Week 2011!
June 14, 2011, 7:00 PM
Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez
Miramar Park of Commerce
3520 Enterprise Way
Miramar, FL 33025

Featuring Priscila Negrón (Poems), Leonardo Ochoa (Guitar), Manuel Salazar (Short Stories) and the special presentation of professor Arturo Vegas’ class and their latest film, La pobre viejecita (film-adaptation-The poor old lady)


EFactor presents Interactive Community via Social Media 6/16/11

Jun 16, 6:00 pm
Crowne Plaza Miami
950 N.W. LeJeune Road
Miami, Florida 33126
United States

Register Here. $15.00

Starting a company is easy, but getting down the science of marketing your company via social media is another art form.

Serial entrepreneurs: Ron Williams (CEO of SnapGoods,) David Mullings (CEO of Kaizen Interactive,) Murray Izenwasser (Founder of Biztegra,) and Sebastian Rusk (CEO of SocialBuzzTV) will share expertise on how to build social media platforms that are interactive and fostering trust with their users. This event will cover:

* How to build an interactive social media platform
* How to foster the “trust factor” with your users
* How to sustain engagement within an online community
* What is the strategy behind creating an “online authority”
* How to use social media to market and brand your company

Keynote Speaker – Ron Williams, CEO of SnapGoods
David Mullings, CEO of Kaizen Interactive
Murray Izenwasser, Founder of Biztegra
Sebastian Rusk, CEO of SocialBuzzTV

Leblon Cachaca Cocktail Class at Texas de Brazil 6/22/11

Wednesday, June 22, 6:30pm
Texas de Brazil
Beijos Lounge
300 Alton Road
Miami Beach, FL 33139
$35 per person

Texas de Brazil is kicking off the summer with an interactive Savory Summer Cocktail Class. Guests will enjoy a hands-on lesson from Leblon Mixologists where they’ll learn how to make traditional Brazilian cocktails, Texas de Brazil’s signature Caipirinha and other libations featuring Leblon Cachaca. Light bites and cocktail samplings will be provided. Must be 21 or older to register, space is limited.

Credit card required to hold reservation

Texas de Brazil is family owned and operated. Started in 1998, the company has quickly grown into one of the country’s premier Churrascarias, currently operating 19 domestic locations and two international locations. The restaurant’s menu consists of 15 grilled meats; all prepared in the traditional Brazilian method over an open flame and carved tableside by the restaurant’s authentically costumed Gauchos, as well as an elaborate salad area, wine list, dessert menu, full liquor bar and private rooms available for special functions. Future growth includes planned locations for Westchester, Salt Lake City, and Trinidad. For more information please visit www.texasdebrazil.com

Rotary Brickell Happy Hour Meeting 6/14/11

Rotary Club of Miami Brickell
June 14th, at 6:00PM
The River Oyster Bar and Restaurant
650 South Miami Avenue
Miami, FL 33130
Corner of Miami Ave & SW 7th St.
Parking at Tobacco Road lot.

Featured speaker: Shawn Joost – Educate Tomorrow, Executive Director

Educate Tomorrow’s mission to create independence for foster youth through education, mentoring, and life skills training. The cornerstone of our program is one-on-one mentoring, with a focus on educational planning and success.
In addition, life skills training, college tours, and other resources are offered to youth participants to strengthen their integration into the program and to bolster the mentoring relationship.

Please join us to learn more about this brand new organization and it will be also a great opportunity to mingle with great business professional people and make new friends. Don’t forget to bring your business cards.

Educate Tomorrow web site.

More information: info@RotaryBrickell.org

Mixon by Anna Mixon fashion presentation at Delano 6/14/11

Mixon by Anna Mixon fashion presentation at Delano
June, 14th 2011, 9 PM
1685 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139

Join TAI Entertainment as we break fashion rules with Mixon, Tuesday, June 14, at Delano, featuring Mixon by Anna Mixon jewelry.

These unique chain pieces are favorites of superstars like Nicki Minaj and Hayley Williams and have been featured on the runway and in print.

The event kicks off with a special DJ performance by ESS &EMM at 9 p.m. and complimentary cocktails by Grey Goose from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Bottle and table reservations are recommended. RSVP at RSVP@taient.com.

Martini Tuesdays Jai Rodriguez Birthday Party In colaboration with Accidental Sexiness 6/14/11

Martini Tuesdays Special Event!
Tuesday, June 14th, 9pm – 1am
Mondrian South Beach
1100 West Avenue
Miami Beach

Jai Rodriguez’s Birthday Party!

DJ Just Oliver!

In colaboration with www.accidentalsexiness.com

Jai Rodriguez is currently appearing in Dirty Little Secrets and Summer Shorts at the Adrienne Arsht Center. www.ArshtCenter.org

Martini Tuesdays is a cocktail party that meets at fabulous South Beach venues on Tuesdays at 9pm. Now in its 10th year, Martini Tuesdays is a great night for networking and meeting new friends. There is never a cover charge.

Martini of the Week “Dirty Little Secret”

LABA Mayoral Runoff Election Debate during our Networking Event 6/15/11

June 15th from 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Biltmore Hotel

LABA will be hosting the LABA Mayoral Runoff Election Debate with Candidates’ Carlos Gimenez and Julio Robaina; moderated by Humberto Cortina Host of WQBA Univision Radio; during our Networking Event on June 15th from 5:30pm – 8:30pm at the Biltmore Hotel sponsored by Urbieta Oil and VM Productions. Bring and invite your friends and business associates to enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar with Complimentary Caldas Grand Reserve Rum and music; all for just $15.00 for non-Members and free for Members! I hope to see you there!

We are also offering Sponsorship opportunities starting at $1,000 that will entitle you to be recognized on all emails and faxes sent concerning the event, availability to display one retractable banner at the Event and access to one six foot table to display your company information and promotional items; if you are interested please act quickly we are limited to only five sponsors of one is sold to Urbieta Oil.

Thank you for all your support and participation!

Miami Finance Forum Happy Hour at Crazy About You 6/15/11

Miami Finance Forum Happy Hour
Wednesday, June 15th, 6-8pm
Crazy About You
1155 Brickell Bay Dr.

Join Miami Finance Forum for upcoming Networking Happy Hour
. Enjoy a complimentary glass of wine and passed appetizers while networking with top finance professionals in South Florida!

Event is Complimentary for MFF Members, $25 for Non-Members

You Must RSVP to: elena@miamifinanceforum.com

Euphoria Tour featuring Enrique Iglesias with Pitbull and Prince Royce on 10/22/11

Euphoria Tour feat. Enrique Iglesias w/ Pitbull and Prince Royce
AmericanAirlines Arena
October 22, 2011
On sale Friday, June 10!

The Arena’s Will Call is part of the Arena’s Ticket Office, located on NE 8th Street, between Gates 3 and 4. Tickets are usually available at least two (2) hours prior to the event start time. When picking tickets up from Will Call please have your photo ID ready.

For more general ticket information, contact the AmericanAirlines Arena Ticket Office at (786) 777-1250.

Buy Tickets link.
For more information link.

MANO Fine Art presents Wasabi Inspired by Nostalgia and Implausible Notions 6/18/11

MANO Fine Art presents Wasabi (Inspired by Nostalgia & Implausible Notions)
Saturday, June 18, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
MANO Fine Art Project Space
in the Bird Road Art District
4225 SW 75 Avenue, 2nd Flr
Miami, FL 33155


Join us for the Opening Reception
of Wasabi, featuring MANO’s newest work.

Playful flashes of green and unlikely materials inspired the name for this exhibition but MANO’s newest work develops an unrealized nostalgic notion of Geisha’s, reinterpreting their iconic beauty in the current moment. “Since the first time I saw Gozilla vs Mothuraya I was hooked” says MANO “like so many others I was fascinated by the tiny twins (geishas) who lured Mothra with their song.

MANO exaggerates details and abstracts the familiar. Pale white faces with dark eyes and hair, red lips drawn to look like flowers merge cultures and visual language to create a modern narrative.

MANO Fine Art Project Space is the working studio of Miami-based artist MANO and an alternative space for exhibiition and art related projects. MANO Fine Art participates in the Bird Road Art Walk, on the third Saturday of each month.

For more information contact 305.467.6819.

Bird Road Art Walk Third Saturday 6/18/11

Bird Road Art Walk-Saturday, June 18 (& every third Saturday of the month)
Saturday, June 18, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Bird Road Art District
located just off the Palmetto Expressway between Bird Road (SW 40 Street & SW 48 Street)

Experience Miami’s Art Scene at the Bird Road Art District. On the third Saturday of each month the artists and galleries of one of Miami’s oldest art districts open their doors from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.

Meet artists in their studios, view gallery exhibits, enjoy complimentary wine & light bites, plenty of free parking & a free shuttle bus that will take you to all the participating venues.

The Bird Road Art Walk includes a broad range of contemporary, emerging and established artists working in a variety of mediums; hand-blown glass…, painting in all genres, mosaics, frescos, installations, photography, conceptual art, sculpture, digital art etc… can all be found.

Join us for the Bird Road Art Walk

Start your art walk at any of these participating venues: Abuela Art Gallery

Accent Alternative Art Space, Akuara Teatro Workshop/ Theater Avellaneda,
Aperture Studios, Cesar Art Studio
Chavarriaga Fine Art Studio, Deadalus Art Projects, Erik Speyer Studio, Esteban Blanco Art Studio, Frame & Framing Inc., Gina Guzman Stained Glass Studio, Ismael Gomez Peralta Art Studio
Luis Fuentes’ Radical Art Spot, Madero Art, MANO Fine Art Project Space, Matthew Miller/Nickel Glass Studio
Miami Art Club, Nestor Arenas Art Studio
Onate Fine Art Gallery, Rafael Consuegra/ Cuadart Studio & Gallery,
Ray Azcuy Art Studio, Romero-Hidalgo Artists’ Studios, Sandy Levy-Visual Impact Photography, SPEAK! Miami’s Most Diverse Open Mic, The Young Artists Academy, Tropical Art Gallery @ Palmetto Carpet, Valmar Design Gallery, Warehouse Alternative Space

More info available on our facebook page and website.

Stay in connected:
Facebook: Bird Road Art District
Twitter: @BirdRoadArts
Web: www.manofineart.com


Juneteenth 2011 Celebrating Through Music, Voice, Dance and Fashion 6/18/11

Juneteenth 2011- Celebrating Through Music, Voice, Dance & Fashion
June 18, 2011, 5:00pm-11:00pm
Old School Square
51 N. Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach, Fl 33444

The community and family celebration will kick off with a free health fair from 5pm-8pm and an incredible free outdoor concert from 5pm-11pm.

Our contribution to Black Music Month will include a tribute to music legends Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, James Brown, Gerald Levert, Barry White, Marvin Gaye, Luther Vandross and others. Our vibrant and talented performers lineup includes Tony Wilson & the Godfather of Soul Band (aka the Young James Brown) with Blues legends Ike & Val Woods; Wesley Phillips (Michael’s former trumpet player), Jimmie Lee Moore (James Brown’s bass player of 22 years), veteran singer Terry Parker, the smooth vocals of Stephen Sanders, Stampede Movement, Ottrina Bond, Neo-Soul singer Kendra Williams, Memberz Only, Wanda Williams, Production Haus, Maven Academy Entertainment, Comedian Clyde Gordon among others.

Our special guest speakers will include Vice Mayor Angeleta Gray, Dr. Debra Robinson (Palm Beach County School Board), Tavarius (T.J.) Jackson (Founder of Prep & Sport), and Captain Javaro Sims of the Delray Police Department. We are also honored to have the participation of Delray Beach Police Color Guards, Ed Shakespierre, Jama Fashions, a Capoeira demonstration by Capoeira Karkara, Wein Radio Station, and a Living Museum presented by the kids from Carver Middle School in Delray Beach.
Event will be streamed in its entirety via the internet on www.weinetwork.com.

Our Kids Area will include face painting, raffles, bounce house, games and art area for kids to make Father’s Day cards.

Grab your lawn chair, bring your friends and family and come relax and enjoy a free fun-filled evening with us at Old School Square in Delray Beach!

The entire show will be streamed live via the internet by Weinetwork. Go to WWW.WEInetwork.com on your computer or I Phone/smart phone and listen.

Daddy Spa Day Father’s Day Weekend 6/18-20/11

June 18 To 20
The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale
One North Fort Lauderdale Beach Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

If he’s into holistics…
Table Thai Massage- 80 minutes, $180, plus gratuity
Help him find his Zen and pamper him with the traditional table Thai massage. Often referred to as a “yoga stretch” technique, a therapist extends arms and legs to relieve tension, calm nerves and increase flexibility while rhythmic compressions slip him into a relaxed state of mind. A complimentary Bio-Active Foot Balm treatment is applied to cool tired feet, reduce swelling, hydrate and cure cracked heals using organic elements including red algae, shea butter, peppermint and eucalyptus to result in immediate relief.
Loose clothing is recommended.

…more of the athletic type…
Neuromuscular Massage- 50 minutes, $125 plus gratuity
Designed to alleviate discomfort from tension headaches, and other specific back and neck pains, the Neuromuscular massage is perfect for the athlete. A therapist focuses on a trigger point to extend relief to the entire muscle by applying continuous pressure, up to at least thirty seconds, to reduce tension in targeted areas.

Deep Tissue- 50 minutes, $125, plus gratuity
The Deep Tissue massage targets chronically tense areas including neck, lower back and shoulders, relieving sore and achy muscles, ending in both corrective and therapeutic results.

…or just plain traditional…
The Ritz-Carlton Signature Massage- 50 minutes, $99, plus gratuity
Treat him to a personalized, full body 50-minute massage focusing on individual needs with light to medium pressure to eliminate tension and improve circulation. Enhanced with one of four soothing aromatherapy oils: calming, detoxifying, energizing or muscle ease, all negative energy is released leaving him to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Just for Father’s Day, a complimentary moisturizing and nourishing hair and scalp treatment is included in the 50-minute treatment.
For reservations please contact The Spa at (954) 302-6490.

Full Moon Party Benefitting SOS Children’s Village 6/17/11

Friday, June 17 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Seventh-floor tropical pool deck
The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale
One North Fort Lauderdale Beach Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

No cover charge; no reservations
$5 valet parking
For more information, please phone 954-465-2300.

The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale
Invites you to an Endless Summer Full Moon party

Before embarking on a globe-trotting tour in search of the perfect wave, head to The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale Friday, June 17, for a summer launch party as the 7th floor tropical pool deck transforms into a moonlit lounge with plush couches, music by DJ Rob Riggs, tarot card readers, specialty priced bar bites, Ketel One cocktails and oversized telescopes to view the luminous moon rise above the Atlantic (or to catch a potential swell forming off the shore).

This month, we’re proud to partner with the SOS Children’s Village of Florida (www.sosflorida.com) to support their efforts in fostering more than 250 children in Broward County since 1993. We will be collecting new school supplies for the upcoming year. Donate one scientific calculator or flash drive, three of any of the select items below or a $10 donation and receive a complimentary cocktail.

Five-subject spiral notebook
Package of tab dividers
Mechanical pencils
22” x 28” poster board

Celebrating Father’s Day At The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale 6/16/11

Exclusive Gentlemen’s Night Out
Thursday, June 16, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m
Via Luna Wine Room and Terrace
The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale
One North Fort Lauderdale Beach Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
$75, plus tax and gratuity

Discover the complexities behind Glenlivet as a scotch ambassador showcases the differences between 15, 16, 18 and 21 year vintages and the pride and passion that goes into creating each malt. Via Luna transforms into an oceanfront “den” for a signature prelude to Father’s Day with live music, complimentary hand-rolled cigars and exquisite hors d’oeuvres paired perfectly with each sip.

For reservations please contact Via Luna at (954)302-6460.

Words and Wine 1 Year Anniversary 6/15/11

Words & Wine 1 Year Anniversary
WEDNESDAY JUNE 15th 2011, 8:30p-3:00a
PAX Performance Arts Exchange
337 SW 8th Street (directly under the 95 overpass on your left)
Miami, Florida 33130
Facebook Evite.

5 $$ Tequila Shot and Corona Special and also 5 $ Glass of Wine STILL NO COVER AND FREE PARKING

Everyone i am back and happy to say that Wednesday the 15th will make WORDS AND WINE ONE YEAR OLD. Kinda seems a lot older. This past year has been filled with soooo much beauty and chaos (but everyone loves a little chaos)…

Words & Wine gallery is not open as of yet but one thing is for sure. Wed the 15th we are celebrating Words & Wine. If you have any suggestions where we can hold the event on the 15th please contact me.

As many of you know this event started in my living room and actually has been back and forth since then. We enjoyed having the event at the American Legion but that was shut down. Even with all the up’s and downs…Words & Wine always prevails.

Let’s once again get together, drink some wine, share some thoughts and be happy. Read poetry, play acoustic instruments and make plenty of art. Poets, musicians, listeners, dancers, thinkers: you are all more than welcome to join. Let’s start a nice mid week gathering where we can have an experimental more laid back kind of open mic. ♥ ♥ ♥

Let’s jam loud and speak about poetry all night. I want to thank everyone who has made Words & Wine so amazing. Would love to have some original poets and performers play this Wednesday the 15th.

2nd Quarter Jeans-n-Jackets Networking Event 6/27/11

2nd Quarter Jeans-n-Jackets Networking Event
June 27, 2011, 7p-9p
Mulcare Multi-cultural Hair Design in Salon Suites
4921 Sheridan Street
Hollywood, Fl
RSVP Here.

Photo from the 1st quarter jeans-n-jackets held at Liberty Tax Services in N. Miami

The 2nd quarter Jeans-n-Jackets Networking Event for 2011 will be held on Monday, June 27, 2011 at Mulcare Multi-Cultural Hair Salon located at 4921 Sheridan Street #4 Hollywood, Fl inside the Salon Suites building.

Come out and network your business for 2011 and meet and greet the owner of Mulcare Hair Salon. Come and enjoy door prizes, 70/30 and 50/50 cash pot raffle drawing, spotlight business of the quarter to win free marketing and advertising for three months, refreshments, soft music and a networking evening.

Meet and greet the 2011 Miss Runway winners, a trunk show featuring JB Originals Hats and the directors of First Class Productions

This event is FREE with a RSVP by calling 800-490-9632 Ext 0 or registering here online. You MUST RSVP in order to attend for Free or there is a $10 fee at the door. Also bring your confirmation copy from Eventbrite.

Vendor space is available but space is limited for $50. Please call our office 800-490-9632 ext704 to book a space.

Hope to see you there.

Pink Champagne and Roses Bridal Expo 8/27/11

Pink Champagne and Roses Bridal Expo
August 27, 2011, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel – Hialeah Gardens
7707 N.W. 103rd Street
Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33016

Enjoy an afternoon with over 30 vendors, musicians, food tasting, give-aways. Bridal and Resort Fashion Show.
Entrance fee: $5.00 per person
Brides Pre-register: info@pinkchampagneandroses.com

*Now booking vendors and musicians*
Contact Amelia Ramos Fernandez – Event Coordinator 305.790.3569

Big Truck Days at MiaSci and Free Father’s Day admission 6/18-19

Miami Science Museum Celebrates Father’s Day In A Big Way and hosts Big Truck Days to launch new Moving Things exhibition
June 18 & 19th
Miami Science Museum
3280 South Miami Avenue
Miami, FL 33129.
Admission is FREE for dads on Father’s Day (Sunday, June 19th).

Miami Science Museum announces the launch of its newest exhibit: Moving Things on Saturday and Sunday, June 18-19, 2011, as part of the inaugural Big Truck Days weekend. Big Ryder and Miami-Dade County trucks, and several gourmet food trucks will be on site, as well as several hands-on activities for people of all ages to enjoy.

At Moving Things, sponsored by Ryder System, Inc., visitors will test their own brain vs. brawn in this fun hands-on exhibition focused on how things move from place to place – sometimes easily – sometimes with great effort…but always full of surprises. Moving Things will serve as a prototype exhibition for the new Miami Science Museum, scheduled to open in Museum Park in 2014 (Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science).

Moving Things
Millions of trucks deliver billions of objects around the world each day. Tire changes, engine maintenance, refueling, vehicle speed, and location all need to be tracked to keep things moving smoothly. Without fleet management to coordinate all the details, deliveries would take longer, cost more, and, sometimes, not happen at all!

Visit Moving Things to experience:
Packing a Suitcase: Your bags are packed and you’re ready to go! But do you have all you need? The closer objects fit together, the more you can bring. Some shapes fit perfectly, leaving no gaps between them. Now that’s close packing!
Packing Parcels: Test how efficiently you can stow oddly shaped parts into two containers in relation to cost, volume, part orientation, weight and design.
Packing a Pallet: Boxes and barrels, containers and crates, parcels and pallets. If an object is odd sized or delicate, or when there are many items, you need special packaging to make moving safe and efficient. How many people pack onto a pallet? Find some friends and figure it out!
Turntable: Place different rolling objects, including rings, disks and spheres, on a rotating turntable. How long can you make them stay on the turntable without falling off?
Flow Table: Moving through air or water takes energy: the faster you go, the greater the drag. Some shapes are more efficient than others and size matters. What patterns do you see in the flow?
Traffic: Try your hand at managing a steady flow of traffic by putting discs of different shapes and sizes on an air-suspension track that moves the discs along. Can you avoid traffic-jams and tailgating?
Suitcase gyro: Pick up a suitcase from a stand and find that it moves on its own! A rapidly rotating object, such as the spinning flywheel inside the suitcase, has angular momentum, which causes the object to resist a change in its direction.

Big Truck Days, Saturday and Sunday, June 18-19th:
On display:
Miami-Dade County Hybrid Garbage Truck: The Miami-Dade Department of Solid Waste Management was the first municipal solid waste agency in the United States to take delivery of and put into service these advanced Series Hydraulic Hybrid Powered waste collection trucks. Benefits offered by this hybrid vehicle: reduction in diesel fuel consumption, by as much as 50%; cleaner air emissions; and reduced repair costs to the vehicle’s brake system.
Miami-Dade County Hybrid Bus: The County’s New Flyer 60 ft. articulated diesel-electric hybrid bus provides the following benefits: Improves fuel mileage by 20-35%, compared to conventional buses; and Lower green house gas emissions – NOx reductions of up to 50%.
Ryder’s Detroit Diesel Demand It All Tour Trailer

Mousetrap Car: Students from the Museum’s Upward Bound program will show visitors how to build a ‘Mousetrap Car’. Visitors can build their own Mousetrap Cars and then race them. The best design wins a prize!
Ramp Control: For very young children – Use building blocks to create different size ramps and test how fast and how far your toy car can roll.
Lego Car Prototyping space: Use Legos to build and test your own solar- or air-powered car! Then, snap a picture of your creation and post it to our gallery screens to make it part of the exhibit.
Kid in a Candy Box: Visitors can try their hand at packing and stacking different sized candy boxes into a case to see how much they can fit.

Admission is free for Miami Science Museum members and children under 3; students (with valid ID), seniors (62+) and children 3 – 12, $10.95; adults are $14.95. Entry to Stingray Sea Lab is included in the price of admission. Dads get in FREE on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th.

The Museum is open from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. daily.
More Information
For more information, visit www.miamisci.org or call (305) 646-4200. See the Museum on Facebook (www.facebook.com/MiamiScienceMuseum), Twitter (www.twitter.com/MiaSci) and YouTube (www.youtube.com/MiamiScienceMuseum).

Bowling for Rhinos 7/15/11

Bowling for Rhinos
July 15, 2011, 6:30 p.m.
Bird Bowl Bowling Center,
9275 SW 40th Street
Miami, FL 33165


The annual bowling fundraiser by the American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK) benefits the South Florida Chapter of AAZK’s rhino conservation projects.

Zoo Miami and the South Florida Chapter of the American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK).

Bowling for Rhinos (BFR) 2011, an annual bowling fundraiser that benefits the South Florida Chapter of AAZK’S rhino conservation projects, is sure not to leave you in the gutter. With its goal of helping rhinos worldwide, 100% off all funds raised by BFR benefits rhino conservation projects for four species of Rhino, their habitats, and hundreds of other endangered plants and animals. BFR helps preserve the black, white, Javan and Sumatran rhinos.

To download brochure, registration form and get complete information, visit www.zoomiami.org.

Cine Zarzuela 8/23/11

Cine Zarzuela
August 23, 2011, 7-9pm
Cinema Paradiso
503 Southeast 6th Street
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33301

Florida Grand Opera hosts “Cine Zarzuela”, a FREE summer film series designed to spread the word about the upcoming production of Luisa Fernanda and the tradition of zarzuela – a style of Spanish musical theater that mixes spoken language and singing.

Hosted by prominent members of Miami’s Hispanic community, each event in the series will feature a brief introduction to zarzuela, screenings of scenes from the Teatro Real DVD of Luisa Fernanda featuring Placido Domingo, and a complimentary wine reception with Spanish-themed entertainment, such as flamenco dancing or Spanish guitar.

All events are FREE and open to the public, but space is limited and RSVPs are required. To RSVP or for more information, contact lmerritt@fgo.org or the Box Office at (800) 741-1010.

Cine Zarzuela 8/16/11

Cine Zarzuela
August 16, 2011, 7pm-9pm
Coral Gables Art Cinema
260 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables, Fl 33134

Cine Zarzuela:
FREE Film Receptions; Summer 2011
Florida Grand Opera hosts “Cine Zarzuela”, a FREE summer film series designed to spread the word about the upcoming production of Luisa Fernanda and the tradition of zarzuela – a style of Spanish musical theater that mixes spoken language and singing.

Hosted by prominent members of Miami’s Hispanic community, each event in the series will feature a brief introduction to zarzuela, screenings of scenes from the Teatro Real DVD of Luisa Fernanda featuring Placido Domingo, and a complimentary wine reception with Spanish-themed entertainment, such as flamenco dancing or Spanish guitar.

All events are FREE and open to the public, but space is limited and RSVPs are required. To RSVP or for more information, contact lmerritt@fgo.org or the Box Office at (800) 741-1010.

Cine Zarzuela 7/20/11

Cine Zarzuela
July 20, 2011, 7pm-9pm
Miami Beach Cinematheque
1130 Washington Ave
Miami Beach, Fl 33139

Florida Grand Opera hosts “Cine Zarzuela”, a FREE summer film series designed to spread the word about the upcoming production of Luisa Fernanda and the tradition of zarzuela – a style of Spanish musical theater that mixes spoken language and singing.

Hosted by prominent members of Miami’s Hispanic community, each event in the series will feature a brief introduction to zarzuela, screenings of scenes from the Teatro Real DVD of Luisa Fernanda featuring Placido Domingo, and a complimentary wine reception with Spanish-themed entertainment, such as flamenco dancing or Spanish guitar.

All events are FREE and open to the public, but space is limited and RSVPs are required. To RSVP or for more information, contact lmerritt@fgo.org or the Box Office at (800) 741-1010.

Cine Zarzuela 6/22/11

Cine Zarzuela
June 22, 2011, 7pm-9pm
O Cinema
90 NW 29th Street
Miami, Fl 33127

Event is Free, but space is limited. For more information or to RSVP e-mail lmeritt@fgo.org

Cine Zarzuela: FREE Film Receptions; Summer 2011

Florida Grand Opera (FGO) is proud to be producing its very first zarzuela, Luisa Fernanda, as its 2011-2012 season opener this November. In celebration of this Hispanic musical theater tradition, FGO joins local Hispanic celebrities and Miami cinemas to host “Cine Zarzuela” – a summer-long film event series.

Cine Zarzuela: Wynwood
Join us for a closer look at the world of zarzuela, a Hispanic musical theater tradition beloved in Latin America as well as Europe. Hosted by the Crescendo Circle and Miami personalities, the event will feature a wine reception, discussion by resident opera expert Justin Moss and a screening of scenes from the film version of Luisa Fernanda.

2011 4th of July Celebration in Peacock Park 7/4/11

The 2011 4th of July Celebration
in Peacock Park

Presented by Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce
In 2011, the 4th of July Celebration in Peacock Park returns to Coconut Grove for it’s 5th year of a spectacular fun filled day with food, music, children’s play area, and of course FIREWORKS!
The 4th of July Celebration in Peacock Park is the only fireworks extravaganza in Miami for the Coconut Grove and Coral Gables area, packed with NON-STOP EXCITEMENT!

To celebrate this incredible event the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce and the City of Miami with other local community organizations is planning MORE OF EVERYTHING!

The Chamber is looking for Coconut Grove Restaurants to participate in the event.
If you are interested, please complete the vendor agreement and return it to the Chamber office via email, fax or drop off. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Chamber office. Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce, P: 305-444-7270, www.coconutgrovechamber.com

Offshore Power Boat Racing Weekend 6/16-19/11

The Fourth Annual Sunny Isles Offshore Powerboat Challenge Total Racing Weekend
Thursday, June 16th – Sunday, June 19th
Trump Hollywood
2711 South Ocean Drive
Hollywood 33019
Haulover Cut
10800 Collins Avenue
Bal Harbor

Where The World’s Fastest, Most Thunderous, Jet-Engined Powerboats Come Together to Compete for the Title
Race Viewing is Free & Open to the Public on the Beach

See official website for race times: www.OffshoreEvents.com

Meet the Race Teams & View the Racing Boats Out of the Water
Racing Village at Gulfstream Park
501 South Federal Highway
Hallandale 33009

Official Offshore Racing Challenge Dinner & Nightlife Party
Saturday, June 18th, 6pm -10pm
Taverna Opa Restaurant
410 North Ocean Drive
Hollywood 33019

View The Official Taverna Opa Race Boat Driven By Ryan Beckley
Meet & Dine with the Drivers
Come By Boat, We’ll Bring The Party Onboard!

The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale’s Fashion Show 6/12/11

Fashion Design Students Create Earth, Air, Fire and Water
Sunday, June 12th
Two Shows:
Ø 6pm Open to the public at no charge; high school students interested in fashion are encouraged to attend
Ø 8pm VIP, Guests and Media $20.00
Renaissance Fort Lauderdale Cruise Port Hotel
1617 S.E. 17th Street
Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33316
(hotel is located next to The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale)

The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale presents its semi-annual fashion design students’ collections

Semi-annual fashion show, Elements, presents collections designed by Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale graduating fashion design students representing the culmination of their talent and education. Elements uses vibrant and earth tone color palettes, a range of structures and textures that each designer uses to represent each element both characteristically and symbolically:
· Earth – represents their hard work
· Air – represents creativity
· Fire – represents passion
· Water – represents expression

Graduating Fashion Design Students from The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. Elements is sponsored in part by Cosmix School of Makeup Artistry and the Renaissance Hotel.

First show is open to the public free of charge
Second show (VIP) is $20.00 per person

For additional ticket information or purchasing VIP tickets, please contact Morganne Zimmerman at morgannezc@gmail.com, or call (954) 294-1019.

The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale is one of The Art Institutes (www.artinstitutes.edu), a system of more than 45 education institutions located throughout North America. The Art Institutes system is America’s Leader in Creative Education providing an important source for design, media arts, fashion and culinary arts professionals. Two institutions included in The Art Institutes system are campuses of South University.

Cylk Cozart and Keeping Dreams Alive Presents Mike Marino 6/17/11

Mike Marino – Keeping Dreams Alive (Comedy)
June 17, 2011 Friday 7:00 pm
Coral Springs Center for the Arts.

Order Online
$37.00 – $47.00
Student discount price – $22 per ticket for select seating (show ID at box office).

Cylk Cozart & “Keeping Dreams Alive” Presents, “The Mike Marino Comedy Show”, Come see the “Number One Comedian in the Country”!

Movie Star, Cylk Cozart (www.cylkcozart.com), from the Mega Hit films, “White Men Can’t Jump”, “Conspiracy Theory”, “Eraser”, “16 Blocks”, “Three To Tango” and Steven Speilberg’s “Eagle Eye”, is Co-CEO of KDA (a 501(c)3 non profit organization helping ‘at risk’ student – athletes attain their college degrees. Cozart, is Director of Entertainment / Education of KDA.

Your support with advertising/promotion, will assist KDA in promoting this very worthy event.

Please aid us in helping the youth of South Florida. ALL proceeds benefit “our kids” and are tax deductible.
KDA Foundation staff consists of entertainers, pro/college athletes, community leaders, principals, teachers, guidance counselors, coaches and volunteers. We totally support student athletes and their parents as they transition academically /socially from middle to high school and Post Secondary education, especially in urban communities. We realize that students need more support with maintaining good academic habits and acquiring appropriate life / study skills while being actively involved with their communities.

Art Auction at Cafeina 6/11/11

Art Auction at Cafeina
6-11-11, 8:30-11:30 p.m.
Cafeina Wynwood
297 NW 23th Street
Miami, FL 33127


Don’t miss this Saturday night with the 1st ever Cafeina Art Auction! FREE auction registration and 15% buyers premium.

Enjoy European inspired Tapas in the lounge and Garden while you sip, savor and admire the art work in the Gallery. Live VJ show by Tom LaRoc and Overthrow’s Troy Kurtz mixing sounds all night long!

No cover before 10pm, $5 after. Bottles specials all night long with 2 bottle for $275 – 1 Chivas 12 and 1 Kettle One!

For more information contact info@cafeinamiami.com. Full catalog available online at www.hammerandblock.com.

Bidding starts promptly at 9:30 pm

Primary Flight and Andrew Nigon An Official State 6/11/11

Local Emerging Artist Andrew Nigon Exhibits Powerful Sculptures
Saturday, June 11 at 7:00 p.m
Primary Projects
Atrium Building
4141 NE Second Avenue, Suite 104
Miami Design District

An Official State Opens during Second Saturday Art Walk in Design District

Primary Flight (“PF”) is honored to present An Official State, the monumental sculptures of Miami-based artist Andrew Nigon. As if caught in a moment of euphoric overdose, his work explodes with bright colors, discarded luxury items, and objects bent on fulfilling a life cycle they will never experience.

An Official State marks a modest 5th exhibition milestone since the space launched during last year’s Basel. This show will run through August 2011.

“My work reflects the bizarre nature of our existence, in which we have an insatiable drive to improve while simultaneously living within bodies that are in constant decay”, said Nigon. “The result being seductive and tortured characters that exist halfway between somewhere and nowhere.”

An Official State is curated by Books IIII Bischof, Typoe and Chris Oh. Free and open to the public, complimentary beverages at the reception will be provided by Bacardi Rum and Perrier. For more information please contact info@primaryflight.com or visit www.primaryflight.com.

Primary Flight is a collaborative curatorial organization dedicated to the production of site-specific, street level and indoor, murals and installations. Since its inception in 2007, Primary Flight has brought together more than 150 of the world’s most influential artists to install their bodies of work live in the streets of Wynwood, the Design District and greater Miami-Dade. Launching Primary Projects at 4141 NE Second Avenue, Suite 104 in December 2010, Primary Flight uses its 4,000-square-foot space as an art lab, giving professional established and emerging artists the opportunity to redefine the context in which their work is experienced. For more information please visit www.primaryflight.com.

Photographs of Music-Art-Culture Benefit Concert for Behavior Links at The Club on 6/10/11

Music-Art-Culture Benefit Concert for Behavior Links at  The Club At Renaissance on Friday, June 10, 2011.  What a great event!! The music was awesome and the raffle was so much fun.  Keep up the great work!!

A Resource for Families of Children with Special Needs. Behavior Links is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of individuals with special needs and their families. With a family-centered approach, our objective is to create and strengthen links to learning and development. Our mission is to help each child with special needs realize their full potential by actively involving their family and the community through education and training.  We are proud to be offering all of our programs at little to no cost to families, thanks to our supporters.

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Gerry Kelly’s Annual Studio 54 Birthday X-travaganza 6/11/11

Trio On The Bay
1601 79th St Causeway
North Bay Village, FL

Official Invite to Gerry Kelly’s Annual Studio 54 Birthday X-travaganza
RSVP Mandatory GK@jejeconsuting.com
The Biggest Disco Party in The World
Saturday June 11th
Cocktail reception 10 to 11
Suggested Attire: disco, masks, feathers,costumes .gowns
Dinner reservations 305 866 1234
NO COVER. Arrive early Space is limited

Vamos a La Playa 6/10/11

Vamos a La Playa!
Friday June 10, 10pm-5am
Transit Lounge
729 sw 1st Ave
Miami, FL 33130

Lets celebrate, Summer has arrived! Break out the bikini’s and board shorts for a night of sweaty fun.

Dress in your best beach garb for a free drink

Free Malibu shots and goodies from 11pm-12am!

Qool Basil DJs Spinning all Night
No Cover, 21+

Dorsch Gallery presents Noise Field a multi-media group exhibition 6/10/11

Please join us for the opening reception of Noise Field
Friday June 10th, 6-9pm,
Dorsch Gallery
151 NW 24 St
Miami, FL 33127

celebrating the group show, Noise Field.
The exhibition will run from June 10 – July 9, 2011.

There will be a live musical performance by R.A.F. (Raphael Amadeus Frankenstein) at 8 pm.

The gallery will also be open noon-9 pm on Saturday, June 11, for the Wynwood Second Saturday art-walk.

Raphael Lyon
Ruben Millares
Martin Murphy
Kylin O’Brien
Odalis Valdivieso
Sam Winston
Antonia Wright

Curated by Annie Hollingsworth

Noise Field examines the field of consciousness where language patters begin to form of where, conversely, they dissolve into nonsense. In this in-between place, language has an unsettling vertigo effect. Dreamlike logic rules and nightmare characters are born.

Noise Field looks at written, spoken, and non-verbal languages. Throughout the exhibition, words fall apart and images get caught between old and new media. Technology is cast as a set of questionable tools and produce chaotic excess in combination with incomplete information – a psychologically murky terrain that can produce as much anxiety as the dark space under the bed.

* For an inside look at Noise Field, click here to read an NBC Miami interview with curator Annie Hollingsworth.

Enter the Nineties Reception 6/16/11

Enter the Nineties
Reception: Thursday, June 16, 7-8:30 p.m.
Main Library
2nd floor exhibition space
101 W. Flagler Street

With a special collaboration from MARILYN GOTTLIEB ROBERTS and THE END
June 16 – September 13

This summer, as part of its year-long 40th anniversary celebration, the Miami-Dade Public Library System remembers the 1990s. That decade was a memorable time for the Library’s summer art tradition: exhibitions organized around one simple, culturally-loaded object or theme — shoes, boats, the alphabet, food, landscape, sound, dogs — with broad participation from many artists. Enter the Nineties adopts that format by inviting artists, writers, librarians, and cultural producers from Miami and elsewhere to trade zines (independent, do-it-yourself magazines or fanzines) with the Library. The Art Services and Exhibitions Department made a 90s throwback zine called Poetry and Power and will exhibit all the zines received in exchange.

Although zine culture dates back to 1930 or before, it flourished in the nineties. The show includes permanent art collection work from past summer shows, artists’ publications and seminal artists’ periodicals recently added to the permanent art collection; and the extensive array of traded zines and a lounge area for reading them.

For more information and a list of participating artists to date, check out the Library Exhibitions website. And you can also keep up with us on Facebook!

Young Professionals Fundraiser for Alabama 6/25/11

Coral Gables Rotaract invites you to Get Happy for a good cause!
Saturday, June 25
320 Lincoln Road
Miami Beach

Network and help raise funds for disaster relief in Alabama following the deadly tornadoes this past April.
Enjoy an open vodka bar from 10-11PM.
Admission until 12AM.

CG Rotaract Members: $15 | Non-Members: $20

Learn more or donate now at: www.coralgablesrotarct.org.

Food Truck Rally benefiting Florida Heart Research Institute 6/23/11

Food Truck Rally benefiting Florida Heart Research Institute
6-23-11, 5:30pm – 10:00pm
Miami Science Museum
3280 S. Miami Avenue
Miami, FL 33129

Please join us as we host a food truck rally with the best food trucks in Miami on the evening of Thursday, June 23rd, from 5:30pm – 10pm at the Miami Science Museum benefiting the Florida Heart Research Institute. The event is hosted in conjunction with the Museum’s Young Patrons group who host a regularly occurring Happy Hour event inside the Museum. The Happy Hour will be open to the public.

The mission of Florida Heart Research Institute is to stop heart disease through research, education and prevention. We are non-profit and rely on tax-deductible, corporate and individual donations to fund our programs. A percentage of the food sales will be donated to the Florida Heart Research Institute to help us continue providing free screenings (EKG, blood pressure, blood analysis, etc.) and worksite wellness right here in South Florida.

We’ll be joined by Trucks that have confirmed: Ms. Cheezious, gastropod, Sakaya Kitchen, Jefe’s Original Fish Taco & Burger, Dolci Peccati Gelato, Miso Hungry, Muscle Truck, Sugar Yummy Mama, MexZican Gourmet, Slow Food Truck, Yellow Submarine, Divan Bakery, Tango Grill, Rolling Stove, Gyromaniakz, Dog Eat Dog, and more.

Downtown Miami Hosts Mayoral Debate 6/22/11 – This has been CANCELED.

Downtown Votes! Downtown Miami Hosts Mayoral Debate
Candidates to Face-Off on Issues Critical to Growing Downtown Community
Wednesday June 22, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Gusman Center for the Performing Arts
174 E. Flagler Street

This Event Is Free And Open To The Public

As a kick-off of the Miami Downtown Development Authority’s Downtown Votes! campaign to encourage voter registration amongst new residents, the agency will partner with Miami Dade College and the Gusman Center for the Performing Arts to host a special debate between mayoral candidates, former Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina and former Miami-Dade County Commissioner Carlos Gimenez, in advance of the June 28 run-off election.

At the event moderated by Michael Putney, the host of “This Week in South Florida” on WPLG, downtown constituents will have the opportunity to ask questions of both candidates regarding their plans to support continued growth and development within Miami’s urban core. City of Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado will also be in attendance and will provide a few brief remarks prior to the commencement of the debate.

More than 80 residential condo buildings were erected in downtown Miami during the boom, injecting new life into the district and forever changing the City’s skyline. Out of the ashes of the boom-turned-bust, a 24-7 community has emerged with more than 70,000 new residents now calling downtown Miami home.

And more residents mean more voters: since 2003, Downtown Miami’s registered voter population has surged 184% — giving a much needed voice to the County’s largest employment center and economic hub.

Hialeah to Honor Cuban Activist and Painter Luis Posada Carriles 6/14/11

Hialeah to Honor Cuban Activist and Painter Luis Posada Carriles
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Hialeah City Hall
3rd floor Council Chambers, 501 Palm Avenue

Mayor Carlos Hernandez, the esteemed City Council and the City of Hialeah invite our friends from the media to join us at our next City Council Meeting where Cuban activist & artist Luis Posada Carriles will receive the Key to the City of Hialeah, along with a proclamation naming the day, Luis Posada Carriles Day in Hialeah.

Mr. Posada Carriles is being honored for his unwavering dedication towards advancing democracy and demanding freedom in Cuba and the western hemisphere.

Following the presentation, the Council will hold a second reading regarding the repeal of the red light traffic safety system.

Ladies only Get girly and flirty at Chez Badeaux 6/11/11

Get girly & flirty at Chez Badeaux Salon!
Saturday June 11, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Chez Badeaux Salon
1235 Alton Road
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Please make sure to RSVP Here, and we encourage you to bring a friend.

We would like to personally invite you to the first of our “ladies only” series.

Join us this Saturday for an evening filled of flirty, sexy and fun stuff just for us girls.

Meet the designer of Priscilla Jade Lingerie, and view her new Noir collection.

Join Natalie of Pure Romance and hear all about their entire product line filled of all the stuff we need to spice up our life.

Enjoy bites and bubbly through out the evening.
Every purchase will receive a goodie bag filled with surprises…like a FREE mani & pedi!
Lovely lingerie paired with delicious oils and lotions, make for a perfect evening

Opening Reception and Artist Talk for Rivane Neuenschwander A Day Like Any Other 7/16/11

Opening Reception and Artist Talk for Rivane Neuenschwander: A Day Like Any Other
Saturday, July 16, 2011 ï 6-9pm
Artist talk begins 6:30pm (Space is limited. First come, first seated.)
Miami Art Museum, 101 W Flagler St., Miami, FL 33130
MAM members free, Non-members $20
Free event parking at 50 NW 2nd Ave.
RSVP@miamiartmuseum.org or 305.375.1704

The Board of Trustees of Miami Art Museum welcomes members and guests to the opening reception for Rivane Neuenschwander: A Day Like Any Other. Neuenschwander will discuss her work during an Artist Talk beginning at 6:30pm. Guests will enjoy a festive reception with Fresh Fruit Caipirinhas provided by Leblon Cachaca.

Miami Art Museum Presents Brazilian Artist Rivane Neuenschwander’s First Mid-Career Survey
Artist’s Collaborations with Musicians, Forensic Artists, Bar Patrons, Nature and Exhibition Visitors Result in Poetic, Yet Playful Works

Rivane Neuenschwander: A Day Like Any Other
July 17 – October 16, 2011

Rivane Neuenschwander, Chove chuva / Rain Rains, 2002. Aluminum buckets, water, steel cable, ladder. Dimensions variable. Private collection. / Rivane Neuenschwander, Primeiro amor / First Love, 2005. Pencil on paper, police sketch artist, table and chairs. 11 3/8 x 8 1/4 in. each. .29 x 21 cm. Installation view New Museum, New York. Courtesy the artist, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Galeria Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo; and Stephen Friedman Gallery, London. / Rivane Neuenschwander, Eu desejo o seu desejo / I Wish Your Wish, 2003. Silkscreen on fabric ribbons. Dimensions variable. Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Juan and Pat Vergez Collection. All images courtesy New Museum, New York. Photo by Benoit Pailley

Miami Art Museum will present the first mid-career survey of the work of Brazilian artist Rivane Neuenschwander (b. 1967, Belo Horizonte, Brazil) focusing on over ten years of innovative practice. Neuenschwander’s work, which includes painting, photography, film, sculpture, immersive installations and participatory actions, combines conceptual rigor, sensory appeal, poetic evocation and viewer interaction. Rivane Neuenschwander: A Day Like Any Other (July 17 through October 16, 2011) punctuates the elements that have led to her reputation as one of the most unique contributors to contemporary Brazilian art.

Inspired by nature, time, life cycles, mysteries of perception and human exchange, Neuenschwander creates playful, sensual and often participatory artworks that blur distinctions between author, artwork and viewer. For some of the work on view, Neuenschwander is the sole creator. Other pieces are the result of collaborations with entities as varied as musicians, forensic artists, bar patrons, nature and the exhibition’s visitors. Motifs that repeat with regularity include mapping, measuring, trading and categorization.

“Rivane Neuenschwander is a very unusual artist in that many of her artworks are collaborations with ‘partners’ over which she has little or no control–rain, gravity, ants, the public,” said Peter Boswell, assistant director for programs/senior curator, Miami Art Museum. “She initiates situations and then lets them go, giving up control. That kind of generosity and openness is pretty rare and the results are often amazingly poetic.”

The exhibition, presented in Miami Art Museum’s plaza-level gallery, will include two of Neuenschwander’s immersive, viscerally beautiful installations, Rain Rains (2002) and I Wish Your Wish (2003). Rain Rains is an environment of dripping buckets, suspended from the ceiling to create an artificial rain environment. I Wish Your Wish is inspired by a tradition of a church in Bahia, Brazil, in which the faithful bind ribbons to their wrists and to the gates of the church; according to tradition, their wishes are granted when the ribbons wear away and fall off. In Neuenschwander’s version, visitors choose from thousands of ribbons printed with the wishes from past visitors to the installation and replace them with wishes of their own, turning private aspiration into collective responsibility.

The importance of film and literary sources can be seen in The Conversation (2010), a skewed homage to Francis Ford Coppola’s 1972 film, and First Love (2005), a psychologically complex adaptation of Samuel Beckett’s novella by the same name. The Conversation, realized especially for this exhibition, is an immersive installation that investigates paranoia in an age in which privacy is no longer an individual’s natural right. In Neuenschwander’s First Love, visitors describe their ‘first love’ to a police sketch artist. The pencil sketches hang in the gallery for the duration of the exhibition, creating a very personal portrait gallery of perpetrators. In another work, A Thousand and One Possible Nights, Neuenschwander creates a calendar of constellation-like collages made by punching holes in pages of The Arabian Nights: Tales of 1,001 Nights.

In conjunction with the exhibition, Miami Art Museum has organized a satellite installation at Miami Dade College InterAmerican Campus, featuring a video art work in Miami Art Museum’s permanent collection entitled Quarta-Feira de Cinzas/Epilogue (Ash Wednesday/Epilogue). The video depicts ants laboriously hauling glittering pieces of multi-colored confetti into their holes, a reference to the aftermath of Carnival festivities in Brazil. The installation will be on view at InterAmerican Campus, 627 SW 27th Ave., Miami, FL 33135, from July 14 through August 7, 2011.

The Lee Boys And The Aquaphonics Performing At The Stage In Miami 6/17/11

Friday June, 17, Doors open at 7
The Stage
170 Northeast 38th Street
Miami, FL 33137-3628
$5 cover starts at 10 PM
For further information or to RSVP, please contact JennyLee Molina at info@jl-pr.com

The Lee Boys, a world-famous sextet from Miami performing sacred steel, a mix of funk, jazz, blues, hip-hop and gospel live at The Stage with openers The Aquaphonics, a unique ensemble combining jazz, electro, and soul.

A fun concert bringing together two one-of-a-kind groups for a fun night of music for one night at The Stage.

The Lee Boys consists of three brothers and their three nephews, who pull together an eclectic mix of blues, jazz, rock, funk, gospel and country, drawing influences from all over the world, combining it all to make a distinct musical style. It’s fitting, then, that a Lee Boys live show moves the audience to dance, shout out, and have an all-around good time.

The Aquaphonics are a collective of friends who jam together, playing all different kinds of music, but always retaining their own liquid sound.

One Beat CPR and Mount Sinai Medical Center complimentary CPR training classes 6/14/11

One Beat Cpr And Mount Sinai Medical Center Join Forces This June For National Cpr Month
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Session A starts at 11:00 am. Check in is at 10:30 am
Session B starts at 4:00 pm. Check in as at 3:30 pm
Mount Sinai Medical Center-Founders Meeting Room in the Warner Lobby Pavilion
4300 Alton Road
Miami Beach, FL 33140
* Park in the H Lot or the main parking structure. Parking is complimentary with validation
To RSVP Please Email rsvp@carmapr.com

One Beat CPR and Mount Sinai Medical Center have partnered to offer complimentary CPR training classes on Tuesday June 14th to celebrate June as national CPR awareness month. The free course is open to everyone in the community and is perfect for parents, teachers and business owners. All attendees who complete the course will be certified by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Safety Health and Institute (ASHI). Participants who complete the course will receive AHA cards.

About One Beat CPR: South Florida based One Beat CPR has been Florida’s premier American Heart Association (AHA) and American Safety Health Institute (ASHI) CPR Training Center for over twelve years. One Beat CPR, founded by Lon Rosen, a twelve-year veteran with the Key Biscayne Fire Department, offers approachable, enjoyable and affordable lifesaving education with classes that are perfect for families, schools and businesses. Along with its excellent hands-on CPR classes, One Beat CPR is also a Master Distributor of PHILIPS defibrillators and accessories, providing the lowest prices on all AED and replacement parts in the industry. Developed by Rosen, One Beat CPR consists of firefighters, paramedics and police officers who deliver real life experience to make CPR training accessible, fun and informative.

About Mount Sinai Medical Center: Founded in 1949, Mount Sinai Medical Center is the largest independent, private, not-for-profit teaching hospital in South Florida. Mount Sinai’s Centers of Excellence combine technology, research and academics to provide innovative and comprehensive care in Cardiology, Neurology, Oncology and Orthopaedics. One of only six statutory teaching hospitals in the state, Mount Sinai is the hospital of choice for those who seek the level of expertise and care that only a teaching hospital can offer. The medical center’s commitment to quality has garnered prestigious recognition, including designation in 2010-11 as one of America’s Top Hospitals by U.S.News & World Report

Photographs of the Elle Spa VIP Launch Event at the Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach on 6/9/11

Elle Spa VIP Launch Event at the Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach on Thursday, June 9, 2011.  The Elle Spa is so beautiful and what a wonderful place for them to at the Eden Roc Renaissance which is an amazing hotel and so much history.  I have to say this was a fabulous event, the food and drinks were flowing and the crowd was beautiful.  Had so much fun!

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I Was There photoshow curated by Salustiano opening 6/11/11

“I was there,” Four Seville-based Photographers to Exhibit in Miami
7:00PM Saturday, June 11th,
during Wynwood Arts Walk.
Kavachnina Contemporary
46 NW 36th Street
Miami Fl, 33127

Jesus Manuel Rojas Torres
Exhibition runs through August 10, 2011.

I Was There,” is a photographic exhibition by four Spanish artists who will bring to Kavachnina Contemporary this coming Saturday June 11th, 2011, a personal analysis and interpretation of the human perception during Wynwood Arts Walk.
The photographers, David Palacin, Pepe Moran, Rafaela Rodriguez and Estela Garcia were selected by Salustiano, the curator for this photo exhibition.

Salustiano, an established Spanish artist known widely by his portraits painted in a technically perfect red which look more like velvet than a canvas, is a master that shows his subjects in enigmatic acts of looking.

“Human beings have left a trace both, in the landscapes as being themselves, and with their fingerprints throughout time, which have been recorded in our memories or even as a witness of our living experiences and hence the title for this exhibition,” said Salustiano.

“Initially, the idea was to do a photo exhibit on portraiture but then to widen the possibilities for artists when making their proposals, I suggested instead to work on the human being itself, on its figure, its presence and its absence throughout time,” added Salustiano.

Miramar Welcomes Its First Food Truck Festival 6/12/11

Sunday, June 12, 2011 from 12pm – 4pm
Everglades Senior High School
17100 SW 48 Ct
Miramar, FL 33027.

Miramar’s first food truck festival will make its debut on Sunday, June 12, 2011 from 12pm – 4pm. This first food truck festival, hosted by Calvary Fellowship, will help raise money for the organization’s upcoming mission trips taking place this summer in New Hampshire and the Dominican Republic. There will be a $5 cover charge to enter the food truck area.

Confirmed trucks are CheeseMe Mobile, Clarabelle’s Cupcakes, The Flying Saucer, Grill Master Café, Latin Burger & Taco, The Red Truck and Sakaya Kitchen. More trucks are expected to join the line-up as the event builds in popularity.

There will be plenty of free parking, picnic tables and bathrooms on-site.
The event is hosted by Calvary Fellowship, a contemporary Christian Church who hosts their services at Everglades High School on Sundays at 10am and 11:30am.

“I’m so excited to be putting this event together with my church for a great cause. I will be one of many who will be visiting the Dominican Republic this summer to take medical supplies to an under privileged and impoverished city. The money raised during the food truck meet up will help raise money toward our travel expenses accommodations, food and supplies we’ll be taking,” said Alex Miranda, organizer of the event and participant of the missions trip. “We have many ways of raising money, but decided that food truck gathering is the perfect fit to help raise awareness while at the same time having people participate in something that is so popular and enjoyable ad the food truck trend is right now. ”

Luca Hair Show and Fashion Presentation at Mondrian 06/11/11

Luca Hair Show & Fashion Presentation @ Mondrian
06.11.11, 9 PM
Mondrian South Beeach
1100 West Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139

Featured in national magazines and a favorite among celebrities, Luca Salon will be styling models for an exclusive Miami Beach hair show and live photoshoot.

On June 11, TAI Entertainment will host a special Mondrian Saturday introducing

GoNaturalGoLuca, renowned salon and hair products created by Luca Mencarini. Luca will feature this summer’s top hairstyles alongside Sauipe swimwear and Astrid Poletti jewelry.

The show will begin at 9 p.m., followed by a chic A Casa Di Luca after-party at the Sunset Lounge for a night of mingling, drinking and music.

Both South Floridians and celebrities alike enjoy Mondrian’s trendy atmosphere, and this Saturday, Alexia Echevarria of the Real Housewives of Miami will be in attendance.

Described as “A New Kind Of Party,” this is by far the hottest ticket in town. You won’t want to miss out.

Dancing In Miami At Nikki Music Every Sunday Night 6/12/11

June 12, 7 pm to 5 am
Nikki Beach Miami
One Ocean Drive
Miami Beach Florida 33139
305 538 1111

Every Sunday Night From 7pm to 5am, Nikki Music is our weekly party providing you with the freshest tracks and entertainment.

Join us this week for a special set by Guest DJ LAZARDI. This week’s line up also features Nikki Beach Miami Residents Bruno Robles, Armand Pena and a special extended set by Felipe Kaval.

For VIP Table Reservations please call 305-538-1111 or email viptables.miami@nikkibeach.com

One Ocean Sundays At Club O1 Nikki Beach Miami 6/12/11

June 12, 11 pm to 5 am
Club o1< Second Floor At Nikki Beach Miami >
One Ocean Drive
Miami Beach Florida 33139
305 538 1111

Every Sunday night starting at 11PM One Ocean Sundays will provide you with amazing entertainment and sounds. This week features DJ JOE DERT bringing you only the best in Open Format.

*Dress Code Enforced for Club O1*

For VIP Table reservations please call 305-538-1111 or email reservations@clubo1.com

The News Lounge Saturdays 6/11/11

The News Lounge Saturdays
Saturday June 11th 2011, 10 PM
The News Lounge/ Design District
5580 NE 4th Court
Miami Fl 33185

The News Lounge opened in the Summer of 2008 in the courtyard located at the center of 55th Street Station. It is the crown jewel of this mixed-use complex, located just north of the Soyka restaurant, across the street from Andiamo Brick Oven Pizza and adjacent to Sushi Siam.

It has a limited appetizer and tapas menu and features an eclectic modern “Metropolis” décor with a beautiful indoor bar, unique lounge and mirror room, plus a 100 seat outdoor garden courtyard: our mini version of Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road, featuring an outdoor island bar, two outdoor pool tables, large outdoor video screens, swings, a bed for lounging and a variety of seating areas for your private enjoyment. The News Lounge features house and special guests DJs along with live music.

Every Saturday, Enjoy complimentary admission Until 1am by telling the young lady up front that you are on Rick’s List.

Le Kitty Cat Club Monday 6/13/11

Le Kitty Cat Club a night of avant-garde burlesque, vaudeville & human oddities.
Monday, June 13th, Act I: 10:00pm
Vice Lounge
Lincoln Rd
Miami Beach, Florida

Le Kitty Cat Club is presented and produced by South Beach personalities Tony Ferro and English John.
This weekly event features everything from song and dance laced with comedy and dramatic theater set to music and exotic displays of exhibitionism. Le Kitty Cat Club at Vice Lounge Miami possesses an ambiance of regal stature. You will experience a journey of extravagance, romanticism, and eccentricity with a bit of madness. Are you ready?

Vice’ concept was derived from 19th Century German Royalty, and a tribute to mysticism. The correlation of these concepts creates an intriguing allure of beauty and mystery.Its dark interior lights up with wonder, thanks to LED lightshows throughout the venue.

Cubic Collaboration Brick x Brick reception and exhibition 6/9/11

Cubic Collaboration: Brick x Brick reception and exhibition
Thursday, June 9, 3-5pm
Flagler Art Space
172 W. Flagler Street
Miami, 33130
Free and open to the public

Miami Art Museum presents the end-of-year reception and exhibition for its after school teen program, Brick x Brick. Entitled “Cubic Collaboration,” the exhibition will feature a large mesh wall hanging, portrait banners, clay sculptures, “vacant lot” paintings and more, all created by students from Girl Power and Mater Academy. Brick x Brick is an innovative after-school program aimed at teens who live near the Museum’s new home in Museum Park. It uses MAM’s building project to inspire integrated problem-solving and provide direct experience in fields such as architecture, computer graphics, geography, landscape design and sociology. To get the latest update on Brick x Brick from the participants themselves, check the Brick x Brick blog.

Homeless Women To Be Treated To Day of Beauty and Glamour 6/10/11

PricewaterhouseCoopers to host a day of beauty for the homeless women of the Miami Rescue Mission
Friday, June 10th beginning at 1:00 PM.
Miami Rescue Mission’s Center for Women & Children
2250 NW 1st Avenue
Miami, FL 33127

Several volunteers from the Fortune 100 Company PricewaterhouseCoopers will be volunteering at the Miami Rescue Mission’s Center for Women & Children. During their time, volunteers will be helping with makeovers as well as dropping off donations to the homeless women and children who currently reside at the Center.

PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Miami Rescue Mission are teaming up to help the self-esteem of those women who may need it the most, those in the homeless population.

In a statement, PricewaterhouseCoopers reiterated the importance of volunteer activities such as this, “We (PricewaterhouseCoopers) are hosting a Day of Beauty for women who may never get to beautify themselves in the near future simply because they do not know how, do not have the self-esteem to believe they can be beautiful or do not have the resources to do so. Our mission is to show the women that we all care about them and to help them realize that they are not defined by their circumstances.”

Community Development Associate of the Miami Rescue Mission, Melissa Singh added, “It is always wonderful to see the look on the faces of our women and children when a group like this comes in. To see the light in their eyes from feeling good about themselves is something everyone should see… We are so thankful to PricewaterhouseCoopers for their generosity!”

Timi Pellegrini Fashion Show at Vice Lounge Miami 6/11/11

Brazilian-Inspired Swimwear Designs to Hit the Runway
Saturday, June 11, 2011
10:00 p.m. Champagne Reception
12:30 a.m. Fashion Show Begins
Vice Lounge Miami
330 Lincoln Road
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Please send RSVPs to rsvp@viceloungemiami.com

Timi Pellegrini, who is best known for designing ornate bikinis, corsets, cocktail dresses and lingerie, will officially launch her summer 2011 swimwear collection at Vice Lounge Miami (“Vice.”) All of Pellegrini’s designs are hand-sewn and can be individually tailored to fit the customers look.

“Vice is the perfect place to debut the new collection,” states Pellegrini, dubbed as the pioneer of “Pool Party Fashion.” “The burlesque-inspired fashions that adorn the women who work at Vice are my design, so it is with great pleasure that I share my other talents with not only the Vice family, but its extended family as well.”

Champagne reception will begin at 10:00 p.m. A collection of swimsuit-ready beauties are set to hit the runway after the midnight hour with a DJ providing beats to set the mood for the catwalk.

Meet your Neighbors at HistoryMiami 6/30/11

Meet your Neighbors
Thursday, June 30, 2011
101 W Flagler Street
5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

This is your opportunity to make new friends and get to know your DWNTWN. Participating Downtown Miami restaurants will be serving up tasty appetizers, Kork Wine & Cheese will be serving wine and Magners Irish Cider will be serving beer. Come explore Aviation in Miami the first 100 years.

HistoryMiami Members only preview from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
Exhibition opens to the public at 6:30 pm.

Enjoy live music throughout the evening.
We’ve taken care of everything you just need to bring yourself to Meet Your Neighbors!

Please RSVP at (305) 379-7070 or by email to info@downtownmiami.net

Cravings South Florida Magazine presents Alice In Wedding Wonderland 6/23/11

Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 7:30 PM
Sole on the Beach
17315 Collins Ave.
Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
Regiter Here.

Cravings Magazine, presents “Alice In Wedding Wonderland,” an event filled with elegance, bridal gifts, fashion, cocktails & beautiful floral decor accenting a bridal affair themed “Alice & Wonderland”. Guests will enjoy complimentary cocktails by L’chaim Vodka, appetizers catered by The H Restaurant, and a special runway show featuring Miami’s Top Fashion Designer, Cesar Rosario, showcasing couture bridal gowns, high fashion reception dresses and more.

This event will be held at Sole on the Ocean, overlooking the shimmering beaches of South Florida in Sunny Isles Beach on Thursday, June 23rd, 2011 at 7:30PM. Expected in attendance are South Florida’s elite, Media, Socialites, and other Couture Fashion Trendsetters. Special surprise to all the guests attending “Alice In Wedding Wonderland” from international beauty cosmetics company, Mary Kay.
You will have an unforgettable time for the evening after having taste samples and viewing products, while receiving information improving your innerpleasures from Specialist Lisa B. of Orgazmic Parties.

Sponsoring the event are: L’Chaim Vodka, Flowers Loft, Orgazmic Parties, H Restaurant, Mary Kay, Fab C Productions and Mmad Moda.


Photographs of Cesar Rosario Swimsuit Fashion Show at Follow the Sun Boutique on 6/8/11

Cesar Rosario Swimsuit Fashion Show at Follow the Sun Boutique on Wednesday, June 8, 2011.  What an beautiful show, the swimsuits were so awesome.  Be sure to check out Cesar Rosario line at Follow the Sun Boutique in Coral Gables.

{Please feel free to download and share.}

Grand Opening of Kukaramacara in Brickell 6/8/11

Grand Opening!!!
Wednesday, June 8th, from 8 pm to 1 am
1250 South Miami Avenue

Join us Wednesday, June 8th, 2011 at 8 pm to celebrate the Grand Opening!
Free appetizers and unlimited vodka from 9 pm to 10 pm

RSVP is recommended to rsvp@fabulousmiami.com by June 7th, 2011
Grand Opening!!!

Cesar Rosario Runway Swim Show Drinks Bites and Swag Bag 6/8/11

Wednesday, June 8 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Follow the Sun Boutique
3301 SW 22nd St Suite 107
Miami, Florida

Guests receive Cesar Rosario Swag Bag when they RSVP to RSVP@yourvitaminc.com

Follow The Sun Boutique and Cesar Rosario cordially invite you to attend our Cesar Rosario Runway Swim Show on Wednesday, June 8th, 2011.

Enjoy complimentary drinks, hors’devours, and an exclusive runway swim show from 7-9 pm.

Follow The Sun Boutique is located in Miracle Marketplace

88.9FM WDNA Presents Jazz Encounters with Ira Sullivan 6/17/11

WDNA-FM 88.9 Public Radio presents Jazz Encounters
Friday, June 17th, 2011 at 8 pm.
2921 Coral Way
Miami, FL 33145

Uniting Generations of Jazz Musicians
WDNA’s Jazz Encounters continue on the third Friday of June with
Ira Sullivan

Ira Sullivan’s name is usually preceded by the word “multi-instrumentalist” because he is equally skilled on trumpet, flute, alto, soprano or tenor saxophone, or flugelhorn. He seems incapable of producing an unmusical phrase. That his work crosses over from be-bop to post-bop, from traditional swing to Brazilian only adds to the allure of his playing. He continues to make fresh jazz sounds, respectful of tradition, yet never hidebound to convention.

Jazz Encounters celebrate America’s classical music, create awareness in the importance of music education, provide personal musical encounters between diverse individuals, and expose the audience to the rich talent in the next generation of musicians.
Young musicians are invited to play along some of the best musicians around, in an informal setting and with the common purpose of establishing a relationship around music and its history.
It’s also a lot of fun!
Be good at what you do and be ready to play!

Students under 18 years old with an instrument are admitted free. General admission is a $15 donation to WDNA. FREE for WDNA members. Concerts take place at the WDNA JAZZ GALLERY located at 2921 Coral Way in Miami. For more information, call (305) 662-8889.

Gemini Full Moon Meditation on the Beach at 3rd St 6/15/11

Gemini Full Moon Meditation on the Beach at 3rd St
Wednesday, June15th, 2011, 8pm
Beach at 3rd Street
250 Ocean Dr
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Facebook Evite.

The full moon evenings are called ‘moments of opportunity’. This opportunity is a moment of regeneration, a moment in which You can change all your being, release obstacles, contact your lost vision or create a new, greater one.

Meditation will be guided by Rev. Lorraine Meyer

“Lorraine channels meditations by tuning into the power of the group, her ethereal guides and the ever varying energy of the day. On this night the inspira…tion of the full moon, the ocean air and the sand beneath our feet will guide her words and imagery. Her intention is to inspire others to journey beyond the day to day, to move into the present moment, and remember the possibilities the Universe holds for us. Her meditations are playful, encouraging and a spoken tribute to the love she brings to her healing work. Join us and experience this very special evening under the stars with a guide who will gently open your mind and your heart to a world of new promises.”

~ Love Donation of $5 will benefit Beach Yoga at 3rd Street ~


Gemini Full Moon Meditation is a special event by Beach Yoga at 3rd Street, Miami. Beach Yoga is a non-profit project organized by a group of teachers and Beach Yoga enthusiasts. They volunteer their time to spread the message of yoga in Miami community and hopefully change peoples’ lives.


The entire street and the streets around provide ample metered parking. Walk through the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Park towards the beach.
Meditation will be held on the sand by the famous life guard house.

An Endless Summer Begins at The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale Full Moon party Benefitting SOS Children’s Villages of Florida 6/17/11

An Endless Summer Begins at The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale Full Moon party Benefitting SOS Children’s Villages of Florida
Friday, June 17 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale
One Fort Lauderdale Beach Boulevard

Before embarking on a globetrotting tour in search of the perfect wave, head to The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale Friday, June 17, for a summer launch party as the 7th floor tropical pool deck transforms into a moonlit lounge with plush couches, music by DJ Rob Riggs, tarot card readers, specialty priced bar bites, Ketel One cocktails and oversized telescopes to view the luminous moon rise above the Atlantic (or to catch a potential swell forming off the shore).

This month, we’re proud to partner with the SOS Children’s Village of Florida (www.sosflorida.com) to support their efforts in fostering more than 250 children in Broward County since 1993. We will be collecting new school supplies for the upcoming year. Donate one scientific calculator or flash drive, three of any of the select items below or a $10 donation and receive a complimentary cocktail.

Five-subject spiral notebook
Package of tab dividers
Mechanical pencils
22” x 28” poster board

Casual, chic and sensual, these full moon parties make you feel like a VIP. Gorgeous Ritz-Carlton service, no cover charge, no reservations and just $5 valet parking.

Startup Event Interactive Community and Social Media with the CEO of SnapGoods 6/16/11

Startup Event: Interactive Community & Social Media w/ the CEO of SnapGoods
6/16/11, 6:00pm
Crowne Plaza Miami
950 N.W. LeJeune Road
Miami, Florida 33126

EFactor Presents: SnapGoods’ founder & CEO, Ron Williams joined with a panel of Miami entrepreneurs will share their knowledge and personal experience on how to start a business, build an online community, and integrate “trusting” social media. Learn why some websites more engaging than others, what key factors yours is missing, and how you can improve it with interactive social media.

Drinks and food will be served.
Registration & information: http://www.efactor.com/snapgoodsmiami

**Students get a 25% discount by signing up through EFactor EDU, a place where students can find international internships and build their startup! http://edu.efactor.com/snapgoodsmiami

Visit Florida’s President & CEO Christopher Thompson to Speak at GMBHA Annual Tourism Luncheon 6/22/11

Greater Miami & The Beaches Hotel Association Annual Tourism Luncheon
Featuring Keynote Speaker Christopher L. Thompson, President & CEO, VISIT FLORIDA
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Reception 11:30 am – 12:00 pm
Luncheon 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
The Biltmore Hotel
1200 Anastasia Ave.
Coral Gables, FL

Greater Miami & The Beaches Hotel Association; 150 + Miami Dade County Hotel, Allied Members, GMCVB Members, Visit Florida Partners Annual Tourism and Visitor Industry Luncheon

On Wednesday, June 22, 2011, the Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association (GMBHA) will host their summer luncheon. The luncheon will feature for the first time Keynote Speaker Christopher L. Thompson, President & Chief Executive Officer for Visit Florida.

Thompson leads the state of Florida’s destination marketing organization in partnership with Visit Florida Board of Directors, the Florida Commission on Tourism and the statewide tourism industry. In 2009, he was named one of the “Top Twenty Five Most Extraordinary Minds in Sales & Marketing” by the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International. In May 2010, Thompson received the prestigious Certified Destination Management Executive (CDME) designation, while leading Visit Florida as the first-ever state destination marketing organization to receive accreditation by Destination Marketing Association International.

The Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association is pleased to have the GMCVB, Visit Florida and the Biltmore Hotel as its partners for this event.

For additional information, tickets and table sponsorship information please contact: Vanja Majkic, vanja@gmbha.com

Cost: $50.00/members of GMBHA, GMCVB, and Visit Florida
Table of 10 sponsorships at $750

Double Exhibition Event Add Juncture and Nannette Cherry Curated by Lisa Rockford 7/2-8/11

Double Exhibition Event: Add Juncture & Nannette Cherry, Curated by Lisa Rockford
07/02/2011, 7/08/2011, 7pm – 10pm
1310 Gallery at Sailboat Bend Artist Lofts
1310 SW 2nd Ct.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Facebook Page

Lisa Rockford & 1310 Gallery present a one week exhibition on three floors with Innovative works by Regional Artists, ranging from Drawing to Fiber art to Sound and Installation art. Lisa Rockford set a precedent for curatorial flair with her the Myth of Power exhibition at 1310 Gallery for ART FALLOUT 2010, which drew over 500 attendees to the opening.

Add Juncture
Can Florida College Adjuncts practice what they preach? ADD JUNCTURE answers that question with a sampling of the range of talent found in Florida academia. Two Floors are dedicated to this juried group exhibition of 17 Artists. These individuals live a double life: Making a living as Part-time art Professors at Florida Colleges or Universities, and simultaneously dedicated to their Professional art careers, creating and exhibiting in National museum and Gallery shows.

The exhibition highlights works by Leslie Elsasser of University of South Florida, that were created with a Fulbright to India where she learned from Lemogul miniaturists, working with two classical Indian painters who had lineage back to the mogul royal painting workshops.

and Gorgeta Fondos, who immigrated to the US in 2003 after receiving an arts education in Fine Arts with specialization in Fiber Arts at schools in Moldova, Romania, and Greece. Using the flame as a tool, Georgeta experiments with singeing and scorching various textiles. The matchstick’s flame is being directed to “draw”, “paint”, and “sculpt” elegant three-dimensional forms that evoke ideas of change, transformation, destruction, and loss. Metaphorically, at the level of human condition, she sees burning as a force that produces emotional excitement and agitation, but also discomfort, pain, and suffering.

Other artists in the exhibition include: Sibel Kocabasi, who recently won the 2010 South Florida Cultural Consortium, Rod Appleton, Ariel Baron-Robbins, Angelica Clyman, Ashley E. Craig, Natasha Duwin, Connor Goodman, Patricia Lois Nuss, Nicole A. Martinez, Kristin Miller Hopkins, Paula Kolek, Raymond Olivero, Carmen Tiffany, LeeAnna Yater, and Nikolaos Yulis.

Nannette Cherry
The First Floor is dedicated to a Solo Exhibition of New Works by Nannette Cherry.
The portrait has been a common element in the art of Nannette Cherry over the years. Borrowing from the work of the Old Masters, while adding a Surrealist touch, Cherry employs digital manipulation before committing the imagery to canvas or paper. The distortions, which trademark these portraits, speak to the idea that our perceptions and memories can easily be skewed, just as the presented image is. The series includes both oil paintings and soft pastel drawings, frequently presented in atypical color schemes that suggest psychedelic art influences, as well as nod to the notion that our perceptions are variable and often unpredictable.
Nannette resides in Orlando, Florida. Her work has been shown throughout Florida, New York and Chicago.

KCC Productions and the Van Dyke Cafe present the Felipe Lamoglia Quintet 6/9/11

KCC Productions and the Van Dyke Cafe present the Felipe Lamoglia Quintet
Thursday, June 9, at 9 PM.
The Van Dyke
846 Lincoln Road
South Beach

For more information, call 305-534-3600 or visit thevandykecafe.com.

Felipe Lamoglia is a Grammy-winning saxophonist, composer and arranger. Born and educated in Cuba, he is a graduate of the prestigious Superior Institute of Art (ISA). By the age of 18 he was a member of Cuba’s acclaimed dance band, NG La Banda. In 1992 he moved to Brazil where he lived for seven years, absorbing the country’s musical and spiritual wealth and playing with great artists such as Raul de Souza, Arismar do Espirito Santo and others. With Bocato he recorded two albums and participated in the Montreux Jazz Festival. While in Brazil, Felipe founded his own quartet, Tumbao, and taught at the University of Free Music in Sao Paolo.

Throughout the years he has continued to develop his solo work and in 2007 released his first solo CD, Dimensions, recorded in Brazil. This album incorporated Felipe’s Afro-Cuban roots with a blend of Brazilian music and straight-ahead jazz. He is currently promoting his quintet, Afro-Cuban Beats.

Felipe has shared the stage with musical giants such as Herbie Hancock, Michael Brecker, Wynton Marsalis, Eldar, Dafnis Prieto, Ignacio Berroa and many others, participating in Major Jazz Festivals in the U.S. and abroad including JVC, Playboy, Newport, Henieken Jazz, Red Sea and in venues such as Blue Note, Iridium, Jazz Standard, Yoshi’s, Dizzy’s Club Coca Cola and many more.

Out Of The Anonymous at Bardot 6/16/11

Out Of The Anonymous @ Bardot 6/16/11
Thursday June 16th, 10PM-1AM
3456 North Miami Avenue
Miami, FL 33127-3534
(305) 576-5570

A “mood enhancing” show at Bardot.

June 16th will see Out Of The Anonymous putting on a different type of show at Bardot.
The bands psych-rock instrumentals are known to put people in a groovy trance with just three musicians.
Imagine sounds like Boards of Canada jamming with Can and Pink Floyd.
They will be performing a more mood enhancing, multi-media, multi sensory set
featuring performance artists Belaxis Buil, Jasmine Kastel and others, as well as visual artist Marlene Lopez.

Wall Miami DJ Lineup 6/7-11/11

Wall Miami DJ Lineup: Week Of 6/6/2011
Tuesday, June 7 – Saturday, June 11, 2011
11:00 p.m. – 4:30 a.m.
WALL Miami
2201 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139

WALL Miami co-owners Karim Masri, Nicola Siervo, Navin Chatani and Jarred Grant present a DJ lineup full of sexy sounds for the week of June 6, 2011. The 4,000-square-foot VIP hotspot and celeb favorite welcomes an array of local and national mix masters, as well as noted artists.

Tuesday, June 7
Favela Beach party series with DJ Ross One & DJ Ruen.

Thursday, June 9
Photo-journalist Tomas Loewy shares impressionable images from the last seven years of “Burning Man,” the week-long Nevada dessert foray, at the Radical Burning Desert book release party. Hip-hop beats by DJ erok.

Friday, June 10
L.A. based DJ sKratchy takes an open format to the turn tables with a closing set by Triarchy.

Saturday, June 11
Internationally acclaimed Seth Krafft brings his North American tour to South Beach with electronic dance music.

To reserve a table email rsvp@wallmiami.com.

City National Bank Hosts Community Event 6/18/11

City National Bank Hosts Community Event
Saturday, June 18, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
9696 Bird Road/Southwest
40th Street
For information, call 786-539-3810.

City National Bank of Florida (CNB) invites residents and business owners to celebrate the opening of its Bird Road banking center at an outdoor event. The celebration will include complimentary food, refreshments and entertainment in the banking center parking lot.

Miami magazine presents Splashion at LIV Nightclub 7/13/11

Miami magazine presents Splashion
Wednesday, July 13th, 9pm to 11pm
LIV Nightclub in the Fontainbleau
4441 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL
RSVP Required by July 6.

Featuring blazing summer fashion and beauty experiences by BECCA by Rebecca Virtue, Betsey Johnson, Elemis Spa, GBS The Beauty Store, Jag, Jantzen, La Martina, MASQUENADA, Perry Ellis Swim and Rik Rak Beauty Bar Bar!

Tunes by DJ Irie
Summer Sips by Cointreau, Stella Artois Beer and VOGA Italia!

Miami magazine will bring the beach to LIV Nightclub at the far out Fontainbleau Miami Beach for its fourth annual summer fashion and beauty experience, Splashion, on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 from 9pm to 11pm. The gnarly beach themed bonanza will entertain over 700 of the city’s top fashion fiends

Foxy ladies and hunky gents will twist and shout as DJ IRIE blasts the grooviest tunes. Sexpot models will cruise down the runway decked out in flirty poolside threads by BECCA by Rebecca Virtue and Betsey Johnson swimwear. Jag’s versatile suits will make their Splashion debut alongside equally sizzling looks from Jantzen and Perry Ellis Swim. My Bestfriend’s Closet Boutique’s hip accessories will perfectly compliment Poupette St Barth’s coveted beachWchic collections. Splashion staple La Martina will showcase righteous duds and not to be outdone, Masquenada’s sizzling twoWpieces will take it to the max

Crisp Cointreau cocktails and sips by Voga Italia Wines will enhance the over the top beauty demonstrations and goodie sampling experiences by the experts at Elemis Spa and Rik Rak Salon in Splashion’s super decked out Beauty Lounge. Not to be missed, our beach themed photoset is sure to entertain

The first 400 guys and dolls to arrive will receive a Gift Bag Ticket, granting them the ultimate fashion accessory, a beach ready tote chockfull with an array of items. The bags will be stored in trunks of souped up Porsche vehicles courtesy of THE COLLECTION.

Celebrate Father’s Day at Morton’s The Steakhouse 6/19/11

This special is available only June 19 at all Miami Morton’s locations – Coral Gables, Miami/Brickell, North Miami Beach & Miami Beach.


This year, treat Dad to the meal that all men love…a meal at Morton’s The Steakhouse. For all he’s done and will continue to do, say thanks with The Best Steak Anywhere. For only $69, diners can indulge in a special menu consisting of a choice of salad, or soup, entrée, side dish and dessert.

Entrée choices include:
· Filet Mignon, Double Cut, Bearnaise Sauce
· New York Strip Steak, Signature Cut
· Cajun Ribeye Steak
· Broiled Salmon Fillet, Beurre Blanc Sauce
· Chicken Christopher, Garlic Beurre Blanc Sauce
For dessert enjoy either Carrot Cake or The Legendary Hot Chocolate Cake.

Father’s Day at BRIO Tuscan Grille 6/19/11

BRIO Tuscan Grille will open at The Village at Gulfstream Park and The Shops at Pembroke Gardens, Sunday, June 19th for a special Tuscan-inspired Father’s Day
The Shops at Pembroke Gardens
14576 SW 5th Street
Pembroke Pines, FL 33082
phone: (954) 431-1341

The Village at Gulfstream Park
600 Silks Run, Suite 1205
Hallandale Beach, FL 33009
Phone: (954) 362-1600


To celebrate Dads and Grads, BRIO is offering a $10 Bonus Gift for every $50 purchased in Gift Cards now through June 19. Bonus Gifts are valid June 27 through September 25, 2011.

BRIO Tuscan Grille restaurants located at The Village at Gulfstream Park and The Shops at Pembroke Gardens will open their doors early on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th. BRIO will open at 10 AM to welcome guests and offer families a special holiday brunch in honor of the man of the house.

BRIO Tuscan Grille will offer a special Tuscany-influenced Father’s Day Brunch menu with affordable selections ranging from $9.95 – $17.95. Additionally, the full dinner menu will be available all day.

BRIO’s Brunch will offer delicious fare such as Frittata Al Forno, prepared in the traditional style, with layers of eggs, angel hair pasta, crisp bacon, onions, spinach, artichokes and Fontina cheese; White Chocolate Raspberry French Toast, a delectable presentation featuringraspberry cream cheese-stuffed brioche, topped with a white chocolate drizzle, raspberry sauce and fresh raspberries; and Crab & Shrimp Crepes, with Fontina cheese, scrambled eggs, asparagus, Hollandaise and charred tomato and served with potatoes peperonata and fresh fruit.

The menu proceeds with additional best-loved brunch and lunch items like the Spinach & Mushroom Frittata, Grilled Salmon & Angel Hair, Citrus Chicken with Shrimp Scampi and Strawberry Balsamic Chicken Salad. Designed to complement the brunch culinary offerings, a refreshing drink menu is also available featuring the classic Italian BRIO Bellini or Mama’s Mimosa, served with Moletto Prosecco and fresh-squeezed orange juice.

Happy Hour – Morton’s Power Hour- Seven Nights a week 5:00-6:30 and 9PM to Close

Morton’s Power Hour- Seven Nights a week 5:00-6:30 and 9PM to Close
Morton’s The Steakhouse
4041 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL, 33140

Join us nightly for ‘Bar Bites’ and ‘Power Hour’. Enjoy $5 and $6 appetizers and select Beers for $5, select Wines for $6.50 and select Morton’s Mortinis for $7.50
from 5pm – 6:30pm and again from 9:00pm – 11pm.
An example of our Bar Bites include; Three Prime Cheeseburgers that are typically $13, Smoked Salmon Pizza typically $14, Four Petite Filet Sandwiches typically $14
for additional details please visit www.mortons.com/menu/barbites

For more information on Morton’s food, ambiance and culture, I invite you to visit www.mortons.com. To find out more about our location, please visit www.mortons.com/miamibeach.

IDEAS art exhibition 7/8/11

IDEAS art exhibition
July 8th, 7:00
Miami Dade College West Campus
3800 Northwest 115th Avenue
Doral, FL 33178

Diana Albadan proposes IDEAS, her first individual exhibition in Miami, composed of 13 works that evoke free figuration. The name for this work has a very interesting origin. It came from the classical theory of the philosophical teachings of Plato which has been addressed by thinkers and artists of different disciplines such as the Portuguese author José Saramago. Although the artist does not intend to defend the stream that accepts the existence of a parallel world in which thoughts are the protagonists and relate under certain underlying rules to their environment; she definitely wants make an invitation to observe the role of these ideas and thoughts on decisions made by individuals. In other words, is an invitation to remember that not in vain famous thinkers have given importance to the ideas and the way these affect us, change us, corrupt us or reinvent us.

The Hukilau 2011 6/9-12/11

Tiki Kiliki Productions presents The Hukilau 2011
June 9 – 12, 2011, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Bahia Mar
Bahia Cabana
The Mai-Kai Restaurant
Fort Lauderdale

Celebrating 10 years of Mid-Century and Polynesian Pop Culture! The Official Celebration of the Mai-Kai’s 55th Anniversary!
Purchase Tickets Now!

The gardens are lush and the Molokai girls are waiting to serve you!

Don’t miss Art & Alligators at the Tiki Treasures Bazaar!
Please visit Freda and Jim from Art and Alligators at the Tiki Treasures Bazaar space # 35 for one of a kind VINTAGE Hawaiiana, Tiki mugs, Hawaiian Shirts, Records, Witco, and all things Tiki. We also have great vintage lamps and artwork including Giclee prints on canvas of the original McVicker’s Polynesian Room Mural as pictured above. The edition is limited to only 100 so don’t miss out !!! This is the only printing!!! Great deals available Thursday thru Saturday. We are in the same location as last year and we will be excited to see ya’ll again this year!

Buy Your Shuttle Tickets Now!
Yellow Brick Roads is The Hukilau’s official transportation to and from the Mai-Kai. Travel to the Mai-Kai round trip for only $17.  A real bargain so that no one has to worry about that drive home.

Latest Schedule for The Hukilau
Please Click Here to download the latest PDF version of the schedule so you can plan your Hukilau weekender Now!

The first dinner show at the Mai-Kai is SOLD OUT! If you haven’t yet made your reservations for the 2nd Dinner Show do so now! Call 954-563-3272 to celebrate with all other Tikiphiles on Saturday, June 11,2011!

2nd Sunday Jazz Concert 6/12/11

2nd Sunday Jazz Concert
June 12, SUNDAY, 3-5 pm (time change)
Arts at St Johns
4760 Pine Tree Drive
Miami Beach, FL 33140

Cost: $10 At The Door
($5 for students with I.D.)
$8 Prepaid Online Ticket
Children 10-and-under free!

Beat the heat – indoor concert this month!
Nestor Zurita Latin Jazz Quartet – Featuring:
Ivan Zervigon on Drums, Paul Banman on Keyboard, Nestor del Prado on Bass, Nestor Zurita on Saxophone

After the concert, take your friends to the Sandbar Lounge, one of our corporate sponsors.

Art of Literature debuts with Bestselling Author Lisa See 6/22/11

Museum Of Art | Fort Lauderdale And Books & Books Debut Monthly
“Art Of Literature” Book Club Series On June 22 With Bestselling Author Lisa See
Wednesday, June 22
6-7 p.m. – Cocktail Reception and Q&A with Lisa See
7-8 p.m. – Lisa See Conversation and Book Signing
Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale, Marks Gallery
One East Las Olas Boulevard at Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The cost to attend the cocktail reception is $25 per person. There is no charge to attend the conversation/book signing 7-8 pm.
Reservations are required for the cocktail reception/Q&A. To RSVP, call 954.262.0249 or email gvilone@moafl.org.

Events to Feature Celebrated Authors, Private Cocktail Reception/Author Q & A,
Conversation/Book Signing Open to the Public, and Viewing of Museum’s Current Exhibitions

The Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale, Nova Southeastern University and Books & Books is reaching out to book clubs and others who enjoy literature with the new “Art of Literature” monthly series. Each event will feature an acclaimed author scheduled by Books & Books, and include a private cocktail reception and Q&A with the author. Following, the public is invited to enjoy conversation with the author and a book signing. Guests will also have the opportunity to view the Museum’s current exhibitions located on the building’s second floor, which include Sight Specific: Explorations in Space, Vision and Sound and The Art of Caring: A Look at Life through Photography.

The first “Art of Literature” event on Wednesday, June 22 will feature New York Times bestselling author Lisa See. During the private cocktail reception, attendees will enjoy wine and hors d’oeuvres while See discusses her latest book, Dreams of Joy. Dreams of Joy, which picks up where Shanghai Girls ended, tells the story of a mother’s and daughter’s struggles as they combat their guilt-ridden past, and a Communist China intolerant of their free spirits. Reservations are required for the cocktail reception/Q&A; the cost is $25 per person.

See will have the opportunity to discuss her other works during the Q&A and conversation. She also wrote the critically-acclaimed international bestseller Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, which is now a movie, opening July 2011. Her other books include Peony in Love, Shanghai Girls, On Gold Mountain: The One-Hundred-Year Odyssey of My Chinese-American Family, and Flower Net: A Red Princess Mystery.

“We’re very pleased to extend our programming to offer this series for those who love literature,” said Museum Executive Director Irvin Lippman. “In partnership with Books & Books, we are able to present some of the world’s most acclaimed authors during these monthly events.”

Informed Families Free Lunch and Learn Workshop 6/23/11

Informed Families’ Free “Lunch & Learn” Workshop To Explore How To Protect Children From Prescription Drug Abuse
Thursday, June 23, 2011, 12-1 p.m.
Informed Families/The Florida Family Partnership Corporate Headquarters
2490 Coral Way, 2nd Floor
Miami, FL 33145

Workshop Presented by Addiction Treatment Expert and Informed Families Board Member Ray Estefania

Parents/caregivers are invited to attend Informed Families’/The Florida Family Partnership’s FREE monthly Lunch & Learn workshop in June, titled “Want a RX For a Bright Future for Your Children? Learn How to Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse.”

Ray Estefania, psychotherapist, certified addiction professional, and Informed Families Board member, will lead the workshop and shed light on the recent epidemic of prescription drug abuse. He will also offer ways to protect children from this dangerous and preventable trend.

Estefania, who has over 15 years of experience as a counselor and addiction specialist, is the founder and clinical director of Family Recovery Specialists, P.A., an outpatient treatment program and consulting practice in Miami. Estefania specializes in individual, couples and family therapy, and provides evaluation, drug and alcohol counseling, intervention and placement services to those suffering from addiction and other mental health issues. He has developed a special expertise for working with adolescents and young adults.

In addition, Estefania has been the director of two well-known and respected hospital-based chemical dependency programs, including South Miami Hospital’s Adolescent Program, where he was for over 10 years. He is a frequent guest on both radio and television programs on many topics including addiction, recovery and parenting.

Estefania received his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida, and his graduate degree from Nova Southeastern University.

An optional $11 box lunch is available for purchase at www.informedfamilies.org/estore.

To RSVP, e-mail Ana Cristina Ferro at aferro@informedfamilies.org or (786) 536-3283.  Individuals needing special assistance must contact Informed Families within three business days prior to the event. Please call (786) 536-3283 for more information.

Free parking is available across the street from Informed Families/The Florida Family Partnership Corporate Headquarters on the north side of Coral Way.

Curvy Girls Pizza Party 6/25/11

Curvy Girls Pizza Party
Saturday, June 25, 2pm
Scoliosis Specialists
7110 SW 40 St
Miami, Fl 33155

-Curvy Girls Pizza Party-

Who’s Invited?
– Anyone who has or think they may have scoliosis
-Anyone who cares about someone with scoliosis

What’s it for?
-Fun & Pizza
– Sharing with others just like you:
*What do you hate most about having scoliosis?
*What have you learned from having scoliosis?
*What has helped you?
*Do you have scoliosis?
*Get screened!
*Learn more!
*Get Answers!
*****Know your options!
–> Oh And Did We Mention: Fun & Pizza?

Ever Wonder What A Real Princess Looks Like? 6/25/11

Ever Wonder What A Real Princess Looks Like?
Saturday June 25, 2011, 8:00am
12:00 noon
6822 SW 40th St (Bird Road)
Miami, FL 33155

Ever Wonder What A Real Princess Looks Like?
Melissa Ramirez, the current Miss Miami USA, is hosting a FREE Breakfast & Tea Party for young girls from ages 3 and up.
You can dress up or not.
Prizes, FREE Photos, FREE Frames, FREE Breakfast
Miss Miami USA will talk to your kids about how to keep the arts alive in Miami Dade Public Schools. Don’t let Florida take art, music, dance, and theatre away from our kids.
For more info, please call 305-666-3355.

Join us for a FREE BREAKFAST on Saturday, June 25, 2011 from 8am to
12 noon. At Frames USA & Art Gallery 6822 SW 40th ST, Miami, FL 33155

First One Night Stand Exhibition Series War by Children by student PJ Lazo 6/11/11

First “One Night Stand Exhibition Series”: War by Children by student PJ Lazo
The Lunch Box Gallery
June 11, 2011, from 5-10pm
310 NW 24th St, Miami, Fl 33127

The exhibition “War by Children” by Miami International University of Art & Design student PJ Lazo inaugurates the first show of the “One Night Stand Exhibition Series”, a new project from The Lunch Box Gallery (Miami, FL) which aims to give photography students the opportunity to participate in the popular Wynwood Gallery Walks, facilitating them the exposure of their work during this major art event.

Understanding how difficult can be sometimes for current students to showcase their photography in galleries or in any other art institutions besides their undergraduate or graduate schools, “One Night Stand” emerges from the idea of encouraging and enabling the students in Florida that “first step” into the Miami art scene.

After a call for entries and a final selection, a student is chosen every month to exhibit his/her photographs in the exterior wall of The Lunch Box Gallery for the day of the Wynwood Art Walk (second Saturday of every month). This occasion is intended to give the student access to meeting new people, gaining experience in the process of exhibiting and bringing to the eye of the public new talents worth seeing in the realm of contemporary photography. The exhibition series is also oriented to help students by the gallery not retaining any commissions in the event of a sale.

P.J. Lazo is a 25 years old photography student from the Miami International University of Art & Design, born in Cuba and raised in Miami, Florida. He was one of the first students to apply to the first “One Night Stand Exhibition Series”, submitting a fascinating work named War by Children. For Lazo, almost everything becomes a game through the eyes of a child. Children experience the world with an untethered perception. An imagination without budget or the shackles of social restrictions, therefore transforming any conventional concept into an infinite play land where anything is possible. These can be controversial subjects like “war” for example: man slaying man in a perpetual struggle; one of our species greatest downfalls and certainly not a topic for games. However, according to the student, a child interprets this concept with an empty mind, oblivious to the horror of reality. To him, it is just a concept; a setting in which to play in. War by Children is Lazo’s subjective interpretation of what that play world would look like.

To apply for upcoming “One Night Stand” exhibitions, students are required to send their photographs, CVs and artist statements to submission@thelunchboxgallery.com.

Urban Environment League’s 6th Annual Orchids and Onions Awards Presentation 6/15/11

Urban Environment League’s 6th Annual Orchids & Onions Awards Presentation
June 15, 2011, 6pm
221 NE 17th St.
Miami, FL 33132
RSVP to uelinfo@bellsouth.net | 786-472-0011

For over 10 years, the Urban Environment League has supported environmentally responsible development that focuses on the protection of the waterfront, public places, and historic and natural areas throughout Miami-Dade County.

In its 6th Annual Orchids & Onions Awards Ceremony, the UEL will recognize the various individuals and groups that are complimenting this important mission to make Miami a more vibrant city made up of healthy neighborhoods to live, work & play.

The awards ceremony will take place at the beautiful new downtown space of Villa 221. Past award recipients, elected officials and UEL board members will present the Orchid awards, along with the presentation of the Onion awards that are given to individuals who have made negative impacts to our community, or are in the midst of such challenges.

Hor D’oeuvres + Complimentary Liquor + Cash Bar with $15 Donation

DoubleTree by Hilton Cookie CAREavan Tour 6/10/11

DoubleTree by Hilton Cookie CAREavan Tour
Friday, June 10, 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
3015 Grand Avenue
Coconut Grove, FL 33133
Facebook Page.

Doubletree By Hilton Sweetens Summer Travel With 50-City Cookie Careavan Tour Stopping in Miami, Friday, June 10

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotels is kicking off a nationwide tour to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its iconic chocolate chip cookie. From Atlanta to Austin, Miami to Minneapolis and St. Louis to Seattle, a specially designed food truck will embark on a 10-week, 10,000-mile, 50-city journey to deliver tens of thousands of smiles to people across the country through the pleasant surprise of a sweet chocolate chip cookie treat.

On Friday, June 10, from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., the Cookie CAREavan will arrive at Cocowalk in Miami to hand out free cookies while supplies last. At every stop along the tour, people can enjoy a free chocolate chip cookie in the summer sun, share their stories about the beloved all-American treat, learn more about the caring connection between DoubleTree by Hilton and the chocolate chip cookie, and find out about the DoubleTree by Hilton Cookie CAREavan Sweepstakes to win great prizes all summer long.

Some of the weekly prizes include tins of DoubleTree by Hilton cookies, Hilton HHonors bonus points and DoubleTree by Hilton weekend getaways, as well as the grand prize of a five-day/four-night vacation and airfare for two to any DoubleTree by Hilton property in the U.S.

DoubleTree by Hilton is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its signature chocolate chip cookie this summer by doing something that many people have always dreamed of doing – taking the ultimate road
trip across America.

Since 1986, the DoubleTree by Hilton chocolate chip cookie has represented a warm, friendly welcome for travelers. Every guest who checks into one of the more than 250 DoubleTree by Hilton hotels and resorts in 17 countries across five continents receives this same signature, sweet treat at check-in. The hotel brand anticipates sharing more than 250,000 cookies beyond their hotel doors and out in 50 communities this summer season to celebrate the cookie’s silver anniversary. Some surprise stops to deserving community groups and charities are also planned along the route.

Follow the Cookie CAREavan on Facebook (Facebook.com/DoubleTree) to track the tour and check out photos, videos and live tweets from the road. DoubleTree by Hilton’s Cookie CAREavan tour is a proud sponsor of Food Network’s The Great Food Truck Race, which premieres on August 14th at 10p/9c.

Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce Installation Luncheon 6/17/11

Coconut Grove
Chamber of Commerce Installation Luncheon
Friday, June 17th, Noon-2:00PM
Sonesta Bayfront Hotel
2889 McFarlane Road
Coconut Grove, FL 33133

We are proud to present our newly Elected Coconut Grove Chamber Board of Directors who will be introducing themselves to the Chamber Membership and attendees. Come out, meet the Board and introduce yourself!

Price of Admission for the Luncheon is $30 for Members
and $35 for Non-Members
Join the Chamber or upgrade your membership at the Luncheon and lunch is on us!
RSVP: 305-444-7270 or info@coconutgrove.com

Join us at Shore Club for InSense Miami’s monthly networking event 6/23/11

InSense Miami monthly networking event at Shore Club
June 23, 2011, 6 PM
Red Room at the Shore Clun
1901 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach FL 33139
RSVP Here.

June is HOT in Miami, but nothing is hotter than our monthly networking event in the Red Room at the Shore Club on South Beach.

Bring plenty of business cards to network with the best on the beach and win raffle prizes by Gold’s Gym, United Resources Credit, Vertical Express and more!

$10 gets you registered for Business Card Bingo and a drink at the Red Room at the Shore Club with $8 drink specials till 9PM.

The first 25 people to register will receive Wicked Audio ear buds! Wicked Audio designs and manufactures aesthetically appealing and visually striking headphones, fusing style and superior sound quality. *Must tweet to @wickedaudio that you are attending #Insense event


Upstairs at Van Dyke Music Calendar June 2011

Upstairs at Van Dyke

JUNE 2011
1- Freddy Cleo, The quintessential piano man & vocalist entertainer, singing your favorite songs
2- Nicole Henry~Top 10 Billboard Jazz Vocalist
3- Crazy Fingers~Celebrating music of The Grateful Dead
4- Rhythm & Blues Series~Ike & Val Woods Revue~Soul and Blues Revue
5- La Nueva Onda Latina Series~Hosted by Adrian Guerra in showcasing the finest featuring the finest in latin rock and pop
6- Kayakman~Boundaries of time and space coalesce as Kayak grooves into the center of the funk soul
7- Artist Of The Month~SJ~National charting acoustic artist
8- Jackson Bunn~Smooth grooves into Jazz-o-sphere
9- Kcc Productions Jazz Night Series~The Felipe Lamoglia Ensemble~Grammy-winning saxophonist plays new directions in Afro-Cuban beats
10- Eugenia Mendez~Pianist/singer. Explores fusing elements from Jazz, Latin and traditional music
11- Bobby Stringer~Extraordinary Soul and R&B
12- Latin Jazz Series~Oriente~Afro-Cuban fusion
13- The Van Dyke Voices~SoFlo’s hottest Jazz vocalists hosted by Bebob and Gecko featuring Lisanne Lyons
14- Novell Nu Soul Music Series~Featuring South Florida’s hottest RnB, Soul and Funk vocalists
15- The P-Lo Project~Jazz, Latin and smooth Jazz
16- Kcc Productions Jazz Night Series~Big Poppa E & The E Band~Best of the Blues
17- Rose Max Band~Brazilian Samba Party featuring Rosemax and Ramatis
18- Hot Havana Nights~KCC productions presents~Deskarga Jam Band~Timba meets LAtin Jazz
19- Cuban Music Series~Conjunto Progreso~Grammy nominated Cuban son & descarga Cubanas
20- Perry Joslin~Smooth Jazz fusion
21- Jean P Jam~Deeo roots Reggae night tribute to Bob Marley
22- Jake Cavazos~Latin singer songwriter night hosted by Jake Cavazos
23- Kcc Productions Jazz Night Series~The Alfredo Chacon~Groove Vibraphonist/percussionist debuting in the USA after almost two decades in Europe
24- Lanzallamas!~Afro-Latin-America world beat mezcla
25- Leslie Smith~New Orleans Soul of Jazz diva
26- Songwriter Nights Series~Hosted by Randy Singer featuring the best acoustic singers and songwriters in South Florida, where the concert turns into a party!
27- Randy Singer’s “Airplay”~New visions in Jazz and Pop
28- Miami Music Authority Presents~”Music Industry Night” hosted by Jason Klein, Charlotte Towne and Randy Singer
29- Jacob Jeffries~Vocals, piano-popster
30- Artsit Of The Month~Joshua Stedman~Original compositions influences of Sting, StevieWonder, Jamiroquai and seal

Build and Fund your Business Plan at the EDC 6/25/11

Workshop # 205-Build and Fund Your Business Plan
Saturday, June 25, 9am until 3 pm
900 Perine Ave.
Palmetto Bay, Fl 33157

Lunch included
Register Here.

Economic Council of South Dade
Presented by SCORE Chapter 29 Miami Dade and the EDC

A full 1- DAY Program -Building & Funding Your Business Plan:
Yes, you need to create a business plan! No, someone else should not write it! And you also need to understand how to finance your plan! So we put it all together into a successful one-day program.

Music- Art- Culture Night Benefit 6/10/11

‘Music- Art- Culture’ Night Benefit
Fri June 10,2011, 7:30PM
The Club At Renaissance
2340 SW 32nd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33145
Facebook Evite.

Music – Art – Culture [ M.A.C. ]
Benefit Concert for Behavior Links

“A Resource for Families of Children with Special Needs”

Join us for a night of LIVE MUSIC, ART EXHIBITIONS, and AUCTIONS.

Oba Frank Lords
Music Is A Weapon
London Exchange
The Voice In Fashion
Ray Guell
Elastic Bond
Radar Vs Wolf

LIVE Art painting by
Luis Valle

Behavior Links is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of individuals with special needs and their families. With a family-centered approach, our objective is to create and strengthen links to learning and development.

Behavior Links
P.O. Box 297855,
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029

Latin Heat Thursday 6/9/11

Latin Heat Thursday
June 9th 2011, 9pm
Le Cafe MiMo District!
7295 Biscayne blvd Miami FL 33138

Watch the Heat game at Le Cafe! On our flat screen tv and surround yourselves with beautiful people! Miami style! We welcome back all our couch surfers from around the world! We Have Your V.I.P. Section ready and waiting just for you!

You know @Le Cafe is where Food meets Art! Well This Thursday Salsa will meet Le Cafe! We always have new beautiful faces! And we are waiting for you with open arms!

Le Cafe! Our Home Sweet Home! Our Home Away From Home!
For those of you who didn’t know already….We are excited to announce that Salsa is Back at Le Cafe!

Yes! Right here at Le Cafe, you and your loved ones can enjoy our free beginner salsa class! Yes free! Starting at 9pm sharp!
Le Cafe transforms itself to an incredible romantic and sexy salsa social! I, nelson fritz, miss you guys! Contact me at 305 494 0237!

You don’t want to miss this Thursday!

Third Thursday Bob Graham book signing and free admission at MoAFL

Thursday, June 16, 2011
5-8 p.m.: Free community celebration on the Museum’s artist-designed Plaza; Museum galleries open free of charge
6:30 p.m.: Books & Books book signing with former U.S. Senator and Florida Governor Bob Graham
Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale
One East Las Olas Boulevard at Andrews Avenue

Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale Hosts Free June 16 Third Thursday Event with
Former Senator/Governor Bob Graham Book Signing, Art Exhibitions, 2-for-1 Wine & Beer
Event Open to the Public and a Stop on Fort Lauderdale’s Art Walk Las Olas;
Includes Free Viewing of Museum Exhibitions Including Sight Specific and Newly-Opened Art of Caring

Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale, Nova Southeastern University is hosting its June Third Thursday, a fun, free community celebration on June 16, featuring a book signing with former U.S. Senator and Florida Governor Bob Graham, free viewing of the Museum’s exhibitions, 2-for-1 wine and beer, and more on its new artist-designed Plaza. The event is a stop on the popular Art Walk Las Olas, during which attendees explore the cultural and arts scene on Las Olas Boulevard and in downtown Fort Lauderdale.

Held the third Thursday of each month throughout the summer, June’s Third Thursday event will include a Books & Books book signing at 6:30 p.m. with former Senator/Governor Graham, who will be signing copies of his political thriller Keys to the Kingdom. In the book, Graham includes rich details and insider knowledge gleaned from his years spent asChair of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Free and open to the public, the book signing will take place at Books & Books in the Museum Lobby.

During the evening, the public will have the opportunity to view, for free, the Museum’s exhibitions including the acclaimed Sight Specific: Explorations in Space, Vision and Sound and the newly-opened The Art of Caring: A Look at Life through Photography. Sight Specific features nine installations created by 11 of South Florida’s leading contemporary artists. The renowned Art of Caring is an entertaining, thought-provoking and inspiring display of photographs spanning more than a60-year time period. The Museum’s galleries will be open for free from 5-8 p.m.

“Third Thursday is a wonderful opportunity for the public to come together and celebrate art, music, wine and more,” said Irvin Lippman, the Museum’s Executive Director. “We’re also very pleased to have former Senator and Governor Graham on site during this month’s event to sign his intriguing new book.”

Green Historic Buildings Lecture Series 6/7/11

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 @ 7pm
Art Deco Welcome Center
1001 Ocean Drive
Miami Beach, FL 33130

Case Study of the Clifton Hotel. Cost Effective Waste Heat Capture Systems, Photovoltaic Installations & Lighting Controls.

Brian Scheinblum, Founder, Cambean Hospitality
Steve Samenski, Vice President, Sustainanle Technologies, The Spinnaker Group

Light hor’dourves generously provided by The Medi Cafe

Coconut Grove Gallery Night by Betty Alvarez

I have always loved Coconut Grove Gallery night and it has been a while since I have been to a gallery night in this section of the city. Therefore, I ventured out to what it was going to be a worthwhile experience. My first stop was at the Coconut Grove Arts Festival Galleries 1 & 2. Gallery one featured the exhibition “Master Thesis exhibition–Visual Art Graduates of 2011” in partnership with Ai Miami International University. Gallery 2 featured “Art-I-tecture” Artist Hans Petersen, presented vibrant, large scale images of aspects of architecture and environments translated into abstract paintings.

Next, I went to the Mayfair Promenade which many artists and vendors were selling various artworks from jewelry, art pieces etc. One distinct event that I have not seen in past Coconut Grove Gallery night before was when thirteen visual artists and a violinist came together to have an improvisational orchestra. This was presented by Brigitte Kishlar of the MCA Academy & Trina Collins of Out of Africa. Guests saw music played in response to the painters–paintings were created to the whimsical rhythms of the moment. Near the improvisational orchestra, I wandered into Artway 66 where its “Art is Everywhere III” exhibition took place. Afterwards, I visited AC Restrospective Gallery where large scale screenprints were on displayed. One artwork that I really liked was Erica King’s autographed photography of Basketball players of all time.

In Cocowalk, Rodezart.com Gallery displayed David Acevedo’s exhibition entitled “What Matters Most” David constantly experiments with multiple subjects and media. It really shows in his great masterpieces. We wanted to take advantage of “Gallery Walk” cocktails in three great restaurant. The Peacock Garden Cafe was the first stop and what a surprise that I had. I was served a good portion glass of Sangria saying the secret password “Gallery Night” to the bartender. Delicious! The restaurant itself reminded me of the old Coconut Grove. How it really was. This quaint restaurant had some nice pieces of furniture. It was a very delightful atmosphere.

Max in the Grove, a multi artist gallery featured artists such as Steve Kauffman, Peter Max and Salvadore Dali. Bringing fine art to the world. I ventured to Commodore Plaza where Frameworks featured local artist Marcelo Holzinger. Dharma Studio had the Russian artist Wicca Morenets who paints with a focus on the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of nature and of life’s mysteries. Cristina Chacon Studio Gallery featured the works of Claudia Calle, an eclectic artist who designs and photographs by instinct capturing moments.

For my last Gallery Night cocktails, I strolled into Lulu where they served me a glass of champagne and in Calamari, a glass of Prosecco was served for this distinct walk. All in all, it was a night of many discoveries and art galore that made me smile from ear to ear. Coconut Grove you have done it again. Can’t wait to come back for the next one!

Photographs by Betty Alvarez copyright 2011

Twelve Days of Painting 6/18/11

Twelve Days of Painting
June 18, 2011, 6 – 10 p.m.
Flagler Arts Space
172 West Flagler St., 33130

Twelve Days of Painting
Miami, FL – Flagler Arts Space will open its ‘Twelve Days of Painting’ exhibit from 6 – 10 p.m. on Saturday, June 18, at 172 W. Flagler St., across from the Miami Art Museum.

This show will feature paintings created by Geddes Levenson and Annie Blazejack during a twelve-hours-per-day, twelve-day performance. By the project’s end, each artist painted 364 paintings. The works sprawl across the gallery walls, askew and overlapping. Painted on paper, sized from 9” x 12” to 4’ x 6’, they explore abundant themes, imagery, and methods of paint application. The show will remain open by appointment through June 30th.

The two artists regularly invent painting projects, sometimes creating situations that generate abundant and energetic works, sometimes collaborating on simultaneous performances to connect them across their two cities, Miami and Brooklyn. They have been painting together since childhood.

The Flagler Arts Space gallery and studios were opened by a cooperative of eight local artists working to build welcoming and interactive exhibits in downtown Miami. Space has been donated by The Thomas Center, a real estate company committed to enlivening downtown Miami.
For more information, email http://flaglerartsspace.wordpress.com
Blazejack http://annieblazejack.com
Levenson http://officiallyanartist.blogspot.com

Buddha Bar XIII Launch Party at The Setai 6/10/11

FG Radio USA’s Official “Buddha Bar XIII” Launch Party
Friday, June 10, 7pm-1am
The Setai
2001 Collins Avenue
Miami, Florida 33139

The Setai is pleased to host FG Radio USA’s official “Buddha Bar XIII” Launch Party on Friday, June 10, 2011. Please note this special event will take place from 7pm to approximately 1am in The Bar & Courtyard. We appreciate your understanding of music during these special events and look forward to welcoming you to enjoy the beauty and elegance of The Setai.

For reservations or more information, please contact Setai Dining at 305 520 6400 or setaidining@ghmamericas.com. For media RSVPs, please contact Public Relations at mwendt@ghmamericas.com.

ELLE Spa VIP launch event at Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach 6/9/11

Thursday, June 9th, 6:30pm – 9:30pm
The ELLE Spa
Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
4525 Collins Ave.
Miami Beach, FL 33140

Robbie Myers, VP & Editor-in-Chief/Brand Content ELLE
Emily Dougherty, Beauty & Fitness Director, ELLE
Greg Cook, General Manager, Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
Invite You To An Exclusive Launch Event Celebrating the New
Elle Spa At The Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach

Enjoy Spa-Inspired Cocktails, Hors D’Oeuvres, and A Performance From a Surprise Musical Guest

RSVP: ELLEspa@thepattongroupinc.com

Summer Business Expo 6/6/11

Summer Business Expo
Monday, June 6th 5:00pm- 8:00pm
Sheraton Fort Lauderdale Airport Hotel
1825 Griffin Road
I-95 & Griffin Rd.
Fort Lauderdale

Showcase Your Business at the South Florida Summer Business Expo This Monday
This is a great opportunity to network with other local Business & Professionals
There will be over 100 different exhibitors and a business card exchange throughout the evening.
Featuring 100 + Business Displays and Three Hours of Networking

Display Sponsor Table Spaces
6ft.- $125 / 8 ft. $150 / 12 ft. $200
Reserve A Sponsor Table

Why Should You Exhibit At Expo?
Meet decision makers. Biz To Biz Business Expos is your one opportunity to bring your business face to face with hundreds of executives. Where else can you see so many decision makers in one day?
Network with hundreds of potential new customers
Showcase your company in a unique business environment.
Touch base with your established customers. You can talk about new products, renew your relationships and thank them for their business.
Face-to-face selling and demonstrations save you countless sales calls

Only a Few Sponsor Tables Left!
Sponsor By The Sun Sentinel

Family Resource Center’s Toast to Awareness of Child Abuse & Neglect By Betty Alvarez

Guests gathered for an evening of delicious wine tasting paired with appetizers at the beautiful wine bar at Fleming’s Steakhouse in Coral Gables on June 3. Two different varieties of white wines and three different varieties of red wines were the delight of the guests as they tried to wet their palette in this delectable event.

All proceeds went towards Family Resource’s Center’s Back to School On-Track campaign to raise funds for backpacks and school supplies for children living in foster care.

For more information please visit www.frcflorida.org

Photographs by Betty Alvarez copyright 2011

Join Miguel Paredes, Societe Perrier and Chivas 6/11/11

Saturday, June 11 · 5:00pm – 10:00pm
Miguel Paredes Fine Art Gallery / Wynwood Arts District
173 NW 23rd Street
Wynwood Arts District
Miami, FL 33127

RSVP now: rsvp@miguelparedes.com

We invite you to join us for the Art Walk at our 5,500 sq. ft. gallery!

Complimentary Drinks provided by: Societe Perrier & Chivas
Sponsored by PKGraphics.com


Miguel Paredes Fine Art Gallery to celebrate Wynwood’s 2nd Saturdays Art Walk with DJ Trails and signature cocktails by Chivas and Perrier

On Saturday, June 11th Miami-based pop and multi-media artist, sculptor and urban realist, Miguel Paredes, will celebrate Wynwood’s 2nd Saturdays Art Walk with cocktails and special guest DJ Trails.

Art Walk enthusiasts will indulge in complimentary Chivas signature cocktails including a tropical “Out of this World Punch” and a sweet “Chivas Smash” as well as Perrier sparkling water. Local DJ, Jonathan ‘DJ Trails’ Fields, who has opened for legends such as Outkast, KRS-1, Slick Rick & Afrika Bambaataa, will provide beats for the evening, setting the tone for a unique summer night in Wynwood. “Miguel Paredes has always been a big inspiration of mine, both as a person and as a fine artist,” says Fields.

While on site, guests will have the opportunity to view pieces from Paredes’ collections including Boroughs, Urban Dreams, Elements of an Artist, Pulgha™ & Birds and his 3-D interior mural Brownstone Lounge. A recent addition to the gallery includes Paredes’ “Ghost Writer.”

Latin Business Club of America and Broward County Chamber of Commerce Networker 6/9/11

Latinbiz members will be networking in Broward
Thursday June 9, 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Bongos Cuban Café Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
5733 Seminole Way
Hollywood, FL 3331
Get more information.

Latinbiz Special Networking Event in Hollywood with Broward County Chamber of Commerce!
Latin Business Club of America and Broward County Chamber of Commerce are coming together to bring you a special networking event.

Special Vip Networking Event
Celebrating Prosperity
Free Admission / One Free Drink / Free Great Food / Free Parking / Raffle Prizes

Miami Dade College Health and Safety Fair 2011 6/25/11

Health and Safety Fair
Saturday, June 25, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Miami Dade College North Campus
Green Technologies Center – Building 300
North Campus Community Education
11380 NW 27th Avenue, Suite 1125
Miami, FL 33167
Funded by a Susan Harwood Training Grant
US Department of Labor

Pre-registration is suggested. Call 305-237-1019 to reserve your spot.
Register on line  for either the Spanish (ref # 659039) or Creole (ref # 659040) OSHA Workshop

The Miami Dade College Health and Safety Fair is FREE and open to construction and general industry employers/employees from Monroe, Miami – Dade, and Broward Counties. Safety training will be offered in Spanish and Creole at no cost to participants. Training covers Employee and Employer Rights and Responsibilities under OSHA and the fundamentals of a safe workplace. The 3 hour workshop includes demonstrations, the “hazard house” experience, a free safety kit, prizes, a Miami Dade College

Certificate of Participation, food, and more!
We are asking for members of the construction/contractors community to assist in this training by becoming Health and Safety Fair Sponsors. There are two levels of sponsorship available and we hope that you will show your support of this event by becoming a sponsor and by donating items for participant safety bags and or as raffle items. Thank you.

Taste of the Gables launches 4th Annual Coral Gables Restaurant Week By Betty Alvarez

On June 2, foodies had the chance to cast their vote for the “Best Taste of the Gables” award after sampling various “tastes” from over 20 restaurants participating in Coral Gables Restaurant Week presented by Bacardi U.S.A., Inc.

Taste of the Gables was held in the historic Rotunda of the Westin Colonnade Hotel. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to United Way of Miami-Dade.

Now in its fourth year, Coral Gables Restaurant Week will officially launch on June 6 and run through June 19. During these two weeks, participating restaurants will offer special three-course lunch and dinner menus at savings of at least 20 percent. Guests (21 years and older) will also have the chance to try the Original BACARDI® Mojito Cocktail or a glass MARTINI® Prosecco wine, the official cocktails of Coral Gables Restaurant Week, at participating restaurants with full bars.

Coral Gables Restaurant Week serves to celebrate the great international chefs and venues which make Downtown Coral Gables one of the finest culinary destinations in South Florida. The two-week culinary event brings together the city’s top restaurants including Anacapri on Ponce, Angelique Euro Cafe, Coral Gables Ale House, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar, Fritz & Franz Bierhaus, Gables Diner, Il Grissino, John Martin’s Irish Pub & Restaurant, La Cofradia, Morton’s The Steakhouse, Norman’s 180, Pardo’s Peruvian Cuisine, Por Fin Restaurant & Lounge, Randazzo’s Little Italy, Red Koi Thai & Sushi Lounge, Season 52, Sushi Maki, Talavera Cocina Mexicana and Tarpon Bend Raw Bar & Grill.

Restaurant Week menus are available for both lunch and dinner depending on the restaurant, and are now available online at www.coralgablesrestaurantweek.com. Advance reservations are recommended as many restaurants book completely during this popular promotion.

Photographs by Betty Alvarez copyright 2011

Target Wednesday After Hours 6/8/11

Mark your calendars for the next Target Wednesday After Hours
June 8, 2011 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum
10975 SW 17th Street
Miami FL, 33132

The opening of these two exhibitions…
Rise of an Empire: Scenes of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95
The exhibit will feature 20 woodblock print triptychs depicting first the major conflict of Imperial Japan after the Meiji Restoration of 1868 and the rapid westernization of Japan. The war was mainly fought for the control of Korea, at the time a subsidiary Kingdom of China. Japan’s victory was overwhelming and swift, resulting in territorial gains, as well as Korean Independence and substantial monetarily reward. These woodblock prints were made by important artists and used in Japan as both propaganda and for the depiction of places the Japanese were only able to read about in newspapers.

Tribute to Japanese Splendor: The Art of the Temari
Temari is the centuries old tradition of handcrafting embroidered balls. Artist Sharon Thieman creates these beautiful objects with a modern sensibility.

The evening will also include a special Taiko drums performance by Fusho Daiko. Japanese Taiko drumming dates back to over 2,600 years ago. This new style that will be performed is not only an innovative form of Taiko drumming, but also Fusho Daiko’s own style.

Celebration of Life and Art A Tribute to Jim Hunter 6/11/11

Celebration of Life & Art: A Tribute to Jim Hunter
June 11; 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
NWSA ArtSeen Gallery
2215 NW 2nd Avenue, Wynwood

Heartfelt Farewell To Jim Hunter
New World School of the Arts is in mourning after the loss of one of its founding visual arts teachers. Jim Hunter – loved by his students, respected by his peers, and recognized by the arts community for his commitment to arts education – passed away just a couple of weeks ago after a brief battle with lung cancer. Jim is survived by his wife, Lilia Garcia, also an artist, educator, arts advocate and former member of New World School of the Arts’ Executive Board.

“Working hand-in-hand with Jim Hunter for the past ten years and interacting with him, both as a colleague and as an artist, helped me to realize that he truly loved working with students” explained Maggy Cuesta, dean of visual arts at NWSA. “He would come to my office at the end of the day and we would talk, brainstorm, and plan ways to make the high school program even better. He often brought with him the list of all the awards and scholarships the students received…like a father with his child going off to college. Jim’s passion for the arts and commitment to his students made him an exceptional educator and unequaled mentor.”

Jeffrey Hodgson, Interim Provost at NWSA also comments “New World School of the Arts has built a legacy of excellence since its first classes started 25 years ago, and like so many other dedicated professionals, Jim Hunter was there, steering young talent towards greatness from the beginning. We are thankful that Jim’s legacy continues on in the school, in our alumni and students, but his presence will be deeply missed.”

A celebration of Jim’s life has been organized to bid one last farewell to this irreplaceable artist, friend, colleague, and mentor.

Art and Design Night for Timeless Treasures 6/11/11

Art & Design Night for “Timeless Treasures”
Saturday, June 11th, 7-10PM
Art Fusion Galleries
1 NE 40th Street,
Suites 3, 6, & 7
Miami, FL 33137

Art Fusion Galleries is proud to present our second exhibition of the new year, 2011!
This group exhibition, titled “TIMELESS TREASURES” will feature 32 dazzling, emerging, contemporary artists from around the globe. Come & join us for a night full of art & design at Art Fusion Galleries & discover the beauty and passion of the fine arts as we continue to seduce and paint the world. Be sure to highlight this great event on your calendar.

Live Music by: DJ Josh Nemcik
Complimentary Wine and Refreshments
Valet Parking available by South Florida Parking

New Theatre’s Free Play Reading of Winter by Robert Caisley 6/7/11

New Theatre is pleased to close its 2010 – 2011 New Voices Reading Series with playwright Robert Caisley’s new work, Winter
Tuesday, June 7, 7:00 pm
4120 Laguna Street
Coral Gables, FL 33146

Winter, by playwright Robert Caisley, will have a FREE play reading, under the direction of THE NEW’s Literary Manager Steven Chambers. This reading will be a ‘sneak peek’ at the play in advance of our full production of Winter during the 2011-2012 season.

In the script, what begins as a scheduling ‘headache’ – arranging for the funeral of fraternal twins Peter and Christina Winter’s recently deceased mother – evolves into an all-out blood feud between the siblings and their mother’s mysterious young live-in assistant.

Mr. Caisley, whose work Kissing was a part of our 2008-2009 season, is an Associate Professor of Theatre and Head of the Dramatic Writing program at the University of Idaho. His work has been produced around the U.S. and internationally. He was recently named the 2011 Blaine Quarnstrom Playwright in Residence at Mississippi Southern University. His collection Santa Fe and Other Short Plays was recently published by Innisfree Media.
Mr. Caisley will be in attendance for the reading.

Wrestler Bookend Launch Party 6/24/11

Wrestler Bookend Launch Party
The launch of the Wrestler bookend will be celebrated in style, with a reception.
Friday, June 24 at 6pm
The Wolfsonian
1001 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33139

The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Paola La Rivera at paola@thewolf.fiu.edu.

In need of some serious muscle to hold up leaning rows of books? Has your search for the perfect bookends led you to dead ends and cul-de-sacs and down narrow alleys littered with the remains of flimsy, unsatisfactory bookends? The Wolfsonian–Florida International University’s Dynamo Museum Shop has heard your pain, registered your frustration, and is pleased to offer you bookends fit for your books. The Wrestler bookends, based on the much-loved Wrestler statue standing sentinel in the museum’s lobby, with its impressive muscles and solid bulk, is fit for, well, just about anything, including the task of helping your books stand proudly on their shelves. The bookends, created in collaboration with Levenger, a national retailer that designs and sells high-quality tools for reading, are available through The Dynamo Museum Shop beginning Thursday, June 2, 2011 and on the Levenger website at http://www.levenger.com/PAGETEMPLATES/PRODUCT/Product.asp?Params=Category=17-1163|Level=2-3|PageID=8135. The bookend retails for $99; purchase two or more for $88 apiece. A portion of the proceeds of all sales benefits The Wolfsonian.

Introducing the Miami Debut of Art Avenue 6/11/11

Introducing the Miami Debut Art Avenue “A Different Way of Seeing Art”
Saturday, June 11, 2-10pm
Bodegon de Brickell
801 Brickell Bay Drive #2
Four Ambassadors [Restaurant & Bar]
Miami, FL 33131

Introducing to the public for the first time, a series of multi-media events from a pair of unique creators with a truly entrepreneurial vision. “Art Avenue” debuts this Saturday, June 11th, 2011 from 2pm-10pm at the Four Ambassadors Bodegon de Brickell (restaurant and bar) located at 801 Brickell Bay Drive #2 Miami.

“Art Avenue” Is: An event series and Art initiative where visual and fine arts meet production. The concept was created by CEO Laura Morello and Operations Manager Carina Belmonte who together started “Art Avenue” in Venezuela. Morello, with a background in social media and well on her way to achieving her Masters in film production here in Miami, and Belmonte, with a journalism degree who has worked closely with prominent media companies in Venezuela, are a tireless team with a grand vision of helping emerging and professional Artists of all genres achieve a voice and a platform in Miami for their work to be seen and sold.

Highlights: The debut “Art Avenue” event will include pre-recorded interviews playing on big screens featuring each individual artist’s talent and products for buyers and enthusiasts to preview. Clothing and accessory designers, some from Miami International University of Design including Morello’s own line of “So Kyut” accessories, will be featured on the “Art Avenue” runway next to booths where Artists; painters, designers, sculptors and otherwise creative minds will display their works both live and virtually by utilizing TV screens and the Internet. There will surely be surprises for guests to enjoy along with complimentary entrance, entertainment by a live local DJ and gourmet catering and cocktail specials.

Location: Brickell is the financial center of the major Arts and Entertainment – driven City of Miami, where multi-media and Art industry professionals collide. Today represents a new era of recession and do-it-yourself, where Art has been assigned a new identity by an information technology – obsessed and entrepreneurial generation. “We are holdong our first event in Brickell, where there are so many people who want to support the Arts” says Belmonte. “Art Avenue” is another creative solution born of the idea of the importance of bringing Art to the people.

In the Future: “Art Avenue” will be held every two to three months based on public demand and its creators’ instincts on where they feel the public will most likely enjoy it. With such an amazing start and the vision and drive of the professionals behind the concept, “Art Avenue” will surely be a name we all continue to hear about in Miami.

For More Information or to Participate
Call: 954-609-8703 / 786-564-2239
Email: Contact@ArtAvenue2011.com
Visit: www.ArtAvenue2011.com

Art of Bellydance Studio’s Anniversary Celebration 6/11/11

Art of Bellydance Studio’s Anniversary Celebration
June 11, 2011, 8:00 PM
Art of Bellydance Studio and Boutique
1431 Alton Road
2nd Floor
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Phone: (305) 695-6720 or (305) 625-0074.

Art of Bellydance Studio and Boutique is excited to celebrate their First Anniversary and invites you to participate in some (or all!) of the events that will form part of this joyful occasion. On Saturday, June 11th, join us for “Istanbul Nights”, a special Anniversary Studio Show featuring spectacular performances by our Instructors, Guest Performers, and our Main Guest Artist, Master Turkish Dancer OZGEN in his first visit to Miami! Food and drink are included in the cover charge of $18. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to experience Turkish Dance in it’s most authentic form!

We are also proud to be Ozgen’s sponsor in Miami, offering FOUR amazing workshops with him on Turkish Bellydance and Romany (Gypsy) dances on June 11th and 12th at our studio!

Selena Gomez to Make Special Appearance at Miami International Mall 6/21/11

Singing Sensation Selena Gomez To Make Special Appearance At Miami International Mall As Part Of “Monte Carlo” Mall Tour
Tues., June 21, 2011
2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Makeover station and photo station are open
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Q&A session with Selena Gomez
Miami International Mall (inside mall, in front of Macy’s Women)
1455 NW 107th Avenue
Miami, FL 33172

Free event to feature Q&A session with Selena, makeovers and photo stations

Families are invited to experience the movie “Monte Carlo” with Selena Gomez at Miami International Mall. In celebration of her latest movie, which opens July 1, Selena will greet fans at a Q&A session. Her fans will also enjoy makeup and hair makeovers and will get their photos taken at a Monte Carlo-inspired green screen photo station.

In the movie “Monte Carlo,” Selena becomes an accidental heiress when a summer trip to Paris turns into the fantasy of a lifetime, and through a case of mistaken identity, gets to live like royalty.

Florida Blue Ladies Spa Event 6/11/11

Saturday, June 11, 10am-4pm
Ladies Day Out
Florida Blue
8895 SW 136th St.
Miami, FL 33176

Florida Blue is hosting this special Ladies Spa Event on Saturday, June 11th and you are all invited to attend! Please feel free to share with your groups and contacts.

This is free and open to the public, please come by for a free day of pampering, education and fun. Guys please bring your wives, sisters, aunts, moms, etc and give them a special treat for the day! Plenty of activities for men and children too!

For more information please contact:
Tiffany Velunza
Event Coordinator

Learn More at http://www.floridablue.com

Jazz and wine café 6/22/11

Jazz and wine café
22/06/2011, 7:30 pm
Alliance Française South Florida
618SW 8th street
Miami, FL 33130


Come to join us for a little fête de la musique on the Alliance française’s terrass as every 3rd Wednesday of each month to listen Nestor Zurita with a new special guest for a great moment of Jazz music drinking red or white French wine.

With an ever growing audience, these concerts have become an important part of the music scene in Miami. The music presented is a merger of cultures and jazz from the past and present. Come and enjoy intricate and complex music improvisations in a unique cultural setting open to everyone.

Admission: for $5 The Alliance Française propose you a package including the entrance and a glass of wine.

Feel the Force Hurricane preparedness event at MiaSci 6/11/11

Feel The Force: Hurricanes And Other Hazards At Miami Science Museum
Saturday, June 11th from 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Miami Science Museum
3280 South Miami Avenue
Miami, FL 33129
(305) 646-4200
Cost: Free!

Hurricane season is upon us. Are you prepared? The International Hurricane Research Center (IRHC) and the Miami-Dade County Emergency Management Department have joined forces with Miami Science Museum to deliver a full day of activities and informative speakers. Join us to learn how best to protect yourself, your house and your pets! Admission Is Free!

*Build a house to withstand the IRHC’s Wall of Wind
*Tour an Emergency Rescue Vehicle with Miami-Dade County Fire Rescue
*Test your skills of observation with Miami-Dade Police Department Homeland Security Bureau
*Learn How the WeatherWorks
*Engage your kids in disaster preparedness with Miami-Dade Emergency Management
*Be a TV Weathercaster in the Hurricane Broadcast Center
*Receive free fingerprints of your children
*Professor Tinkermeister, from the Florida Division of Emergency Management, will be conducting weather experiments, trivia and games with visitors.
*Get to know your local National Weather Service Forecasters, confirmed to include:
· Max Mayfield, WPLG Local 10 News
· Phil Ferro, WSVN Channel 7 News
· Vivian Gonzalez, WSVN Channel 7 News
· Luis Carrera, Telemundo 51, WSCV
*Meet and Greet a real Miami Hurricane, Sebastian the Ibis, between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m.
*Food trucks will be on site for lunch
*And much more!

Feel the Force: Hurricanes and Other Hazards is sponsored by: International Hurricane Center, Florida International University and SERT (State Emergency Response Team).

Quique González & Jacob Reguilón En Desbandados, Gira Acústica 7/2/11

Quique González & Jacob Reguilón En Desbandados, Gira Acústica
Saturday, July 2 / 2011, 8:00PM – 10:00PM
Hoy Como Ayer
2212 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33135

El nuevo proyecto de Quique, presentado por el Centro Cultural Español de Cooperación Iberoamericana en Miami, se llama ´Desbandados`. Con la El única compañía de Jacob Reguilón, “será un repertorio mucho más libre, más intimista, en acústico, habrá canciones ajenas, caras B, temas que no han cabido en los últimos conciertos… Y tocaremos preferiblemente en teatros y clubs”.

The Lynching Eye: A Juneteenth Celebration, Art & Education Choreopoem 6/18/11

Alexis Caputo │PROJECT WITNESS present The Lynching Eye: A Juneteenth Celebration, Art & Education Choreopoem inspired by the life of Rubin Stacy.
Saturday, June 18, 2011, 6-9pm
Broward Historical Commission
301 Harmon Avenue (S.W. 13th Avenue)
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33312

Performance & Fundraiser: Admission: Free & Open to the Public (Suggested Donation $20)

Arts & Cultural Enthusiasts: Witness the power of transformation, as Alexis Caputo presents The Lynching Eye, a choreopoem, spawned and translated from one author’s perspective Rubin Stacy/Seven Moves by Summer Hill 7 of the Poemedy Project to another. Caputo explores concepts with a hungry eye for new language and unforced organic theatre, while creating a synthesis of the voice, body and word, evidence that art is malleable.

Rubin Stacy was a homeless South Florida tenant farmer who was lynched in 1935 by an angry mob en route from Fort Lauderdale to a Miami-Dade prison. The Lynching Eye relies on the mind, body and spirit to examine lynching from an artistic perspective, while speaking to assaults on one’s identity with female voices using the expressive modalities of story, poetry, song, dance, music and visual art as educational components for a touring workshop.

Featuring: Alexis Caputo, Moussa & Trina Soumah of Ballet Brika/West African Dance Theater, DJ One Star, Marcia Anderson, Sister Idya, SOULFLOWER “Empress of Hip-Hop”, Michelle Grant-Murray/Front Street Dancers. Visual Artists: Addonis Parker, Niki Lopez, Rodney Royal, Sister Idya & Wanda Paulette.

Donations are for the purpose of raising funds and awareness about arts in education via Project Witness. In-kind contributions and donations are tax-deductible. Project Witness is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization.

The Lynching Eye is a post festival gathering, as part of the Juneteenth Festival spearheaded by Old Dillard Museum & Old Dillard Foundation, Juneteenth Festival community partners.

Photographs of SHAPE Bikini Body Tour Miami on 6/4/11

SHAPE Bikini Body Tour Miami on Saturday, June 4, 2011.  Such an awesome event…and the proceeds go to The Skin Cancer Foundation.   The fashion show presented some amazing swimsuits (wanted all of them :-) ), all of the suits were featured on the cover of SHAPE Magazine. The had the Michelob Ultra® cabana you paid $5 and drink all the Michelob Ultra you wanted.  Looking forward to attending next year and will take some classes.

The Skin Cancer Foundation is the only global organization solely devoted to the prevention, early detection and treatment of skin cancer. The mission of the Foundation is to decrease the incidence of skin cancer through public and professional education and research. For more information, visit www.SkinCancer.org.

{Please feel free to download and share.}

Thirteen Visual Artists and a Violinist 6/4/11

Thirteen Visual Artists and a Violinist
As part of the Saturday, June 4 Gallery Walk,
on the Mayfair Promenade
At the Mayfair Fountain from 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. sharp

Don’t Miss It! One Show Only!
An Improvisational Orchestra
Limited seating available
See music played in response to the painters-hear paintings created to the whimsical rhythms of the moment-be part of the make it up as you go scene

Presented by Brigitte Kishlar of the MCA Academy & Trina Collins of Out of Africa

Coconut Grove Drum Circle
Saturday, June 4
Florentino Plaza
3444 Main Highway, #6 on Map

Please join us for our June circle.
Yes, it’s June, and yes, it’s warm, but we will have water and ice available, so come and drum and dance with us. We welcome everyone to this circle; no experience necessary! We will have extra drums, shakers and tambourines available. Come to the Grove and experience the joy and healing magic of the drum.
For more information, contact Karen at karendeilke@me.com

NBA Finals Are at The Clevelander 6/1-7/11

1020 Ocean Drive
Miami Beach, Fl 33139

Come watch the NBA Finals with us! We’ll be showing the game on Pool + Patio’s JUMBO screen TV! Come early to enjoy our 6 for $20 Budweiser buckets. Plus, Rockstar Rewards Members receive $10 Presidente Pitchers & $5 Southern Comfort Lime. It’s the best place to enjoy the game on the Beach!

– Tues 5/31 – Game 1 – Mavericks @ Heat 9pm
– Thurs 6/2 – Game 2 – Mavericks @ Heat 9pm
– Sun 6/5 – Game 3 – Heat @ Mavericks 8pm
– Tues 6/7 – Game 4 – Heat @ Mavericks 9pm

Shhh at LSB 6/7/11

Shhh – hosted by Karelle Levy
Tuesday, June 7th @ 9pm
Lords South Beach
1120 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL

Shhh, a chic, under-the-radar party celebrating the Miami arts community, is back at Lords South Beach next week. On Tuesday, June 7th, a special Black Light Party edition of Shhh will be guest hosted by Karelle Levy. Karelle’s background as both a costume designer and performer in Miami led to her ready-to-wear line called KRELwear, which has been featured in Elle, Playboy, Ocean Drive, Complot, and Harper’s Bazaar, among other publications.

The party starts at 9pm, and there will be complimentary Herradura Tequila cocktails from 9pm to 10pm. Lauren Foster, Erin Newberg, and Justin Keeperman will also be hosting. RSVP is required – please send responses to SHHHLords@gmail.com.

Caring About The Strays Marlins vs Diamondbacks 6/11/11

On Saturday, June 11th the Florida Marlins will beat the Arizona Diamondbacks, followed by a Super Saturday concert with Ludacris!

Go to www.marlins.com/caringaboutthestrays for specially discounted tickets!

Special Offer Code: strays

Caring About The Strays and the Marlins invite you to see the Marlins and the Arizona Diamondbacks on Saturday, June 11th at 7:10 PM. Stay after the game for a live post-game concert featuring LUDACRIS. Save 24% off the gameday price through this special offer. A portion of every ticket is donated to Caring About The Strays (a non-profit animal rescue group).

Coconut Grove Gallery Walk 6/4/11

Coconut Grove Gallery Walk
Saturday, June 4th 7 pm to 10 pm

GroveHouse Artists Gallery
located on the Promenade in the Shops at Mayfair
invites you to attend the
1st Saturday Gallery Walk in Coconut Grove
June 4th
7pm to 10 pm

Opening a new general Membership Exhibit
Artist of the Month: Audrey Scott
Opening new Grid Exhibit: The Power of Water
Light refreshments will be served

Afro Kumbe at PAX 6/4/11

Afro Kumbe
Saturday, June 4th, Doors Open 9pm 1st Set Starts at 11pm
337 S.W. 8 St.
Miami, FL 33130

A night with three members of two-time Latin Grammy-nominated Locos por Juana, in their newest incarnation, Afro Kumbe. The side project is an effort to delve into their Colombian roots, blending them with electronic sounds and making them more accessible. “We’ve been jamming with electronics for a long time, but the idea came from wanting to do a Locos DJ set,” says vocalist Itagui, who, along with LPJ bandmates Mark Kondrat and Javier “Lakambra” Delgado, makes up Afro Kumbe. “It’s something cool and different, and a chance for us to experiment with different instruments.”AFRO KUMBE describes themselves as “Caribbean Mash Up Masters” using electronic elements with Colombian Folkloric percussion.

Barrio Abajo at PAX 6/3/11

Barrio Abajo: Friday
June 3rd, 1st Set Starts at 10:45pm
337 S.W. 8 St.
Miami, FL 33130

The PARTY starts and ends with Colombian band “Grupo Barrio Abajo.” Finally you get to experience underground Colombian folkloric music in downtown Miami. We first heard this band when the Afro Roots Festival showcased them here at PAX it was love at first note. This Afro -Colombian band will move you.

You will dance and you you will have an amazing experience to rock those hips too. This group doesn’t play around!

Celebrate the Diversity of World Music and Art.

Peruvian Festival 6/5/11

The Peruvian Chamber of Commerce of South Florida and Andes Seafood Distributors cordially invites you to participate in our Peruvian Festival
Sunday, June 5th from 10am to 9pm
11865 SW 26 St.
Miami, Florida

We still have exhibition tables available for businesses that are interested in promoting their products. Please call Maricarmen Sega at 786-290-2899 to reserve your table. Prices start at just $150.

We expect at least 1000 people to attend our festival due to the Peruvian Presidential Election being held just 6 blocks away at the Tamiami Park Fairgrounds.


Lady Bohéme Artists Series Spoken Soul Poetry Slam 6/11/11

Lady Bohéme Artists Series – Spoken Soul Poetry Slam – $250 CASH
June 11, 2011, 6:00pm
Buena Vista Building
180 NE 39 Street Suite 120
Miami, FL 33137

Lady Bohéme Artists Series – Spoken Soul Poetry Slam – $250 CASH
Fuze Fuzes Poetry Art & Music!
Its better when you Mix Things Up.

Known for its unmistakable fusion, FUZE beverage hosts the kickoff of the artistic femme fatal Spoken Soul Festival quarterly event – Lady Bohéme Artists Series. This event is an all-women poetry slam with a grand cash prize of $250.

Lady Bohéme Artists Series – A Spoken Soul Festival Quarterly Event will FUZE the goodness of diverse fruity flavors of paintings with helpful poetic nutrients and women DJs spinning vitamin beats.

Spoken Soul Poetry Slam – A slam only for women lyrical ninjas
Featured Artist Tee POP Davis
Music By GEISHAZ – Lady T and DJ Medley

Email info@spokensoulfestival.com for more info.

Slam Rules
Each Poet must be a woman and at least 17 years of age.
There will be only 15 slots for women poets on the SLAM list.

Early Sign Up – Poet can email info@spokensoulfestival.com on Friday June 3, 2011 between10am – 10pm requesting to be put on SLAM sign up list. Eight (8) poets will RANDOMLY be chosen and slated a guaranteed spot on the slam list. The lucky poets will be notified via email on Monday June 7 2011 by 12pm.

Sign up for the remaining seven (7) SLAM slots will begin on Saturday June 11, 2011 at 6pm at Buena Vista Building 180 NE 39 Street Suite 120 Miami, FL 33137

SLAM starts at 7:30 SHARP!
Each poem must be of the poet’s own construction and copyright.
Each poet gets three minutes (plus a ten-second grace period) to read one poem. If the poet goes over time, points will be deducted from the total score.
The poet may not use props, costumes or musical instruments;
Of the scores ( 1 lowest – 10 highest) the poet received from the five judges, the high and low scores are dropped and the middle three are added together, giving the poet a total score of 0-30.
This is a three (3) round SLAM; 1st Rd.15 from open list poets, 2nd Rd. Top 10 poets, 3rd Rd. Top 5 poets
Winners 1st Place $250, 2nd Place $150, 2nd Place $100

More on Spoken Soul Festival www.spokensoulfestival.com
More on FUZE www.facebook.com/FuzeBeverage

All About Water 6/17/11

All About Water
june 17, 2011, 7:00 to 10:00 pm
6th Street Container
1155 (rear) SW 6th Street
Miami, Florida 33130

Experimental Film and Video artist Maria Lino’s solo exhibition at the 6th street container in LiHa.

To Maria Lino, water is a treasure that we seek for both internal and external survival. It safely cradles us in the womb and supports us as we float on its surface. It can also overpower us regardless of our physical strength. Water can be a barrier between two destinations, and as an artist navigating two cultures separated by a body of water, it has defined her sense of isolation and connection, of safety and freedom.

Ms Lino has always lived in port cities. She now lives in South Florida where humidity is a constant palpable sensation. She produces multi-channel video installations recreating this feeling, and in the process, rediscover the landscape of home, its light, physicality, atmospheric changes, and the enticement of being voluntarily in water, whether for pleasure, adventure or escape. Maria Lino’s process is dynamic and interrelated to my daily activities. She observes and records the landscape and the cityscape, and their reflections in any appearance of water: morning dew, rain, puddles, or the ocean.

free event

Wynwood Art Fair 10/21-23/11

Wynwood Art Fair
October 21-23, 2011, 10am – 6pm daily
NW 6th Ave at 27th Street
591 NW 27th Street
Miami, FL 33127

Admission: • General admission will be $10 per person. • Children under 10 free. • Children under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult. • 3 Day fair passes available online at www.wynwoodartfair.org • VIP and Patron Passes available

Location: The Wynwood Art Fair is situated on NW 6th Avenue, between 23rd and 29th Streets, in the Wynwood Art District, adjacent to the Margulies Warehouse.
Sponsors: Premier – Hadley Martin Fisher Collection; Lead: City of Miami/Sports and Entertainment Authority; Bank of America Charitable Foundation; Sotheby’s; One Sotheby’s International Realty; EventStar; Miami Herald/Miami.com; Miami Magazine; Home Depot; Jerry’s Artarama; Nuage Designs; Eulen America; WPBT2; Margulies Collection at the Warehouse; Braman Miami; Art Miami

First Annual Wynwood Art Fair
Featuring Performing Artists Benefiting the Lotus House Women’s Shelter

From October 21 to 23, Miami-Wynwood, is launching the first annual Wynwood Art Fair, a groundbreaking, collaborative, performance-based, interactive, contemporary art fair involving virtually every major contemporary art institution and works of internationally acclaimed artists from Miami and across the country.

This extraordinary three-day celebration and exploration of contemporary art is more than just good fun, it’s also for a good cause. All admission proceeds benefit the Lotus House Women’s Shelter, providing shelter, sanctuary and support to women and children in need.

More than a fair, the Wynwood Art Fair will be a dazzling three-day, contemporary art “happening” of unprecedented artistic dimension as artists from Miami and across the country explore virtually every form of artistic medium, creating spontaneous works of art “live” with fair participants. Fun, thought-provoking, educational and interactive, the Wynwood Art Fair goes beyond traditional notions of contemporary art fairs, inviting fairgoers of all ages to see, hear, touch, taste, feel, think and above all, make art!

At the Wynwood Art Fair, fair-goers will have an opportunity to not only meet the artists, but in many cases, work along side them and be a part of the creative process unfolding. Veteran and nationally renowned artists, such as Trajal Harrell, David Brooks, Sarah Sze, Ellen Fisher, Ben Fain, Frank Van Duerm, Marc Grubstein, Steve Johnson, Minsky Sisters, Jerry Misrach and Marinov Dancers will be flying in for the three days of street festivities to perform, play and collaborate in the making of art with local Miami favorites Primary Flight, Alouishous San Gomma, Sleeper, Calotta Pradera and Clifton Childree, among many others. Their mutual goal – to surprise, engage, delight and interact with fair goers – all the while raising awareness of Lotus House and its important work on behalf of women and children in need. The streets and street art of the Wynwood Art District will offer a unique and fitting backdrop to the artistic talent of this cutting edge street fair.

As the premier sponsor, Hadley Martin Fisher said: “I am honored to support Lotus House as a sponsor of the Wynwood Art fair. I am equally delighted to join forces with a number of Miami’s best art institutions and the Miami art community, and share a portion of my art collection with the general public. There is nothing more rewarding and inspiring than uniting for the good of others. I commend Lotus House for the remarkable work they are doing for women in need and for the Miami community at large.”

The Lotus House is deeply grateful to all of the artists, art institutions, sponsors and the City of Miami for being so courageous in their commitment of creative talent and resources to this extraordinary collaborative initiative to make a difference. It is unprecedented that all major museums, art schools, private collections and galleries came together to make the first Wynwood Art Fair an outstanding Art Event:

Performing Artists:
David Brooks, Human Aviary; Buda, Bubbles!; Belaxis Buil, Women and Nature; Clifton Childree & Biose Bob and his Backyard Band, Backyard Swamp Band; Goddess Diana – Laughing Yoga, Laughing Yoga; Natasha Duwin, Sit and Sow; Ben Fain & Frank van Duerm, Pop Up Boutique; Ellen Fisher, Art of Storytelling; Mayami Folklorico, Contemporary Folkloric Dance; Friends With You, Magic, Luck and Friendship!; Juan Griego, Hug Machine; Trajal Harrell & Sarah Sze, Collaborative Dance; Niizeki Hiromi, Gum Garden; Steve Johnson & Marc Grubstein, Sidewalk Chalk; Matt Jones, Karma Chargers; Ruben Millares, Lotus Heart; The Minsky Sisters, Soapbox Tap Dance; Jerry Mischak, Wrapped installation; Miami Poetry Collective, Interactive Poetry; Carlota Pradera, Dance on Water; Primary Flight, Street Art; Alouishous San Gomma,Eye See You; Sleeper, Loiter; Alice White, Collective Movement; Agustina Woodgate, Hopscotch; Antonia Wright & Ruben Millares, Flying Books; Antonia Wright, You Are Beautiful

Press Conference: October 21st at 11:30am, at the main stage of the Fair, which is adjacent to the Margulies Warehouse, located at 591 NW 27th Street.

Media Reception: October 21st from 10am to 12pm at the VIP tent at the fair.
Media information on the internet: Media information, bios about the artists, photos, and logos can be downloaded directly from the internet at www.wynwoodartfair.org. Journalists can accredit themselves online for their press pass at http://wynwoodartfair.org/media_form.html. The press pass allows you to enter the VIP tent at any time.

VIP Reception and Live Auction: Friday night, October 21st a VIP Champagne Launch Party and Sotheby’s Benefit Art Auction for Lotus House will take place at the Margulies Warehouse (VIP tickets may be purchased online at www.wynwoodartfair.org)

Information on Wynwood Art Fair sponsorship opportunities and how to purchase VIP tickets is available online at www.wynwoodartfair.org or by calling Lindsay Merrill 305-438-0556, outreach@lotushouseshelter.org, or Constance Collins, 305-613-1573, director@wynwoodartfair.org.

Wynwood Art Fair, LLC is non-profit, subsidiary of The Sundari Foundation, Inc., a 501c3 public charity, which operates the Lotus House Women’s Shelter, serving homeless women and children in Miami. The Wynwood Art Fair is an annual celebration of the coming together of art and community, demonstrating the profound ways in which art teaches us to touch our creative source, explore our shared humanity, and remind us we are all interconnected. Proceeds of the Fair will help support programming and operations of the Lotus House Women’s Shelter and other charitable initiatives of the Sundari Foundation on behalf of women and children in need. Learn more at www.wynwoodartfair.org.

Lotus House Women’s Shelter provides shelter, sanctuary and support to women and children in need. Situated in a quiet enclave in the heart of Overtown, Miami, Lotus House serves over 100 women and children daily who are homeless, whether due to domestic violence, medical or mental health issues, disabilities, loss of employment or other economic reasons. A holistic resource center and residence, Lotus House addresses the gender specific needs of homeless women with an innovative format based on principles of education and empowerment. Women and children are permitted to live free for up to a year, in a respectful, healing environment, accessing wrap-around support services and a wide range of educational, job readiness and community resources. At Lotus House, the minds, bodies and spirits of women and children in need are nurtured and supported to empower them to improve the quality of their lives on every level, achieve greater self-sufficiency and transition to permanent homes off the streets. www.lotushouseshelter.org

For the latest updates on the Wynwood Art Fair, visit www.wynwoodartfair.org, find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/WynwoodArtFair or see our mobile application at www.wynwoodartfairapp.com

SoBe Arts presents Angel Perez in recital 6/3/11

Friday, June 3rd, 7:30 p.m.
SoBe Institute of the Arts
Carl Fisher Clubhouse
Little Stage Theater Complex
2100 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, Fl. 33139

Reception immediately following the recital will be in the Carl Fisher Clubhouse and is sponsored by Ray Breslin and Patrick Pecoraro of Bresaro Suites at the Mantell Plaza www.bresaro.com

Free parking for this event: Enter parking lot off Washington Avenue between the Miami Beach Convention Center and 21st Street Recreation Center

SoBe Arts will be open all summer offering private lessons and small group classes in music & theater for all ages and levels. For more information call (305) 674-9220

Angel Perez, a 12 year old piano student at SoBe Arts, will perform his first solo recital on the beautiful Steinway Concert Grand Piano that has been on loan to the Institute from the Miami Steinway Piano Gallery in Coral Gables. Angel, who has been taking lessons provided by a donation-enabled scholarship at the institute for only 3 years, opened the Brampton (Canada) Symphony Orchestra’s 2010-11 concert season last October, performing a Mozart Piano Concerto. He won international acclaim as the proud mayors of Brampton and its sister city of Miami Beach watched.

Spartico Pizza Classes 6/4/11

Saturday, June 4, 11, and 18th, 12:30 p.m.
Spartico at Mayfair Hotel & Spa
3000 Florida Avenue
Coconut Grove

Get to know the secrets behind nationally recognized Spartico at Mayfair Hotel & Spa in Coconut Grove with a personal cooking class with Chef Jonathan Eismann. Guests will be greeted with their own Spartico apron and learn the tricks of the trade at the new phenomenal Italian trattoria, gaining access to an Ambrogi wood-burning oven, seasonally harvested grains and an award-winning chef’s personal instruction.

What to expect:
Four-course meal each including a glass of wine and pizza made with your own hand.
Spartico apron gift.
Pizza making class for adults $50 and children $35 including tax & gratuity.

** Reservation Required
Phone: (305) 779 – 5100

Executive Chef Paula Dasilva Of 1500º At Eden Roc To Host Interactive Culinary Demonstration and Luncheon 6/18/11

Saturday, June 18, noon – 2 p.m.
Biltmore Hotel
1200 Anastasia Avenue
Coral Gables (Granada Ballroom)

Executive chef Paula DaSilva of 1500º at Eden Roc, Miami Beach’s acclaimed new farm-to-table restaurant, will host an exciting Interactive Culinary Demonstration & Champagne De Castellane Brut Rosẻ Luncheon at the Biltmore Hotel.

Guests will sip Champagne while whipping up a splendid lunch at their tables, led by Chef DaSilva, who will show guests how to prepare fresh, locally sourced white water clams with chorizo and cilantro in an a delicious aji amarillo broth as well as perfectly seared beef tenderloin with sautéed spinach, stuffed onion gratin, and drizzled with a Cabernet sauce.

Tickets are priced at $52 per person for Cellar Club members, $65 per person for non-members and resort guests. Space is limited; reservations are required: call (305) 913-3203 or go online to: www.thecellarclub.com.

About 1500° at the Eden Roc Renaissance
1500º at Eden Roc is located at 4525 Collins Avenue on Miami Beach. Executive chef Paula DaSilva, formerly of Fort Lauderdale’s acclaimed 3030 Ocean and a finalist on Fox TV’s wildly-popular Hell’s Kitchen, brings to 1500° more than a decade’s worth of experience in the restaurant and hotel industry, excelling at rustic cookery as well as haute cuisine. The restaurant serves dinner nightly beginning at 6 p.m. Telephone: (305) 674-5594; www.1500degreesmiami.com. For resort information and reservations, please call 1-800-hotels1 or (305) 531-0000 or visit www.edenrocmiami.com.

East Meets West Art Exhibit Exchange 6/3-4/11

“East meets West” in an exchange of talent

daas Gallery Presents: “Personalities” a George Rodez solo exhibition
Friday, June 3 in Fort Myers
1542 Broadway Street
Fort Myers, FL

Saturday, June 4 in Coconut Grove
Rodez Art Gallery Presents: “What Matters Most” a David Acevedo solo exhibition
CocoWalk, 3015 Grand Ave., Suite 237
Coconut Grove, FL

daas Gallery Presents: “Personalities” a George Rodez solo exhibition
The vernissage will be held on Friday, June 3, 2011
during Art Walk in Fort Myers from 6 to 10 pm.

As an artist George Rodez feels an obligation to explore the experiences with which he is presented in life. Rodez says, “I am compelled to use my artistic creativity influenced by these experiences. To live life is to feel emotions. I live through my paintings in this very same fashion.” Rodez is a Cuban painter born in Manhattan. He is a self-taught artist who later in life dabbled in art courses to further develop his talents. He believes in growing his own process and developing his own language in the arts, and lives by that everyday he creates. “I’d like to think that I am an artist with no boundaries or limitations,” he explains. Thus, I create multiple bodies of work each vastly different from the other. My mother suffered from mental illness, including multiple personalities. I made an active decision to take the lessons learned and incorporate them into my art. Each body of work provides me with a different experience and allows for all of my Personalities to show through . . . a sort of smorgasbord.

Rodez Art Gallery Presents: “What Matters Most” a David Acevedo solo exhibition
The vernissage will be held on Saturday, June 4, 2011
during Coconut Grove Gallery Walk from 7 to 10 pm.

As an artist, David Acevedo has constantly experimented with multiple subjects and media. Just recently he has created a series of works in which he has simplified and aligned the subject matter in a very straight forward, yet honest way. Matters is a collection of paintings that explore a recent self-imposed remedy to ever-changing expressions for Acevedo. It consists in a body of work in which the relationship between color and shape are the primary subjects allowing the viewer to see what matters most, obvious at times but holding secrets yet to be discovered. The simplicity and back-to-basics nature of these works offer an appealing and rewarding experience to the artist. Acevedo states, “There are all sorts of ‘matters’ going on in my head and my heart during the creative process.” Moreover, to look into the world of David Acevedo is perhaps to mirror our own desire as individuals to return to a world of innocence, naiveté, and serenity as we all seek to find What Matters Most in our lives.

Social Media Sign Up 6/22/11

Social Media Sign Up
June 22, 2011, 8 – 10 pm
BAR 721
721 Lincoln Lane,
Miami Beach, FL 33139

Come out and get to know our wonderful volunteers and find out about all the great events going on in October. Socialize with us and have a drink on the house, courtesy of Bar 721.

Ability Explosion is a weeklong series of special events held in historic Miami Beach and created for the enjoyment of the entire community. From “Lights Out Miami Beach” (A Dining in the dark experience) to the Crunch 5k Run, the mission of Ability Explosion is to celebrate the abilities of people living with Disabilities, to encourage their acceptance by the entire community and to promote innovations that will improve their lives.

Out in the Tropics Lip Service True Stories Out Loud 6/18/11

Saturday, June 18 at 8:00 p.m.
Miracle Theatre
280 Miracle Mile
Coral Gables

Tickets are $15 and may be purchased at lipservicestories.com.
For additional information about the event or the festival, call 305.910.7898.
The popular literary event returns to the Miracle Theatre after its last sold-out event presented in partnership with WLRN’s Under the Sun. Produced by Andrea Askowitz (author of My Miserable, Lonely Lesbian Pregnancy) and Esther Martinez, Lip Service is a storytelling series featuring stories that are hilarious, heartbreaking, poignant, embarrassing, inspiring and all true.

Celebrating its five year anniversary, Lip Service made its radio and television debut on WLRN this past month. At this special event, eight South Floridians will reveal the truth about their diverse lives including GLBT experiences. The Afterparty at 10:00 p.m. will be hosted at Books and Books, Lip Service’s long-time sponsor, located at 265 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables.

For more information about local openings and events, please visit www.miamiartguide.com

Out In The Tropics Women’s Reception and Screening of CRACKS 6/12/11

Sunday, June 12 at 6:30 p.m.
Women’s Reception at 6:30 p.m.; Screening of CRACKS at 8:00 p.m.
Coral Gables Art Cinema
260 Aragon Ave
Coral Gables
Tickets are $20 and may be purchased at fundarte.us or tix.com or by calling (800) 595-4849.

For additional information about the event or the festival, call 305.910.7898. Mary D. Events hosts a Women’s Reception prior to the screening of the film, CRACKS, an official selection of the Toronto and London BFI Film Festivals. Crushes, “cracks” in British slang, and jealousies are the ruling passions of this beautifully realized debut film from Jordan Scott, daughter of the legendary director Ridley Scott.

Set in a 1930s-era isolated English all-girls boarding school on the eve of WWII, CRACKS starts “Bond-girl” Eva Green in a blistering performance as “Miss G,” a glamorous teacher who is idolized as the coach of the cliquish student diving team. When she suddenly turns her attention to a beautiful, new teen from Spain, all bets are off. The film evokes a by-gone era as well as the very real erotic and emotional tensions between young women of any decade.

There will be additional screenings of CRACKS through June 16th. Full schedule and theatre info at www.gablescinema.com.

Out In The Tropics Jai Rodriguez’ Dirty Little Secrets 6/10-19/11

Fridays, June 10 & 17 at 10:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 19 at 7:30 p.m.
Carnival Studio Theater at Adrienne Arsht Performing Arts Center
1300 Biscayne Blvd
Co-presented by City Theatre and the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts
Tickets are $35 and $17.50 students/seniors and may be purchased at www.arshtcenter.org or by calling 305.949.6722.
For additional information about the event or the festival, call 305.910.7898.

Jai Rodriguez, star of Bravo TV’s Queer Eye For The Straight Guy and Broadway’s Rent and The Producers, dishes the dirt in his hilarious and provocative late night show. Dirty Little Secrets continues Emmy-award winning Rodriguez’ interest in late night. He became a star in the firmament of New York City nightlife when he created his long running Twisted Cabaret in one of NYC’s most notable hotspots, Club XL. Recently, he has created other one-man shows, XPO SED and My Truth, Surviving Sex. On the big screen, Jai most recently appeared in a leading role in Oy Vey My Son Is Gay. There will also be an encore performance of Dirty Little Secrets on June 24 at 10:00p.m. as part of City Theatre’s CityWrights Festival.

Out In The Tropics Opening Kick Off Event 6/9/11

Opening Kick Off Event: Panel Discussion and Reception
Thursday, June 9 at 7:00 p.m.
The Shore Club
1901 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach

Free and open to the public. For additional information about the event or the festival, call 305.910.7898.

Out in the Tropics kicks off its second year with a panel discussion and opening reception at our official hotel, The Shore Club. The evening begins with the ideas and insights of some of the best GLBT contemporary artists in Words and Power, a panel discussion moderated by Founding Artistic Director Robert Rosenberg. This opening event features Festival artists Bitch, Keith Hennessy, Andrea Askowitz and South Florida-based performance artist Octavio Campos, in an in-depth discussion addressing how many GLBT artists turn words that have often been seen as oppressive and offensive- bitch, queer, dyke, fag-around to find different, and liberatory meanings. At 8:00 p.m., the evening continues with a reception featuring food courtesy of Meals That Heal and a cash bar.

The Children’s Trust Miami Heart Gallery June 13 – July 29, 2011

The Children’s Trust Miami Heart Gallery
June 13 – July 29, 2011 (Monday-Friday), 8a.m. – 5p.m.
Coral Gables Museum
285 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Donation will be requested at door.

The Children’s Trust Miami Heart Gallery, a traveling museum-quality exhibit featuring children in Miami-Dade’s foster care system who are available for adoption, will celebrate its fourth annual exhibit re-launch at the Coral Gables Museum. These children have been removed from their biological parents for reasons of neglect or abuse with no possibility of family reunification. Approximately half of the 155 children who have been featured in The Children’s Trust Miami Heart Gallery in the past three years have either been adopted or are in the process of being adopted.

Photographs of Wine Down Wednesday at HistoryMiami on 6/1/11

Wine Down Wednesday at HistoryMiami on Wednesday, June 1, 2011.  I love this monthly event it is free and you get to see the museum (which is a awesome museum) and you get to meet some great people.   FREE General Admission & Free Parking Available at 50 NW 2nd Avenue and $15 open wine and food bar or $5 per drink.

(Primary camera is in the shop. Backup camera courtesy of Mike LaMonica.)

{Please feel free to download and share.}

The Legends Alumni Classic 1st Annual Charity Weekend In Miami 6/24-27/11

Friday, June 24th, 2011- 7pm-9pm – V.I.P. Poolside Welcome Reception @ Epic Hotel, 270 Biscayne Blvd Way, Miami, FL 33131

Saturday, June 25th, 2011 10am-2pm – Youth Football & Cheerleader Clinic and Community Health Fair @ NFL YET Center, 7090 Northwest 22nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33147

Sunday, June 26th, 2011 1pm-7pm – The Legends Alumni Classic Flag Football Game @ North Miami Athletic Stadium, 2155 NE 151st ST, Miami, FL 33162

Monday, June 27th, 2011 7:30am-until – Legends Alumni Charity Golf Tournament @ Normandy Shores Golf Club, 2401 Blarritz Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33141

One of the Hottest Sporting Charity Weekend Events toTake Place in South Florida on June 24th -27th, 2011

The Legends Alumni Classic will be celebrating its four-day long charity weekend in Miami from Friday, June 24th through Monday, June 27th, 2011. This weekend of events will include a VIP Welcome Reception (June 24th), Youth Football & Cheerleading Clinic and Community Health Fire (June 25th), Alumni Flag Football Game (June 26th) and a Rivalry Golf Tournament (June 27th). Over 10,000 spectators including V.I.P’s, event sponsors, sports legends, current professional players, and of course the fans are expected to be in attendance throughout the four day festivities.

The Legends Alumni Classic is a charity weekend that was created to allow former collegiate alumni athletes an opportunity to compete in friendly competition against their ultimate collegiate rival while raising funds to support local charities in their community. The charity weekend will bring over 100 former collegiate talented alumni players from Florida State Seminoles and University of Miami Hurricanes back once again to settle the score on the field. The matchups of these two teams are considered as the most anticipated game in all of college football. Former and current players that have been invited to attend this event include Antonio Cromartie, Warrick Dunn, Edgerrin James, Peter Warrick, Anquan Boldin, Santana Moss, Charlie Ward, Gerald Daphnis, Leon Searcy, Reggie Johnson, and many more…

The Legends Alumni Classic is more than just celebrity athletes and football; it is about giving back to the local community and extending a hand to children in need. In its first year, the proceeds of the weekend will benefit several charities including the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tallahassee and Miami-Dade, the non- profit charity that inspires and enables youth to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.

Sponsors include: Powerade, ZICO Beverage, Fire Up Sports, Popchips, 5 Hour Energy Drink, North Miami Parks & Recreation Center, NFL YET Center and Department of Health.

The Legends Alumni Classic is an event not to be missed. The general public is welcome to all events. For additional information, visit www.legendsalumniclassic.com or call 877.726.7997. Follow Legends Alumni Classic on Twitter @legendsalumni.

Celebrate Tito Puente Jr.’s Birthday At Trio On The Bay 6/3/11

Tito Puente Jr. To Celebrate A Milestone Birthday
Friday, June 3, 10pm
Trio On The Bay
1601 79th Street Causeway
Miami Beach, FL

Trio On The Bay is Miami’s premier high-energy restaurant, event space and ultra-lounge where dinner, drinks and dancing merge at this stunning 23,000 sq. ft. space. Trio on the Bay is comprised of three unique areas: a stylish indoor dining room with capacity for 200 guests, an outdoor terrace space, with breathtaking views of Biscayne Bay, with space for 300 diners and an exquisitely decorated VIP private room, holding up to 20 guests for dinner.

The management team behind this sleek locale are well-known locals with over 50 years of experience between them: Louie Spetrini, General Manager; Gerry Kelly, Nightlife Director; and Klime Kovaceski, Executive Chef, whose New American Cuisine flaunts a bright Mediterranean flair. Trio on the Bay provides an ideal setting for corporate and special events, private parties and weddings, accommodating up to 1,000 guests for cocktail receptions or 500 seated.

Trio on the Bay, conveniently located at 1601 79th Street Causeway, just minutes from South Beach and Bal Harbour, is opened nightly for happy hour and dinner, Tuesday through Sunday beginning at 5:00 p.m. and hosts late night events every Friday and Saturday, serving a late night tapas menu. The finest in cuisine, cocktails, service, and nightlife: Welcome to Trio on The Bay. For dinner reservations, please call 305.866.1234 or visit us at www.trioonthebay.com.

Camacol’s 32nd Hemispheric Congress and The Miami Media and Film Market 6/1-4/11

June 1 – 4, 2011
CAMACOL’s 32nd Hemispheric Congress Trade Show Event
Biltmore Hotel
1200 Anastasia Avenue
Coral Gables, Florida 33134

The Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry Trade Show Event. This year our congress event will feature The Miami Media and Film Market. Exhibit your products and services, tap into the film industry and discover the many services that you can offer and make lots of profit. You will also have access to international markets, companies from South and Central America, Europe and the Caribbean will be present.

The cost for a 6×10 booth is $495.00 (3-day trade-show). Parking is FREE! You will also have access to the networking receptions to be held Thursday and Friday at the expo event. For more information on exhibiting and purchasing a booth, or participating as a Corporate Sponsor please contact Betty Gradera at (305) 642-3870 ext. 220. Email: bettyg@camacol.org

The EXPO IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Florida Trade Pavilion – Florida based minority companies may participate with a complimentary booth, space is limited, first come first serve basis and upon availability. For more information please contact Luciano Garcia at (305) 642-3870 ext. 244 or Email: lgarcia@camacol.org This years’ Congress Themes will include: “Renewable Energy, Global Marketplace and the Economic Recovery”.

The Congress Registration fee is $250.00. Registration fee includes: invitation to the “VIP” Inaugural Reception to be held at the Biltmore Hotel, CC – Ballroom, June 1st, participation to the plenary sessions with top key expert panel speakers, June 2 – 3, participation to (2) Networking Business Luncheons, informative seminars, access to the Expo and participation to the Closing Ceremonies Gala Dinner to be held June 4th, 2011. For more information on registering to the congress please contact Raul Lopez Perez (305) 642-3870 ext. 213 Email: rlp@camacol.org If you wish to purchase a Film Individual Market Badge the fee is: $250.00 per person, this includes: access to all seminars, Expo, receptions, screenings, and one ticket to the Saturday night gala dinner.

For more information on the Miami Media Film Market please contact Patty Arias at: (305) 642-3870 ext. 219 or Email: patricia@camacol.org For overall congress event related activities, including hotel stay / special rates, please contact Ms. Betty Gradera at (305) 642-3870 ext. 220.

This event is being sponsored by the following partners and sponsors. Partners: Enterprise Florida, City of Miami – Mayor’s International Council, Miami Dade County, Beacon Council, Port of Miami, Miami International Airport, The State of Florida, The Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau and Film Florida. Sponsors: American Airlines, AT & T, Café La Llave, FPL, The Coca Cola Company, Pepsi Cola Bottling Company, Boca Regional Hospital, Goya Foods of Florida, BlueCross BlueShield of Florida among others.